under fire

Chapter 1519 Killing without blinking

Chapter 1519 Killing without blinking
Walking through the sorghum land is not easy, and most of the time you can only follow the roads that have been passed by people before.

The hazy light sprinkled on the ground through the stems and leaves of the sorghum leaves is fragmented, making it difficult to see the situation too far ahead.

In this case, lying on the ground and hiding in the dark without moving is actually the best choice.

If it is daytime, it is different. As long as someone walks through the green gauze tent, it is impossible to cover the traces left by the squeezed and broken sorghum leaves.

In the dark night, the pursuer dared not light a torch, and did not have the conditions to carefully discern the traces left by the opponent.

Crazy Yang tried his best to keep himself calm. If he wanted to get away from the devils, there would be no problem for Big Dog to concentrate his manpower to break through in one direction.

The soldiers of the Ninth Battalion knew the power of mustard gas, but they didn't know the cause and effect of this poisonous gas. He remembered very clearly that the germ troops set up by the devil in the Northeast used his former comrades-in-arms as experiments.

If people don't know, unless they do nothing, although the national army's intelligence system is backward, but no matter how well the secrecy measures are taken for such a large-scale human experiment of the devils, some news will leak out to some extent.

Therefore, without any hesitation at all, he made up his mind to blow up the devil's poisonous gas shell no matter what!
As the evening breeze blows, most of the poisonous gas droplets in the gas phase are taken away.

But the garlic smell never completely dissipated.

A strange scene appeared on the road.

The devils advancing in the west green gauze tent on the highway did not find any trace of Balu, and the messenger informed that Balu had fled westward.

After gathering, they tried to outflank the road to the south, but were blocked by Xiong Erlang's security forces on the road.

A large number of devils stayed behind, and the lieutenant who squeezed up from behind gave the second lieutenant who blocked the way a big mouth: "Baga, we are going south along the road now, and we can wipe out all the dirt roads in the open land!"

"You can go there, but you have to go to the sorghum land!" The second lieutenant who blocked the way was slapped, but he didn't give way at all.

The lieutenant looked at the second lieutenant in front of him, dared to talk back to himself, raised his hand and slapped him again: "Hehe, you have to know how difficult it is to walk in densely packed sorghum? Do you know how dangerous it is in the dark?"

"I'm sorry, I'm carrying out Commander Oishi's order, please don't embarrass me!"

"Did you eat too much garlic?" The lieutenant took a deep breath.

"The chemical bomb in the train team exploded unexpectedly. I suggest you take a detour."

"Garlic-flavored chemical bomb?" The face of the lieutenant who worked in the chemical industry before joining the army changed suddenly: "All gather. Retreat immediately!"

The closer you get to the road, the stronger the garlic smell in the air.

Under the hazy moonlight, Yang Chengzhi wore a gas mask, resisting the burning discomfort from the exposed skin on his body.

Years ago, during the day and night special training of the Gendarmerie, the outflanking formation of devils was completely riddled with holes in his eyes.

The gendarmerie is responsible for the daily protection of important figures in the capital. In addition to offensive training, defensive training is also an important part.

Behind him, Zhang Xiaodao, who has not undergone strict military training and has been practicing martial arts since childhood, shuttles through the Gaoliang land like a fish in water.

The grenade thrown by the devil exploded more than ten meters behind him.

The two sides are very close!

Close combat is too familiar to Yang Chengzhi.

The rustling of military uniforms and sorghum leaves in the green gauze tent continued.

There is a devil trio more than ten meters ahead.

Instruct Zhang Xiaodao behind him to feint from the front and make noises to attract the devil's attention.

He quickly approached the devil's trio from the side amidst the noise made by the devil's shooting back and throwing grenades.

The three devils probably felt that the outflank was in place, so they spread out and lay down on the ground in a zigzag shape to fight back.

One devil keeps shooting for fire reconnaissance, the other is an observer, and the third holds a grenade in his hand. He only waits for the opponent to fire the gun, and he will immediately remove the safety of the grenade in his hand, smash the cap and throw it out after a delay to kill the opponent. .

Crazy Zhang, who is good at defense, is now more like a professional assassin.

Just a simple plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Zhang Xiaodao kept changing his position in the sorghum field, and every time he changed, he would shoot at the place where the devil was hiding.

I couldn't help but feel a little regretful, if I didn't throw away the grenade before, throwing a grenade now would kill those devils.

Crazy Yang rushed towards the devil trio like a civet cat.

The light flickered when the devil shot Zhang Xiaodao.

Seeing clearly where the three devils were, Crazy Yang was less than five meters away from the devils.

The muscles all over his body tensed up, and he began to attack the devil.

The movement of pushing the sorghum away was insignificant, and the devil observer subconsciously turned his head.

Spotting a black shadow appearing from the side, he hurriedly turned the muzzle of the rifle.

It's a pity that the usual easy tactical moves were not realized, and the dense sorghum marks on the sorghum ground hindered his movements.

Crazy Yang had been prepared for a long time, and roared in a bird's voice: "My own people!"

The vigilant devil was a little dazed, subconsciously stopped turning his gun, and swallowed the "enemy attack" that had rushed to his mouth.

At this time, the three-person groups that have dispersed are sticking to their positions. There should be no one coming, right?
He looked at the shadow approaching suspiciously.

The companion next to him fired again.

In the flash of light, he suddenly saw clearly that the black figure coming over was wearing a gas mask, and he was startled.

Taking a closer look, the visitor seemed to be holding a bar in his right hand.

It's a bayonet!

His brain couldn't keep up with the situation in front of him, so he opened his mouth suddenly to scream in surprise, what Crazy Yang waited for was him to speak to warn, and the bayonet was accurately stabbed into his mouth!
The bayonet pierced through the back of the devil's head.

The devil raised his hand, and before grabbing the bayonet, he finally fell powerlessly...

The body slowly tilted and twitched...

Bang. Bang. Crazy Yang let go of the bayonet handle with his right hand, and opened fire at the two devils lying on the ground with the pistol in his left hand.

Two bullets penetrated from the devil's back and scurry happily through the devil's body.

The devil holding the rifle and the devil holding the grenade let out howls like killing pigs one after another.

Even at close range, the kinetic energy of the round-head bullet of the shell gun was too weak, and its lethality was poor, so it failed to kill the two devils on the spot.

Although the two devils did not die on the spot after being shot, they had already lost their combat effectiveness.

Bang. Bang. Crazy Yang shot the devil struggling on the ground in the back of the head without hesitation.

The first bullet hit the ear door of the devil who turned back, and there was a dull sound when metal and bone collided violently.

Although the kinetic energy of the bullet was a bit lacklustre, it still slammed the devil's head on the ground.

The second bullet hit the devil's eye socket who also turned back, and the bullet roiled the devil's brain upside down.

He was inspired when he watched the girl shoot the shell gun. When the distance between the two targets is not far, the shell gun in the hand does not need to be held too tightly.
Quickly take off the remaining three grenades of the three devils, turn around and pull out the bayonet that was pierced into the head of the first devil
The bayonet seems to be stuck in the bone?
"Fuck your mother..." He stepped on the devil's neck and pulled it violently.

The bayonet brought out a cloud of blood, and the devil's body twitched a few more times.

Under the moonlight, the devil kept bubbling blood from his mouth, accompanied by strange grunting sounds.

After completing this series of actions, Crazy Yang didn't even blink.

(End of this chapter)

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