under fire

Chapter 1543 Lost

The big dog grabbed a little devil's neck with his left hand.

The shining black bayonet in his right hand was pressed against the terrified Japanese's abdomen, and it was inserted slowly, slowly, bit by bit.

There was a sound like a car tire being punctured and leaking air, and blood spurted outwards.

The Japanese man grabbed the big dog's knife-holding wrist with both hands and kicked hard with his feet.

He could even clearly hear the terrible chirping sound of the bayonet piercing his body.

"I surrender." The Japanese finally couldn't bear the fear of death and whispered in the language of birds.

"Haha." The big dog laughed wildly: "I don't know what you are talking about. Now as long as you live, you have to use your blood to wash away your sins and wash away your dirty soul."

After saying that, he pulled out the saber with a hiss and slowly stabbed the Japanese in the abdomen again.

"Brother Tang, stab him through the heart with a knife and give him a good time." Wen Wuquan, who was loading bullets into the magazine next to him, couldn't bear to look directly at him.
"Go to hell!" The big dog roared wildly, and the black light of death carried by the bayonet flashed across the Japanese neck.

The artery was cut open, and hot blood spurted out, like a red fountain, spectacular and gorgeous.

Blood spurted all over the big dog's left arm, which was holding the devil's neck.

The big dog was already furious. He picked up a rifle, walked over to a twitching Japanese man who was still breathing, and swung the butt of the gun to hit the guy on the head.

Tom. Tom. Tom.
The rotten watermelon was smashed, and bright red watermelon juice mixed with half-cooked white liquid splashed out.

"Ugh" Wen Wuquan next to him felt his stomach churning: "Brother, can you please stop being so bloody?"

The big dog's whole body was covered with blood and half-baked white liquid, and he gasped and muttered: "Do you know what these damn little devils have done? They are releasing the tiger virus! Let them die so happily, it is really easy for them."

More than a dozen bodies lay scattered on the road.

The bright red blood covered the sandy ground and quickly turned brown and black after being absorbed.

Until his death, the Japanese patrol did not call for help.

Perhaps, there was no time at all.

Perhaps, the Japanese had no intention of calling for help at all, because the sound of a gun meant that a warning had been issued.

The big dog narrowed his eyes slightly and exuded the aura of death: "We killed the Japs correspondent, and the little Japs are now blind. We have to go back quickly."

The sun rises high.

A small group of more than ten people wearing puppet army uniforms were dripping with sweat, carrying a stretcher and running around like headless flies in the green gauze alley.

The green gauze tent is full of small side roads that can only be passed by one person, as well as ditches left by the people who planted crops.

Liu Yuanqing, who was lying on the stretcher with a dark face, raised his foot and kicked the buttocks of the soldier carrying the stretcher: "Damn it, can you get lost in broad daylight?"

"If you hadn't blindly directed me to go east, would I have gotten lost?"

"Haha, you dare to talk back to me?"


"I see you are feeling dazed even while walking, but you still don't admit it."

"I haven't slept for two days and one night."

"Are you talking too hard?" Liu Yuanqing occasionally opened his eyes to look at his surroundings, and his eyes felt like they were being pricked by needles.

"Then which way do you want to go?" the soldier carrying the stretcher asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh, show me your face?"

The leading soldier hurriedly came back and reported: "Report to Platoon Leader Liu, there is a road ahead, and there are traces of a large number of people staying in the green gauze tents on the roadside."

"I'm warning you, don't call me platoon leader."

"Uh, report to the instructor, front."

"The others stay and carry me over to take a look."

The green gauze tent more than thirty meters away from the main road was trampled into an open space.

Two soldiers lay on guard at the edge of the green gauze tent.

The leader of the team came over quickly and said: "Report to the instructor, an unknown person stopped at the scene, and fifteen horses pooped when they stopped."

"Shut up, it should be said that there are signs of horses staying. How do you know it is fifteen horses?"

"Those fifteen piles of horse-drawn shit have different colors. I have raised horses for the landlord's family before, so I can't be wrong!"

"Go on." Liu Yuanqing nodded in agreement. "Well, look at the footprints left by those people. Judging from the state of the sand next to them, these people have not been away for a long time. All of these people are wearing military boots, no cloth shoes, no straw sandals. They should be the Rangers."

"You're wrong. Those leather shoes are only size 35. They can't be from the Rangers. Their feet are not that small!" The soldier carrying the stretcher next to him interrupted.

"Maybe it's a woman"

"Fart, how can there be so many women in the Rangers?"

"Then tell me."

"I guess there should be other Japs arriving at the scene."

Liu Yuanqing interrupted the group leader: "Don't tell me 'I guess', tell me I analyze or judge!"

The team leader was a little anxious: "Instructor, what's the point of this? Can you please stop picking these thorns?"

"Haha, you're not happy? Then get out of here."

"I was wrong!"

"Damn it, who did you learn from to admit your mistakes so quickly?"

"Hey, instructor red said that comrades who correct their mistakes are good comrades."

"Have you counted the number of people present?"

"I judge that the number of unidentified people is about uh, not about the same. There are fifteen, which is exactly one Japanese detachment!"

Liu Yuanqing got off the stretcher and squatted down, barely opening his eyes, enduring the sting and observing carefully.

The injured eye's vision was a little blurry, but he could still clearly see the general situation on the ground.

Close your eyes and start thinking.

The fighting was fierce last night, and it was strange that this small group of Japanese soldiers did not launch an attack behind the main camp.

The military police regiment once went to the island country to participate in training, and the officers of the island country liked to wear long military boots in public.

But it seems unreasonable to have so many military boots leaving footprints here.

More than ten horses, or these footprints are not military boots at all, but riding boots with spurs!
Open your eyes again and look carefully at the traces left by sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Immediately I found a footprint on the heel of the shoe, leaving a hole the size of a finger.

"Someone was sitting cross-legged on the ground, wearing long military boots." When he thought of the Japs wearing long riding boots, a scene suddenly appeared in Liu Yuanqing's mind.

Japanese observation group!A word suddenly popped into Liu Yuanqing's mind!
In this way, it basically makes sense.

The Japs Observation Group will not participate in the battle, and there must be Japs on escort missions!

Then, there must be a Japs guard post nearby.

However, no sign of the Japanese cavalry was found.

In any case, my group has probably been discovered by the Japanese guard post!

The Japanese did not attack his group, it must be because everyone was wearing puppet army uniforms.

Liu Yuanqing's scalp was numb, but he did not issue an order to hide immediately!

He didn't even raise his head and look around.

It's not difficult to run away now. As long as you burrow into the green gauze tent, the devil on horseback can't do anything to you.

Haha, now that we have met a Japanese observation group, why not give them some eye drops?

After thinking briefly for a while, he raised his voice and shouted to the soldiers on guard at the edge of the green gauze tent: "Don't be lazy, we have to hurry up and report the news to the imperial army."

Although the soldiers next to him were confused, no one asked him anything.

In enemy-occupied areas, wearing puppet military uniforms can better hide your whereabouts.

Liu Yuanqing doesn't believe in chance. He believes that everything has its consequences.

The reason why I didn't go directly north with this class is very simple.

Based on the time it took for correspondents to come and go on the battlefield, it was very unusual to walk north for half an hour without encountering a correspondent coming south.

Therefore, he directly ordered to leave the main road to the east and detour to the north. However, the few rammers actually got lost in the green gauze tent.

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