under fire

Chapter 1525 The Lieutenant's Dream

Boom boom boom.
There was a series of brief explosions on the highway.

"Report to Your Excellency, the ninth vehicle of the convoy was attacked."

"The ninth car?" Xiong Erlang's face was pale and his tone was flustered: "Who is in charge of defending the ninth car? You go tell them seppuku."

Hearing Xiong Erlang's trembling voice, although the reinforcement captain didn't know what kind of secret mission he came out to carry out this time.

But he was stopped on the highway, and then Xiong Erlang asked him to borrow engineering soldiers. At that time, he had roughly guessed that the secret mission carried out by Xiong Erlang was related to the overturned ninth car.

Xiong Erlang was always calm and good against his opponents, and he rarely showed any signs of frustration.

I am performing a reinforcement mission, and there are some things that are better known as little as possible.

Immediately ordered the southward attack squadron to control the battlefield first, and had previously decided to wait for dawn, so there was no need to rush forward at this time.

His order was a little late.

The open area after the shelling was filled with gunpowder smoke.

The attacking lieutenant in command had ordered a squad to advance south along the eastern trench.

There was a loud noise and screams, and the leading trio was ambushed by landmines.

The health guards immediately stepped forward to treat him.

Sanying was killed and two injured.

The trenches are crowded with people, and the eight roads are so dangerous that there are landmines in the trenches!

The attack was blocked, and the second lieutenant who launched the attack from the east wing directly ordered two squads of his men to get out of the trench and crawl forward.

Stars and stars appeared in the hazy open space in the distance.

Tubalu, who hid like a mouse, finally couldn't help firing black guns.

"Throwing grenade, turn off the eight-way firepower point!" The second lieutenant let out a sigh of relief, not afraid of eight-way fire, but afraid that if the eight-way fire does not fire, there will be no target to vent his anger: "Precise shooting team, shoot only after confirming that the target can be killed!"

Compete with the imperial army in shooting accuracy?Does Tubalu really think that the imperial army can't hit mice in the dark?

I can even hit a mosquito!

It's not a loss to hit mice with grenade cannons!
Logically speaking, the firepower should be hidden at this time.

But the Imperial Army is an elite, so it is time to show their strength and crush the Eighth Route Army. As long as the Eighth Route Army's formation is in chaos, then it will be a living target for the elites with superb archery skills.

In the past, there were too many anti-Japanese elements who died under the advanced tactics of the elites.

"The little devil is coming! The distance is one hundred and two" the observer's voice spread.

A head popped out of the trench on the south side of the inner line after the soil was piled up.

Under the dim moonlight, the shadows of ghosts lying on the ground could be vaguely seen, and there were not many of them.

One could faintly hear the chaotic sounds of the devil's military uniform rubbing against the ground and equipment knocking here and there.

The machine gunner's shoulders pressed against the butt of the machine gun, and the black muzzle of the machine gun gradually flattened out. He swayed from side to side to find the feeling, and seemed to be able to see the ballistic trajectory pulling left and right among the ghosts crawling on the ground.
The battalion commander held up the binoculars and stared into the depths of the dim light with his eyes wide open.

The ghosts on both sides of the trench stretched out their dark figures to form a line, which should be around thirty.

There are not many people, obviously they are the vanguard of the devils.

My heart was beating a little hard, it was strange that the devils were always aggressive and unscrupulous in attacking.

This time, they adopted such a conservative offensive tactic.

Faintly understood something, if the Eighth Route Army was strong enough, the little devil would also admit to being cowardly.

It's a pity, if I lend myself some of the weapons in the hands of those cowardly guys in the guard camp, I'm sure I can beat the devils all over the place.
"Report to the battalion commander, the devil is still the three axes, pressing down along the trenches on the east and west wings, and there is no movement in the front for a while," a voice shouted excitedly.

"Hide the firepower and let the sharpshooters fight the devils who dare to enter the open ground!" The battalion commander ordered, he was on the east side at this time, because Li Xiang was pressing the formation on the west side.

The soldiers who were preparing to attack along the edge of the green gauze retreated back in disgrace.

The devils hiding in the dark had a defensive advantage, and the harassment of the small unit of the Ninth Battalion was just a counterattack.

There is no such thing as the previous aura of revenge after being beaten, and immediately rushing out to kill the attacker to seek revenge.

In the dark, Xiao Hongying stuck her big eyes behind the eyepiece, waiting patiently.

"Girl, have we been waiting for an hour?"

"The devil will come sooner or later, wait patiently."

"Oh..." Wanbai sighed carefully, playing with his mortar, if he waited until dawn, he would have no advantage except for the green gauze tent: "The devils can't be lured by the grenadier attack, or I have to let the devils come and shoot me!" Yes, shoot two shots to the north of the road?"

Xiao Hongying's tone was light: "You are not afraid of being covered by the devil's artillery fire."

Wan smirked, this girl has no experience, and she still thinks that the devil's infantry and mortar volleys are called artillery cover?
I think back then, the devils fired with all their guns
Forget it, the Sichuan Army brothers who came out with me are rare
If I die, no one will burn some paper money for my brothers during Qingming.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and touched the gold bar with a small hole hanging on his chest with a rope.
The rope is quite strong, but the gold bar is a bit rough, so I asked Li Xiang to cut it into a circle with the saw blade when I was free.

It would be too wasteful to saw it, just knock it into a circle
Luo Fugui dragged Hu Yi away with a simple climbing fence.

On the battlefield, the main general was seriously injured and dragged off the line of fire.

Under normal circumstances, the first company commander should take over the command.

Ma Liang is not here, the second company commander Li Xiang should take over the command according to the order
Hu Yi is not here, no one has any objections to Xiao Hongying as the conductor.
The reinforcement lieutenant, who directly pierced through the green gauze tent, stood on the north side of the gun tower and looked west.

Tuba Road is still an old tactic, sending people to harass at night.

He didn't understand the captain's order to deploy defenses on the spot.

There were not many troops from the Eighth Route Army in the west, so combining one of my own squadrons with half of the squadron under Xiong Erlang's next door and sweeping westward would definitely wipe out the Eighth Route Army.

But he dared not disobey the captain's order.

His eyes turned around, he could only stare blankly when he received the original ground defense order, this one under Xiong Erlang
It seems that the order was not received.

So, Lieutenants A and B began to mutter.

The reinforcement lieutenant asked Lieutenant B: "Hey, let's discuss something."

Lieutenant Yi under Xiong Erlang is also an old fritter. He can be the squadron leader, so he naturally has some skills.

He has been in the position of lieutenant of the third squadron for two years. It's not because he doesn't make progress, but because he hasn't fought a big battle, he really can't accumulate the military merit needed for promotion.

You can only wait for three years according to the normal process until the unified promotion is a small step.

A lieutenant who doesn't want to be a captain is not a good lieutenant.

Even if the captain is dead, there are still two lieutenants waiting in line.

So, the two discussed without speaking, and the reinforcement lieutenant generously lent one of his squads to the other party.

Participated in so many sweeps, but also encountered a hard nut to crack.

But in front of the elites of the Invincible Imperial Army, the Eighth Route Army had no chance of victory in the end, absolutely no chance of victory at all!
It's just that there are more and fewer people who escaped.

A devil who can be a lieutenant must have a lot of battlefield experience.

Lieutenant Jia felt that this time the battle with the Eighth Route had not won an overwhelming victory. The most important point was that the Tuba Road had always firmly grasped the terrain advantage from the beginning to the end.

In battle, the commander should make arrangements according to the actual situation of the opponent!

The heavy firepower of the imperial army has limited effect in the dark night, and the key to victory is to make the opponent's reliance useless.

Therefore, Lieutenant A agreed to arrange for two teams to detour through the green gauze tent!

Didn’t you sneak attack on Tuba Road just now along the green gauze tent? Now I will detour a little further to join the commando team that just sent someone to report and launch a fatal attack on the rear of Tuba Road.

At that time, the main force will attack from the front, attacking from both sides, and the battle will be over!

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