under fire

Chapter 1532 Official Bandits

To the southwest of Qinghe.

Guantao County.

The small bandit leader Wang Laixian quickly made his fortune by robbing the stragglers of the national army and robbing rich households and robbing caravans with a gun in his hand.

A few years ago, Shi Yousan, the guerrilla commander of the national army, was active in this area. He was afraid of being encircled and suppressed and joined the national army and turned into an anti-Japanese guerrilla. He did not work hard when fighting devils.

Later, Shi Yousan was beaten away by the devils. In order to avoid being besieged by the devils for his life, he "coincidentally" was persuaded by a certain grain merchant to join the devils instead.

It seemed that smoke was rising from the ancestral grave, and Wang Laixian completed a gorgeous turn from a bandit to the head of Guantao County and the captain of the county security brigade in a short period of time.

Digging blockades, repairing roads, repairing gun towers, collecting grain and collecting taxes, everything can make money.

I don't know its taste if I'm not in its place.

During the severe drought last year, he suddenly found that the county magistrate was not easy to be.

The main reason is that Balu transferred many old, weak, sick and disabled to Guantao County under his jurisdiction.

Those villagers who had no food in their households went to the counties under their own jurisdiction to join relatives and friends, which caused great pressure on food collection last year, and tax collection was extremely difficult.

The Tuba Road developed rapidly, mobilizing the common people to resist food, robbery, and good at assassination and rape.

Eighth Road is mysterious, and he doesn't pay attention to him as the county magistrate at all...

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no reason to prevent a thousand days from a thief.

Had to make false claims.

However, in his heart, he sincerely hoped that the imperial army could wipe out these eight routes.

A few days ago, the situation seemed to be getting better, because the eight roads, which had always been active and rampant, suddenly disappeared.

It is said that in May, the Communist Party International, the foreign backer of the Eighth Route, was dissolved.

The national army of Hu Zongnan in Shaanxi Province is preparing to destroy the Eighth Route Army that has been entrenched in northern Shaanxi for many years.

Holding the newly married beautiful concubine in his arms, he worked until midnight, when he suddenly heard the maid outside the door yelling: "The gendarmerie prince is here!"

Hastily pulled out his clothes and went out.

The gendarmerie captain who was sitting in the living room looked dark, and briefly reported the news of the attack on the fallen imperial army in Qinghe County.

Immediately ordered County Magistrate Wang to assemble his men to cooperate with the imperial army to recover Qinghe County.

County magistrate Wang was stunned: "Didn't the eighth road run away? How dare you attack the county seat?"

"Balu dares to attack Qinghe County, and may attack your Guantao at any time." The gendarmerie captain looked gloomy.

Seeing the back of the gendarmerie captain leaving in a hurry, county magistrate Wang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly recruited his subordinates.

After half an hour of work.

County magistrate Wang personally led a regiment of five or six hundred men to rush to the aid of Xiong Erlang's troops of the imperial army.

After traveling for three hours, half an hour before the puppet army fled westward, they arrived five miles east of the battlefield where the Eighth Route fought the imperial army.

The Eight Route Army and the Imperial Army had a big fight in the green gauze tent to the west. The county elder Wang was born as a bandit, and he knew in his heart the combat power of the Eight Route Army that dared to fight head-on with the two brigades of the Imperial Army.

At this time, entering the green gauze tent with guns and guns firing will definitely not please you.

As for cooperating with the imperial army to regain Qinghe County... we have to wait until the imperial army has cleared up the group of Eight Routes in front of us, and then go up when the battle is about to end...

The bandit magistrate's thoughts diverged, and he was whispering to the master next to him who had learned a lot.

Listening to the sound of guns not far away, he was not moved at all.

A black shadow came in a hurry: "Report, there is news from the lurking eyeliner that the eighth-way wounded soldiers just happen to be in the village where our brothers who are stationed in the dark are stationed."

After ten minutes.

The edge of the green gauze tent.

"Thank you!" County Magistrate Wang patted the arm of the man in black who hurried over: "What's going on?"

The man in black looked adoring: "Brother, your move is really clever. You arranged for us to disguise ourselves as villagers and hide in a nearby village. In the end, you really came here."

"Tuba Road played with the village to surround the city, I really thought we were stupid."

"Brother, Tubalu doesn't know our details, so we don't want to offend them"

"Tuba Road is a grasshopper in autumn, and it can't grow." Although the county magistrate Wang can't read a few big characters, the master next to him knows the current affairs of the past, present and Ming.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

County Magistrate Wang frowned: "Hehe, in the past thousands of years, when have you ever seen rogues do better than the officers and soldiers?"

"Kill those Eight Routes?" the man in black murmured in his heart, so didn't Zhu Yuanzhang just lay down on the Mongols?

"Tell my brothers later, everyone pretends to be brothers on the Cangzhou Road, and don't use the signboard of our county police brigade." County magistrate Wang knows it well, and he is careful to drive for ten thousand years.

The man in black froze for a moment: "How about I arrange for someone to pour half a catty of arsenic into the porridge that Balu drinks."

"Bastard, if you do this, Balu will die on the edge of our territory, do you think Balu won't suspect us?"


The gunfire and explosions that had been ringing all night in the south gradually stopped.

There was another burst of gunfire and explosions.

The He Gensheng health team set up a light and dark whistle outside the village to immediately alert: "Listen, the sound of gunfire and explosions seems to be much closer?"

"I guess we took advantage of it, the little devil is not willing to chase after him." An Shao lay on the roof.

"What we want is to be chased by devils. It's a pity that we couldn't participate in this battle."

"No, the sound of gunshots and explosions seems to be very close. Hurry up and notify the wounded to evacuate." The groans of the wounded in the village did not stop almost all night.

A few black shadows were lying on the edge of the green gauze tent.

"The double sentries on Route [-] are right there."

"Move more quickly."

Soon, three shadows circled out of the darkness, and slowly approached the dark whistle against the base of the wall.

Dark Whistle was staring wide-eyed, looking nervously at the south intersection, hoping to see the figure of the correspondent.

Suddenly, I felt a gust of wind blowing behind me, so I turned around quickly.
As soon as the neck was cold, there was a sharp pain, and the tense face immediately turned into fear.

Wanted to yell like a conditioned reflex, but unfortunately someone covered his mouth,

The severe pain continued, various thoughts flashed, the brain lacked oxygen, and the mind quickly became confused.
There seemed to be a voice reminding him, warning.
The index finger, which had been inserted into the trigger hole, squeezed with the last strength.

The crisp sound of the loaded rifle placed in front of him spread.

Then, the dark whistle thinking slowly entered the boundless darkness and seemed to hear the last conversation of the person behind him: "Bastard. You didn't first. Rip him off. The gun in his hand"

Gunshots were heard from an outpost outside the village.

He Gensheng was checking the wounded, a little confused.

The veteran inspected by him pushed He Gensheng away, endured the pain, rolled over and rushed to the door, pulled his rifle, and then yelled loudly: "There is a situation! Prepare for battle!"

This guy doesn't look like a wounded man who just took three pieces of shrapnel out of his thigh not long ago
The originally peaceful village suddenly exploded.

A certain platoon leader mobilized before fighting with a cane: "We are soldiers of the Ninth Battalion, and we live to kill devils. Although we are wounded with missing arms and legs, his grandma has a gun in his hand."

"What the hell are you talking about, hurry up and assign tasks, hey."

"Go up to the roof and seize the high point." The platoon leader waved his hand: "Grandma's company commander is not here, so I can't help myself?"

"You have the brains of a pig, how can we get on the roof like this?" Another wounded soldier on crutches rolled his eyes.

"Hurry up and ask the villagers for help."

"There are still some fart villagers, those guys have all disappeared, there must be something wrong"

The courtyard wall on the edge of the village is closely connected with the green gauze tent, and there is only a small road in the middle.

On the alley at the edge of the originally empty green gauze tent, there stood a strangely shaped black figure who had just emerged from the green gauze tent.

Look at the messy team formation.
like bandits
Luo Fugui dragged Hu Yi, who was lying on the climbing fence, and hurried northward along with the militia platoon carrying the wounded.

The vanguard at the head noticed something strange, and just came back to report that the guard posts set up were not on duty.

Immediately there was the sound of grenade explosions and intensive shelling gunfire from the north.

Without hesitation, Luo Fugui rushed into the green gauze tent while dragging the fence and yelled, "Who is that? Quickly find out what's going on in front of you?"

"Reporting to the company commander, I don't know very well, it seems that someone exchanged fire."

"The gunshots are so loud, your grandma told me it sounded like it"

He Gensheng brought the wounded to the north, and Hu Yi, who climbed the fence, kicked Luo Fugui's thigh: "The situation is not good, go around and take a look from the green gauze tent immediately!"

Suddenly there was a sound of metal creaking in the south.

A group of soldiers came up from the south on bicycles indistinctly.

As the distance got closer and closer, the guarded soldiers finally saw clearly that it was a thin artillery platoon.

Ammunition boxes were strapped across the mortar shoulder behind the bicycle.

The soldier on guard quickly stepped forward to greet him: "Careful, you guys can run fast enough."

"Where is the battalion commander?" Wan Baxi jumped off the bicycle.

"Over there." The soldier raised his finger and pointed to the dim green gauze curtain.

"You're dead? You're so close to the battalion commander, I'll deal with you later." After Wan finished speaking in detail, he trotted all the way to the edge of the green gauze tent to find Luo Fugui, who was ready to run away at any time: "Mr. Hu, I've caught up with you! I'll be there later"

Hu Yi sat on the climbing fence, his eyes hurt all the time, and he could hear the voice of thousands of people: "There must be something wrong with the wounded, and reinforcements are needed immediately."

Wan Baxi turned around without hesitation: "Battle platoon, take the gun and follow me!"

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