under fire

Chapter 1530 Cangzhou Road

Chapter 1530 Cangzhou Road

The attack in the open to the south did not go well.

Tuba Road relied on its geographical advantage to defend and fight to the death.

The roundabout men in the north did not attack well, so they sent people back to ask for artillery support.

Explosions flashed from time to time in the Qinggaoliang field in the north to the east, and Xiong Erlang's lieutenant was in a bad mood.

The sound of the Maxim heavy machine gun is unique, there is no clear shooting parameters in the dark, and there is no problem with the artillery support. Where is the mortar hitting?
The Tubalu Balu heavy machine gun position seemed to be behind the two attacking teams, carrying heavy machine guns around the battlefield, and Balu's tactics made him puzzled.

The two sides got together, and if the artillery covered the fire at this time, it was very likely that they would hurt their own people.

He is hesitating whether to send another team to reinforce.

A bolt of lightning shines on the moonlit night... uh... a ball of lightning lights up in the green gauze curtain.

There seemed to be a sudden gust of wind blowing in the green gauze tent.

"My boy!" Li Laosan turned around and ran away in panic.

The devils in Goubei lay motionless on the ground, several attempts to attack failed, and the invincible Comrade Hongying skillfully used the big killer: land mines.

The ten thousand soldiers who commanded from the east of the town directly let the soldiers detonate the landmines.

Although only half of the devils entered the explosion range, it was better than no devils.

After the mine exploded, quickly clean up the battlefield before the devils in the north of the ditch reacted.

Then they all withdrew eastward, and she didn't care how many devils could be killed.

Countless sorghums were blown down, forming a large circle that was not regular. The inside and outside of the circle were bloody and bloody, with missing arms and legs and internal organs everywhere.

The commandos who swept the battlefield with joy vomited to death.

No one knows how many ghosts were killed.

There is really no way to count.

In the green gauze tent, there are eight roads spreading ducks to the east everywhere.

cough cough cough.
Coughing sounded everywhere in the green gauze tent, and many soldiers inhaled the poisonous gas.

"After the first break, separate from the devils immediately!" In the open ground, the main battalion heard the loud noise from the north, and began to retreat southward into Gaoliang land in an orderly manner.


Park Buhuan has complicated feelings for Jiuying.

He is not from the Republic of China, but he also loves the Republic of China.

Because he regards the Republic of China as his ancestor.

Moreover, the Republic of China moved the capital to Chongqing, and his country also moved the capital to Chongqing.

Now that the two brothers in the ancestor's family are fighting, it is a family matter, and he doesn't want to mix it up, but if the little devil dares to mess up the things in the ancestor's house, it is absolutely not allowed.

I have no regrets in throwing my head and blood for the land of my ancestors.

Park Buhuan led the team to Tokyu.

Others do not believe that the self-governing army guard battalion can surround the devils.

He believed.

Not too far from the battlefield, the team stopped.

The number of people is too small, and reinforcements are useless.

Therefore, he directly ordered the team to spread out in a line from north to south, and set up sentries on the big and small roads in the green gauze tent.

Catch everyone who runs east and west tonight.

This was done to cut off the connection between the devils and the puppet army and the autonomous army.

The messengers sent by the third brigade and one regiment of the self-governing army that went east to reinforce the devils have been captured.

I heard that it was from the Eighth Route Army, the messenger had no bones at all, poured beans into the pen holder, and confessed all the news he knew.

It's a pity that what these messengers have learned is really limited.

Then, several hundred puppet troops rushed out from the green gauze tent.
Park Buhuan had to run away with his men.

Not long after, the soldier in charge of security rushed over: "Report, Crazy Yang is here with a guy."

It is human nature to report good news but not bad news. The face-saving Xiong Erlang Department did not truthfully report the battle situation to the Devils Division Headquarters through the radio.

The two brigades were dealing with nearly a regiment of the Eighth Route Army, but the Japanese division headquarters didn't take it seriously.

The Devil Command accidentally received a farewell message from the captain of the Qinghe County Garrison Squadron.

In other words, Tuba Road attacked Qinghe County.

Then, the Eighth Route attacked the imperial army in the green gauze tent in the south, naturally to lure the security brigade stationed in Qinghe County to go for reinforcements.

Apparently, Eight Routes used a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

And already succeeded.

It's a pity that it is too far away from the battlefield, and it will take time to send reinforcements.

So, a certain spy thought of a trick.
The elite agents of the newly established North Special Police were ordered to sneak into the vicinity of Qinghe County to investigate the situation.

Many years ago, the devil had sent intelligence personnel to sneak into all walks of life.

In today's world, even though Qinghe County is under the rule of the imperial army, elites who have sneaked into various industries are still lurking in secret to deal with those anti-Japanese elements.

With the support of the garrison, the Devil's intelligence personnel developed rapidly and recruited troops everywhere.

A few days ago, even the main forces of the Eight Routes were driven away.

On the path between the Gaoliang fields.

A group of men in black appeared.

There are three people in the lead, and the one who walks in front has a vigorous pace.

"Brother, how dare he do anything to the devil?"

"This world is not peaceful, don't meddle in your own business"

"Then what are we going to do?"

"If you don't understand the situation, how can you explain it to your superiors?"

"Is it necessary? When the time comes, send the brothers who are arranged in the puppet army or find an eyeliner to the Eighth Road to inquire about it?"

"Hehe, do you think Balu's words are reliable, or the little devil's words are reliable?"

"Eh, the Eighth Route soldiers are not tired of deceit, and the little devils like to exaggerate, and their words are not accurate."

"You have to remember that the Japanese will perish sooner or later, and now the Eighth Route Army is the top concern!"

"I don't understand. That woman has no fucking skills. The superior is blind to let her be the deputy station master."

"Don't underestimate women, you look like Wu Sangui, isn't he just planted in the hands of women?"

"There are countless things in the play."

During the conversation between the two, a loud noise suddenly came from the east, and the earth trembled.

I can't hear the actual distance, anyway, the sound is very scary.

"The little devil used heavy artillery!" The man in black frowned.

The subordinate was a veteran soldier, and immediately shook his head: "Brother, it doesn't look like shelling, but I think it's a bit like explosives."

"Balu is fighting the devils so hard, we don't have to go east, just wait here, just send a few brothers to have a look."

A man in black bent his little finger, put it in the blower and whistled violently.

A group of men in black followed in the darkness, and the leader stepped forward and shouted: "Brother!"

The big brother in black raised his hand and pointed to the east: "Lao Liu, take a few brothers immediately and spread out to the east to find out the situation."

The man in black named Lao Liu immediately distributed work to his subordinates waiting beside him.

More than ten people got into the green gauze tents on both sides of the path and disappeared.

The Shangfeng mentioned by the big brother in black is not at all an anti-Japanese element of the Nationalist government who sneaked into the enemy's rear.

But an out-and-out devil spy.

Unfortunately, these days, no one can see clearly whether the other party is still hiding a secret after revealing his identity.

The group of people who suddenly appeared on the road, Pu Buhuan who was hiding in the green gauze tent frowned and thought.

The two shell guns at his waist are full of fifty rounds.

Listening to the conversations of these people, the other party is obviously a member of the military barrel.

Those guys in the military barrel are not all greedy and fearful people who do whatever they can to sabotage and assassinate behind enemy lines.

However, these guys are loyal executors who provoke internal strife.

Eight ways to fight devils, these guys are holding back.

To kill these guys, he didn't think he had any problem.

In the end, he decided it was better to teach them a lesson.

He gestured to Zhang Xiaodao, and the two of them each held the shell guns in their hands.

Slowly approach the three darks squatting on the edge of the green gauze tent.

"Who!" The movement made by Yang Chengzhi and Zhang Xiaodao walking through the green gauze tent attracted the attention of a shadow: "If you don't come out again, shoot!"

"Sixth brother, it's my Cangzhou knife"

"Cangzhou is four hundred miles away, you can't impersonate anyone, dare to impersonate."

"Don't move, hand in your gun and don't kill!"

Soon, seventy or eighty black shadows came out of the green gauze tent, and the black shadows who went to the east to check the situation first walked in front with their heads drooping and their hands raised.

(End of this chapter)

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