under fire

Chapter 1527 The more prepared you are, the longer you will live

The moon was dark and the wind was high, Wan's thin face lying on the sorghum field was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The faint smell of garlic in the night wind seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and itching began to appear in the nasal cavity.

The devil's poisonous gas is really powerful, so far away, and wearing a gas mask, it is unbearable to smell just a little bit of it, and I raised my hand to press the gas mask tightly on my face, and finally felt more at ease.

He carefully felt the slight tingling from the sorghum leaves swaying in the night wind across his neck.

He raised his leg and kicked the grenadier gunner protruding beside him into the pit: "On the battlefield, curiosity will kill you!"

The figure under the gas mask was somewhat blurred.

"Hey, I just want to see it," the gunner, who retracted his head into the darkness of the ditch, whispered.

"Heideng is blind, look at a hammer"

"I have a hammer!" After the gunner finished speaking, he took out a pointed hammer for railway patrol from his backpack and swung it.

"Shut up!" Wan Baxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"That. Liu Yuanqing said that the devil is releasing poison gas again."

"It's okay, a little poisonous gas can't kill people"

"That's true, otherwise the devils wouldn't dare to come out of the poisonous gas."

"Put on the gas mask quickly."

"Does that thing really work?"

During the conversation between the two, the soldier who went out for reconnaissance hurried back: "The devil is coming! The distance is about 50 meters."

"Pay attention to concealment, put the enemy in before fighting"

A large number of devils walked through the sorghum field, the sound of military uniforms rubbing against the sorghum, and the sound of footsteps hurried.

"Rifle team, fight!" Wan Baxi gave an order in the darkness.

Bang bang bang.
More than a dozen rifles fired first.

The same typing actually has many meanings. After the gunshot, the commander's order may not be quickly transmitted to the soldiers' ears.

Whether it is a rifle or a machine gun that starts to shoot, tacit cooperation is required in the middle. Eight-way training is not as good as devils, and misunderstandings often occur.

Fortunately, the Ninth Battalion has a lot of veterans, and almost all the grassroots commanders have participated in the war with Hu Yi.

Combat missions will be assigned before the war, and the sequence of firing rifles and machine guns will generally not be mistaken.

As for whether the orders issued after the battle can be resolutely carried out, God knows.

There is a high probability that they are fighting on their own
This is also the reason why many Eighth Route Army commanders herd sheep directly after the battle started.

Because, by that time, the commander's order is likely to have changed before it reaches the grassroots commander.

During this time, the commander may have personally charged into the battle with a machine gun, because he had no choice but to guide the team's attack direction!

It is similar to relying on the commander-in-chief flag to direct the attack direction of various ministries in the era of cold weapons.

The devils at the head were shot in the face. Although they had expected that the Eighth Route Army would ambush in the green gauze tent, several devils still had their chests blooming.

Hearing the gunshots, there were only a dozen rifles.
It seems that there are not many troops on the Eighth Route!
Sergeant Cao, the leading soldier of the devils lying in the ditch, immediately made an effort to organize the devils to climb out of the ditch, preparing to fight back.

The three devils in the front opened fire with rifles, and two devils threw grenades. The squad used the machine gun team to establish a machine gun position, and quickly fired to suppress the counterattack.

chug chug.
Da da da.
The Devil's machine gun team had just fired to the east, and the two Czech light machine guns ambushing on the flanks fired at the Devil's machine gun at a [-]-degree angle.

The muzzle flash of the machine gun is large and the target is obvious.

Not to be outdone, the machine gun group of the devil's rear team set up on the flanks immediately suppressed the machine guns ambush on the eighth route.

Occasionally killed by machine gunner bullets
Both sides have hidden firepower, and when the opponent's machine gun fires, the hidden machine gun will immediately suppress it.

The machine gun rang, and the devils fell to the ground on the spot.

Seeing that the enemy is not fooled, Wan Pai no longer cares about the distance of the target, let alone where the enemy is.

Pulling the crooked light machine gun in front of him and firing directly, holding the trigger and not letting go, the machine gun roared happily, and a rain of bullets poured forward in an instant, until the barrel was empty.

"Fight back! Shoot!" The reinforcement second lieutenant was furious, and drove hundreds of puppet troops to run without hurting a few, but was suddenly attacked, causing casualties to more than ten devils under him.

The devils are well-trained, even if they are suddenly attacked, the team is not in chaos.

The light machine guns placed on the two wings followed and fired back to suppress firepower.

The scale of the battle was small, and the intensity of the gunfire even far exceeded that of the open field.

Observers heard that the firepower of the Eighth Route Army was not weak, and those machine guns were still outside the two wings of the imperial army.

In other words, the imperial army entered the eight-way ambush circle!

He kept yelling.

The second lieutenant in charge is also a ruthless man, he knows that Balu is good at ambushes.

This is similar to the tactics used by the imperial army to encircle the anti-Japanese elements.

The imperial army has suffered a lot.

The staff has formulated many anti-ambush tactics, the most important of which is to concentrate forces to attack one point.

It is the same reason as the eighth route was surrounded by the imperial army and concentrated its forces to find weak points in the encirclement to break through.

As a result, the devils who had just dispersed began to gather in a hurry again, and the fire team fired wildly at the two wings in the sorghum field on both sides of the ditch, providing cover for the devils who were about to make a frontal assault along the ditch.

Throwing projectiles fired back at the start.

Boom boom boom.
The grenade fired by the devil's grenade exploded one after another in the green gauze tent.

Slowly, the number of machine guns joined by both sides reached twenty or thirty
From time to time, the machine gun is silenced, and the bullets are added to the bullets
All of a sudden, machine gunfire rang out in the green gauze tent.

Bullets rained down, and countless sorghum poles were broken and flew randomly.

It was no longer possible to hear how many light machine guns were firing at the same time.

On the contrary, it was the rifle group that fired first, and the rifle bullets no longer whistled above their heads.

According to the plan, the frontal attack killed the devils and the pioneers caused chaos, and the landmines were set off after the devils came up in large numbers.

However, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the devil commander is very experienced in the battlefield. After being blacked out, he didn't become ashamed and angry like he used to be when he was beaten, and he directly pressed forward.

Instead, they fired at the eight-way desperate machine guns in ambushes on both wings.

The shooting level of the Devil's grenadier is not boastful. Continuous shooting will directly silence many eight-way machine guns.

The ammunition of the Ninth Battalion was seized by several consecutive ambushes. Although it was similar to the one brought by the strong wind, it could not withstand the consumption of large-scale battles.

Wan's thin grenades and high-explosive grenades were almost used up, and Li Xiang who came back added some more.

Seeing that the devil who had been beaten up did not attack desperately as expected.

The ambushes' machine guns slowly stopped firing.

The Ninth Battalion originally planned to save some ammunition to hide their firepower.

But in the eyes of the second lieutenant Guizi, who had raided countless times, he thought that the eighth road must be short of ammunition.

Three shots and eight shots, well-deserved reputation.

It is even believed that the firepower of the eight-way machine gun may be knocked out by the grenadier or that the machine gunner moved his position after being killed, which is unknown.

Seeing that the Tuba Road machine gun had been fired, he dared not fire.

The two second lieutenants who took a conservative attack quickly ordered the team to spread out, and then pulled into echelons to search and attack in a crushing formation.

At the same time, send someone out of the green gauze tent to send the location coordinates to the lieutenant behind, asking for artillery support!
Being poorly trained means not being tactically flexible.

For example, when the machine guns installed on the two wings are covering and shooting, they must not fire at the front.

Because that would hit the back of the charging warrior.

Ballistics cannot point straight ahead.

The gust of gunfire gradually faded away.

The observer who had been listening to the devil's gunshot and footsteps with his ears pricked up to judge the enemy's position suddenly opened his throat and shouted: "Here we come, the little devil is here."

"Don't worry, before the shelling, the little devil won't be all over the place!" Wan Baxi lay in the ditch, muttering to the gunner who acted as his assistant shooter to load the magazine bridge into the magazine.

The gunner stared at the stars: "Careful, when can I shoot grenades?"

"Wait for the infantry to charge after the devils shelled. Mancang and Li Xiang's heavy machine guns fired at the same time, and then fight." Wan Baxi shook the machine gun again.

Mortars are far more lethal than grenades, but they are almost useless in close combat, far less effective than grenades.

Not far away, wooden boards had just been laid on the hastily built heavy machine gun positions, and Mancang was instructing the soldiers to stack sandbags on the boards: "The little devil shot the grenade very accurately, the more prepared we are, the longer we will live. "

The soldier next to him muttered: "But, platoon leader, these planks don't seem to be very strong. If they are blown down, then we must not be buried alive?"

"Then go to Li Xiang quickly and ask for a vent hole for the barrels of two scrapped machine guns." Mancang nodded in agreement with the soldier's suggestion.

"That's not what I mean. I mean, if you add a few poles underneath, you won't be afraid of being bombed by the devil's grenade."

"Where can I find a pole here?"

"Hey, isn't there a stretcher, can't we just tie a few stretchers together?"

"Then what about the wounded?"

"Either we have nothing to do here, or we are buried alive. Anyway, we can't be treated as wounded."

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