under fire

Chapter 1538 Revenge Never Overnight

Chapter 1538 Revenge Never Overnight

The scene of more than a hundred bandit soldiers lying around and sleeping soundly can be described as spectacular.

Bandit soldiers are not soldiers. For a long time, a few watchmen on the roads and trails outside can basically guarantee safety.

In their view, almost all of the more than 100 people were heroes who knew a few kung fu, as long as they did not enter the county seat and did not encounter the imperial army.

You can walk sideways anywhere in the country!
A moment later, a group of blurred figures flitted across the sorghum field that shattered the morning sun.

"Fight!" Li Laosan, the leader, quickly pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang.
The bullet whizzed and puffed into the flesh.

The sleeping bandit soldiers were woken up, woken up painfully, or didn't wake up at all.

The awakened bandit soldier was still confused, and his body was immediately hit by bullets.

I have been used to the life of licking blood for a long time. It is human instinct to avoid danger. The bandit soldiers without guns are not slow to react.

It's just that they didn't draw their guns to fight back, but ran subconsciously.

There are gunfire all around, where to run?
Anyway, there are people all around, it doesn't matter where you run.

Veterans know that as long as they run, the chance of being hit by bullets will be greatly reduced.

It is not difficult to hit a target sleeping on the ground at close range, and you can even hit a target with one bullet.

The bandits got up and started running around in a small area, making shooting at least ten times more difficult.

Shooting at a running target, the bullet is likely to miss and accidentally injure your own people not far away on the opposite side.

Most of the soldiers who surrounded the bandit soldiers did not have the experience of fighting the enemy face to face.

Suddenly, it seemed that the encirclement and annihilation battle was not so easy to fight!
Although there were a lot of bandit soldiers, no matter how they ran in the face of such a scene, they would all be massacred completely one-sidedly.

The old gangster who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years ran here and there and was blocked one after another, and finally realized that he was surrounded by groups.

Surrounded and killed so many eight groups yesterday, I didn't expect this retribution to come so fast!
The Eighth Route troops surrounding him were not strong, and the old bandit felt that there was still a chance of life, so he hurriedly shouted: "Fight back, fight back, fight them and rush out to live!"

A bandit soldier who came to his senses finally drew his gun and shot.

The company commander of the main battalion who followed the Ninth Battalion immediately ordered the soldiers with rifles on the outside to hang bayonets on their muzzles.

The soldiers of the main battalion wear military uniforms, and the soldiers of the ninth battalion wear security army uniforms, which are easy to identify.

The battlefield quickly turned into hand-to-hand combat.

"Throw a grenade! Blow up a bloody path." Lao Jianghu lay on the ground and roared.

With the addition of bayonets, the two sides became completely face to face.

Every move of the bandit soldiers can be seen in the eyes of the soldiers holding the shells and bayonets.

"Don't move, don't kill me if you surrender your gun!" A recruit with a bayonet pointed out looked at the bandit soldiers on the opposite side who were so panicked that all the grenades they pulled out fell to the ground, and shouted subconsciously.

The bandit soldier looked at the sharp bayonet and was frightened.

"I'll hand over your mother!" A voice sounded behind the bandit soldier.

The one who yelled was the old Jianghu who directed the bandit soldiers to fight back. He knew very well that if so many Eight Routes were killed yesterday, if they fell into the hands of Eight Routes today, there would be absolutely no good fruit to eat.

Then, while the soldier's attention was on the bandit soldier in front, he slammed the absent bandit soldier into the soldier holding the bayonet.

The shell gun in Lao Jianghu's hand followed, knocking down the fighter on the right side of the trio.

Following the soldier who rushed to the left and raised his rifle for vigilance, there was no more time for him to turn his gun and continue shooting among the vertically long sorghum.

Because, as long as you stop shooting, it means that you may be shot by other eight groups.

The soldier who had been holding his gun on alert did not hesitate to fine-tune the muzzle of his gun, aiming at the charging target
Lao Jianghu really has some skills. The moment the security soldier fired his gun, he kicked his right foot on the ground and moved his body sideways.

After dodging the bullet as he wished, the burly Lao Jianghu leaned against the barrel of his rifle and slammed into the thin and thin left shoulder of the soldier holding the rifle.

Lao Jianghu, who weighed almost [-] pounds, directly knocked away the guard soldiers who were in a panic pulling bolts and pushing shells.

Then, without any pause in his footsteps, Lao Jianghu broke through the gap between the two fighters of the trio.Seeing someone running away, the soldiers in charge of security in the three-person group next to him quickly raised the body of the gun and prepared to turn the muzzle.
It is not easy to turn the gun body 180 degrees in the sorghum field. The fastest way is to stand up the rifle first and then point it at the target position.

Lao Jianghu was a good man. He did not fire back, nor did he run directly outside the encirclement.

Instead, it keeps moving laterally.

The soldier fired his gun again, eagerly chasing the target and preparing to hit the guy in the back, but unfortunately, the stretched sorghum diameter was flexible, and the bullet he fired missed.

When I pulled the bolt again and raised the gun, I saw only a sorghum leaf shaking
Zhao Haichen, who had sneaked into the ancestral hall to pay homage, turned pale when he heard the sudden burst of gunfire from outside the village.

This guy is a genius, and he immediately understood that the Eighth Route Army was coming to his door.

The heroes under his command are heroes everywhere.

He spent a lot of money, spent countless tongues, and managed to get those heroes together.

There are many ambitious people in the world, even the beggar Zhu Chongba can be the emperor, he believes that his future is absolutely bright.

Finish the incense in a hurry and go out quickly.

"Don't tell anyone that I've been back," whispered to the old scholar standing at the door, turned around and ran away.

To have the nickname Cangzhou Yihu, Zhao Haichen's skills are not bad.

Swinging his legs like a hot wheel, he ran south out of the village.

In the sorghum fields to the south, there were intensive gunshots, shouts of killing, and heart-rending screams.

The two men who had already arrived at the entrance of the village came up to them silently: "Eighth Route Army is catching up! Brothers are all dead."

Zhao Haichen's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he twitched the corner of his mouth: "There was no warning in advance. Damn it, he must have dozed off on guard."

"Brother, tell me what we should do now!"

"Keep the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood!" After Zhao Haichen said this, he turned eastward and entered the green gauze tent with his two confidants.

The shot was fired in the south, and the nephew ran away.

Old scholar Zhao began to greet the women in the village to go eastward and enter the green gauze tent first.

The old and the weak followed and hid in the green gauze tent.

On weekdays, almost every household has what kind of food.

Don't worry about getting shot.


The sun was already high in the sky in the east.

Hu Yi stood on the edge of the road, the arc of the brim of his military cap remained the same.

Next to him, Luo Fugui was holding a telescope for observation and reported: "Boss Hu, you can't see anything."

The soldier standing guard on the road next to him had no expression on his face.

So many comrades died, but he didn't feel anything about the mule's rambling report.

He was waiting for Hu Yi to give the order to attack.

Luo Fugui suddenly yelled loudly: "No, one of his grandma's ran out and crossed the road."

Hu Yi's face changed suddenly, and he opened his eyes suddenly. The sun was too glaring, so he quickly closed them again.

Following the soldiers waiting behind him, he ordered: "Catch up immediately, and leave no one behind!"

"Yes!" A group of three quickly chased after the bandit who escaped.

The second magazine of the shell gun in Li Laosan's hand was empty, and he replaced it with the third ten-round short magazine without firing two shots. There were no more bandit soldiers standing on the ground.

The soldiers quickly began to clean up the battlefield.
No one asked whether to keep the words alive.

(End of this chapter)

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