under fire

Chapter 1540 Great Containment

Captain Pei grabbed the angry deputy commander who was about to go out to deliver justice: "Those rich people are unkind because they are rich. The guard camp is an autonomous army, and they disguise themselves as ordinary people. What are you worried about?"

The deputy commander was stunned for a moment and tried to free Captain Pei's big hand, but found that it was useless.

I secretly praised in my heart that these guys from Yanzhao land are not just bragging about their knowledge of martial arts.

"Let go!" the deputy commander said with joy and a dark face: "Our Eighth Route Army has always done no harm to the common people."

"It's just the two of us here, who are you doing it for?"

"Hey, hey, why are you talking? Where is your consciousness?"

"How to talk? We are all commanders. You, the deputy commander of the division, are on the same level as me, right? Do you still want me to call you chief?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I admit that the guard battalion is strong in combat. They can be counted as my Eighth Route Army team after all, right? Then he must abide by the three major disciplines..."

"I said, are you trying to argue with me about discipline at this juncture? Okay, then let me ask you a question."

"If you fart, let it go."

"For example: The puppet army who surrendered to the Japanese to guard the forthouse has been giving us conveniences. So tell me, when we are short of guns and food, should we attack him or not?"

"It depends on the situation. I said Captain Pei, no, you want to get me in?"

"Anyway, we won't be able to occupy this county for long. Sooner or later, the little devils will take it back. Wouldn't it be better to leave a mess to them?"

"No, you can't do this. If you do, you will lose the support of the people."

"Public support? Haha, is it the popular support of the rich or the poor?"

"Hey, I noticed that you are making false claims one after another. Okay, this is also your defense area. I will report the lack of discipline of your Lunan detachment to your superiors!"

"Don't grab the shit basin randomly. It's the common people who do it. We Eighth Route Army soldiers will go over later to maintain order."

The deputy commander was dumbfounded: "Can you still do this? Are there people more shameless than you in this world?"


The deputy commander's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot: "What if you really do this? If your superiors find out, the consequences will be serious!"

"Isn't it just a matter of attacking local tycoons to share food and money? What's the big deal?"

"Comrade Pei Xiangzhai, your idea is dangerous!"

"Danger? Then tell me, in the sorghum fields outside the city, how much food will reach the people after the autumn harvest?"

"You're such a bullshit captain, you're really incompetent. Don't regret it when the time comes!"

"If the sky falls, I will bear it. Besides, we are not in the same district. I will be the unlucky one and I won't hurt you."

"Give me half!" The deputy commander threw the holster on the table: "You say it as if I'm afraid of trouble."

Henan Province and Hebei Province are actually bounded by the Zhanghe River.

The Pinghan-Han Railway runs south from An County to Tangyin County.

The plain land outside the county town is a desolate and decadent scene.

Not even a single bird could be seen in the sky.

On the east side of the railway, a north-south road was deserted.

Some of the electric poles that originally stood on both sides of the road were carried away and disappeared.

Part of it fell to the ground and was burned into charcoal.

There wasn't even a hair on the wire on the telephone pole.

It's past ten.

The sun began to turn harsh.

The white sunlight shines brightly on the still dry land.

More than fifty meters on the east side of the highway, there is a piece of land that seems to be slightly higher than the surrounding area. It is the extra soil from dug foxholes, spread evenly around it.

Ma Liang and his team of students lay down in a foxhole on the side of the road, their backs burned by the sun.

Ma Liang raised his head and glanced to the west, but couldn't see anything.

He raised his telescope and looked towards the south, which seemed to be a Japanese stronghold at the end of the road.

When I arrived at the former enemy headquarters in Ren Village last night, I finally realized that the situation was a little different this time. On the vast plains, the Eighth Route Army had assembled more than ten regiments of troops.This is the first time I have encountered such a large-scale battle!

What's more, I didn't expect that on my first mission with the students, I would encounter a scout from the second battalion.

Obviously, Gao Yidao's mission was the same as his: to provide supplies to the food transport team that was sweeping away the puppet troops in the north.

Gao Yidao was very excited.

Even if I didn't sleep all night, I didn't feel tired at all.

In his opinion, the task of destroying the puppet supply lines was not that difficult.

The further north the puppet troops go, the longer the supply lines stretch, leaving more opportunities for guerrillas to make sneak attacks.

He is no stranger to the task of transporting grain.

Gao Yida poured a little water from the kettle onto the grindstone, then pressed the shiny bayonet against the granite and pushed it back and forth.

The new Kuaishaner came running from a distance with his new follower, until he ran to the opposite side of Gao Yidao who was concentrating on sharpening his knife: "Batalion Commander, guess who I saw."

"Stop talking nonsense! If you keep messing around, I'll send you to the cooking class!" Gao Yidao put away his sharp bayonet and wiped it clean with linen, revealing the silver blade that could make people's silhouettes shine through.

"Hehehe... Well, I saw Ma Liang just now!"

"What did you say?" He raised his eyes and glanced at the fast-legged soldier: "Hu Zasui is back?"

Kuailier sat down next to Gao Yidao and whispered: "He led a group of anti-university students, disguised as puppet soldiers, and was playing around. We almost shot him."

"A student of the Anti-Japanese University?" Gao Yidao was stunned for a moment. He seemed to be a student himself.

The situation of the students in this period is different. I heard that some students have graduated, but he seems to have forgotten about it.

In his opinion, that's just the way students are.

I heard that this bastard even became an instructor for the Autonomous Army.
Gao Yidao raised his head and looked towards the distance to the east. The sun was too bright and he couldn't see anything clearly from a distance: "Where are they?"

"Across the road." Gao Yidao had his own source of information and roughly knew something.

Seeing that the battalion commander was thinking and not speaking, Kuaiji continued to report: "The situation in the mountains is much better. The old bandit named Qi won the battle and it is said that he has taken in another group of puppet troops."

Gao Yidao whispered to himself: "If someone named Hu does this, he will kill himself sooner or later."

The new Kuaishan'er couldn't understand what the company commander meant, so he raised his hand and scratched his head: "I don't understand."

"You will understand later." Gao Yidao stood up with a bayonet and said to Kuaizuer: "Notify me immediately. The whole battalion will disperse eastward and approach the highway. It should be almost time!"

"Um, battalion commander, you're saying that the puppet army has been ambushed by us one after another, and he still dares to take this route?"

"Go if you are told, and get out of here!"

Kuaishan'er was a little confused as to why the battalion commander was so sure that the puppet troops still dared to come.

The puppet army advanced to the north. After the battle line was opened, some of them supplied the puppet troops close to the railway line through the Pinghan-Hankou Railway in the west, and the other part directly transported food from Kaifeng in the south behind the puppet army from a long distance to supply.

Last night, a battalion of more than 300 puppet troops and a food transport team consisting of more than a thousand civilians stopped at that stronghold.

The food transport team was attacked one after another, and the puppet army could only increase the number of people to protect the food, so that the task of escorting more than a hundred people in the past had to be expanded to a battalion.

The traces of the grain transport team are easy to detect. Although there are many roads and small roads on the plain, no matter which way they go, they will be attacked.

The puppet troops who originally delivered food day and night had to move during the day and rest at night.

No one knows that there is a main group of puppet troops on this escort mission!

The puppet troops are not fools. They sent people into the stronghold in batches in advance to hide. All the civilians who drove the carts yesterday were hidden in the stronghold.

In other words, these ordinary people dressed up as civilians are actually all puppet soldiers.

They had no choice but to be attacked by eight groups in a row, and the puppet army also came up with a way to deal with it.

A squad of puppet troops rode forward to explore the road.

The white sunshine shone on the road in the wilderness, and the puppet soldiers on horseback had to half-squint their eyes.


Violent gunfire suddenly rang out on both sides of the road, accompanied by loud explosions of landmines.

"Hit!" Ma Liang gave the order: "Machine gun cover, the second team and the third team outflank the left and right wings. The commando team launches a charge towards the front of the puppet army, and the remaining people follow to supplement the cover!"

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