under fire

Chapter 1539

Qinghe County.

The county office has long been vacated.

The two figures squatted and looked at the map on the floor in front of them.

Captain Pei pointed at the map and muttered to the deputy commander: "Hurry up and get down to business!"

"Try to make the matter as big as possible to reduce the pressure on northern Shaanxi!"

Captain Pei was stunned for a moment: "Is this why our superiors want us to launch a large-scale attack in the hinterland of the Japanese?"

"Large scale? If a small number of us surrender to the core area occupied by the Japanese, we won't even risk it."

"The national army is delusional about attacking our base area. A large number of Japanese soldiers have mobilized a large number of troops to the west two months ago, preparing to cross the Yellow River and march westward, echoing the wave of the national army."
"Last night, the Ninth Guard Battalion sent a telegram that Commander Wu of the puppet army rebelled on the battlefield. We must fight to incorporate them!"

"Then tell me, how to incorporate it?"

"Mr. Wu is in our hands. Captain Wu has no other choice but to surrender to us."

"Threatening his father? It's a poor method."

"Then do you think we need to be polite to the puppet troops?"

"Captain Wu has offended the Japanese. If we threaten his family, he will most likely disband the team like other bandits who were recruited by the Japanese and then turned against them!"

"This is impossible. You have to understand that going from simplicity to luxury is easy, and from luxury to simplicity is hard! He has hundreds of puppet troops who need to eat and drink. What do you think is the benefit of him disbanding the team?"

"The team is disbanded, but his men still have guns. As long as there is a chance, he can rally the team again at any time. This is called lying dormant and waiting for the opportunity."

"Are you thinking too much?"

"If you really stand in front of them and say a few words of great truth, they will go against you? Stop dreaming."

"What do you mean, the bandits don't want to be included by us?"

"If we can integrate them, how can there be an autonomous army in the west?"

The deputy commander refused to give up: "Is there no other way?"

"Don't say you don't know. Even if those bandits join the Eighth Route Army, they will become deserters soon."

The deputy commander was a little unhappy: "You can tell me, is it that our Eighth Route Army is so poor that we can't even look down on bandits?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

Walking on the dilapidated city wall was an Eighth Route Army patrol looking around.

"Hey, tell me, it would be great if we really occupied this county."

"Hey, when the time comes, we will copy all the homes of the rich people in the city."

"Searching your home? Have you watched too many shows?"

Another soldier picked up the conversation: "If I could live a good life with enough food every day like I did this morning, I would be able to do anything."

"Look at what kind of virtue you have. If you only drink three bowls of thick porridge and one steamed bun, your life is considered good. If Wang Xiaosan hears you say this, he will be pissed off by you."

"The third platoon leader is too stingy. Our Ninth Battalion obviously has so much food, but the porridge he cooks is never thicker. It is even thinner than the poor cooking team of the main force."

"Then what do you think is a good life?"

"Add an egg, and if there is meat for lunch, you can barely live a good life."

"Don't you know that the comrades in the main force only eat two meals?"

Another soldier interjected: "You're right. When it comes to food, our ninth battalion is definitely not as good as those main groups."

A soldier with a broad back and thick shoulders next to him muttered: "If I could eat an egg every day, I could tear the Japanese in half."

"Blow it, why don't you say you want to go to heaven?"

"Isn't it easy to go to heaven? Now you can go to heaven by jumping off the city wall."


A soldier took out half of the white-flour buns he had saved in the morning from his arms, broke them into pieces and stuffed them into his mouth: "Think about the days those rich families live. It's so beautiful."

"Damn it, the rich people in the city are working with the devils, so we should rob them."

"The division chief has issued a strict order. Anyone who dares to rob people of their belongings will be shot immediately!"

"Can those rich landlords... be considered common people?" "Of course they are!"

"They worked with Han to exploit the people. I don't think they can be counted..."

"That's right, let's find the underground party comrades in the city and find out which shops are related to the traitors of the Japanese and puppet army reconnaissance teams and the traitors who maintain the government. Can't we just seize them and be done with them?"

"You are such a talent!"

"It's a fucking good idea. I think that pawnshop has something to do with traitors."

"Isn't it true that only poor families pawn things? The comrades of the main force did not go in." The situation in the city can be seen from the city wall.

The squad leader who was walking in front heard the bastards under his command becoming more and more outrageous. He turned around and shouted: "Shut up, we are the Eighth Route Army. We will not take advantage of the masses."

"Hey, squad leader, I saw you robbed the county office last night. What good things were seized, don't hide them, take them out and have a look?"

When this was mentioned, the monitor's face was filled with pride. After hesitating for a while, he took out a gasoline lighter.

"Pop", there was a crisp metallic sound, a ball of fire flashed, and then a small flame appeared in the monitor's hand, and his tone was clear: "Nothing, just a tap fire."

Immediately, a soldier next to him took out a cigarette, shook out a few sticks for those who knew how to smoke, and then put the cigarette on the fire: "Squad leader, your tap fire is very good."

He took a deep breath, then took out a bronze object that looked like a wine glass: "Squad leader, let's change?"

The squad leader immediately said with a dark face: "You want to exchange this broken cup for my tap water?"

"Hey, don't underestimate this thing, it is definitely an old thing thousands of years ago."

The squad leader was skeptical, so he took it and looked at the inscription on it: "Cut, this bird script is uglier than what I wrote."

"Cultural relics from prosperous times and gold from troubled times. If Li Xiang burns this thing, it can make several warheads." There was a puff of eyes next to it.

"Don't worry, I have some good stuff here." The soldier took out a painting from his back: "This is Tang Yin's authentic work!"

"Who is Tang Yin? No, how do you know so much?"

"Didn't you catch a teacher last night? He said that this thing is very valuable, and the pawnshop opposite the county government has a lot of it."

The squad leader took the painting and untied the tether, unfolded it, and pulled it, but it was not broken: "It's worth a damn, this paper. Ugh, it doesn't seem to be paper. I understand, it's paper glued to silk so thick that I can't even wipe my buttocks." I hate it."

After saying that, he stuffed the old and unsightly painting back into the soldier's arms.

"Ignorance, this is called papering..."

The squad leader cordially greeted the comrades of the main regiment who were patrolling from the other side of the city wall: "Hey, we stayed on the city wall until dawn last night. It's broad daylight and there is no need for so many people. You guys can keep an eye on us while we go down to rest first."

Standing on the tower and looking out, the endless green gauze tents stretch as far as the eye can see.

The village at the end of the horizon is a bit blurry.

There was a lot of people inside and outside the city at this time, and there was an endless line of cockroaches moving things from the city to the outside.

The four gates out of the county continued to be congested.

The vast transport team was ready to evacuate the county seat.

As long as someone takes the lead, the poor will not hesitate to take action against the rich.

As a few ordinary people robbed a pawn shop owned by a traitor from the detective team, the residents of the city immediately followed suit.

outside the city.

Two fast horses galloped from north to south carrying billowing dust.

After arriving at the East City Gate, slow down and dismount.

The soldiers guarding the city to maintain order quickly shouted to the people carrying large and small items to make way for the correspondents to enter the city.

The soldiers who entered the city gate jumped on their horses again and headed to the county office.

"Report, the latest news has been received from the Shilipu gun tower in the north of the city. The Japanese have mobilized a large number of puppet troops to prepare to encircle Qinghe County."

"Great!" The deputy commander beamed with joy, clapped his palm on the table, turned around and shouted to the radio soldier next to him: "Send a report to your superiors immediately. Our department has initially completed the task of attracting the enemy."

Before the order was given, another soldier hurriedly ran into the county office: "Report to the chief, it's not good. Those comrades in the guard camp disguised themselves as ordinary people and robbed rich households."

"What did you say?" The deputy commander was shocked. He immediately grabbed the holster on the table and hung it on his body: "Damn, you ruined the reputation of our Eighth Route Army. I shot him."

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