under fire

Chapter 1536 Over 8% casualties!

Chapter 1536 More than [-]% casualties!
The Eight Routes in the yard fought back tenaciously.

Cangzhou Yihu had already given up and shouted loudly: "Throw a grenade and kill those mud-legged people."

Boom boom boom.
Smoke billowed out from the doors and windows of the house.

in the cellar.

The violent shaking on the top of his head woke up He Gensheng, who was lying in a coma in the cellar.

He subconsciously covered the back of his head and was about to moan when a pair of big hands covered his mouth: "Don't make any sound!"

He Gensheng was a little puzzled. From the painful voice, he could tell that it was a seriously wounded man whose abdomen had been torn apart by shrapnel.

"Where are we?"

"In the cellar." Another voice came from the darkness.

"Before you came over, the squad leader threw us into the cellar, causing my wounds to be stretched right after I sewed them up. When I get out, I will definitely ask him to settle the score." The wound on the thigh was more than a foot long, but he spoke without pausing.

"Where is it stretched, let me see." He Gen murmured.

The explosion finally stopped, but it was still ringing in my ears.

Before the gunpowder smoke cleared, Cangzhou Yihu yelled at his men to enter the yard to clean up the battlefield, and tore away the eight-way rifle that had fallen at the base of the wall, and some bandit soldiers carried away the corpses of the bandit soldiers who died in the yard.

The bandit soldiers are all veterans of snatching things. After a whimper of wind, they ran northward within a few minutes.

in the cellar.

He Gensheng pulled out the bandage that he carried with him, and bandaged the wounded wounded.

Except for the sound of breathing, the cellar was peaceful.

Suddenly, there seemed to be gunshots ringing overhead.

The gunshots were getting closer, and more and more sparsely.

After a while, the gunfire finally disappeared completely.

The air in the cellar was even more cloudy.

More than a dozen people were breathing slowly and quickly.

The gunfire ceased completely.

There was no movement in the room above.

The wounded were very upset.

I was praying in my heart, praying that the wounded who remained in the village would lift the board above their heads and say, "We have won!"

"There are a lot of people in the yard!" A wounded man pressed his ear against the earthen wall of the cellar, listening to the slight sound of footsteps.

No one dared to stand up rashly and lift the wooden board above their heads.

Dawn, gunpowder, bloody, tragic
A voice cried outside the hospital, shouting weakly: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu does.by does this," he said, "Is there anyone alive?"

The voice drifted into the yard, followed by a loud call: "Company commander, there are more people here!"

"Where is it?" Luo Fugui's angry voice spread: "Alive?"

"38st, [-]nd, [-]th company commander, the [-] corpses are all our wounded"

"Grandma, have you seen He Gensheng?"

"I guess. It's in the house. That's his cowhide medicine box." The soldier raised his finger and pointed to the house whose roof was blown down. At the door of the house, there was a white circled red cross on a Japanese-style medicine box that was crushed by the beams.

The soldier pointing at the box couldn't help howling: "Wow!"

The roof had collapsed and the cellar was compacted.

The conversation in the yard did not reach the cellar.

At the entrance of the village, the correspondent wiped away the red eyes from crying: "Report to the battalion commander, there are more than 100 wounded in the village. None of them have been spared so far!"

Luo Fugui led the soldiers and almost turned the village upside down.

The corpses of countless wounded were carried to the entrance of the village to dry food.

, appearing next to the wellhead fire.But there were still screams from time to time in the village, which made Hu Yi a little puzzled.Finally, the soldiers who silently covered the body of their comrades with a white cloth heard the sound of banging in the room.
"There is a cellar!" A soldier wiped away his tears and rushed into the ruins frantically.

It’s hard to say whether there are good people in troubled times.

The sixth child was not in the mood to reminisce about the old days with Zhang Xiaodao: "We have always been with you on the Eighth Road, and we have to forgive others and forgive others!"

Zhang Xiaodao hesitated for a long time: "You show up here in the middle of the night, you have to say something, right?"

"Everyone is their own master, if you have the ability, stab me in the chest right now!"

A darkness rushed over, whispering next to Pu Buhuan's ear.

Pu Buhuan pulled the rifle from the hand of the soldier next to him, pulled out the bayonet and put it on with a click.

With a puff, the bayonet plunged into the sixth child's abdomen: "Is it true that I dare not stab you?"

Zhang Xiaodao stared dumbfoundedly at the struggling sixth child lying on the ground.
Another bayonet stabbed into Lao Liu's back, and Lao Liu's eyes were full of disbelief.

He swallowed his last breath with his eyes wide open.

No sound.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Xiaodao was full of anger, and directly pulled out the shelling gun, aiming at what he wanted to say.

There was a crashing sound, and more than a dozen rifles were all pointed at Zhang Xiaodao.

"Half an hour ago, 180 wounded from the Ninth Battalion were killed!" Pu Buhuan said with a gloomy expression, "If I hadn't seen you with Yang, I would have stabbed you together!"

"Why?" Zhang Xiaodao slowly squeezed the trigger with his index finger.

"The offal on Cangzhou Road, sneak attack on the wounded soldier's village! We sent the wounded No. 210 to the rear, 34 people survived!"

The old eldest brother made a sneak attack on the Ninth Battalion Wounded Soldiers Village?

Zhang Xiaodao's mind was buzzing, and he raised his arm and lowered the shell gun in his hand.

Slowly relax the index finger, feel the tension in the legs, and Guan Guan is furious, his eyes are turned white, and he falls directly to the ground.

Looking at the corpses all over the grain drying ground, Xiao Hongying's heart trembled, and her eyebrows were pulled into balls.

From the looks of it, she was already on the verge of breaking out.

No matter who it was, the team that managed to get together was attacked by bandits and suffered heavy casualties!
This matter is definitely not over!

Except for He Gensheng who was buried in the cellar and the dozen or so wounded, all died.

Although most of them are recruits.

But the few backbone veterans lying on the ground, as long as there are people, can hold up a row at any time!
The soldier who was digging a hole nearby came to carry him, and Xiao Hongying finally returned to normal from the sluggish state of extreme anger.

He raised the rifle in his hand and prepared to fire a shot to see off the fallen soldiers.

"Stop!" Li Xiang, who had been standing next to the girl, was so tired that he could only open his eyes occasionally. When he saw the girl raising his gun, he quickly grabbed the rifle: "The devil is not far away, waiting for the body to be collected, and we will go."

"I can't swallow this breath"

"We'll wait until the battalion commander's eye injury heals before we can talk about anything."

One after another, the bodies were carried into the big pit dug in the east of the village.

Around the big pit, there were soldiers with flat chests and marching salutes, with black cloth wrapped around their arms and military caps under their armpits.

Tears filled eyes.

In the green gauze tent, the sound of chaotic footsteps.

Leading soldiers cleared the way, accompanied by a large number of people.

Cangzhou Yihu, whose real name is Zhao Haichen, was walking in front of the team. He was originally a guerrilla member of the Northern Anti-Japanese Alliance and was well versed in the guerrilla tactics of the anti-Japanese team.

Unable to bear the pain of being kicked out by devils all day long in the ice, moon and snow in the north, he left the team and sneaked back to his hometown to vote for County Magistrate Wang.

Originally planned to find Balu to join the army again, but he didn't expect that Balu didn't pay much attention to him who came back from the north, and even wanted to investigate his past.

In anger, he left the Eighth Route Army again and found connections to join the county security brigade.

After several sweeps, his years of battlefield experience stood out and attracted the attention of County Magistrate Wang.

Originally, County Magistrate Wang had no intention of reusing him as an outsider.

Later, the Eighth Route Army came calling, and he planned to make a move in the dark to leave a way out.

Looking for candidates is going to secretly pull out a team that is directly under his orders.

It suddenly occurred to me that Zhao Haichen would fight a guerrilla, isn't he drowsy and meeting a pillow?

With the care of the county magistrate Wang, Zhao Haichen quickly got along well in the security brigade.

At present, he has been promoted to the post of captain of the fifth squadron of the security brigade.

"Get rich!" A bandit soldier looked at the well-maintained shell gun in his hand and couldn't put it down.

"I didn't expect the Tuba Road wounded to have so many good guns!"

"If it weren't for the fact that most of the eight roads are wounded, it is estimated that it would be very difficult for us to succeed."

"Fart, if it wasn't for making Cangzhou Road a scapegoat, a pack of arsenic would have done the job."

Zhao Haichen looked proud: "Hey, Tubalu is nothing, I can destroy his entire group by myself!"

The subordinate smiled obsequiously: "Brother Cangzhou Yihu is not called for nothing!"

"Our elder brother is a hero of the world. A few days ago, we killed more than a hundred Eighth Route guerrillas in a surprise attack, and this time we killed almost two hundred more." There is no shame in flattering elder brother.

"As long as these eight roads are killed, the area around the canal will be our brother Wang's territory in the future. If you eat delicious food and drink hot food, you will fall in love with someone's woman."

"Brother." The speaker covered his face and knelt down directly, with a horrified look on his face: "I was wrong, brother, please spare me, I don't dare to do it anymore."

"Do you still remember what I said? The adulterer dies!" Zhao Haichen smiled smugly and his face darkened.

"I'm just saying, I've never been strong, and I just visit the brothels on weekdays."

"Break off a finger!" Zhao Haichen pulled out a sharp short knife and looked around: "Listen carefully, if anyone can't control that guy in his crotch, I'll cut it off for him."

(End of this chapter)

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