under fire

Chapter 1517 The wounded are also soldiers


West of the Wei River.

Nanguangcai Village.

On the plain under the night, gunshots suddenly sounded in the north of the village.

The gunshots were getting closer and closer to the village, more and more dense, and finally rang out into pieces.

The village was in chaos under the moonlit night, children were crying and women were screaming in the yard, and several old people threw grain bags into the pit dug earlier, deliberately shoveling some new soil.

A soldier rushed into the village panting, and asked the busy villagers: "Old Zhang, where is Lao Zhang?"

A middle-aged man came through the tunnel entrance and stood in front of the militiamen: "Why panic!"

"A large number of puppet troops are coming from the north! The two wings spread out to the southeast, and quickly organize the villagers to move south."

Hearing this, Lao Zhang turned his head and yelled at the roof: "Damn, quickly organize team members to go to the east for reinforcements, San Zhuzi, let the militia in the village organize fellow villagers and wounded comrades to enter the green gauze tent in the southeast direction!"

"Yes!" The militia squad leader San Zhuzi turned around and ran away with the two militiamen.

The messenger soldier looked anxious: "Our platoon leader said, don't go for reinforcements! There are at least a thousand puppet troops who came to sweep this time. The platoon leader said that he can stop the puppet troops. After your work team hides the food, hurry up with the militia Organize fellow villagers to enter the green gauze tent"

"Thousands of puppet troops?" The old man was stunned for a moment, and directly rejected the soldier's proposal: "We have practiced and moved so many times, it is absolutely no problem to escape the enemy's encirclement this time!"

After finishing speaking, he ordered the working team members who got up and rushed to the north of the village after hearing the gunshots in the common people's homes: "Immediately divide the troops into two groups, one way to stop the puppet army encircling the east, and the other side to block the puppet army coming around from the west!"

It seemed that he completely ignored the puppet troops coming from the north.

"Report to the captain, the first and second divisions of the Armed Task Force have assembled!"

Lao Zhang looked resolute and waved his hands: "Check your weapons and get ready to fight!"

South of the village.

The villagers gathered on the grain drying ground.

San Zhuzi, the militia platoon leader, was a little panicked: "Transfer immediately according to the retreat method that the task force taught us to practice a few days ago!"

Nanguangcai Village is not far from the county seat, and has been raided many times by devils and puppet troops.

This time the transfer was completely methodical.

The village is close to the Wei River, so it is not affected much by the drought.

Many people in the village came from the famine in the south and learned to abandon the big bags and only carry the small ones.

Teams move very quickly.

In the green yarn in the southeast of the village.

There is a group of men in black hiding.

On the edge of the green gauze tent, the traitors of the detective team with a pistol looked around: "If we do this, will we lose our children and grandchildren?"

The traitor in black next to him shook his head: "If it weren't for Tubalu fanning the flames here, it would be great for everyone to join the imperial army and become obedient citizens."

"You know what a fart, if it weren't for the fact that there are eight groups operating here, the cunning rabbit is dead, and the lackeys are cooking, how can we brothers have a good job."

"Hey, are we calling Yang Kou self-respect?"

"You still know how to raise your own self-respect, we are now sitting on the sidelines!"

"Here we come." Seeing the black crowd coming out from the southeast of the village, the black-clothed traitor raised his voice and yelled.

Lao Zhang headed east with his armed team.

I was inexplicably worried.

The Armed Task Force met today, followed by so many enemies.

Obviously, there are traitors among the villagers!
Gunfire continued ahead.

The militiamen who blocked the puppet army retreated south by familiarizing themselves with the terrain and fighting.

Lao Zhang looked at the position where the militiamen and the puppet army exchanged fire in the east, and heaved a sigh of relief.

With the current speed of the villagers, they will definitely be able to enter the green gauze tent before the puppet army surrounds Helong.

The shell gun is very suitable for fighting in the dark. Anyway, neither side has any accuracy, at least it can make those puppet soldiers use their weapons.

On the plain under the moonlight, gunshots came and went.

The puppet army from north to south has entered the village!

There was a trace of worry on Lao Zhang's face.

The puppet army trained by devils has become stronger and stronger in combat effectiveness.

In the past, a light machine gun could scare the puppet army back, but now, the equipment of the puppet army is getting better and better!

And the fighting power is getting stronger day by day.

Suddenly there was a gunshot from the southeast.

Old Zhang stopped and turned his head, his big rough face was full of wrong jaw
The subsequent gunshots made him feel cold: "No, there are enemies hidden in the green gauze tent!".

When the first shot was fired.

A wounded Eighth Route Army soldier on the stretcher turned over on the ground.

"There is an ambush!" Then he pulled out the shell gun that had been kept in the holster on his chest: "The wounded who can move must gather immediately!"

Even though he was lying on a stretcher, the wounded from the Ninth Battalion still did not panic.

More than [-] stretchers quickly got together,

"Seventh platoon leader, don't worry, what's firing in front of us is a shell gun, and it's probably a traitor from the detective team."

"I'm worried, a few traitors dare to use big knives in front of me!" A wounded man pulled his rifle with a clatter.

A few days ago, the devils ambushed the convoy, injured their legs and feet, and those who were seriously injured had to stay at the homes of the villagers to recuperate.

There were more than a dozen militiamen with them. Although they were injured this time, the Ninth Battalion did not let them turn in their weapons when they left.

They even left enough ammunition for them.

Now that they were suddenly ambushed by the enemy, the wounded didn't even panic too much.

The fighters of the Ninth Battalion are different from many troops. They are all new recruits before going to the battlefield. Even if other teams have been on the battlefield, they can only be regarded as having a little experience. If they go to the battlefield with the Ninth Battalion, they dare to call themselves veterans after going to the battlefield once!

The reason is simple, the Ninth Battalion has no shortage of guns, and ammunition seems to have never been short.
Even recruits, as long as they don't pee their pants, have shot more than a dozen bullets at the devils amidst the yelling of squad leaders and platoon leaders.

Precepts and deeds are better than any training.

But it would be a lie to say that there is a little fear.

The general is the courage of the soldiers. Seeing the wounded squad leader in front of him, a soldier with two eyes pierced through his thigh even yelled at the villagers who carried him to turn around, lying on the stretcher and raising his rifle.
The militiamen walking in front had already half-kneeled on the ground and raised their rifles to fight back against the green gauze tent.

A bullet flew over the head of the militiaman lying on the ground.

The muzzle flashed suddenly and the muffled gunshots scared the villagers who were carrying the stretcher so frightened that they almost let go.

The gunpowder smoke from the shooting then choked up his nose again, coughing.
The one on the stretcher who rattled the gun bolt began to scold: "Didn't your mother boast that you are the bravest in the whole village? I said you coughed up a fart, hey, don't shake your hands."

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, the wounded are a burden.

A soldier who received shrapnel in his calf a few days ago yelled at the villagers who were rushing forward with his back: "Don't you have eyes? Hurry up and go to the left, our people in front block the shooting range."

Behind the two, the villager with a stretcher rolled up under his arm followed closely: "Oh!"

The militiaman lying on the side of the road immediately yelled: "What a fart, don't lose my backpack."

"Liu Laosan, let me tell you, did you just fight with Comrade Jiuying? This is going to be an eight-way battle soon?"

"I'll tell Instructor Hong to let you join the Eighth Route!"

"Are you serious? Does that red instructor have three heads and six arms?"

Bang. Another shot was fired, and the militiamen turned their heads and yelled triumphantly: "Oh, you are really right!"

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