under fire

Chapter 1542 Instructor Liu said

in the sun.

"Report to the battalion commander, Xiao Wuzi and Li Laosan were chasing the bandits and were shot dead by an old man in the village at the entrance of the village." The correspondent reported back with sweat on his face.

"What?" Hu Yi opened his eyes subconsciously: "You mean... villagers?"

"Li Laosan said that the villager was not an ordinary person. He shot Xiao Wuzi in the head with a rifle shot from 30 meters away, and the old guy also had a rifle in his hand. He hid in the sorghum and changed cover several times, but was still bitten by the opponent. He wanted to It’s not that the distance is too far, maybe he has died under the opponent’s gun.”

No matter what the reason was for Cangzhou Road to attack the wounded on the Eighth Route, they deserve to die!
Killing more than a hundred Cangzhou Road congregants, finally avenged the wounded who died.

The bridge has been tied.


How to deal with conflicts with villagers?

South of the village, Gaoliang.

Ignoring the stinging eyes, Hu Yi sat on a stretcher and was carried by two soldiers. He followed the ditch between the sorghum fields and quickly came to the edge of the sorghum fields close to the village.

Perhaps being on the battlefield of life and death, the stinging pain in the eyes behind the telescope seems to have weakened a lot.

Li Laosan pointed at the village and kept making gestures to Hu Yi. On the open ground between the sorghum and the village, the remains of the sacrificed Xiao Wuzi were somewhat blurred in the sunlight.

The stinging sensation in his eyes came again. Hu Yi put down the telescope, closed his eyes and asked, "You mean, the guy in the village has accurate marksmanship?"

"That's right, I retreated and lay down on the ground at least five meters away from the edge, but he still found me. If I hadn't been lucky, I would have just shrunk my head when the guy fired, and I might have died by his gun. .”

"Is there anyone familiar with this area?"

Li Laosan rubbed his head: "I have been to Qinghe County before. When I was walking in the water by boat, I didn't pay attention to this village."

"Surround the village first, don't get too close!"

"Company commander... do you think the people in the village are related to the people we killed?" Li Laosan has not been with Jiuying for a long time, but he doesn't know.
Hu Yi shook his head: "There must be a relationship, but it shouldn't be too deep. Otherwise, they wouldn't sleep among the sorghum."

"Well, it seems that it should be like this."

The three groups of warriors sent by Dashi Xiong Erlang to track the Eighth Route Army were all attacked and killed.

The Japanese correspondent who delayed the observation did not even see the shadow of the Eighth Route Army. He was frightened and ran back south to report the news.

This guy didn't notice that there were two ghostly figures following him at the edge of the green gauze tent not far behind him.

The color of the shit-yellow army bag was similar to that of the half-cooked sorghum, and it was impossible to tell the difference from a little further away.

"Who is it? Password!" A bird's voice came from the sorghum field.

The Japanese correspondent running in front kept his feet on his feet and responded with a loud bird call: "&#@&"

After answering the password, continue running south.

I ran past the guard post on the roadside and said hello.

The two "Japs" who followed closely behind were in disheveled military uniforms.

The Japanese who were on guard in the Gaoliang area on the roadside shouted again: "Who is it? Password!"

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the big dog's face: "Fuck you. Damn you little devil. I'm your grandfather."

"Baga! It's the Eighth Route Army." The guy hiding in the green gauze tent had already raised his gun, preparing to fine-tune his aim and shoot.

There is a big trouble when hiding in the Qingsha tent and shooting with a rifle. The rifle will be blocked by the sorghum pole when it moves left and right.

The big dog ran very fast on two legs, ignored the Japanese guard post, and continued south.

The civil and military forces who followed closely raised their rifles and fired two "Bang! Bang!" shots at the sorghum.

call out!call out!
The warhead broke more than ten sorghum poles and fell to the ground before reaching the Japanese's body.

It is true that the Japanese are not afraid of death. If those two guys lose the first target, they will naturally not give up the opportunity to shoot at the second target.

Two rifle bullets flew out of the green gauze tent.

The sorghum pole seriously affects the left and right fine adjustment of the rifle, and the sorghum leaves affect the sight.

If you hold a rifle and shoot at a horizontally moving target that is very close to you, it is almost impossible to hit it!
Liu Yuanqing said this!

A group of three people sneaking behind the big dog Wenwu quickly burrowed into the sorghum field nearby.

"Baga! Why are you still standing there? Go out and kill them." The Japs in the sorghum field still heard the sound of gunshots in their ears. They quickly shouted to their companions and went directly from the security shelter to the road outside.

The trio behind them, who had just crashed into the dense sorghum field and were unable to move, could not understand this ghostly scream.

But the Japanese's shouts were extremely clear.

There was a sound of military uniforms rubbing against sorghum poles, and a Japanese soldier took the lead in leaving the sorghum field.

Finally, the leader of the cover team, who was trying to squeeze through the sorghum and drill deeper, woke up: "Go back quickly!"

Da Gou and Wen Wuquan chased the Japanese observers south, and at this time their backs were sold to the Japanese.The Japanese who had just come out of the green gauze tent half knelt down, raised his gun with a grin, and quickly put the figure on the back of Wen Wuquan, who had not run far away, into the crosshairs.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!!"

The dull gunfire of the shell gun suddenly sounded.

At the same time as the gunshots were fired, another Japanese soldier just emerged from the green gauze tent.

Bang bang bang.
Three more bullets flew over.

Every time he fired, two of the shots hit the devil's body, and the third shot hit the devil's head.

According to Liu Yuanqing, when shooting a moving target with a pistol, if the first bullet hits the enemy's head directly, even if the bullet is empty, the bullet may not be able to hit the target.

If you shoot the enemy's body first, the enemy will naturally change from a moving state to a static or low-speed state after being shot, and then give the enemy a fatal blow.

On the battlefield, the lethality of handguns is too weak, and it is necessary to prevent the enemy from being shot.

Therefore, the best way to shoot is to fire two shots at the enemy's body and the last shot at the enemy's head.

There is a certain truth to this shooting principle. The muzzle of the shell gun will jump when it is fired.

The first shot is to hit the enemy's abdomen or back based on feeling, because the area of ​​a normal person's abdomen is four times the size of the head, making it easy to hit.

The second shot was to the chest, which was also four times the area of ​​the head.

The enemy's head, which basically stopped moving after being hit by the third shot, was a sure shot.

The two Japs were shot six times each. The damage done by the shell gun was really not that bad... There were bullet holes in the heads of the two Japs as small as a little finger, and blood was pouring out.
It didn't penetrate... maybe it was because of the helmet.

Two soldiers dragged the Japanese guard sentry into the sorghum field. Soldier No. 3 took an engineering shovel and quickly shoveled the bloody soil off the ground and threw it into the sorghum field.

The Japanese correspondent opened his mouth and breathed like a bellows, and ran fast with his two short legs swinging like hot wheels.

I'm still thinking, this time when I go back, I have to ask the sergeant for a bicycle.
He thought it was safe to enter the guard post area, but his heavy footsteps, thumping heartbeat, and the whistling of the wind in his ears covered up the dull gunshots behind him, and did not alert him at all.

The big dog in the Japanese military uniform ran faster than the dog, and quickly caught up with the Japanese correspondent. He was almost level with the Japanese correspondent. His right hand was swinging wildly from side to side, and the black light in his hand flashed sharply, and blood burst out.

The sharp bayonet was thrust into the back of the Japs' correspondent, diagonally upwards and directed straight to the Japs' heart.

Then he pulled out the bayonet and stabbed again, poof!puff!The popping sound made Wen Wuquan, who was following closely, feel his scalp numb and his hair stand on end.

Instructor Liu is really a monster. He said that if he stabs the enemy with a bayonet quickly, the sudden pain of contraction of the enemy's heart will cause nerve spasms, and there is a high probability that he will not have time to scream before death.

The big dog stared with blood-red eyes and roared at the Japs lying on the ground: "Kill! Kill! Kill! I'm going to kill you all, not even a single one will be left alive. Damn you little Japs, you've harmed me for dozens of times." A brother died tragically."

"Quickly retreat!" Wen Wuquan, who was in charge of the alert, suddenly pulled out his binoculars and looked south.

In the camera, a Japanese patrol team appeared.

He quickly yelled to the big dog: "Hey, the Japanese are here! The wounded who killed your men were from Cangzhou Road."

"Why, the blame must be placed on the little Japs!" The big dog was still furiously poking at the Japs correspondent who had stopped bleeding.

"Don't pretend to be crazy. We are wearing Japs uniforms now. Let's quickly arrange it and kill a few more Japs."

As soon as he heard that he could kill the Japanese again, the big dog immediately returned to normal and turned to look at his little follower with a confused look on his face: "How to arrange it?"

"Just pretend to be dead"

The Japanese patrol saw the figures of three imperial soldiers from a distance. They first noticed that the two imperial soldiers were huddled together. Then, the three imperial warriors fell to the ground one after another.

The sergeant leading the team was heartbroken: "No, they may have been hit by poison gas bombs to hold on."

Don't blame the sergeant.

Many warriors who were poisoned last night first had difficulty breathing, followed by ulcers all over their bodies. Later, many warriors couldn't stand the itching and severe pain, so they committed suicide by wiping their necks with bayonets.

The patrol team jogged and reached the three fallen warriors.

Bang bang bang.
Bang bang bang.
"Let's see how grandpa deals with you."

"The hell I can't beat you to death."

Even well-trained Japs had no way to dodge when they were fired from a shell gun at close range.

The screams, gunshots, and the tinkling of falling bullet casings were like a symphony of death played by a music master.

These devils look like a mess of newcomers on the battlefield.

Several Japanese soldiers opened fire in a panic, injuring several of their own people.

The gunfire finally stopped, and yellow figures fell on the yellow soil.

Dagou and Wen Wuquan, who had emptied the magazine, quickly drew out their bayonets, and the popping sound did not stop.

The smell of blood makes people nauseous.

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