under fire

Chapter 1545 4 faces embattled

Liu Yuanqingqiang opened his eyes, grabbed the rifle of the Japanese in front of him with his left hand, took out the bayonet from his waist with his right hand and stabbed the Japanese in the abdomen.

The tip of the bayonet was inserted more than an inch, and the hand pressed down. The tip of the bayonet quickly rose diagonally, accurately cutting the Japanese heart.
puchi puchi puchi
The sound of the bayonet entering the flesh is very pleasant.

The soldiers carrying the stretcher were not very agile.

The man strangled the Japanese's neck with his left hand and pinned the Japanese's long rifle to his side with his body. He held the bayonet in his right hand and stabbed the Japanese's abdomen several times... but failed to stab the Japanese's heart.

The devil struggled and the two fell down.

The suppressed Japanese continued to struggle to their death.

The rifle in his hand was already loaded with bullets.

Rolling his eyes, he endured the stinging pain and muscle spasms, and used all his strength to press the trigger before dying.

The sudden and crisp sound of gunfire suddenly resounded through the sorghum field.

"Bad luck, retreat, join the others, and prepare for battle!" Liu Yuanqing raised his hand to wipe the blood that splashed into his eyes: "Oh...I'll go, it hurts me to death."

The sound of gunshots instantly shocked the hearts of a large number of Japanese who were sleeping in the sorghum fields not far to the south.

They all grabbed their guns and stood ready.

There was no sign of confusion among the ranks.

The Japanese observer who was resting on the edge of the sorghum field jumped out of the sorghum field in two steps, stretched out his hands, palms and feet to look through the telescope to the north where the gunshot was fired.

The sorghum leaves stretching out onto the road blocked most of the view, making it difficult to see clearly.

When I fell down, I saw the backs of three imperial soldiers running towards the north.
The birds quickly shouted: "The guard post seems to be running north. Maybe something strange has been discovered."

The Japanese lieutenant in Gaoliang was a little relieved and immediately ordered: "Baga, reconnaissance squad, go over and check!"

More than a dozen Japanese soldiers immediately took off their equipment, carrying only guns and ammunition, and quickly got out of the green gauze tent and ran north along the road!

A mile or so away, the short legs swung quickly, only a few minutes.

When they were about fifty meters away from the guard post, they noticed several figures lying on the ground.

The imperial army that had been running north ran until only a shadow was left.

The sergeant leading the team was not careless and immediately ordered the elites to form a battle formation and advance according to daily training requirements.

The leader of a three-person team swung his legs into hot wheels and flew to the bodies of the three elites who were lying on the ground with almost dried blood: "It's the messenger Jiuojiro."

The Japanese soldier followed the procedure and stretched out his hand to feel the carotid artery.
The wounds that no longer gushed blood and the warm corpses meant that these four people were already dead!

These three people on the ground are all top students of Imperial Kyoto University!

Immediately after graduation, he was drafted into the army. After a short training, he traveled across the ocean on a small warship to this ancient land.

This time, it was their first time to conduct actual combat alert training.

But I didn't expect that something would happen even when performing the safest security mission.

Those anti-Japanese elements are really abominable!

The sergeant leading the team was a veteran. He simply checked the bloody footprints left by the attackers on the ground and immediately determined that there were only three people on the other side.

Looking up at the bloody footprints heading north, I realized that the three despicable and dirty attackers who were pretending to be the imperial army I had discovered earlier, after a successful attack, grabbed the guns and ammunition and quickly fled north.

The sergeant was not in the mood to think about the attackers and why they did not get into the sorghum despite knowing that so many people were chasing him.

In his opinion, the combat effectiveness of division headquarters guards far exceeds that of ordinary combat troops.

On weekdays, I often hear those who follow the officials and bring guards back to the division headquarters, bragging about how vulnerable the Eighth Route Army is.

In the eyes of the sergeant, all anti-Japanese elements, including the Eighth Route Army, were a rabble.

The sergeant immediately ordered with a crooked mouth and red eyes: "Chase!"

It's still the three-person team that leads the way!
Five meters, ten meters, 20 meters. The trio of top soldiers have run more than a hundred meters.

The bloody footprints were still extending to the north, and three dark figures faintly appeared again in the distance.

Observers reported an estimated distance of about 80 meters.

The sergeant behind him was chirping loudly, and the three leading Japanese soldiers suddenly squatted down, raised their guns, aimed at the gray figures, and fired.
Two [-]-type bullets ferociously rushed out of the muzzle, ruthlessly penetrating the backs of the sneaky figures in front of them.
The two figures seemed to be blown away.
Everything... is weird.

"Hey, something's wrong. That figure didn't move. Oh no, it's the military uniform hanging on the side of the sorghum. It's a disguise!" said the observer holding the telescope.

Diagonally behind the sorghum, a [-] bullet caught fire in its butt. He quickly broke free from the shackles of the barrel and flew out of the muzzle only a few meters away. It entered the Japanese from the left waist and rushed out from the right waist.

It brought out a large canopy of blood mist and arrogantly crashed into the sorghum on the opposite side of the road, disappearing after a crash.

The figure of the Japanese squatting half-crouched with his rifle raised, lying stiffly and struggling in the sun.

Bang bang bang.
Bang bang bang.
The death sound of the shell gun followed.

The top soldier of the three Japs group was shot immediately.

Perhaps the bullets entered from the side, but none of the three Japanese who were shot three times in a row, including the one who was shot horizontally by the bullet, survived.He was screaming and twitching in pain on the ground.

The Japanese who followed behind did not panic and simply lay down to take cover.

Panting after running fiercely, the Japanese sergeant shouted at the top of his lungs: "The enemy is attacking!"

The incredible scene that appeared in front of him made the sergeant's scalp numb.

The sergeant was actually extremely panicked.

He decided that he would never believe it again in the future.

He has held a high position in the division and regiment headquarters for a long time and has seen many big scenes.

He quickly came to his senses and issued contingency orders according to the routine of contacting the enemy: "One group to fight back on the right! Two groups on the left! The bombing group is ready..."

A Japanese soldier hurriedly picked up the grenade, dropped the hoe to the ground, and put his foot on half of the grenade to secure it. The Japanese next to him cooperated tacitly, pulled out a grenade, pulled off the safety pin, and stuffed it into the grenade.

Then the firing belt was yanked sharply.

The Japanese grenadiers did not see where the target was at all, and the grenade flew directly more than two hundred meters.

A cloud of gunpowder smoke burst out when it hit the ground.

The warrior hiding in the green gauze tent was startled.

I didn't expect the little devil to react so quickly.

But from the shooting effect of this random cannon fire, it seems that the barrel thrower must be a novice.
It's a pity that the Japanese are still some distance away from the ambush point.

Unable to wait any longer: "Hit!"

Bang bang bang.
blah blah.
As the gunfire from shell guns and rifles intensified instantly, two grenades flew out from the green gauze tents on the left and right sides of the road.

He hit the crowd of Japanese crouching on the ground hard.

A grenade hit the crowd and exploded, sending up smoke and dust that made the ground nearby sorghum rattle.

The second grenade fell in, knocking over the Japanese who was shaking his head in the smoke again.

The Japanese, who already had warning grenades in their hands, were blinded by the rising smoke and dust before they even had time to throw the grenades out.

The gunshots came and went quickly.

The ground temperature is high, and the heated air quickly carries smoke and dust to high altitudes.

The Jaap Sergeant lying on the ground was still buzzing in his head.

A piece of shrapnel penetrated his chest, which probably injured his lungs, and blood bubbles were coming out of his mouth and nose.

With blank eyes, he looked at the sky blowing red bubbles.

In the field of vision, a figure of the imperial army appeared, holding a rifle with a bayonet.

Carefully stab the warrior on the ground.

I had to be careful because there was so much blood on the ground that it would be troublesome to get it on.
One, two, three, probably a dozen
The bayonet stabbed into the chest of the sergeant who could not move, and the sergeant's vision finally blurred.
The village was surrounded, but Hu Yi did not dare to attack.

There are enemies everywhere, and it is unrealistic and impossible to expect that the common people under the enemy's bayonets will agree with the Eighth Route Army's approach overnight.

This is not the kind of thing that can be solved directly by drawing a knife or a gun when you encounter trouble.

In the past, when he attacked a blockhouse and injured several civilians, he was investigated afterwards. Hu Yi did not dare to be careless. The chief asked him to take care of it. In fact, he acquiesced in any method he took.

No matter how good the old scholar's marksmanship in the village was, he would only die if he was shot by Xiao Hongying's sniper rifle.

The people in the village obviously had no close contact with the Cangzhou Road congregation outside the village that was wiped out by the Nine Battalions, so he did not issue an order to launch an attack on the village.

Instead, he chose to leave with the team.

had to leave.

Not even the bodies of the fallen soldiers were taken away.

Marching in enemy-occupied areas is always troublesome and dangerous.

No one knows whether those villagers will report the news to the Japanese afterwards.

The Eighth Route Army's underground work in enemy-occupied areas was very secretive, and it was impossible to face all the villagers.

I have seen so many cases of common people informing the Japanese that I have become accustomed to it.

What we need to do now is to hide the identity of Jiuying!

Cangzhou Dao is not a simple Taoist sect, but a gathering of heroes from the northern green forests who are trying to survive in troubled times!
Fighting against the Japs in the enemy's war zone will be difficult if we lose the support of the villagers.

Hu Yi suddenly had the illusion that he was surrounded by enemies on all sides.

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