under fire

Chapter 1535 If you don't leave at this time, you are a dog

There were constant gunshots and explosions ahead.

Hu Yi was lying on a stretcher and walking in the middle of the team.

The correspondent came back to report that the vanguard team was one mile away from the village.

There are gunshots, which means the battle is not over.

The wounded in the village were still resisting.

I let out a sigh of relief.

When he came back to his senses, he began to think about the origin of these enemies.

Cangzhou Road?I have heard.

In the early years, he used his skills to act as a escort, look after homes and nursing homes, and occasionally used his passion to rob the rich, give to the poor, or help redress the injustices of the wronged people.

Later, the warlords in the Central Plains fought in chaos, and the world was in chaos. They began to work as thugs for the rich and rich, or did some illegal business.

Generally speaking, they are basically poor people.

After the Japanese came, some bandits were forced to surrender at gunpoint and became traitors.

They're just bullies who bully the weak and fear the strong.

If you dare to break ground on the Eighth Route Army, you must pay the price.

Is thinking.

Bang bang bang.
Countless bullets flew out of the sorghum fields on both sides of the road.

An ambush was expected.

The leading trio of fighters fell to the ground without moving after being shot.

"Concealment!" Wan Baxi, who was following him, yelled and rushed forward, the crooked light machine gun in his hand was not even able to stand firmly on the tripod, and then it rang.

The soldiers lying on the ground next to them raised their rifles and fired blindly at every bright spot in the sorghum field beside the road ahead.

Chug tug tug. Bang bang bang.
The sound of returning rifle fire was accompanied by the sound of crooked light machine guns.

The difference between a veteran and a recruit may be only one second, and at this second, the situation on the battlefield is instantly reversed.

The bandits used pistols against machine guns, which was an unequal exchange of fire.

"The wind is tight, screaming" Even though the bandit soldiers hid in the sorghum field and launched an ambush, they were directly stunned in the face of the strong firepower of the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion.

Boom boom boom.
A series of grenade explosions were unexpectedly heard from the ground in Gaoliang.

Wan was stunned for a moment, the soldier next to him just took out the grenade, it seems that he hasn't dropped the bomb yet, right?

After thinking about it for a moment, I immediately understood that the bandit soldiers who were ambushing them on the opposite side were seriously inexperienced on the battlefield.

When he opened fire, he exposed his position, then was suppressed by the quick-response machine gun fire, and subconsciously found cover on the ground, and then suffered heavy rifle bullets.

Caused the grenade to pull fire, because none of the bullets could be thrown out.
For He Gensheng.

This is an extremely difficult defense battle.

At the gate of the courtyard, I looked out from time to time, feeling at a loss.

The situation on the battlefield was completely one-sided, not just because of the huge difference in troop strength.

The most important thing is that the attacking enemy tactics are not bad.

Greet the wounded soldiers hiding in the dark with grenades.

When the machine guns on the enemy's roof rang out again, the outskirts of the village had completely fallen.

Outside the yard where the seriously wounded were lying, a grenade exploded violently.

The sound of the explosion was getting closer, and the slightly wounded had already started firing molecular bombs at the seriously wounded lying in the yard.

No glory bombs!Because, the few remaining grenades are all given to the minor wound numbers that resist the enemy's attack.

The slightly wounded man in charge of the guard, whose arm was injured, gritted his teeth and winked at the two soldiers next to him.

He Gensheng was struck by wind in the back of his head and received a sharp blow.

Then, two soldiers with limited legs and feet desperately supported He Gensheng and threw him into the cellar in the corner of the house.

Cover the wooden boards and lay a layer of bricks to make it level with the ground. After a paper tube rolled into a yellow paper tube was inserted into the seam of the wooden boards, the two soldiers quickly pushed the floating soil next to the cellar mouth onto the wooden boards and spread it evenly.

If you don't look closely with a torch, it's hard to find.

A grenade was thrown into the courtyard amid the shouts of bandit soldiers everywhere in the village.

The soldiers lying in the courtyard to prevent the enemy from throwing grenades quickly grabbed the smoking grenades and threw them outside the courtyard.

The grenade that relied on the fuse to burn and delay exploded suddenly.

Shrapnel flew in all directions, and there was a chaotic sound accompanied by screams.

Another four or five ignited grenades were thrown into the yard one after another.
The soldier who had just thrown the grenade didn't think much, just grabbed the grenade on the ground on the right and threw it out.

He didn't care about the grenade on the left at all, he knew very well that he could only throw two grenades thrown by the enemy at most.
The soldier's body was overturned and rolled twice on the ground, twitching continuously.
More than [-] bandit soldiers quickly built a ladder, and it seemed that they were going to climb over the wall and enter the courtyard.

The heads of more than a dozen bandits protruded from the wall.

Bandit soldiers are not stupid, everyone knows that the moment when the probe is the most dangerous
Bang bang bang.
As expected, there was a burst of intense gunfire from the house in the yard.

"Is what I said true?" Cangzhou Yihu shouted proudly: "You can use a hat to trick people into shooting. Brothers, climb over the wall immediately!"

Most of the shots fired in the yard were rifles. To shoot, you have to pull the bolt to eject the shell and then push the bullet to load. It takes time!
The bandits and soldiers in troubled times have some knowledge of martial arts, and it is easy to climb over this kind of low courtyard wall.
dong dong dong.
Those who landed with good skills stood upright and raised their guns to open fire on the doors and windows in the courtyard.

Part of it rolls forward on the ground to prevent the people in the house from shooting black guns
On weekdays, he does such things a lot, and his movements are quick and smooth.

Bang bang bang.
Several standing bandits were immediately shot and fell to the ground.

A bandit soldier looked unwilling. Wasn't the gunfire coming from the room too fast?
It seems that there is no pull bolt at all!

I blame myself for standing up like a mallet after landing to show off the limelight. If I roll forward like those wastes that I usually look down on and can hit two with one hand, I probably won't get shot
One thing he never figured out was that the Eighth Route Army had hidden firepower in battle!

Because, when the bandit soldiers surround their opponents, they generally rush forward.

Otherwise, when you enter the house, you will rummage through the boxes and cabinets behind, and all the good things will be snatched up by others.
After entering the courtyard, bandit soldiers with high kung fu were shot to death one after another.

The weaker ones were frightened.

Another bandit soldier held his head in his hands, this is so fucking scary!

I just felt bullets flying over my head one after another, taking Hun'er away.

He hugged his head. Instinctively thought that his arms could block bullets, like when practicing Hunyuan Kungfu on weekdays, if he raised his arms to block his head, he could directly break the thick wooden sticks thrown by his fellow trainers!
As for the shell gun held tightly in the hand, the muzzle of the gun is pointed upward and it is swinging above the head in a pose.
This man was shot in the back, and the bandit subconsciously opened his mouth to cry out, "My dear mother."
The next round hit him directly in the head.

Before entering the courtyard, the two bandit soldiers who rolled over to the millstone stretched out their arms and went straight to the direction of the house.
Bang bang bang.
Directly hit the short position
Cangzhou Yihu outside the courtyard wall just poked his head when a bullet was fired from the room, directly knocking over his beloved black top hat
His scalp was still hurt by the strong wind caused by the bullet's piercing, and he quickly shrank his head.

After being stunned for a while, he came back to his senses and was furious immediately: "Throw a grenade and blow up those muddy legs!"

"Second brother, there are still our brothers in the courtyard," a bandit soldier reminded carefully.

Cangzhou Yihu thought about it, and it seemed to be the case. He raised his eyes and turned around, raised his hand and pointed at the yard that he hit four times: "Give me the roof and fire enough to suppress it, and then throw grenades into the doors and windows of the houses in the yard. Remember it for me, if anyone doesn’t throw it in the yard, I will definitely peel his skin after returning.”

The training is not over yet
A black figure ran out of the east alley of the village, panting and shouting: "Brother Hu, it's not good, Eighth Road is calling from the south."

"How many people came from the Eighth Route Army? What did eldest brother say?"

"The county magistrate said quickly. Clean up the battlefield and withdraw immediately." The messenger ordered the bandit soldiers to be out of breath.
A tiger in Cangzhou stood up and listened carefully. The gunshots coming from the south were as dense as firecrackers during the New Year.
Three guns and eight shots are not terrible, but eight shots are not afraid of death, they are all masters who want to bite their opponents before they die.
Most of the eight roads in the village have been killed, and it is estimated that there are hundreds of guns already in hand!

I have made a fortune and haven't gone to the kiln to find two girls, so I will continue to fight Ba Lu here, only a fool would do it!

If you don't go at this time, you are a dog!

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