under fire

Chapter 1520 Have You Never Killed a Pig?

Chapter 1520 Have You Never Killed a Pig?

In the dim green gauze tent.

Crazy Yang inserted the shell gun into his back, held the [-] cap, and fired five consecutive shots into the ground under his feet.

The scattered devils were each in charge of a fan area, barely putting together an encirclement circle.

The continuous gunshots of the exchange of fire immediately attracted the attention of the nearby defense devils, and Niaoyu asked, "Inoue, what's the situation?"

Crazy Yang lowered his voice and replied casually: "There is an eighth road, and it has been killed. There are no casualties on our side."

A devil's voice came from not far away: "Be careful, change positions at any time!"

"Yes!" Crazy Yang waved his hand after answering.

To the west, two dim figures of devils crept through, one in front and one behind. The devil walking in front was tall and straight, not quite like a short devil.

After easily highlighting the not dense encirclement of the devils, Crazy Yang then conveniently threw a grenade at the positions of the three devils who were helping to defend on both sides.

Then quickly drilled into the green gauze tent to the west, and entered the green gauze tent that had just been swept away by the reinforcement devils.

Boom. Boom.
Two violent explosions sounded in the green yarn.

Crazy Yang inserted two long clips tied together with wire interlaced into the shell gun, and then stuck the handle into the holster.

A simple version of the submachine gun was quickly formed, with forty bullets in the cross magazine!
Hang the shell gun on your waist, then take out the bridge clip of the [-] rifle bullets from the bullet box on the waist, pull the bolt to press the bridge frame into the bullet supply port.

With a click, a bullet was pushed into the chamber.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was following behind, handed a short magazine of the shell gun loaded with bullets to Crazy Yang.

The devils set up guard posts in the green gauze tents on both sides of the road.

The temptation not long ago easily broke through the devil's defense.

The devil's seemingly foolproof defensive measures, in the eyes of Yang Chengzhi, who understands the language of birds and the password of the devil, is an undefended display.

He felt that even Zhang Xiaodao, who didn't understand bird language at all, could sneak into the devil's team.

There is absolutely no problem in mixing in by yourself.

From another point of view, the devil's garrison they are facing now is completely incomparable with the devil's main elite.

I thought it would take some effort to find the devil's gas bomb, but now that Zhang Xiaodao is following him, it saves a lot of trouble.

The gunshots behind him did not disappear. Presumably, the big dog took advantage of the chaos caused by the explosion to break through. The gunshots were dense and violent, and after less than half a minute, the gunshots became sparse.

Zhang Xiaodao recounted the situation when he mingled with the devils: "I was in the eighth car. If I didn't know how to drive, I would definitely kill the devil who was driving and drive away the devil's car."

"Don't brag!"

"What I said is true. The fifth and sixth vehicles of the devil's transport team are equipped with [-] infantry guns, and the tenth vehicle is equipped with heavy mortars."

Both of them wore gas masks on their faces, and their voices could not be heard far away...

on the road.

The reinforcements on the Devil's West Road were blocked, followed by a convoy of rifles and heavy weapons, and the road was crowded for a while.

The Guizi captain who followed was busy summing up the battle with Xiong Erlang, then looked at the map and formed his troops.

Knowing that the road was still filled with deadly poisonous gas, the reinforcement captain had no choice but to gather his men to go east to the green gauze tent, and hurriedly detoured south along the passage left by the advancing troops.

Due to the presence of poisonous gas, the blasted road has not yet been repaired, and the convoy carrying heavy firepower is temporarily impassable, and will only stare blankly for a while.


Crazy Yang and the two lying on the ground watched a large number of devils pass by not far in front of them and went away.

On the edge of the green gauze tent that was squeezed away by countless devils, only a three-person group of devil soldiers remained on duty.

From time to time, I looked at the lights of cars on the road in the distance, and listened to the noisy shouts of devils from the other side of the road.

I guessed in my heart that the devil reinforcements should not be familiar with the original devils.

So, he decided to go straight there.

The devil's alert trio stared at their defense area with wide eyes.

One of the ghosts suddenly had a chill in his lower back, and subconsciously wanted to look back, but suddenly felt his neck was also cold, and he seemed unable to breathe.

It feels like I don't need to breathe anymore.

After falling to the ground, I finally understood what happened.

Because he saw the bloodline shot from his neck, even though the bloodline was black under the moonlight, he still knew it was the bloodline.

In the past, when those Chinese people were stabbed to death with bayonets, I saw it many times, but from different angles.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black shadow of the imperial army with a tall figure and a rifle on his back, walking towards his companions as if no one else was around.

The light in the green gauze tent was dim, but it was not pitch black. The moonlight in the green gauze tent that had been squeezed by people shone unscrupulously on the ground.

Piece after piece of irregular moonlight scatteredly illuminated the ground.

The pace of the walking one seemed eerie.

The devil's pupils, which could no longer be controlled, began to dilate, and the gray-black sky turned into pitch black.

Crazy Yang held the bayonet in his hand and walked slowly step by step towards the devil lying on the ground.

The sound of footsteps attracted the attention of the devil in the middle, and he turned his head and asked, "Mr. Pingchuan, have you grown taller?"

As the moonlight gradually illuminated that indifferent face, the devil realized that something was wrong
Seeing that the other party didn't have a gun in his hand, he hesitated for a while, should he shout at the enemy?
The distance between the two sides was three meters, and finally saw the bayonet in the opponent's hand, the black bayonet!

When raising the gun to aim, I found that the opponent moved.

A smear of black flashed across the darkness in the green veil like lightning, and the tip of the bayonet seemed to make a sound of breaking through the air.

With the knife in front and the man behind, the black shadow dodges past the rifle that lifts up the branches and leaves of sorghum.

The bayonet accurately pierced the devil's neck.

As the bayonet turned, the devil left only fear in his eyes.

The movements of the two were not small, but the vigilant devils beside them did not move.

No way, he couldn't move.

Because, a black shadow creeping over from the ground is drawing a bayonet from the devil's back waist
An important technique for sneak attacking and killing the enemy is not to let the enemy make a sound before dying.

This is not the same as killing a pig. You must use one hand to jam the opponent's neck, or cover your mouth.

Compared with Liu Yuan's methods of puritanism, covering his mouth is much more likely to make mistakes than twisting his neck.

No matter how powerful a finger is, it is very difficult to break a person's neck and requires skill.

Press the enemy's carotid artery with your finger, and it will stun the enemy for about three seconds!
The first time he used this method, Zhang Xiaodao didn't dare to be careless. In his understanding, he had to stab the little devil ten times to be safe!
After a sound of rummaging, the corpses of the three devils were dragged into the depths of the green gauze tent.

The smell of blood began to permeate the air.

Crazy Yang carried a small knife and walked in the dim green gauze tent. The two of them seemed to have a lot of grenades hanging on their bodies.

Devil infantry is equipped with four grenades as standard.

These three devils may be of noble status, and they have hardly had a round of fighting for three consecutive days.

So there are a lot of grenades on him.

After passing through the devil's outer cordon, the bloody smell began to permeate, and sooner or later he would be discovered by the devil. Crazy Yang didn't seem to be nervous at all, because his pace was still unhurried, and he didn't even deliberately slow down his pace at all, but kept a slow pace. Walk slowly, more like walking.

There is the devil's second line of defense ahead, and it is also the last line of defense for the devils advancing to the highway.

Crazy Yang stopped suddenly, then pulled off the bolt of the [-] rifle and loaded it, the muzzle of the gun casually pointed at the ground.

Within [-] seconds, he could point the gun at any position directly in front of him.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Turn out two devils from the sorghum field that was squeezed out ahead!
If nothing else, it should be the devil's messenger.

The two sides are about to face each other.

At this moment, it seems that even time is so cold that it stands still...

The devils at the head should have spotted the two of Crazy Yang earlier, sniffed their noses after approaching and asked, "Strange. Why is there such a strong smell of blood?"

"This is what the battlefield smells like." The voice came from the imperial soldier opposite the devil, speaking in the same bird language.

The two sides did not stop, and the distance continued to narrow.

Seeing that the imperial soldiers who came were tall and tall, the devil's messenger slowed down and gave way to the side of the road.

The figures of the two sides finally staggered.

The ghost messenger suddenly realized that something was wrong, there seemed to be something stuck in his chest.
The strong smell of blood penetrated the nostrils
With a puff, there was a special sound of the bayonet being pulled out of the body, followed by blood spraying Crazy Yang's gas mask all over his face, all over his body.

Zhang Xiaodao, who waited until the devil was out of breath and stopped twitching, pulled out his bayonet, and smiled nervously: "Have you never killed a pig? You have so much blood on your body."

(End of this chapter)

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