under fire

Chapter 1518 Defense is King

In the dark green gauze tent, the figure is hazy.

A small team lay on the ground to guard, and the devils outside were encircling from all sides.

"Your surname is Yang, why don't you hurry up!"

Crazy Yang shook his head, showing a firm smile: "You go first!"

After speaking, under the squinting eyes of the big dog, he carried two shell guns and disappeared into the green gauze tent westward.

Then, a series of shell gunshots sounded in the green gauze tent.

Immediately, the outflanking devils fought back frantically.

"Don't think that if you lure the devil away, I will remember your love..." the big dog yelled wildly.

"I'm going too!" Zhang Xiaodao, who had just been escorted out, jumped up from the ground, then went in the direction where Crazy Yang was running, and shouted, "Commander Yang, don't shoot...I'm coming..."

Wen Wuquan next to the big dog murmured softly: "There are so many wounded, we have to leave quickly."

The devils advancing south ignored the commandos that surrounded Xiaoguba Road to the east of the Qingshazhang.

Pursuing the Royal Association Army fleeing south is serious.

The east side without gunshots in the dark night means safety.

The puppet army who turned against the water before the battle faced this situation very simply and skillfully.

Spread your feet and run east!

The scattered team, yelling at each other, crossed the road eastward and quickly disappeared into the green gauze tent.

As for the wounded left behind, no one cares.

On weekdays, life and friendship are lost, but at the juncture of life and death, they are all lost.

The reinforcement devils crushed from north to south finally pushed to the edge of the green gauze tent.

To the east of the open land, the devils who had established positions on the spot, with big covers and crooked machine guns, continued to blare.

The devil observer who drilled out of the sorghum ground pricked up his ears and listened carefully for a while, and immediately judged that the fighting party should be the imperial army, and the one who shot with the imperial army should be Tubalu.

The lieutenant immediately ordered a small team of devils to go over for reinforcements.

The devils in charge of guarding the battlefield began to clean up the battlefield to ensure that they would not be shot.

The devil with a bayonet stabbed to death one by one the puppet soldiers who were injured and could not escape lying on the ground.

Even the corpse will be repaired again
Seeing the devil coming out of the green gauze tent and appearing under the faint moonlight, the observer of the main force yelled desperately: "The devil is here, run away."

Thinking that chasing the escaped devils would be a cheap third company commander, he quickly ordered a squad to stay behind to block the attack, and the others quickly crawled south and left.

The speed of crawling in the open field is completely different from the speed of the running devil.

The fighters who fought against the attack desperately pulled their guns to shoot, but they were already in a situation where they were attacked on both sides and were completely beaten.

The outer trenches of the devils were too far away from the edge of the green gauze tent, and long-range shooting hardly had much impact on the devils.

At the end of the fight, the blocking squad even threw out the only glorious bullets, and the entire squad sacrificed, and the fighters who were barely able to cover and escape retreated south into the trenches.

Even the main force regiment, with a company of more than a hundred soldiers, had to run away when a large number of devils launched an attack.

There were still devils coming out of the green gauze tent, and immediately set up positions on the spot, and part of them dispersed their guard.

In the dark battlefield, if you launch an attack without knowing your opponent, you may suffer unpredictable losses.

The protruding lieutenant Guizi did not order his men to advance towards the gun tower for the time being.

The devils who were kicked out of the green gauze tent by the puppet army were attacked by the Eight Routes. Fortunately, the reinforcements arrived in time and beat the Eight Routes to the ground and fled.

Soon after entering the outer trenches, I found that there was indeed no one in the trenches as the lieutenant expected!
The gun tower in front was not far away, but there was no place to hide in the hazy moonlight at the open area where the gun tower was reached. The devil sergeant, who led the team, did not rashly order his elites to venture out of the trenches and continue crawling towards the gun tower.

Sergeant Cao is very cautious. He thinks that with the method of Eight Routes, most of the landmines were planted in the open ground!
At this time, there are only a dozen or so people under him, and launching an attack on a large number of Eight Routes occupying the advantage of the gun tower will only increase casualties in vain.

Hurry up and send someone back to report to the lieutenant, and make plans after a large number of troops come up.

The distance between the two sides was relatively far, and the sergeant did not shoot at all in order to hide his whereabouts.

As Balu fled to the gun tower, the sporadic gunfire between the two sides in the open area to the north of the gun tower gradually faded away.

The two sides that were at war with each other hastily ceased fire.

It's just that there are still occasional gunshots in the green gauze tent
west of the highway.

Li Xiang was lying in a ditch. The scouts reported that the devils advancing from north to south suddenly turned to the road.

The devil left the green gauze tent, and he didn't intend to take the initiative to attack the devil.

The casualties of the attacking side in the dark are definitely greater than those of the defensive side.

According to the original plan, shelling should be carried out at this time on the Devil convoy parked on the road.

Then he decided that the shelling didn't make much sense.

Heideng is blind, unable to judge the distance, and can only waste shells in vain.

And after the firepower is exposed, the devils will attract retaliatory shelling!
When the strength is not as good as that of others, it is better to fight guerrilla sneakily.

The soldiers in charge of guarding the south hurriedly came to Li Xiang's side: "The puppet army is fleeing westward from behind us."

"As long as they don't come towards us, don't worry about them for now!" Li Xiang gave the order without hesitation: "Continue to scout!"

Soon, the puppet army who fled westward into the green gauze tent quickly ran westward into the depths of the green gauze tent.

"Retreat to the south!" Li Xiang didn't hesitate any longer. Now he had to consider the devils chasing the puppet army on the east side of the highway.

The team quickly cleaned up the mortars, light and heavy machine guns, and moved southward in four columns under the leadership of the platoon leaders.

There is a guard post in the south that has been watching, and there is no problem in terms of safety.

The team withdrew all the way to the west of the gun tower, and the guard post reported that the devils on the east side of the road chased out of the green gauze tent and there was no movement for a while.

Li Xiang immediately ordered the troops to turn around and cross the road from the south to the lone gunhouse in the open ground.

Under the moonlight, the main battalion commander standing on the top of the gun tower was anxiously watching the more and more devils in the north.

Turning to look at Li Xiang who had climbed up to the top of the turret: "Why are you back?"

"The devils attacking from the east did not continue to advance in the green gauze tent, and got on the road!" Li Xiang looked at the darkness in the north and asked, "How is the situation on your side?"

"You should know that the puppet army ran to the west." The battalion commander pointed to the open area to the north: "After the devils chased them out, they stopped in the open area without any movement."

"The devil who has always been active has not moved?" Li Xiang felt incredible: "This is not quite right. There are at least a thousand enemies. How could there be no movement?"

"It is estimated that we got a fat beating in the afternoon, and I was scared."

"Is there any news about our battalion commander?"

"Battalion Commander Hu has already moved to the west of the enemy. According to the previous plan, we have to wait here for the devils to attack. They raided the devils' flanks." In the view of the main battalion commander, the Eighth Route Army is better at fighting guerrillas and actively launching attacks against the devils. The casualties are definitely very high. big.

Sitting on the sidelines is indeed a good way.

Brain into the water before recklessly with the devils.

The devils in the open land to the north should be only part of it.

No one knows how many devils are hidden in the sorghum field to the north.

The devil is not a fool, it is impossible to expose all the strength of the troops.
Fortunately, due north is open land, so there is no need to worry about the devils outflanking.

What was originally a big battle suddenly entered a stalemate.

No matter who comes out on both sides, the black light is the target.

Therefore, neither side intends to launch an active offensive.


This calm on the plain did not last long.

The roar of the engine is faintly visible in the north
"It's not good, it should be the armored vehicles of the reinforcements coming around!" The main battalion commander muttered to Li Xiang.

Everyone knows that the Lunan Detachment blocked the Devils' armored vehicles, Li Xiang frowned: "Then what are you waiting for, retreat quickly!"

The main battalion commander nodded in agreement: "Well, after joining the Lunan detachment with a battalion, the chief has successfully captured Qingshuihe County. We have dragged the devils here for a day and a night. The task assigned to us by the superior is basically completed!"

As the two left the top of the gun tower, the team quickly assembled.

Evacuate south.

If nothing else, the battle might end here.
The two sides will lick their wounds again, and then fight to the death when the wounds heal.


A bullet suddenly flew out from the green gauze tent in the northwest direction, and after attracting the eyes of all the devils, it ran across the open ground with a sharp whistling sound for a long time before hitting the ground with a puff.

The devils, who were on guard in the west, accidentally caught fire with the Ninth Battalion, which was about to attack from the flank.

The Wanbai lying in the open ground waited for a long time, and immediately ordered the firepower to be fully fired!

Tom tom tom.
The grenade fired continuously.

Da da da.
Light machine guns fired.

Yang Chengzhi emptied a ten-round magazine and crawled on the ground.

He didn't expect Zhang Xiaodao to follow behind him.

Encircling in the green gauze tent is a complete joke.

Because, even the Second Lieutenant Guizi knew very well that as long as the warriors under him were released, the two sides would lose contact soon after a few shots!
Fortunately, there were only a dozen or so opponents, just a few mice, so he wasn't too nervous.

Hearing the screams of people being shot by his subordinates, he finally realized that something was wrong.

In the dimly lit green gauze tent, defense is king!

The offensive side is naturally at a disadvantage, isn't it good?
Since you still dare to shoot, I will throw a grenade at the position of the gun and blow you up to death!

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