under fire

Chapter 1523 Death Charge

Chapter 1523 Death Charge
Shellbacks are semi-automatic pistols.

Sustained firing requires continuous pulling of the trigger.

Bullets rained down on the unsuspecting devils in the darkness.

The selection of the target order is very simple, first kill the devil guard post with the gun.

Then from near to far, shoot one by one.

Individual assault tactics are not a one-person charge, generally composed of three people, one for frontal assault, one for fire cover, and one for guard and backup.

Mainly suitable for urban street fighting.

To charge against more than [-] devils by one person is an act of death no matter in anyone's eyes.

Although the devil engineers are not combat troops, their basic tactical skills are still not bad.

The engineers were working, and the Japanese infantry guarded them routinely.

The ghost infantry, who had reacted, knew that they were already at a disadvantage in raising their guns at this time, so they still quickly raised their guns and pulled the bolt to rush towards Yang Chengzhi.

Trying to stop the Raiders of the Night with flesh and blood.

Yang Chengzhi had no distractions. He remembered that the theoretical maximum rate of fire of the shell gun was [-] rounds per minute!

Once, when training in the Gendarmerie, Liu Yuanqing once achieved an astonishing limit rate of fire of [-] rounds in the [-]-meter target test of the shell gun, including the time to change the magazine three times.

If it weren't for the fact that the gun chamber couldn't withstand the high heat generated by the gunpowder gas when the bullet was fired, it might explode the chamber, and the rate of fire could at least be doubled!
There is another reason why it can only reach one-tenth of the theoretical rate of fire in actual combat. The human wrist cannot bear the recoil of continuous shooting.

Crazy Yang's arm muscles tensed, trying to keep firing twice a second. Pausing for another second, he charged into the flock of devils like a hungry wolf.

As the muzzle shot of the shell gun continued to rise and then sink, the three devils who rushed towards him and raised their guns in a hurry almost all fell to the side with two shots in a row.

Crazy Yang continued to shoot, aiming at those devil engineers who hadn't recovered from their senses.

His legs crossed slowly, and he moved forward step by step, with a steady pace, ignoring the ghost engineer who fell down and twitched under his feet after being shot.

He believes that no one can return fire after being shot twice in such a close range!
One after another, the devil engineers fell, whether they were looking for useless cover on the spot, or trying to get up and escape.

Nineteen, twenty.
After counting the last two numbers, Crazy Yang quickly dialed down the magazine, quickly changed the direction and inserted the full magazine end into the pistol.

At this moment, he didn't even think about whether the devils guarding in the green gauze tents on both sides of the road would come over.

Killing like hemp means quantity, without any abnormal psychology, it is impossible to kill without blinking an eye.

Seeing one enemy after another falling under the gun, Crazy Yang felt a burst of joy in his heart for no reason.

Amidst the devil's ear-piercing screams, he once again stepped over a devil's corpse and shouted loudly: "Leader...brothers, I have avenged you!"

The speed machine emptied forty bullets, and pulled out another shell gun.

Short magazine, ten rounds almost run out in three seconds, the last clip is inserted, and it fires again.
There are still two devils crawling westward to get into the green gauze curtain
No one thought that someone would dare to infiltrate the most heavily guarded baggage location of the imperial army.

The devils holding picks and shovels just want to avoid the ferocious bullet rain.

In this world, there is no one who is not afraid of death, let alone these devil engineers who have made a fortune.

The devil who was in charge of vigilance to the east in the green gauze tent suddenly heard the sound of dense shelling guns on the road behind him.

Knowing that Balu sneaked in again, he turned around and ran towards the road behind him.

It's a pity that it takes time to walk through the dense green gauze tent.
Seeing that none of the devils lying on the ground were shot at least twice, Crazy Yang remained surprisingly calm.

He knew very well that when he heard the gunshots, the devils guarding in the green gauze tent must have gathered here.

The reaction of a normal person must be to immediately rush into the green gauze tent,

A person who is not even afraid of death is naturally surprisingly bold.

So, he didn't do it.

Turning around, he lunged forward, and conveniently pulled up the twitching corpse of a devil engineer in front of him, and placed it in front of him.

"It's unlucky!" He cursed in a low voice, and after touching for a long time, the corpse of the devil engineer in front of him didn't have a grenade on his chest.

He easily pulled off the rifle behind him, and habitually pulled the bolt to check the magazine, which was full.

Quickly point to the green gauze tent on the west side of the road.

Then, take off the four grenades on the chest and arrange them in a row.

His face was covered with a gas mask, and his breathing was difficult.

Crazy Yang opened it, feeling that the smell of garlic in the air seemed to be very faint, so he simply tore it off and threw it aside.

He looked up at the car a few meters away, where ammunition boxes were piled up.

Quickly took out the shell gun bullets in the backpack, and began to press one round after another into the withdrawn magazine.

Not far from the front, a devil who hadn't died was completely out of his wits. Looking at the action of the killing god in front of him, he almost forgot the severe pain coming from the two wounds on his chest and abdomen. His mind was full of the ruthless killing before him.
"Enemy attack. Ah..." With wide eyes, he struggled desperately and screamed, so that the blood flowed out of the wound faster.

Seeing the shouting man in front of him, Crazy Yang remembered that this guy had been shot twice in the chest and abdomen.

Instead of firing a shot, he grinned at the guy.

Seeing that devilish smile, the devil's engineer was immediately frightened and his eyes suddenly went dark.
Coupled with excessive blood loss, this person's brain drowsiness entered a permanent protection state.
Uh. That is what is commonly referred to as being scared and stupid.
Crazy Yang occasionally raised his head to observe the screaming devils, and he didn't have time to fill in the guns one by one.

Continue to lie on the ground and unhurriedly press the bullet into the clip.

It's just that his movements don't seem to be very neat.

Finally, half of the cross-bound magazines were pressed, and the magazines were quickly turned around to continue repeating the pressing action.

Straightforward and orderly
A group of three devils rushed out of the green gauze tent first, moving quickly and vigilantly.

Two people held their guns for vigilance, and one checked the situation.

Under the dim moonlight, next to the overturned car, the imperial army lying on the ground on the sidewalk was newly built.

Feeling that at least half of them are still moving should be convulsions.

"Warning!" The leading devil, the first class soldier, yelled.

Then subconsciously ran to the group of devils lying on the ground.

Hope there is still alive.

The devils with their guns on alert ran onto the road, pointing their guns at the side of the road and swaying left and right to prevent someone from shooting black guns in the green gauze tent.

Subconsciously, he thought that he must have become the target of the opponent hiding in the dark at this time, but he had to do so with his scalp numb.

Doesn't seem to have heard the gunshot?

Soon, another devil trio came out from the green gauze tent on the west side of the road, waving their guns.

The muzzle of the gun immediately pointed at the three devils on the road and shouted: "Put down the gun!"

"Report to Sergeant Jiuwei, it's me!" The vigilante who almost pulled the trigger was frightened to death, and hurriedly said: "When our team came over, we didn't find the enemy!"

"Search immediately! Find out the situation!" Sergeant Jiuo heard the voice of his subordinates and immediately ordered.

"Report, there are survivors!" The private first class who touched the carotid artery on the ground turned his head and shouted.

"What's going on?" Hearing the sound, the sergeant jumped onto the road and ran to squat down next to the senior soldier.

A ghost who was shot twice but not dead, his lungs were smashed by the bullets and unable to speak, he had to raise his finger to where Crazy Yang was, and desperately burst out a word: "enemy"

"Enemy attack." Crazy Yang, not far away, suddenly let out a strange cry.

He casually threw a grenade that smashed the hood to the devil who had been on guard.

Then he emerged from behind the corpse of the devil who was hiding, and the rifle in his hand was aimed at the body of the sergeant who was only five or six meters away.

The pistol was weak, half of the devils were still moving in such a short-distance surprise attack just now.
The close-range black gun came too suddenly.

Sergeant Cao glanced at his chest, back and back, and fell down in response.

On the narrow road, the four devils who came one after another immediately found the muzzle flash.

The rifle swung quickly and tried to point at Crazy Yang.
The first class soldier squatting on the ground sat down on the ground in shock: "Mom."

A bullet came from the junction of the green gauze tent and the road.

Zhang Xiaodao, who finally followed along the road, finally started firing his rifle.

Crazy Yang pulled the bolt to eject the cartridge case, pushed the cartridge into the chamber and fired again.

He beat the devil who was sitting on the ground and called his mother.

The devil in charge of vigilance was not far away. At this time, he had aimed his gun at Crazy Yang, and the bullets of the two were one after the other.

The devil was shot in the chest, and the dead body of the devil in front of Crazy Yang blocked the shot for Crazy Yang who retracted his head.

In the green gauze tent on the west side of the road, another trio emerged.

Crazy Yang didn't hold back this time.

Throw a grenade directly at the devil trio that came over.
The devils who rushed out moved a little slower, because they encountered the escaped devil engineer first, but now they found that the situation was different from the engineer soldier's description, and they were a little confused.

At this time, he didn't care who was the target at all, and fired directly at the devil's guard post who was standing and shooting at Zhang Xiaodao.

I didn't notice it at all, and a grenade rolled under my feet at some point.

The road was quiet for a while again.
Crazy Yang threw a satchel full of grenades to the side of the overturned car
There, there are piles of ammunition boxes that the Japanese engineers have previously unloaded from the overturned car
There is a skull head on the fork on the top, which is not obvious under the moonlight.

In the flash of the grenade explosion just now, Crazy Yang could see clearly!

It's just that I didn't see the devil's heavy mortar.
"Run!" After throwing the grenade, he yelled and plunged into the green gauze tent on the west side of the road.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was lying on the side of the roadbed on guard, followed without hesitation.

As soon as the figures of the two disappeared, another vigilant devil trio appeared not far away.

Boom boom boom.
 Don't tell me anything about magic dramas, one class has eight roads with eight gun towers. If you don't accept it, you search by yourself, and Lu Junsheng kills 27 of them by himself.
(End of this chapter)

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