under fire

Chapter 1526 Turning the field battle into a sneak attack campaign

The second lieutenant Guizi who was attacking in the green gauze tent was very annoyed.

His subordinates had obviously surrounded the group of Eight Routes, but they were still thrown a wave of grenades by the Eight Routes, opening a gap in the encirclement he had finally arranged and then fled.

Let the subordinate squad pursue it. After being hit by two landmines in a row, the eighth road ran away early and disappeared, so the pursuit had to be terminated.

Hearing from the guard post in the green gauze tent that the Eighth Route Army had all been expelled from the green gauze tent, and the battlefield had calmed down, he led the team back in disgrace.

After leaving the green gauze tent, the wounded were settled, and just after eating a rice ball, they received an order from their immediate superior, the lieutenant: lead the team into the green gauze tent again, and encircle the west eighth road from the north.

After listening to the lieutenant's battle plan with head held high, the whole team immediately prepared to implement the new battle plan.

Reinforcements A squad temporarily strengthens him.

There are more than 100 subordinates, well, there are many subordinates, and they are full of confidence.

The second lieutenant was also unambiguous, giving lectures before starting the battle.

Nothing less than to be loyal to Tianhuang and fulfill responsibility for the empire.

He also reminded the small team leader who has been strengthened that after entering the green gauze tent, when it is inconvenient to communicate with each other, everyone must work together to act according to the plan and work hard for the next success.

The reinforcement second lieutenant didn't think it mattered.

With more than 50 warriors under his command, he has been chasing and fighting the puppet army. He even saw the shadows of the Eight Route Army, and there were almost no casualties among his men.

The attacking team from the east of the green gauze tent suffered a lot of casualties, but it had nothing to do with him.

On the battlefield, luck is also part of strength.

He hadn't personally experienced what it was like to be beaten by the Eighth Route Army, and he didn't know how shameless the gangsters in the green gauze tent were.

In his eyes, no matter how good the Tuba Road equipment is, it is still Tuba Road.

In this world, why would Tubalu dare to compete with the warriors of the Imperial Army who had 120 rounds of ammunition on their belts and grenades of astonishing damage on their chests?

He felt that he would be able to defeat the Eighth Route Army.

Whether it is sudden or round, the most important thing is to find the target right now.

Isn't it just a sweep?
And even engage in such a big swearing-in meeting.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly.

The advance of the imperial army attacking in the open land to the south does not seem to be going smoothly.

It has nothing to do with him.

Pull out the map and start researching.
At this time, Balu was on the west side, and if he led so many people around, he would definitely be spotted by Tubalu, who was good at arranging eyeliners.

At that time, the devil will know how fast those Tubalu who run faster than rabbits will escape
After a while, he led the team to set off proudly.

The green gauze tent that can't be seen at a glance, the scale of the troop mobilization of the two teams is not large or conspicuous.

After entering the green gauze tent, the two devils and second lieutenants walked side by side, each walking through the gap between the sorghum fields.

The long formation of earthworms, the distance between the two teams is sometimes far and sometimes close.

The devil observers in the line counted the steps to judge how far north they had gone.

The leading ones are still the devils' vanguard, who occasionally exchanged passwords with the guard post hidden in the green gauze tent.

After traveling north for nearly a mile, the team turned east along a ditch.

The Ninth Battalion battlefield guard post hidden in the green gauze tent quickly discovered this group of devils.

Hurry up along the ditch and run eastward to report the news
The news continued to be sent to the girl.

Liu Yuanqing, who couldn't keep his eyes open like Hu Yi, was listening to the reporter's report with his ears up.

In my heart, I kept arranging troops according to the battlefield situation, and pointedly suggested that Xiao Hongying adjust the deployment of troops.

According to the girl's idea, the devil came from the Qingsha tent again, and directly adopted the style of waiting for the rabbit.

Soldiers come to block it.No difficulty.

The little girl didn't ask Liu Yuanqing's opinion, and Liu Yuanqing didn't bother to speak.

When Xiao Hongying decided to pull all the troops from the western defense line to the green gauze tent in the north to ambush, Liu Yuanqing immediately objected: "Hey, if you take people away like this, the right wing of the main battalion will be completely exposed to the devil's gunpoint."

"Ten birds in the forest are worse than one bird in the hand. Concentrate your forces to attack this group of short-sighted guys first, and then defeat the future enemies one by one!" Xiao Hongying studied with Instructor Lin a few days ago, and the words burst out of her mouth Also started to become advanced.

Liu Yuanqing was stunned for a moment, this girl is good at speaking.

Seeing that Liu Yuanqing hadn't spoken, Xiao Hongying continued to babble: "Probably plan, the team will face the enemy in reverse shape, with heavy firepower in front, the vanguard squad will first plant a large mine, then retreat about 20 meters to the east to ambush, the devils will come to the ditch two Ambushes with three light machine guns on each side, and when the devil's vanguard approached the mine, they would shoot with rifles in the front line first, and with the urination of the little devil, he would definitely attack aggressively and conduct fire reconnaissance after being beaten."

Liu Yuanqing was terrified when he heard that!Finally couldn't help but said: "Are you a fool when you think of a devil? If you kill the devil's vanguard head-on, he will definitely spread to the two wings."

"Let's spread out, just get hit by machine guns on both wings"

Liu Yuanqing shook his head: "After the devils' forces are dispersed, the large landmines laid in advance are useless. The attacking devils and the soldiers ambushing on the north and south flanks will directly evolve into a jungle battle. If the fortifications are not arranged in advance , with the fighting power of devils, do you think we can beat devils?"

"Devils unfold? Do you think I have two heavy machine guns and a dozen light machine guns for display?"

"Don't forget, the devil is coming along the ditch now. When the light and heavy machine guns are fired, the devil will make ordinary people lie down in the ditch. Let alone your heavy machine gun, even if you are given a heavy artillery, who can you hit? Let's talk."

Speaking of this, Liu Yuanqing suddenly sniffled his nose, and his face changed drastically: "Hey, why does it smell like garlic again?"

Xiao Hongying was stunned for a moment: "Could it be that the little devil hit gas bombs again?"

"No, devils are inhumane, you have to leave quickly!"

Xiao Hongying had just arranged for the battle, and had to retreat before it started, she was unwilling: "Isn't he afraid that the gas bombs will hurt them?"

"They have gas masks, listen to me and hurry up." Liu Yuanqing hurried.

"The poisonous gas is very faint, we won't die even if we stay for a while longer." Xiao Hongying sniffled her nose vigorously: "Pull the bandage to cover mouth and nose, ready to fight!"

"Then be careful." The little girl was so bold, Liu Yuanqing knew she couldn't beat her, so he hurriedly yelled and carried his soldiers away.

There is nothing wrong with Liu Yuanqing's approach of carrying the wounded away before the battle.

"Ten thousand hands, you will be responsible for fighting the devils head-on later!" Xiao Hongying began to arrange manpower to ambush the battlefield.

"Decree!" Wan Baxi really wanted to leave here like Liu Yuanqing. He had already fired all the grenades before, so at this moment, he could only use the machine gun team to ambush.

Listening to those two singing me and you, completely treating the battlefield as a child's play!

Is this going to confront the devil head-on?

It was obviously a field battle, but this girl seemed to want to fight a mobile battle with ambushes and sneak attacks.

Liu Yuanqing, who was bouncing up and down on the stretcher, could hear a black thread, and was almost overwhelmed by the anger of these two.
If the little devils are so easy to fight, can the soldiers of the national army be driven away like rabbits by them and lose most of the Central Plains?

Both sides of the battlefield have vigilance and reconnaissance. It is very difficult to sneak attack without anyone noticing.

The distance to the eight-way defense area was getting closer and closer, and the two second lieutenants gathered together to mutter.

After a while, the two lieutenants reached an agreement.

It is still an ancestral tactic: divide the troops to outflank the two wings, and the frontal infantry advances with bayonets.

Six crooked sub-machine guns walk on both wings to form a cross-echelon firepower, cutting the battlefield ahead!
On the front, the grenadier group is concentrated and compiled into a heavy firepower group to prevent possible machine gun fire points from the eight routes.

The second lieutenant grinned grimly. In his perception, even if there was an ambush on the eight roads ahead at this time, it was absolutely impossible to survive under such an arrangement.

The attacking team quickly dispersed as planned.

This is called, crushing with strength.

It only needs to suppress the advance step by step, and exert maximum fire suppression on the Tuba Road in front.

The infantry would stab those Tubalu who were pressed to raise their heads to death one by one.

Make a tentative attack first, and launch a full-scale attack after determining the location of the eight routes.

Before encountering the eighth road, keep advancing in this formation until it hits the eighth road.

At that time, the teams that spread out one step ahead to outflank the two wings had already formed an encirclement against each other.

There seems to be a garlic smell in the air?
Neither lieutenant paid any attention.

I thought maybe some elite was hiccupping after eating garlic.

Mustard gas bombs are highly classified, and the two second lieutenants are not yet qualified to know the details.

The leading soldier felt that his body had been slammed.

He fell straight back to the ground.

I couldn't help but feel a little fortunate that I hung Beipacking sand on my chest to prevent black guns, and finally achieved the desired effect.

It's just a shot in the sandbag, no big deal.

The devil who was guarding him by the side immediately shot back.
The two sides officially took up the fire.

Second Lieutenant Guizi hurriedly shouted: "Proceed according to the plan, don't rush in."

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