under fire

Chapter 1544: Things in Sorghum Land

More than [-] people were injured by poisonous gas.

The remaining two hundred or so people dared to fight against the Japanese.

The wounded were accidentally attacked on Cangzhou Road and suffered nearly [-] casualties!

With the big dog's temperament, it's not surprising that he would pursue him like crazy.

Everyone has a lot of anger in their heart.

As a commander, calmness and calmness are the most basic requirements.

Seeing people in the village raising their heads and looking out from time to time, Hu Yi did not rashly order an attack.

First, let the radio operator send a report to the division chief and ask him to help find local underground personnel to check the situation in the village ahead.

Scholars in the late Qing Dynasty must be able to master six arts in addition to stereotyped writing.

Riding and shooting is a basic skill.

The old scholar Zhao, who was capable of both literary and martial arts, always believed that he was superior to the villagers.

The old scholar likes to read newspapers, including Ta Kung Pao and Bao Bao. As for those tabloids, he doesn't like them at all. They are all gossip that cannot represent orthodoxy.

Judging from his many years of newspaper reading experience, the Eighth Route Army who traveled all the way from Jiangxi to northern Shaanxi was no different from Li Chuang in the late Ming Dynasty.

Aliens invaded, the country was destroyed, and the family was destroyed. It was because of these Tubal rebellions for more than 20 years that they brought disaster to the country and the people.

When the Nationalist Government was resisting foreign humiliation, it had to spare one hand to deal with their troubles!

He had dealt with the Eighth Route Army before, and he didn't pay any attention to those mud-legged people who didn't even know a few Chinese characters, and he didn't even bother to associate with them.

The newspapers said that the Communist International had been dissolved.

Hu Zongnan of Shaanxi has assembled an army of 70, preparing to wipe out the Tuba Road that has been lingering all day long.

He didn't care at all about becoming enemies with Tubal Road, who was about to be wiped out by the government.

He is even willing to be the first bird to wipe out the Eighth Route Army!

He just waits for the day when the national army regains control of the Central Plains. It will definitely be no problem for him to go to the countryside and find a job as a mayor.

The old scholar lay on the roof and looked at the dense sorghum fields outside the village.

He raised the rifle and continued to pull the trigger, hitting the sorghum branches and leaves flying.

With the bullets whizzing, those Tubalu who occasionally poked their heads at the edge of the sorghum fields disappeared in panic among the sorghum fields.

bang. bang. bang.
When the magazine was empty, the old scholar pulled the trigger and couldn't help shaking his head: "Hey, I'm old, and I can't even remember that there are no bullets left in the gun."

He took out a row of bullets and pressed them skillfully into the magazine. He ignored the glare of the sun and searched for the target again.

Eight Road has disappeared.

However, he knew that Balu's bad temper must still be hidden in Gaoliangdi.

The zone chief's call back was quick.

The message was not long. The underground personnel said that there was an old scholar in the village. The old scholar spent all his money to buy dozens of fast guns, trained a group of people, and even organized an anti-Japanese team.

However, this person's thinking is somewhat old-fashioned, and he does not agree with the idea that the poor from the Eighth Route Army can become the masters of their own country.

This man had a vague attitude towards the Japs. When the Japs raided him, he asked the villagers to hide in the green gauze tent.

The Eighth Route Army united all anti-Japanese forces and suggested that it be best not to conflict with them.

The Ninth Battalion and the main regiment suffered more than 200 casualties. Whether it has anything to do with Zhao Laoxiucai or not, we cannot jump to conclusions.

The deputy commander showed anger in his words.
In the end, it was left to Hu Yi to figure out what to do.
Hu Yi leaned against the ditch with his legs curled up, took out his pocket watch, tried his best to open his eyes and looked at eleven o'clock.

Slowly put the pocket watch into his jacket.

To fight or not to fight?
I couldn't make up my mind at the moment.

There were footsteps coming from behind, and the girl's voice came: "Fox, are the people in the village bandits?"

"Girl." Hearing the familiar voice, Hu Yi suddenly felt his heartbeat, which seemed to be less rapid.

His breathing became calmer, and he opened his eyes again, his narrow eyes blank.The observer nearby quickly said the situation: "Red Director"

"You dare to attack our ninth battalion because of your good marksmanship? My aunt is not done with them!" Xiao Hongying's brows suddenly stood up, she turned around and shouted in a low voice: "Mule, bring me my gun."

Comrade Luo Fugui, the follower behind him, pulled off the rifle that was wrapped with linen on his back: "Oh, why is it so troublesome to use? There is only one person in the village who can accurately shoot with a gun. He fired a few rounds of chemical bombs to attract the old guy's attention and feigned an attack. , charge into the village from several other directions and finish the job."

Comrade Luo Fugui made great progress, and he used professional military terminology to pretend to charge.

Oishi Xiong Erlang was already in despair, and he would definitely end up committing seppuku if he went back.

After receiving a slap, he let out a long breath.

Being beaten means that you are still useful!
A temporary tent was set up not far ahead.

The Major General of the Humpty Dumpty Observation Group was listening to the report from the accompanying military doctor.

"Your Excellency, the poison gas bomb is not as powerful as imagined."

The major general frowned: "Our main purpose is to find out the spread of Tiger La, why are you talking to me about gas bombs?"

The military doctor hurriedly looked at the folder in front of him: "Based on the reports returned from various places, judging from the statistics of each village in Qinghe County, the results are much better than expected!"

The major general shook his head: "Siberia is vast and sparsely populated, and it is difficult for Tiger La to spread on a large scale unless we can reach the vicinity of Cosmo through the prairie."

Another Japanese hesitated for a moment before speaking: "Last month, our allies used all their strategic reserves and still failed in the battle of Kursk and had to shift to a strategic defense state."

The major general lowered his voice: "Therefore, the base camp hopes that we can quickly launch an attack from the east. The top priority is to cause chaos in China."

"By detouring westwards through Mongolia, it is difficult to support wars along the way. The supply line is too long, and most of the empire's troops are transferred to the South Pacific. It is simply impossible to support a three-front war with the empire's military power."

You followed up with a meaningless speech: "With the empire's current dispersed military strength, it is simply unable to carry out an expedition!"

The major general looked happy: "No, our alienation plan has worked. The national army will soon launch an attack on the Tuba Road base in northern Shaanxi. By then, the Central Plains will not be harassed by the Eighth Route Army, and it can become a logistics base for the imperial army's northward march."

"Your Excellency, I believe that this battle between the National Army and the Eighth Route Army may not be fought."

"This is not an issue we should consider. The front army has launched the Eighteenth Autumn Operation Plan. We must quickly complete the statistics and assessment of Hulie La's impact on the battlefield!"

"Yes!" All the Japs responded.

The major general turned his head and growled to the guard standing at the door of the tent: "Go and call that bastard Xiong Erlian over."

"Report, Dashi Xiong Erlang is here to report!"

The major general raised his head and stared at Xiong Ertian: "Immediately send a report to the division headquarters to arrange a transport ship to cross the canal and retreat eastward to Tai'an!"

"Yes!" When faced with orders from superiors, no matter what doubts you have, obeying them first will never go wrong.

Xiong Erlang quickly left the tent and muttered to his assistant, then turned around and entered the tent again.

Since he became a captain, he naturally had a keen eye. He knew that the major general would definitely have something to ask him.

"Tell me, why are there so many casualties?"

"Report to your Excellency." Xiong Ertian reported the battlefield situation one by one, and finally concluded: "Most of the Eighth Route Army members are equipped with automatic weapons. They must be the elite left behind after the main force of the Eighth Route Army marched westward!"

Exalting the enemy to cover up his failure, Xiong Erlian did not dare to say that he underestimated the enemy and made a mistake in command.

"Leave this matter to the North Special Police!" The major general waved Xiong Erlian away: "Let's sum it up when we get back!"

The Japanese around him had already left, and Liu Yuanqing was nervous.

The leading soldiers in Japanese uniforms carried Liu Yuanqing with his eyes closed and continued to follow the horse hoof prints left on the road south.

Liu Yuanqing felt uncomfortable without knowing the identity of this group of Japanese.

Having experienced the battlefield for a long time, he knew how the Japanese marched and formed their formations. He was not worried about encountering the Japanese. If he walked along the road, he would definitely encounter the Japanese guard post first.

The main camp has already moved north, and the south is full of Japanese soldiers, so they won't be shot in the dark.
Walked about three miles.

"Stop, command!" a Japanese soldier shouted loudly from the edge of the sorghum field beside the road.

Following a group of three Japanese guard posts, they emerged from the green gauze tent one after another.

All of them were holding hundreds of submachine guns and showing off their power.

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