under fire

Chapter 1522 Good Courage

Crazy Yang, wearing a gas mask, half-closed his eyes, lying motionless in the sorghum field beside the road.

The Devil's rifle fired, and the ground shook, causing the restless blood in his veins to boil slowly.

The right hand tightly grasps the "Forty Rings" speed machine that is stuck in the holster.

The Devil's infantry position is not the target of this trip.

Blowing up the devils and heavy mortars that can hit poison gas bombs is the key point.

The Devil's rifle didn't stop, and kept firing shells at the position of the gun tower.

After waiting for a long time, I felt that the stars in front of me were not shining so strongly, so I poked my head out to look south of the highway.

The cars headed north slid along, silently counting one by one in my heart.

The car that was overturned by a large landmine was lying across the road.

Block the road directly.

Many devil engineers wearing the main poison mask were busy shoveling dirt on the ground next to the car.

It seems that a simple road is going to be paved directly next to the cars blocking the road.

Yang Chengzhi doesn't believe in miracles, so he doesn't believe that all the gas bombs on the car loaded with gas bombs exploded when the landmine exploded.

Zhang Xiaodao said that the overturned car was the one with heavy mortar gas bombs.

The car didn't catch fire, so he felt that the devil should be punished again.

Previously, only two sounds were heard from the three electric landmines buried by Li Xiang.

In other words, there is one more that did not detonate!
Time is passing, it seems like a long time, but it feels like just a moment.

The two ghosts wearing gas masks in front ran south along the road, and it seemed that they were going to send a message to the south.

Yang Chengzhi suddenly turned his head and shouted at Zhang Xiaodao: "Cover me!"

Immediately, he threw the submachine gun behind him, and picked up the [-] big cover rifle next to him.

After the two devils ran past, they immediately got out of the darkness, followed directly behind the two devils, and headed south.

It is better to live than to die. It is a lie to say that you are not afraid of death.

Of course, there are exceptions. Some people who commit suicide are not afraid of death, but for some reason may feel that they will suffer endless pain in life.

Soldiers are different. They have seen more life and death on the battlefield, and feel that death is just like that.

Depends if it's worth it or not.

Yang Chengzhi thought that he hadn't realized that he hadn't blown up the devil's gas bombs to reduce casualties on the Eight Routes.

He just thought that if the devil's gas bomb could be blown up, the deadly gas would definitely spread everywhere, and the devils in this area would definitely have a hard time.

The leather shoes under the short legs of the two devils stomped on the ground.

The tall and powerful Yang Chengzhi followed closely step by step without haste.

As casual as walking.

Perhaps it is because the road where the core area of ​​the imperial army is located is safe.

The two devils didn't even have the intention of turning back, let alone a ghostly killing god following behind them.

Short road, dim moonlight.

Both sides of the road are endless darkness that can't be seen far away. In the darkness, the devils' guard posts should be sticking to their posts at this time.

The devil engineers ahead are already leveling the road piled up from the green gauze tent.

It can be seen that the temporary sidewalk is about to be completed.

Perhaps because of his sixth sense, a devil who was approaching the construction site suddenly turned around.

There is only one chest in front of him. In Xiong Erlang's team, there seems to be no one with such a tall body, right?
He raised his head quickly, trying to see the guy's face clearly.

Unfortunately, I only saw one. Pig mouth gas mask
Then I saw a flash of light in the darkness.

According to the feeling, it is a bayonet, a black bayonet.

He is sure that the feeling is not wrong, he has been stabbed in a bayonet fight with Ba Lu!
That time, his thigh was pierced, and this time, his neck was pierced.

The bayonet came obliquely and directly cut through the throat.
The fast-in and fast-out bayonet did not give the devil who turned his head a chance to scream in death.

The companion next to him fell to the ground and struggled, and the other devil immediately noticed the abnormality and turned his head suddenly.

A big hand pinched his neck just from the side.

The shadow of the sneak attack, with the power of rushing forward, unexpectedly lifted the devil's body off the ground.

There was a crackling sound in the throat and it shattered.
A bayonet stabbed directly from the devil's back to the heart, and the place it passed was icy cold.

The severe pain caused the devil to open his mouth wide, unable to make any sound.

Leaving the bayonet with his left hand, he took off the two grenades on the chest of the ghost who seemed to be swinging, and hung them on his chest one by one.

Then he drew the bayonet from the devil's body and threw the twitching devil on the ground.

In front of my eyes, the devils who are busy
No one noticed the messengers coming over among the devil engineers with shovels and picks, only one.

There was the sound of the orderly's leather shoes jogging, thumping on the dirt road.

Wearing a gas mask. It's not a strange thing, the sappers are wearing it at this time.

Wearing that thing to suffer, if the lieutenant hadn't ordered the devils to absolutely forbid taking off the gas masks on their heads, it is estimated that the devils' engineers would rather inhale the poisonous gas than wear the airtight gas masks all the time.

The bombardment flashes from the north flashed from time to time, and only the imperial army with a rifle on his back could be seen clearly. He was so tall and shocking.

The khaki military uniform seems a little short?

Bang bang bang.
Yang Chengzhi raised the shell gun without hesitation, and put the holster on his shoulder.

He rushed to the devil engineer, raised his gun, and aimed at the devil who put down his shovel in front of him in a daze.

Bah bah bah bah bah bah...

With each shot, the muzzle jumps violently, then snaps back.

Suddenly, large clusters of flashes sounded

The bullet casing spun and fell in the air, turned over slightly after landing, and stopped moving.

There were more than [-] devil engineers. When they heard the gunshots, they didn't turn around and run away like the national army.

Instead, several devils rushed to Yang Chengzhi: "Ba Ga!"

The shell gun has poor accuracy, but the failure rate is not high.

For each shot, two bullets are fired one after the other.

The two bullets, one high and the other low, flew ferociously towards the devil's chest.

Arrogantly got into the devils' bodies, and began to wreak havoc in the muscles and internal organs.

In other words, as long as Yang Chengzhi is listed as a target, there is a high probability that he will be shot twice.

However, Yang Chengzhi believes that there is really too little time left for himself.

Because when a gun is fired at this location, the devils hiding in the green gauze tent and the devils on the north-south highway will definitely rush to the scene immediately.

The devils hiding in the green gauze tent from east to west will also come over immediately.

The tongues of flame produced by the continuous firing of the two muzzle groups flickered miserably.

Time and time again, the simple road is illuminated like a lone tomb under the moon, which makes people feel chilly and weird.

The one-man fight scenes are still raucous.

The sound of bullets puffing into the flesh, the scream of heartbreaking after being shot, and the sound of falling to the ground.

Black blood splattered in the darkness under the moonlight, and the quick-reacting devil engineer dropped the tools in his hands and hugged his head in panic.

Some rushed to the side of the road desperately, trying to get the rifles stacked in a cluster.

Damn darkness!
Hear the sound of dense shelling guns.

A devil in charge of security in the north ran to the construction site where the sidewalk was being repaired in panic.

Unexpectedly, a flash of light suddenly appeared in the green gauze tent next to it.
A bullet hit the temple of his shaking head

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