under fire

Chapter 1529 Dancing in Poison Gas

Chapter 1529 Dancing in Poison Gas

The green gauze tent lies across a ditch running from east to west.

North branch canal.

The smell of gunpowder, blood and garlic permeated the air.

Just broke the necks of two devil guard posts.

Li Laosan, who was in charge of reconnaissance, immediately lay motionless in the ditch.

After a while, slowly crawl west again.

He turned his head and asked the correspondent who had been following him: "Did you hear that? The devil doesn't seem to respond. Tell me. Did the ghosts on our side also withdraw?"

"You wait here, I'll go over and have a look!" The correspondent slowly stretched his neck and looked west. The smoke-filled night was blocked by sorghum branches and leaves that were broken and fallen on the ground. It is estimated that he could only see four or five meters away. .
Li Laosan suddenly muttered: "Don't probe, something is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Master Dao smells devils!"

The correspondent chuckled: "You can really blow!"

Li Laosan suddenly raised his foot, kicked the stretched-necked correspondent into the ditch, and said in a low voice, "Get down! Don't make a sound!"

Behind him, there were several muffled thuds, and the squad that followed Li Laosan as cover fell into the ditch.

Although there are almost no soldiers among the soldiers led by Li Laosan, they all believe in Li Laosan.

Believe it or not, Li Laosan's fist is as big as a casserole.

No one refuted his order.

The correspondent who got kicked rubbed his kicked leg and turned his head and asked dully: "Master San Dao, what's the matter?"

Li Laosan looked serious: "Throw a grenade, right forward, 15 meters!"

"Ah? Where is the devil really?"

"Shut up, Master Ben! Whoever talks again, I'll beat him to death!"

The second lieutenant of the Devil's Assault under Xiong Erlang has always considered himself brave, and he has never abandoned his companions on the battlefield.

It was not once or twice that he was ambushed by the eight routes, but in the end, almost all of them ended up in the escape of the eight routes.

Only this time, it seems to be very different from before.

Because the reinforcement second lieutenant who was attacking with him suddenly ran away.

Surrounded by grenades, light and heavy machine guns, sorghum poles were devastated beyond recognition.

The broken sorghum stalk leaves exude a sweet and clear fragrance, and what's more, there are pungent whistling smoke everywhere.

Moreover, the gunpowder smoke seemed to be different from before, and the strong smell of garlic followed, and the second lieutenant felt a little itchy in his nasal cavity.

Stretching out his hand to pick his nostrils, there was a slippery feeling on his fingers.
Based on experience, it is definitely not snot. Could it be that I just dig and dig so gently to get a nosebleed?

The idea that something was wrong in my heart became more and more intense.

Turning his head to look, in the blurred gunpowder smoke under the moonlight, most of the nearby subordinates had gauze balls ripped from the emergency bags stuck in their noses.

The second lieutenant's breathing became heavy and strange.

But I can't figure it out at all.

A certain hard object flew over the green gauze curtain and hit a certain steel helmet.

The fragments of the explosion stirred up broken earth and scattered sand with a wave of heat, knocking down the second lieutenant who leaned forward.

The pig's brain was hummed and lost in the darker space of gunpowder smoke.

Da da da.
The light machine gun in the north suddenly rang
The dizzy second lieutenant was lucky not to be hit by shrapnel.

The opponent's light machine gun had a very low ballistic and fired very trickily. He could clearly hear a few muffled grunts from his subordinates.

It's the eight-way fire reconnaissance, the second lieutenant thought so.

Before the scouting devil came back to report, he didn't rush to give the order to fight back.

After being beaten, Balu tried his best to fight back. The well-trained warriors were different. Before the commander gave an order, they all lay on the ground and waited silently.

The devil who took off the grenade didn't even dial the safety pin.

The eastern section of the same ditch.

south side.

The garlic smell seems to be getting stronger.

Li Laosi walked through the green gauze tent with the commandos who had been supported by the main force.

Like a ghost.

One by one, the devils' guard posts had their necks broken.

The newly learned bird language is becoming more and more proficient. Of course, after repeated repetitions, there are only a few words of bird singing.

In fact, he knew very well that if his voice reached the devil's ears, it would definitely arouse the devil's suspicion.

However, he was only used as a bait to attract the attention of the devils, and it was the commandos who did it.

It is said that those few people used to be famous players on the Cangzhou Road!
In the occasional whistling rifle ballistic whistling sound, the sound of large footsteps gradually emerged.

The sound of clothes rubbing against sorghum blades became more and more clear.

Getting closer.

Hush, huh, huh, as if flowing from the west.

There were countless heavy panting, moaning, coughing, and sneezing sounds.

not far away.

Lying in the ditch and staring up, Li Xiang tore off the gas mask, his nasal cavity immediately itched.

He quickly reached out and pinched his nose forcibly, suppressing the sneeze he was about to sneez.

Sweating all over and not being able to sneeze is really uncomfortable.

Unable to open his mouth to breathe, he suddenly found that his entire mouth seemed to be tingling, a bit like chewing half a catty of chili dry.

cough cough cough.
Finally, he coughed, and the outstretched hand couldn't cover it at all!
"Fight!" The platoon leader lying next to Li Xiang hugged the fire without saying a word.

Tom tom tom.
Against the backdrop of heavy machine gun muzzle flashes.

A shadowy black figure appeared in the green gauze ahead.

A few devils froze in the green gauze tent with their backs bent, forgetting to get down.

Subconsciously raised the gun to fight back.

Is it behind you, okay?

The retreating army of devils encountered a sudden attack, and the leading devils blocked the bullet. After a short period of confusion, most of them lay down on the spot and raised their guns to fight back.

A battle is different from an attack during a march. According to the regulations, a password must be called immediately to confirm whether the opponent is one of our own, and then we will organize a counterattack.

The hearts of the devils were already in their throats, and the Tuba Road in front of the ambush had a Maxim heavy machine gun.

I didn't expect to have it behind me!
It is absolutely certain that it is not the imperial army.

The devil's second lieutenant lying on the ground was so frightened that he didn't even dare to breathe. Fortunately, without his order, the well-trained warriors had already started to fight back.

The rifle light machine gun grenade was thrown at the flashing ball without thinking.

It doesn't matter whether the distance is 30 meters or 40 meters from Ben's throw.

The team retreats, the front team becomes the rear team, and the formation will not be adjusted for a while.

Hit the tom first.

Tom tom tom...

The sound of heavy machine guns did not stop behind the simple cover.

Followed by.


Da da da…

Two light machine guns each started firing.

The grenade thrown by the eight roads finally started to ring after the delay ended...

The grenade thrown by the devil exploded near the heavy machine gun.

The distance between the two sides was not far. If the green gauze tent hadn't blocked the line of sight, the enemy's grenade launcher would have been able to shoot.

The eight-way heavy machine gun position will definitely not ring out for half a minute!
The sound of the heavy machine gun finally stopped, maybe it was bombed, maybe it was transferred for other reasons...

The machine guns used in the eight-way ambush finally turned into rifles, and the impact points were scattered around the devils, causing a cloud of dust to rise up.

By this time, the devils finally organized a decent counterattack.

Rifles, light machine guns, and grenades began to return fire alternately in an orderly manner.

The reinforcement second lieutenant didn't even dare to blink, and shouted firmly to cheer up the shooting men.

The accuracy and density of the eight-way shooting of the ambush is very poor. As long as the current momentum of suppression is continued and the advantage on the battlefield is maximized, the warriors will charge to end the battle at that time!
The second lieutenant's opponent also had the same idea.

It is best to inflict casualties on the enemy, and it doesn't matter if you can't kill the devils. Most of the devils are now in the middle of the mine's killing range.

The big dog led a dozen soldiers around in the green gauze tent.

In front of the devils, Balu is the weak side.


The sentry commando watched the devil lying motionless not far away. He had been lying here and watched carefully for nearly 10 minutes, his brows were deeply frowned. The devil's lying still meant that the arrangement was likely to be a waste of time. field.

The situation is not optimistic.

The impact points were scattered around the second lieutenant of the devil, and the dust and mist jumped up.

The second lieutenant who was crushed in the main ditch had a different idea. The guerrilla tactics of the eight routes were exactly the same as what was said in the textbook.

The enemy and the enemy are in close combat, and the defensive side has the upper hand!
Unless the firepower is strong enough to be easily crushed by strength.

Warriors have been sent to request artillery reinforcements before the trip.

Unfortunately, the second lieutenant had no idea.

It is as difficult as the heavens to accurately hit the firepower point of the eight-way heavy machine gun for the Heideng blind fire mortar
(End of this chapter)

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