under fire

Chapter 1528 The ancestor who played tricks

The devils who took the offensive took the lead in an assault, advancing continuously under the cover of light machine guns.

The light machine gun fired left and right, and for the first time, they were all around the frontal attacking devil infantry, and they were only a little short of hitting the devil.

There were sporadic counterattacks ahead.

Without saying a word, the devil's vanguards threw all the grenades westward wave after wave.

In the dim sorghum field, there were dozens of consecutive explosions, flashes chasing the soul, shocking the gods.

The flying shrapnel, like the dust falling from the rain, is misty with gunpowder smoke and dust.

There were screams of horror from all over the place, and the sporadic sound of rifle fire.

The reinforcement lieutenant, who has always been arrogant, immediately judged that most of the eight-way machines are now misfired, and it must be that the ammunition of the guns is about to run out.

It is human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong.

What are you waiting for?
Immediately ordered grenades and machine gun fire to suppress, and the warriors charged in stages.

Be sure to wipe out all the Tuba roads that dare to ambush the imperial army in front of you!

The distance between the two sides is not too far.

If the devil runs fast, he can face Mancang face to face in half a minute.

Relying on the hastily made bunker, Mancang took only three soldiers to hide in the bunker, and a squad of soldiers was calmly hiding in the east of the bunker.

The squad leader told the veterans in a low voice, be careful not to panic the militiamen who have not been replenished for a long time.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, let's shoot over, the little devil still has two eyes."

But, squad leader, my hands are shaking and I can't control them.
It's okay, anyway, your marksmanship is stinky, maybe you can fool the devil with your trembling hands.

You can't see the enemy when the black light is blind, pay attention to aiming according to the shooting method mentioned earlier, and shoot at the flashing place in front of you according to your feeling.

I don't understand how to arrange so many recruits in such an important position as the heavy machine gun position.

You know what a fart, this place attracts the devil bullets the most, and it must be the devil grenadier focusing on the target
You mean, let them be cannon fodder?
Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, to grow on the battlefield, you must go through the tempering of blood and fire.

I understand, the machine gun positions on the two wings, the devils dare to come and face the enemy on three sides, plus that large mine, this place is the safest place.

Two consecutive high-pitched whistles sounded suddenly amidst the whistling of the devil's bullets.

In the field of Gaoliang, several voices yelled one after another: "The first devil is twenty!"

Immediately, the trigger of the heavy machine gun was fully pressed.

Tom tom tom.
The trajectory of the heavy machine gun pulled in the line of Japanese skirmishers advancing side by side, breaking countless sorghum poles one after another.

The eight-way heavy machine gun that appeared suddenly returned fire, and the intensive gunfire from both sides reverberated with the sound of grenade explosions.

20 meters distance, the best distance to throw a grenade!
Numerous grenade fuse rings that had been uncovered earlier were torn off, and then flew into the air.

Just wait for the delay to end and the projectile will break and fly freely.

The sudden sound of heavy machine gun shooting from the Eight Routes immediately attracted the attention of the Devils grenadiers and the machine gun team, and immediately interrupted the fire coverage in front of the Devils assault team directly in front.

Instead, he started shooting grenades at the simple bunker.

Boom boom boom.
There were frequent explosions and flashes of light near the bunker.

The sandbags piled up with two layers of sacks were the first to be blown up into dust, and the smoke, gravel, and sand filled the air instantly.

Not to be outdone, the time-delayed grenade rang loudly among the devil crowd.

In the darkness of Gaoliangdi, which was originally dim, there was a bloody rain everywhere, and nothing could be seen.


In the south, in the north, light machine guns roared at the top of their lungs.

The dark bunker seemed to be on the surface of a stormy river, the ground trembled, and dust was thrown into the bunker from time to time.

Mancang, who was wearing a gas mask, continued to press the trigger, and the flames continued outside the small shooting holes.

The scattered devils were not stupid, and immediately lay on the ground after the heavy machine gun fired.

The explosion of the grenade caused the ground to shake, and the ground shook violently.

Listen to the gunshots, you will be attacked on three sides!

Which bastard said that the eight-way ammunition is insufficient?
Look at the cheerfulness of this fight, the cunning Tubazan must have hidden his firepower earlier!
The sergeant coughed and yelled at his warriors to find cover and build a line of defense on the spot.

The Devil's machine gun and the grenadier team are the focus of the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion.

Most of the machine guns and rifles fired fiercely at the vicinity of these two positions.

The thrown grenade also rushed to these two positions.

The distance between the two sides was more than [-] meters, and the devil did not charge for the first time.

On the opposite side, Wan Baxi poked his head out of the pit: "No. 11, No. 12 position, fire a chemical bomb!"

The devils found that the eight-way shooting always stopped after a while, and guessed that the eight-way was indeed short of bullets. Anyway, the shooting did not attract many counterattacks.

The devil lying on the ground felt that it seemed quite safe, and began to raise his gun intermittently to fight back.

The green gauze curtain filled with gunpowder smoke could hardly see Wang Zhi.

Such an environment is not suitable for combat at all.

The full platoon in the bunker began to suffer as the Japs grenade grenadiers were all drawn to him after his heavy machine gun started firing.

Although there were no casualties so far, the air circulation in the bunker was not smooth, and the inhalation of excessive gunpowder smoke immediately caused lung discomfort.

At this time, the distance from the enemy was more than [-] meters. According to the previous plan, the mine should be sounded!
At that time, there is a high probability that the devils who suffered heavy casualties from the bombing will retreat!

The battlefield seems to be intense, but it is actually just the first encounter with the opponent by a vanguard of the devils when they are on the offensive.

It's just a pity that many people are destined to lose the next encounter.

Unless to another world.

Balu was really good at fighting guerrillas, and a dozen light machine guns fired at the heavy machine guns that fired tracer bullets from time to time.

The devils in the green gauze tent on the right side of the ditch were crushed to the ground by the ballistics of the machine guns. The second lieutenant immediately ordered his sergeants, with the surviving devils, to try to copy the enemy's flanking machine gun positions.

As a result, just before running 20 meters to the south, he immediately bumped into the eight-way pistol team.

directly disabled.

Seeing that the casualties began to develop in an uncontrollable direction, several chemical bombs exploded around him.

Smelling the familiar smell, the second lieutenant's nose was crooked!
Capsize in the gutter!

In the Gaoliang land, it is not a wise choice to entangle with the Tuba Road to fight for casualties.

The reinforcement second lieutenant didn't care at all that retreating from the battlefield would face the risk of demotion.

But, if I can't even save my life, am I still here to fuck?
In order to restrain the firing of the eight-way machine gun, the reinforcement second lieutenant immediately issued machine gun cover. Amidst the shouts one after another, the devils began to gather the soldiers' bodies and retreat.

No matter what kind of samurai spirit you have, you will be afraid when you really face death, and devils are no exception.

After receiving eight heavy blows in a row, the reinforcement second lieutenant gave the order to retreat.

However, he did not inform Xiong Erlang's colleagues
The big dog was lying on the sorghum field on the south side and shooting black guns at the crowd of devils: "Why don't you see the flashes of the devils' muzzles, so prick up your ears and listen carefully to the enemy's movements!"

"The devil is retreating on all fours. We can't even see the enemy's shadow. You are wasting bullets like this!" The commando leader of the main battalion next to him held up his pistol, hesitated for a while, but still did not shoot.

His heart ached, he didn't even see the shadow of the devil, it is estimated that at least [-] bullets were lost in this wave.

"Why can't you pick up thousands of bullets on the ground in a while?"

The commando leader was taken aback, and shook his head: "Pick up bullets? Thousands of rounds, you can really imagine, how could the little devil carry such ammunition."

"This wave of devils won't die for thirty or fifty years. I and your surname are Wang."

A devil carries one hundred and two bullets, but this captain Wang knows: "According to what you say, then our bullets...will continue to shoot more and more?"

"Hehe, our Ninth Guard Battalion doesn't have an arsenal. Do you think these bullets came from the strong wind?"

"You mean... seized from the enemy?" The commando captain and the soldiers next to him looked at each other, the gunpowder smoke filled the air, and nothing could be seen clearly except for the outline.

After a while, the sound of light and heavy machine guns whizzing overhead stopped immediately, and even the sound of rifle shooting began to become sparse.

After a while of murmurs, the three-man commando group that was supplemented by the main force rushed out of the ditch and crawled into the smoke and darkness.

Wen Wuquan whispered: "Hey, I said you are too wicked, right? You let them clean the battlefield?"

"What the hell are they cleaning the battlefield, this time it seems to be beating hard, the thunder is loud and the rain is little, the little devil is not beaten hard, and the corpse will definitely be taken away. Those three guys will probably not get anything when they go there."

"Then you still say."

"Wait a minute, listen to it, it's time for that big mine to go off"

"I don't understand. The devils have hit us right under our noses. Why haven't the mines sounded?"

"The devils are scattered now. If the mines are fired, only a small number of devils will be killed. The nearby devils will only be blown out of their wits. It will be different when he retreats."

"Why is it different?"

"When we gather the wounded soldiers, do we want to gather them together?"

"It seems to be the case, but there is no guarantee that the place where the little devils gather is exactly where the landmines are buried?"

"Didn't you notice that Li Xiang's heavy machine gun didn't fire?"

Wen Wuquan suddenly realized: "You mean, Li Xiang... even Li Chang went behind the devil?"

"That's right, when the time comes, wherever we want the devil to go, we will concentrate our firepower in the opposite direction."

"Drive the devils to the place where we planted the mines, hehehe." Wen Wuquan, who kept up with the big dog's rhythm, had a smirk on his face.

"Play tricks, the little devil has to call us our ancestors..." The big dog didn't have any joy on his face. In the face of the absolute strength of the devils, he had almost concentrated all the light and heavy firepower of the Ninth Battalion, and he still couldn't achieve an overwhelming advantage over the devils.

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