under fire

Chapter 1521 Devils are powerful and don't brag

The front was not far from the command post, and the devils who had been infiltrated in the afternoon strengthened their defenses, and trying to pretend to be devils and pass through silently was like a dream.

The closer he got to the road, the more cautious Crazy Yang became.

Sneaking into the enemy's rear was not as comfortable as imagined.

If there are no devils moving around, you can't get in at all.

As they approached the devil's post, the two men in gas masks turned to head south.

The green gauze curtain seemed to be endless, and the two seemed to have walked for a long time, but they were still in the sorghum field.

Ahead was another vertical highway that the devils squeezed out of the sorghum field.

Crazy Yang turned around, got into the green gauze tent again and approached the road.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was following behind, turned his head to look east from time to time, in case there were enemies who might suddenly appear behind him.

You can vaguely see the outline of the Devil's car on the road.

Now I have to wait, when the messenger sent by the devil team that just left goes back along the trail to report to my son, I will take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Time passed by, but the devil's messenger never appeared.

Crazy Yang couldn't help tearing off the gas mask and took a deep breath.

The faint garlic smell still hasn't dissipated
Quickly fasten the mask and think of countermeasures.

think about it
When I was in the [-]th Army, I looked forward to fighting devils every day, and even the commander of the army defected in the end.

But I didn't expect that the battalion of the Eighth Route Army that I encountered hardly stopped fighting devils.

Over the years, almost all the old brothers who could be named in the gendarmerie had died, and he felt that it would be a pity for him to live another day.

While thinking wildly, I suddenly heard movement on the north road.

There are hordes of devils heading south!

Crazy Yang stepped on the ground with his left and right feet crossed, and a little sorghum approached the road.

At this moment, he knew that there were devil guard posts on both sides of him!

Pull out the box cannon assault pistol attached to the waist.

When the devils on the road appeared in his field of vision, Yang Feng froze suddenly: those devils were all wearing gas masks
It's a sapper!
They were all dressed as road builders, and they looked like they were going to the south to do soil work.

The puppet army ran away, the Ninth Battalion withdrew, and the main regiment must adopt a defensive posture as planned.

At this time, the devils dispatched engineers, obviously not to dig trenches!
Then, the greatest possibility for these devils is to repair the road that was blown up by the previous explosive package.

Open to the west.

Thousands of small firepower groups finished shelling the devils in the open ground.

Immediately dismantle the mortar, drag the thrower and run away.

The team quickly drilled into the Gaoliang land in the north.

The devil who had been hit by a wave of grenades did not launch a charge to fight back.

Lieutenant Guizi held his command saber down, looking at the black figure that disappeared in the green gauze tent with a melancholy expression.

He could feel that this group of Eight Routes was not simple, as if every move of the imperial army was in the Eight Routes' calculations.

It's a bad feeling.

The Eight Route Commander in the green gauze tent is a master commander.

It is completely different from the eight roads encountered in the past.

According to the battlefield report from the lieutenant who came to reinforce him, he was [-]% sure that the eight groups in Qingsha were the ones who raided Wucheng County.

And also beat a chariot squadron of the remnant imperial army!
To deal with such eight routes, conventional outflanking and sweeping will not work.

He could even feel that the Eight Route Commander in the green gauze tent must be waiting for him to catch up and take the bait!
The lieutenant felt a chill down his back, so cold that he seemed to have hallucinations, as if he could see the two black buttons on the curly brim of his hat through the dark green gauze curtain.

There are countless red animal pupils in the darkness, staring at him.

The open land under the moonlight is full of gunpowder.

It was a long night, and when I raised my hand to look at the dial of the watch, the moonlight was enough to illuminate the hands of the dial.

Perhaps seeing the lieutenant's action, the guard next to him unscrewed the flashlight wrapped in black cloth.

The edge of the green gauze tent.

The big eyes staring under a steel helmet are a little dry.

On the other side of the devil who was beaten and swallowed his breath, gunpowder smoke enveloped the ground.

It was so dark that nothing could be seen, and the devils didn't even have the intention of raising their guns to fight back.

Blinking his big eyes, he yawned by the way.

Suddenly, he saw a faint light.

When I got the flashlight in Hekouying for the first time, I couldn't put it down. I used to play it with a cloth cover.
The small shoulders slammed against the butt of the gun and fine-tuned the muzzle.
The light flickered for a moment and then went out.

It doesn't matter, it's not that I haven't played blind typing before.

Just feel it!

The mud-stained fingertips pressed against the trigger, and slowly squeezed the trigger firmly.

A [-]mm bullet whirled out of the muzzle.

The distance is not far, it's there in an instant.

The lieutenant felt as if his arm had been slammed by a speeding car.
The pointed bullet shattered the military uniform of the lieutenant's left forearm, tore apart the flesh, the pointed head hit the ulna and swirled, and the tail turned over and smashed the scratch bone along the way.

Shengsheng broke the bones of the forearm into two pieces. If the muscles were not strong, the forearm would have been knocked into the air. Even so, the bullet still bent the lieutenant's body
The lieutenant felt a sharp pain in his arm.
The devil who was flashlighting the lieutenant and looking at his watch just heard the gunshots at this moment.

"Ah!" With the endurance of the ninja elite of the imperial army, the lieutenant still couldn't hold back the screams.

bang. bang.
On the edge of the green gauze tent more than fifty meters away from the devil, there were two more gunshots, accompanied by Nuo Da's muzzle flash.

At Liu Yuanqing's request, every time Xiao Hongying shot, the soldiers covering her fired two shots.

Can't let the devil girl shoot the position.

The devil subconsciously raised his gun to fight back, with a high probability that he would only shoot back at the position of the soldier who fired later.

The Eighth Route Army lacked ammunition, and sharpshooters were rare.

If you can hit the target within 200 meters, you can be called a sharpshooter!

The biggest feeling of the veterans is that the devil's marksmanship is accurate. Within 200 meters, the hit rate of the devil's rifle can generally reach more than 80.00%.

And in the short pause state during the movement, the devil can guarantee a hit rate of more than 50% within a range of [-] meters!

Absolutely can't fight with the devils to shoot the head!

The footsteps of a large number of people running began to appear in the green gauze tent to the north.

A vague shadow rushed out, gradually pulling out a group of black shadows.

The devils who came out ran directly west along the edge of the green gauze tent, the equipment on their bodies was shaking, and noisy voices were clamoring in the darkness.

Then, another group of devils went directly to the south, attacking in the direction of the gun tower.

A few devils set up a radio station on the edge of the green gauze tent.

With the help of the radio station, the [-]nd infantry artillery vehicle, which the devils could not get through for the time being, unloaded the infantry gun on the road and fired on the spot amidst the yelling of the radio station soldiers.

A flash of light suddenly lit up the dim green gauze curtain.

Yang Chengzhi was not far from the road, and the artillery flashed to see the devil's arrangement on the road in an instant.

The Devil's Rifle was at least 50 meters away from his current position.

Maybe it was because he stayed in the dim green gauze tent for too long, but the sudden flash of shelling still made his eyes shine, and after the flash, there was only a residual white light in front of his eyes.

The white light seemed to be in front of his eyes, but it seemed to be in his mind.

Can't see anything at this time.

The strong sound waves of the infantry guns followed along the road, causing the green gauze curtains on both sides of the road to sway.

The loud noise that followed made the eardrums buzz, as if the head was ringing.

The ground finally trembled violently.
Long-distance shelling?
In the blink of an eye, Yang Chengzhi's nerves tensed suddenly: he is now near the devil's [-]-step gun!

Force yourself to calm down, squint your eyes, and wait quietly for the white light that seems to be turning into a star to dissipate.

The shell exploded on the south side of the gun tower.

It's a pity that the placement is not good.

At least 100 meters away from the gun tower.

The artillery observer standing on the roof of the car immediately yelled loudly to allow the infantry gun to increase its elevation angle.

There is a green gauze tent blocking it, so it is impossible to shoot directly at close range
Moreover, there are a large number of imperial warriors on the edge of the green gauze tent, and the devil artillery pulls the cannon rope in an orderly manner.

Test firing from far to near to adjust the trajectory

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