under fire

Chapter 1537

After the devils came, the people in the Central Plains were in dire straits.

Young people have to ask relatives and friends to worship boxers, and learn Kung Fu with two hands and three legs to defend themselves and guard their homes.

The devils and puppet troops requisitioned rations, and they seized strong labor to dig and block ditches to repair gun towers.

Many people ate their last meal without eating their next meal, and they may starve to death at any time.

Looking at those rich people who are well fed and warmly dressed, they will naturally be jealous.

Simply distinguish the rich from the good or the bad, rudely think that the poor are good people, and the rich must be bad. If you are not bad, how can you be rich?

After years of wars between warlords in the Central Plains, there are countless guns hidden among the people.

As a result, many people took risks on dark and stormy nights, killing the rich and helping the poor with guns in their hands.

After tasting the sweetness, I found that not only will I not go hungry, but the money will be paid quickly.

Well, what kind of crops do you want to do business with, and you can just do business without money?
Everyone knows that only a thousand days of being a thief does not mean a thousand days of guarding against thieves. In order to protect their property and avoid being robbed or kidnapped, the rich fight against these wandering heroes.

I had to buy guns and bullets to raise a group of people to look after the home.

The strong laborers who could have worked have been put into housekeeping and nursing homes.

Seriously affect the production order in the countryside and destroy the rural self-government system.

Someone in a rich family has a gun.

Single-handed rangers are incapable of attacking rich families.

If you can't grab something, you will starve, and slowly start to huddle together to keep warm.

The one with the large number of people occupies the mountain and becomes the king, relying on the large number of people to rob and kidnap people.

I don't want Luocao to call himself a heroic person and continue to make trouble.

Bandits are rampant, and the rich are not allowed to invest more money in housekeeping and nursing homes.

Moreover, the power of the family is not strong, and the wealthy people in the neighboring villages began to unite and organize militias to fight against those lawless bandits and green forest heroes.

The militia groups in various villages began to develop and grow. The militia groups did not have numbers, but they had to give themselves a prestigious name.

As a result, all kinds of sects that rose up gradually became popular.

Zhao Haichen has been to school, knows kung fu, and is not stupid.

After traveling north for nearly twenty miles, I finally saw the village where I grew up.

Duanhou's subordinates rushed to report: "I didn't find that the eight roads were chasing after me."

Wealth and honor do not return home, like walking at night wearing brocade clothes.

Zhao Haichen looked at the village in the distance, he knew very well that in troubled times these days, being in the limelight can die quickly.

Only by keeping a low profile can one live for a long time, so he didn't let his bandit soldiers go back to the village with him.

I thought about bringing two trustworthy brothers back to my hometown to have a look,

When they were three miles away from the village, Zhao Haichen gave an order in a stern tone: "Rest here, no one is allowed to run around!"

After working all night, the bandit soldiers immediately dispersed as soon as they entered the green gauze tent, three in a group, five in a group and lying on the ground to sleep.

The sorghum field in the morning is quite cool.

After clearing the guard posts and traces of entering the sorghum land, and after everything was arranged properly, he took his two confidants to the village by detour.

Over the past few years, devils have been running rampant, grabbing laborers everywhere and sending them to the mainland of the island country to do coolies.

Every year, the puppet army will be brought to loot.
As a result, the population in villages with large tracts of land is not prosperous.

If it weren't for the arrival of a large number of refugees who fled last year, the village would have been empty.

Many villagers who escaped didn't know Zhao Haichen at all, let alone Zhao Haichen's real identity. They were not afraid at all when they saw the kind-faced young master of the Zhao family appearing in the village.

A skinny, white-haired aunt leaned against the door of the dilapidated low courtyard. Looking at her body, she might be blown down by a gust of wind.

He was tremblingly greeting Zhao Haichen: "Master Haichen is back?"

"Hello Seventh Aunt, you take these two Guangyang..." Zhao Haichen was generous and directly gave out two Yuan Datou.

Although the Zhao family was in decline, their ancestors had a family of Juren, and the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse.

Seventh Aunt's eyes lit up, her hands didn't shake her legs, and she quickly reached out to take it: "I knew the young master was capable."

Zhao Haichen walked quickly to the outside of a high-walled courtyard that had been burned by fire, and kicked open the temporary fenced gate to enter the courtyard.

Then he quickly turned into the backyard, rushed into the dark wing room, and shouted loudly: "Chun Hua, come out quickly, the head of the house is back."

There was no one in the house.

Hearing Zhao Haichen's call, a plump woman poked her head out from the firewood house: "You're a murderer, you haven't come home for so long."

Zhao Haichen trotted forward, hugged the woman into the firewood house, and threw a gold bar on the firewood stove.

Then he hugged the woman and sat down on the firewood pile: "Hey, this time I went out and made a little money!"

The woman leaned forward and picked up the gold bar on the stove, quickly put it in her mouth and took it out to see, the teeth marks made by her teeth were clearly visible: "It's true!"

After finishing speaking, the woman turned and sat directly on Zhao Haichen's lap, her full chest rising and falling rapidly: "Master, I heard that the Eighth Route Army took down Qinghe County, are you going to join in the fun when you come back at this time?"

Zhao Haichen was busy tugging at his wife's trousers: "Hey, the Tuba Road took down Qinghe County, and it couldn't be held at all. This time, our eldest brother just put Qinghe County in his pocket."

"I heard that Er Gouzi next door found a good job in Guantao County. You have been with Brother Wang for so many years, why are you still doing those shady things for him?"

"Women, you know what a fart, the rafters are rotten first, these days, if you work for a little devil, you will get shot sooner or later."

"Tch, who in this world can sit down or not? I think before the Manchu Qing Dynasty came to the Central Plains, we were not the same. Oops, we went to the wrong place."

No matter how bad a person is, he also has parents.

I have never heard of anyone jumping out of the cracks in the rocks like Sun Monkey.

Village East.

Zhao Family Ancestral Hall.

A long row of wooden tablets with black and white characters is placed on the dark mourning hall.

The spirit card is very new.

Zhao Laoxiu, who is in his 60s, is sitting in the ancestral hall.

With trembling hands, there was a shiny shell gun with a wide-open nose on the low table next to him.

The muzzle of the gun was pointing at the courtyard gate.

Outside the open gate of the courtyard, Zhao Haichen was sticking to the wall outside the gate, looking at the two wide open gates under the morning sun with some trepidation: "Uncle, don't be stubborn, your way of governing the world won't work."

"I told you to study more, but you fucking followed Wang to throw devils and sell your ancestors for glory, so that the ancestral hall of your ancestors was burned by the little devils. Unless I die today, you don't even want to enter the ancestral hall."

"You think I really want to enter this ancestral hall? If I hadn't been surnamed Zhao, I wouldn't have come to this ancestral hall even if I was killed."

"My poor second brother, why didn't you strangle Xiao Zi to death when you were born."

"You bastard, what right do you have to call my father?"

"You dare to call me a dog? You bastard." Xiu Cai stretched out his pistol, raised it, and pulled the trigger seemingly at will.

A bullet ejected from the chamber and hit the beam of the courtyard gate accurately.

Only then did Zhao Laoxiu yell: "Hurry up and get out!"

Zhao Haichen let out a long sigh, took out a cloth bag from his pocket and threw it diagonally into the ancestral hall: "These are some houses and some land deeds I bought in the city. I put them outside the door. As promised, these gold bars are not for you. Yes, it is used to build houses for the brothers and sisters of our old Zhao family."

Zhao Xiucai in the ancestral hall did not change his attitude because of Zhao Haichen's words: "A house covered in blood, a gold bar stained with souls, aren't you afraid that there will be ghosts coming to claim your life in the middle of the night?"

"Don't talk about what you have and what you don't have, remember it. In the near future, don't drink the water in the river"

"Whether I drink or not is none of your business." After the old scholar finished speaking, he raised his gun and fired another shot at the gate.

A puff of smoke and dust flew out from the sawdust, and the bullet hit the beam of the courtyard door accurately again.

A middle-aged man in a long gown hurriedly came to the gate of the courtyard, greeted Zhao Haichen who was standing outside, and then shouted into the ancestral hall: "Uncle Zhao. Something happened to Zhao Laoqi's family in the south of the village."

"What happened?"

"Three poles went up today, but I didn't see his family go out, and the chimney didn't emit smoke. I asked Shuisheng to go over the wall to look, and found that his family was all dead."

"Take me to have a look!" The old scholar walked quickly and went straight out with his gun, then locked the door.

He simply ignored Zhao Haichen who was shrinking his neck carefully.

Only unworthy descendants would climb over the wall and pick the lock to enter the ancestral temple.

Zhao Haichen, who really wanted to enter the ancestral hall, had no choice but to follow the old scholar uncle to the south of the village.

Along the way, Zhao Laoxiu was nervous, Bodhisattva bless, but don't be a tiger.
Between sorghum fields.

Li Laosan held a pitch-black bayonet in his hand, and the blade of the bayonet had a cold gleam in the morning sun.
Slowly approaching the two bandit soldiers who were sleeping soundly in the sorghum field at the guard post.

The two guard posts on the verge of death were in the same posture.

Holding the newly replaced shell gun in his hand on his chest, he rose and fell with his breath.

Perhaps Li Laosan's breath of death was too strong, and a bandit soldier who was snoring suddenly opened his eyes.

Before he could scream, the black bayonet pierced his throat horizontally.
A stream of blood rushed out from the bayonet gap in the neck
The guard whistle struggled violently before dying, and the loud noise woke up the tired companions nearby.
This one was sleepy and didn't even open his eyes and scolded: "I said, can you be quiet for a while?"

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