under fire

Chapter 1533 Guns Are Expensive

Eighth Route fled north.

Xiong Erlang climbed to the top of the gun tower that was half collapsed by the imperial army, looking at the vast green gauze curtain to the north, his eyes were full of ferociousness.

It was really painful, such a big battle damage, absolutely can't hide it from the higher-ups.

Dashi Xiong Erlang clenched his ribs tightly, hesitating a bit, whether to cut seppuku now.

A few days ago, he was attacked by the Eight Route Guerrillas posing as the Imperial Association Army, and then launched a night attack on the Eight Route hiding place. Up to now, the battle has lasted for almost four days.

It seems that the eight roads can be surrounded every time, but they are all broken out by the eight roads.

But after arriving here, he found that the green gauze tent was not conducive to attacking, so he decisively adopted a low-key defensive posture, and was surrounded by eight routes!
Moreover, because of his own carelessness, nearly half of his subordinates were killed or injured.

He couldn't figure out how there would be such a powerful Eighth Route team when the main force of the Eighth Route was clearly retreating westward.

In the green gauze tent, from time to time there were figures carrying out the remains of the warriors with torches. Those wrapped in the marching blankets were the body fragments of the warriors of the imperial army.

Throw it in the cargo compartment of the car and bang.
Bang bang bang.
Boom boom boom.
Intensive gunfire and continuous explosions suddenly appeared in the north.

Quickly raise your binoculars and look north.
The place where the gun was fired was far away, probably at least ten miles away.

thump thump.
The messenger under his command appeared: "Your Excellency, the captain of the Guantao County Security Brigade sent someone to report the situation!"

"It's the damn Imperial Alliance Army again!" Xiong Erlang scolded, "Bring him up!"

"Report to the Majesty, the Guantao Security Brigade has received an order to report to you. Our department accidentally found the Eighth Road Field Hospital for Wounded Soldiers and is organizing a siege!" The man in black who came to report the report was a little nervous.

Originally planned to marry Cangzhou Dao, but there was no need to hide it from the imperial army.

Because it is absolutely impossible for the Eighth Route Army to find out any information from the imperial army.

"I see!" Xiong Erlang waved his hand.

He has no intention of sending anyone to give tactical guidance.

The man in black who reported the news was driven away by Taijun, and he was confused for a while.

"Mr. Dashi, the Imperial Association Army's betrayal before the battle can become a scapegoat for the heavy casualties of your department." The reinforcement captain who had just climbed up to the still strong half of the turret whispered comforting words.

Nearly [-] of his men were killed or injured, so he can laugh at [-] steps at [-] steps.

If Xiong Erlang died, he would be the first responsible person when he was held accountable. As long as Xiong Erlang returned alive, he would definitely be demoted and would no longer be his opponent for being promoted to major general.

Thinking of this, I was in a good mood, and looked at the dejected Xiong Erlang who continued to persuade: "Cheer up, the casualties of the Eighth Route are not small. Moreover, we have also figured out the deployment of the Eighth Route's troops. As long as the assault team can bite this The tail of the gang, sooner or later they will be wiped out."

"I will take full responsibility for the failure of this battle!" Who is not a good person to be a captain, Xiong Erlang knows what the other party thinks, but if he can live, who is really willing to die?He's not one of those low-level soldiers with no brains.

The reinforcement captain stopped persuading, and turned his finger to point to the north: "The reinforcements from the Guantao Security Brigade have arrived, and they have already connected with the Eighth Route Army."

"The Eighth Route Army still wants to drag us around so that their ambush plan can be realized." Xiong Erlang also had ruthlessness in his heart and immediately judged the current situation with his own professional standards.

"What do you think the Eighth Route Army is playing with the Guantao Guard Brigade again?" The reinforcement captain was eager to try.

"What kind of thing is the security brigade? You don't think they will be the opponents of the eight groups?"

The reinforcement captain smiled awkwardly: "Let the Chinese beat themselves. It's actually very wonderful for us to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, don't you think?"

After the two devil captains sent people from the security brigade to report that they had surrounded the Eight Routes, they had no intention of letting their men go to participate in the offensive guidance.

If compared in terms of combat effectiveness, the Japs are definitely number one.

But on the battlefield, victory does not necessarily depend on strong combat effectiveness.

The weak can make up for the gap in strength after taking advantage of the right time and place.

Therefore, there are always some people who believe that they can defeat the strong with the weak while occupying a certain advantage.

For example, Captain Wang of the security brigade, because his subordinates accidentally found out that most of the eight roads in the village were wounded, so he thought there was an advantage to take advantage of.

As for the Eighth Route Army who are escaping north, the imperial army will definitely pursue them to the end given their dog-like temper.

Captain Wang is in a good mood.

Attacking the wounded in a village can end the battle in half an hour at most.

There is absolutely no problem in withdrawing from the battle before the arrival of the eight routes fleeing north.

No matter how this battle is fought, the odds of winning are [-]%!

As the saying goes, the brave and the timid starve to death. Almost everyone in the village has a gun.

In troubled times, guns are money and guns are wealth.

The black market price of a gun was one hundred yuan, which made Wang Daxiong, who came from a rough background, very excited.

There are more than 1 oceans lying in the village!

Underestimating the enemy means always thinking that one's own abilities can exceed those of the opponent.

The infiltration power of the Eight Routes is hard to guard against, and even he himself can't guarantee whether there are any spies from the Eight Routes under his command.

Captain Wang didn't use the manpower of the security brigade, and he didn't intend to let his subordinates continue to pretend to be ordinary people to poison.

He was afraid that Balu would find out later that his team had been there!

This black pot must be pinned to the bandits in the green forest of Cangzhou Road.

The subordinates themselves are heroes on the road, and they are absolutely familiar with doing these things. In the past, they used this hand to bring home a broken army of the national army and a wounded barracks.

County Magistrate Wangda personally commanded: feigning a frontal attack, outflanking the two wings, followed the imperial army to sweep through, and still learned a few tricks.

So, Dong Mian made the first move.

Outflanked by the north and the south, the number one general under his command, Cangzhou Yihu, personally went into battle and led the heroes to attack from the west of the village.

There is no such thing as taking the overall situation into account when bandits enter the village.

Even under the guidance of the instructors of the imperial army, after entering the village, he still subconsciously slipped into the dark and stuck to the wall.

Over the wall into the courtyard to hide under the window
As for the local position, who is the main attacker and who is the cover. Isn't it great to stand shoulder to shoulder here?

If you encounter a ruthless character who fights back, how to deploy firepower. The instructor of the Imperial Army said, use grenades to open the way, machine guns to suppress, and then two wings to outflank, and the job is over!

The wounded soldiers of the Ninth Battalion in the village seemed to have strong combat effectiveness, but in fact some of them were drawn from the First Regiment of the Autonomous Army, and most of them were militiamen recruited from the Third Column.

Although the three-person team tactic is powerful, the injured soldiers have difficulty moving and cannot move quickly or even coordinate in a small area.

The observers lying on the roof quickly discovered that the night attack team attacked very well.

And they are very compatible with each other.

Keep gesturing backwards.

A certain hero who was running around like a mouse in the dark along the base of the wall, unexpectedly hit his head directly on the shell gun in the hand of the wounded man hidden at the corner of the wall.

The wounded were not polite, and released them to the shadows.

The silence of the moonlit night was finally broken.

The sudden sound of gunfire caused the heroes all over the village to crash and lie down.

Then I heard a tiger in Cangzhou yelling strangely: "Brothers, beat me to death!"

Bang bang bang.
Behind the corner door in the village, it seems that there are eight wounded people hiding.

Regardless of whether he has anyone, he will fire first and throw grenades.

The heroes thought to themselves: there are only one or two hundred people in the Eighth Route, one third of them are seriously injured who cannot move, and the number who can fight is fifty or sixty at most.

Absolutely most of the Eighth Route Army have limited mobility. As long as their location is determined by firing a shot, they will never be able to run away.

"Machine gun, fire me." Cangzhou Yihu, who led the main attack, yelled at his opponents without hesitation.

The machine gun team was unequivocal and quickly set up a gun ladder, sent the machine gunner to the roof and handed over the Czech light machine gun.

The machine gunner swings the machine gun tripod to pull the trigger, and first sets a flashing position to pull the trigger.

da da da da da da da...

The very rhythmic three-point shot suppressed the trajectory and hit the courtyard wall not far away from the flash, piercing soil and broken bricks, and continued to fly, entering the courtyard, entering the house, breaking windows, breaking doors, splashing soil, and flying debris.

Immediately there was a lot of creepy noises in the yard.

The muzzle of the gun continued to shine, shining on the roof of the boss for a moment.

Obviously, the Heavy is definitely a veteran.

It's a pity that the veteran was very unlucky and ran into some ruthless characters who had been training for several days.

The wounded soldier, who had a leg wound and was sitting half-closed between the window and the door, quickly leaned forward after the machine gun ballistics tore through the window.

Raising the gun, he aimed fiercely at the position of the continuous flash.

Carefully observe the left and right swing range of the machine gun, and calculate the approximate position of the machine gunner's body based on the length of the butt.

Before his eyes were about to be flashed by the muzzle flash of the machine gun, he finally pulled the trigger.

The muzzle flashed fiercely.

A bullet came out of the barrel steadily, flew a short distance, and clicked into the face of the machine gunner who was shooting wildly.

The wounded soldier quickly shrank his head after firing.

After going to the roof and lying near the machine gun, the heroes holding the shell gun found that someone shot back and killed the machine gunner.

So what are you waiting for, let's fire up immediately.

So the window where the shot was fired and the earthen walls around the window suffered.

The sound of bullets penetrating the wall and going through the window continued to be chaotic, and it felt like the sound was hundreds of times.
"Hey, when we go to dig the warheads on the wall at dawn, I think we can dig up a catty or two," the slightly wounded man muttered proudly.

At this time, he was lying on the ground, and he was not worried about the machine gun bullets that could penetrate the wall and penetrate the lower half of the brick wall foundation.

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