under fire

Chapter 1524 Invulnerability

The devils continued to shell the gun tower.

Finally, half of the artillery tower guarded by the Eighth Route Army was blown down.

According to the procedure, after the shelling ended, the infantry squatting on the edge of the green gauze tent immediately deployed and launched an attack.

Quickly won the outer line of defense that originally belonged to Xiong Erlang's Department.
The devil who jumped into the trench suddenly found that even if he weighed his feet and raised his gun, he could not see the target outside the trench.

Unexpectedly, this group of stinky and shameless Eighth Road actually played dirty tricks again, deepening the trench and directly turning it into a trench!
Obviously, Tubalu was making a fuss about the short stature of the imperial army this time.

Directly interrupt the imperial army's great charge tactics.

It's like pulling papa halfway but being blocked by someone, unable to get in and out.

The lieutenant who organized the attack had his nose crooked.

After the firepower is covered, the golden charge time has passed. At this time, if you take a ladder out of the trench, you may be shot in the dark!

In desperation, the lieutenant immediately resorted to his big trump card: an outflank along the trench with two wings!

Previously, Xiong Erlang's strategically retreating vanguard had broken into the Eighth Route Outer Line of Defense and occupied the trenches in the western section ahead of time. At this time, it happened to cover the imperial army attacking from the left.

After the shelling started, Li Xianglian quickly withdrew south into the green gauze tent. He didn't expect the main battalion commander to really make a fuss. He personally led a company soldier and stayed in the inner trench on the south side of the gun tower to shoot black guns.

It's good to have trenches!

The devils shelled continuously, causing little casualties to the soldiers.

From the battalion commander's point of view, the self-guard battalion seemed to know the devils very well. They fought for at least fourteen hours from daytime to early morning, just playing the devils around.

As long as the devil has the courage to rush forward, he is sure to match the battle loss ratio with the devil one to one.

That's right, even if it occupies a good location, there are too many devil grenade launchers.
Being able to fight one-to-one battle losses with the devils, I will definitely be rewarded and praised when I go back
The devils claim to have two brigades, but in fact, except for the devils who have to defend the convoy, there are probably less than a thousand people who can really fight.

However, he was a little upset in his heart. Normally, the Eighth Route Army had combat missions, and the commander should grab the hard nuts.

Company Commander Li of the guard battalion didn't seem to be very conscious, he just casually asked them to go first to cover himself, and the soldier who assembled his men turned around and ran away without saying a word.

After thinking about it, the self-governing army guard battalion is not the Eighth Route Army, and there is no iron discipline, which seems to be understandable.

If it weren't for the fighting power shown by Battalion Commander Hu's subordinates, he would never have done such a stupid thing to confront the devil head-on.

The self-guard battalion seemed to know the devils very well. They fought for at least [-] hours from daytime to early morning, just playing tricks on the devils.

There are too many devils, and I can't help but feel uneasy.
They saw a large number of Eighth Route Army abandoning the gun tower positions, and went directly south into the green gauze tent and ran again.

The imperial army was actually blocked in the outer trenches without moving.

The imperial army of the two brigades was tricked by Tubalu.

What a shame!

The two captains stood on the edge of the green gauze tent, pointing and muttering for a while, and according to the report from the front, they concluded that there were not many people on the Eighth Road.

But the fighting power is very strong.

I have to admit that the commanders of the Eighth Route Command are skilled in command art.

Eight-way combat is not good, but the ability to run in sports warfare is undeniable.

The imperial army is porcelain, so there is no need to chase south again into the green gauze tent and head-to-head with Tuba Road to fight for casualties.

Therefore, after the two captains exchanged opinions, they felt that there was no need to chase after them.

It is now about three hours before dawn, send out a small group of troops as long as they can cover those dirt roads.

After figuring out the movements of those eight groups and where they are staying, wait until dawn to bombard him and turn the world upside down, and then ask the air force for support, and finally everything will be settled in one fell swoop.

Oishi Xiong Erlang regretted that he did not ask the division and regiment headquarters for tactical guidance earlier.
Besides, as long as most of the people on the plain are killed, the rest will be driven into concentration camps.

From then on, these eight roads will completely lose the foundation of their existence.

The reinforcement captain admitted in his heart that he really underestimated Tubalu.

It's just that he felt a little unwilling to give up the pursuit.

To the west of the gun tower, in the long and narrow open ground.

Xiao Hongying led the team, with a squad as a vanguard in the west.

Jiang Bai fired a wave of grenade grenades, but failed to attract the devils. Wan's small firepower platoon was arranged behind the formation.

The south side of the team has joined Li Xiang.

In order to prevent the devils from shelling, the soldiers spread out and arranged on the edge of the green gauze tent.

The soldiers took out their engineering shovels and deepened the individual soldier pits previously dug by the soldiers of the main battalion. The impact plain was filled with sandy soil. Soon, the individual soldier pits began to form a crooked trench amidst the slight sound of rats digging holes.

The Ninth Battalion was arranged in a fan-shaped area, with two heavy machine guns on both sides and more than a dozen light machine guns in the middle, turning the fan-shaped area west of the gun tower into a dead zone.

Prepared for all this, the soldiers sank silently into the darkness of the trenches

The devils did not pursue, or even come out to harass. After taking down the gun tower, they stopped in the open ground and did not move.

Xiao Hongying was quite puzzled, is this the devil who claims to be invincible?
Don't even have the courage to pursue?
If you don't come after that, I'll hit you a few times.

No matter how many, the freshly baked sharpshooter team began to detour eastward along the green gauze tent on the north side, preparing to give eye drops to the devils who temporarily stopped at the edge of the green gauze tent.

After a while, the assault squad met the devil security squad in the green gauze tent on the north side.

The two sides opened fire without saying a word.

Grenades and grenades were thrown indiscriminately.

Relying on the large number of bullets, the devils lie in the individual soldier pit and shoot continuously, pull the bolt to eject the bullet, and then push the bullet to load and shoot.

The guard squad devils knew that the eight groups encountered this time were unusual. They hadn't dug trenches for several years, but this time they dug their own foxholes.

Knowing that there are eight roads hidden in the east, the devil's security squad that expanded the security range to the east suffered a lot.

Balu are all rats, they hide in the mouse hole during the day and do not go out, and they are more active than anyone else when they come out to the fields at night.

Shooting when you can't even see the target is purely futile, but it doesn't work without tossing.

Tubalu likes to play this kind of virtual-reality game the most. If the imperial army's shooting is weak, Tubalu can fight harder than anyone else, though, who knows if he can hit the target.

Under the guidance of a devil, Lieutenant Guizi went straight west to the end of the trench.

The leading devil hurriedly wrote to the lieutenant: "Report, Balu is in the trench ahead. We threw more than a dozen grenades, and those Tubalu are still not killed."

The lieutenant looked up at the dark trench. There was a bend in front of him, and his sight was not so far away that he couldn't judge the specific direction of the trench. There was no way to throw a grenade if it didn't work.

He looked up and saw the raging fire on the top of the blockhouse that was missing half of the roof.

The warriors of the Imperial Army in the south are still shooting at the Eighth Route Army sporadically.

"Follow the trenches!" the lieutenant ordered unequivocally.

Xiong Erlang, who was guarding the edge, was very helpless, and immediately dispatched a machine gun team out of the trench, and arranged a crooked sub-machine gun team on the left and right sides of the trench for cover.

The opponent had a high rank, and the second lieutenant knew that there were mines in the trenches, so he had to obey orders first.

Wait a while, one or two of my men will be killed or injured by stepping on mines, and then I will report the situation to the lieutenant.

Perhaps the Eighth Route Army did not expect that the imperial army would attack the trench from the northwest, so the trench was not deepened.

A squad of devils lined up in a formation of candied gourds, and the cats bent their waists and borrowed trenches to attack Nanyin, which should be called search advance.

On the southern end of the trench, two soldiers from the main battalion squatted.

The two dug out the bomb defense holes according to what Li Xiang said. Although they didn't guard against the devils' big and small artillery, they threw more than a dozen grenades along the attacking devils in the trench.

There was a sound in the darkness in the north, and it was immediately understood that the devils were attacking southward along the trench again.

Fortunately, Battalion Commander Li reminded him that the battalion commander had ambushed sharpshooters in the trenches.

No matter who it is, as long as they stand up after leaving the trenches, they will immediately become a target.

The speed of crawling on the ground is too slow, and it may be safe to be far away. As long as you get close to the opponent, you are also a target!

The soldier suddenly felt that something was wrong, and pulled the trigger in the semi-dark trench to the north.

By feeling, the bullet must have hit the chest of the devil walking in the front.

Stretching out half an eye, I found that the devil's body seemed to be shaking, and with the support of the devil behind him, he continued to move forward.
This devil... did he practice some kind of invulnerability?

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