under fire

Chapter 1531 Enslavement

Chapter 1531 Enslavement
The eight-way ambush succeeded, and the devils in the reinforcement team were almost wiped out. The leader of the assault team didn't even dare to pursue.

The battle seemed to be over hastily.

Each unit gathers and counts the number of casualties. There are quite a few devils who can speak Chinese, so it is necessary to strictly prevent devils from sneaking into the team.

We all know that after the battle, the first thing to do is to take care of the wounded.

The team scattered ducks during the retreat, and the main force and the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion were not familiar with each other.

The bodies of the sacrificed soldiers were carried on the stretchers, as well as those lightly or severely wounded who were in a coma and whose brains were bandaged so that it was impossible to tell who was carried by the medical team.

It was not easy to regroup for a headcount.

A large number of captured but no excitement, no one to brag about each other, all immersed in the sorrow of the sacrifice of comrades-in-arms.

The soldier in charge of statistics was getting more and more busy. Behind him, the soldiers who followed flicked on their flashlights from time to time to confirm one and immediately ticked off the roster with a pencil.

Soldiers who were not registered... and those who were not seen by their companions were preliminarily determined to be missing.

The names ticked off the list in the little book hardly ever add up.

The numbers of disappearances and sacrifices are approximate, which is shocking.

Crazy Yang, Zhang Xiaodao is suddenly on the list
Li Laosan and Li Laosan's four dog-leading teams were broken up, and they were on guard between the Xiangbeiqing gauze trails.

If someone goes north, they will be arrested first and then questioned to confirm their identity.

And prohibit anyone from going south, before dawn, a full martial law will be imposed on this area.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no trace of the devil's pursuit...

The Eighth Route Army fought fiercely with the Japanese. Qinghe County, where the Japanese heavily stationed troops, unexpectedly fell. All forces wanted to know the progress of the matter.

In black clothes, black pants, black hat, black gloves, and a black figure with a black cloth on his face, he climbed over the city wall and sneaked into Qinghe County without a sound.

There is a long black cloth wrapped on his back, and the bulging under the left armpit should be a pistol holster.

Judging by the quick movements of the man in black, he should be a strong man in his thirties.

Climb over the wall, walk quickly in the dark, and focus on the compound in front...the seat of the county office.

Observe carefully.

Two Eighth Route fighters stood at the gate, on the courtyard wall and the roof of the courtyard, and people probed from time to time.

Obviously, the defense is very tight.

Eight people entered the gate empty-handed, while others came out in groups carrying things.

After a while, the man in black disappeared into the darkness, walked forward against the wall, turned a few alleys, and came to a compound without a little light.

Immediately there was a dog barking in the courtyard, and then the barking was stopped by the house owner.

With a creak, the door in the courtyard was opened a crack, and the owner poked out half of his face: "Who?"

The man in black lowered his voice: "Does Mr. Gao live here? Someone asked me to pick up something."

The owner of the house hurriedly opened the courtyard door: "Please come inside"

Let the man in black into the house, the owner of the house looked around the alley for a while, then closed the door, turned back and entered the house: "Hehe, you came fast enough, it looks like you have traveled a long way, right? "

The man in black lit a match, saw the master's face clearly, and then asked in a deep voice, "Are you Mr. Gao?"

"Mr. Gao is not here..." The owner of the house shook his head with a solemn expression: "What should I call it?"

"My surname is Three."

"Come here in such a hurry, what's the mission?" The owner of the house said flatly.

The man in black said angrily, "Qinghe County fell into the hands of the Eighth Route Army, what mission do you ask me?"

"Hehe, it's not my job to be a county guard."

"Baga, is this your attitude towards intelligence work?"

"You're right." The owner said in a cold tone, "I can kill you with your bang!"

The man in black was speechless: "You, well, how much do you know now?

"The Eight Routes surrounded Xiong Erlang's department and lured the county's imperial army security forces out of the county for reinforcements. Around one o'clock in the morning, the Eight Routes used Wu Shu's father, Mrs. Wu, the leader of the regiment, to fraudulently open the gate of the city, and then successfully attacked the county with the cooperation of insiders."

"Then tell me, why didn't you report the situation to the gendarmerie before the start of the eight-way operation?"

"My information was passed on to me by the gendarmerie."

"That is to say, the intelligence work you usually do did not play any role in this county attack."

"You have to understand, my job content"

The man in black sarcastically said, "I really don't understand. A county is lost, and you are still talking about your work? Or do you want to say that you are doing economic intelligence, and you are not responsible for the military?"

"If you want to say that, I have no problem."

"Do you think I can't help you?"

"Please don't talk to me in this tone." The owner of the house warned: "Also, when talking to me, you'd better bring honorifics."

The man in black lowered his voice: "The North China Front Army established the North Special Police, you won't say you don't know?"

"The intelligence department of your military is not the same system as our cabinet intelligence department. Please pay attention to your attitude."

"Okay, have you figured out the key information such as the specific number, troop deployment, firepower situation, and who is the commander of this group of Eight Routes?

The owner of the house shook his head: "No, I'm in charge of lurking, and I don't take the initiative to collect military intelligence!"

"You really have the face to speak. If the intelligence personnel don't collect intelligence, then what are you doing? Taking the salary of the empire, doing business to make money?"

"Hehehe, if there is nothing else, please go back."

"I apologize to you!"

"That's about the same, come with me!"

The man in black had a weird expression on his face. He didn't expect that the elite intelligence officers trained by the cabinet would have such virtues.

After thinking about it, he didn't dare to do anything wrong, so he got up, conveniently put a cross sword stuck under the table into his cuff, and followed the owner to the inner room.

The owner of the house closes the door, draws down the curtain, and lights the lamp.

Then, the owner of the house lifted a brick on the ground and took out a document: "This is the activity of the nearby anti-Japanese elements."

Then he took out another list: "This is the list of newly developed personnel. Remember, you must come forward to find them as an agent of the Nanjing government."

The man in black held the documents and the list and approached the light: "Hehe, it seems that your work is still quite effective."

"It's hard to say. Everyone's character and background have been investigated clearly. I hope you don't lose face."

"Hehe, Takahashi-kun, you are really talented."

"You know me?" The owner's face changed drastically.

"I suggest you don't touch the gun on your waist!"


The rooster crows twice.

The sky seemed to have begun to turn white.

The lightly wounded team that went to pick up the Ninth Battalion was carried by the villagers all the way south.

The gunfire to the south ceased.

A group of more than [-] people stopped and rested on the path in the green gauze tent.

The wounded stayed separately from the villagers.

"... Is the battle over?" A wounded man was a little uneasy.

"To say that we won a complete victory, this is too fucking nonsense."

"Based on the battalion commander's ability, it must be the landmine we planted and ran away after we succeeded."

"It is estimated that it should be like this."

"That's right."

The wounded platoon leader suddenly lowered his voice: "The situation is not quite right."

"What's wrong?"

The platoon leader's voice was a little trembling: "These villagers...have a problem!"

"What do you say?"

"We went all the way south, and we didn't meet any comrades on guard, nor did we meet a single correspondent."

"Could it be that the comrades on guard left their posts without authorization?"

"If you are put on guard, will you be off guard?"

"Unless I die!"

The squad leader of the wounded suddenly said: "The platoon leader is right, why didn't the villagers move when such a big battle took place?"

"However, these villagers are definitely not the enemy pretending to be. Devils and puppet soldiers want to disguise themselves as ordinary people. It is absolutely impossible for them to look like this."

"Everyone be careful."

"We have to rely on them to carry us even when we walk, why do you tell us to be careful?"

"That's right, they are villagers, so it's impossible for us to do anything to them, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, load the bullets and prepare for battle."

The wounded did not notice that the villagers who were also sitting not far away stared at them like wolves in the dim light.

The leading villager is making arrangements for other villagers in a low voice.

Villagers began to approach the wounded.

Bang bang bang.
The villagers opened fire first.

A few ignited black grenades smashed into the disabled team of wounded.


In the flash, the villagers' expressions were hideous.
Shrapnel flew across, and the wounded screamed.

The dozen or so wounded who hadn't been shot or suffered grenade fragments were dizzy but unambiguous, and shot with their guns raised.
(End of this chapter)

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