under fire

Chapter 1547: What the 9th Battalion doesn’t have, we must have it too

Chapter 1547: What the Ninth Battalion doesn’t have, we must have it too
West of Hua County.

Large tracts of fields were deserted.

The harsh afternoon sun shone on the desolate land.

On the north-south highway, two long ruts extend into the distance.

The hot rising air on the road blurred the scenery and shook it.

The weather was too hot, and generally no one would rush around under the scorching afternoon sun.

A black dot gradually became clear as a human figure. As the distance got closer, a figure of a puppet soldier carrying a rifle gradually appeared in the field of view of the telescope lens.

If you look carefully, you can see a group of puppet soldiers following behind them.
The blurry team got closer and closer, and the observer finally counted eleven!
A puppet military squad.

As time passed, the highway behind the puppet soldiers began to become noisy.

From far away, you can hear loud shouting and the sound of mules and horses neighing.

The puppet army's food transport team finally appeared!
The puppet soldiers seemed to be cursing and telling the civilians pushing the grain carts to move faster.

When the correspondent came to report the appearance of the enemy's grain transport team, Ma Liang, who was sleeping in the ditch, quickly got up and raised his binoculars.

The marching blanket above my head was hot in the sun.

In the field of vision, the mighty grain transport team coming from the south spread out for a mile.

Maybe it was because the weather was too hot and the puppet troops were marching at the same speed.

As the grain transport team continued to approach, Ma Liang's heart suddenly tightened.

I once pushed an oxcart loaded with three thousand kilograms of grain, and how much it weighed. I had no idea what it was like to push a cart without having experienced it.

The behavior of the people pushing carts on the highway was really too relaxed.

He looked carefully and saw that many people were walking along with their hands on the grain carts.

The wheels of the cart turn easily, even with some bumps.

Even if it only holds a thousand kilograms of grain, the cart should not be bumpy under the heavy pressure!
Something is wrong, there is something wrong with those civilian husbands!
Even if you think with your toes, you can tell that those civilians are probably puppet soldiers in disguise.

Being result-oriented, it will naturally be much easier to find out the doubts about the grain transport team.

The peasants pushing the carts did not lean forward as necessary when walking, and many of them walked very neatly!
There was just one problem that Ma Liang still couldn't figure out.

Why did the puppet army choose to rush on the hottest afternoon of the day?

"Hurry up and signal to the second battalion that the puppet army has a conspiracy." Ma Liang ordered the correspondent.

The student in charge of delivering the order scratched his head and looked apologetic: "Captain Ma, this is me you are talking about. I have only learned the simplest flag language."

It's hot in the summer, let alone walking in a big car. Even if you stay under the shade of a tree, you'll be so hot that you'll sweat all over.

The leader of the puppet army took out a towel and wiped the sweat on his neck, and asked the puppet squad leader casually: "Brother, you said those cowards from Nanjing, they asked us to go on the road at the hottest time of the day. From my point of view, it was clearly Trouble us!"

The pseudo-squad leader wears a standard military cap, his leggings are well-proportioned, and even the towel hanging around his waist is neat: "Stop talking nonsense! We are soldiers, and we should behave like soldiers! We must obey orders in everything."

The questioner was a little dissatisfied: "The people named Wang in Nanjing are running a pseudo-government. Why should we obey their orders?"

"Why? Haha, if you don't obey, you will starve to death! How do you choose?"

"If it doesn't work out, let's go back to the mountains and claim the mountain as king!"

"Haha, when we were in the mountains before, didn't you see how those mountain people lived? Do you have the nerve to rob them?"

"Let's imitate those bandits and kidnap us and extort money."

"Soldiers should take it as their duty to defend their homeland and country."

"Then if we vote for Nanjing now, we are actually voting for the Japanese. This is called supporting the tiger."

"To shut up!"

"Deputy squad leader Zhang, please stop saying a few words. It's important to be on your way." Seeing the squad leader and the squad deputy quarreling, a puppet soldier behind him immediately advised him.

Seeing someone interjecting, Deputy Squad Leader Zhang became even more enthusiastic: "It's so hot, those cowards have to let everyone go. I don't think it would be nice if I got a heat stroke. I'd better find a shaded place to rest until the sun sets soon before leaving." .”

"Damn it, where are you going to find shade when everything is so bare?" "Just find a ditch, use a rifle to lift the marching blanket and rest for a while." Deputy squad leader Zhang looked proud: "Sleep in the ditch and wait until dawn. How about leaving Heilieng again?"

"You know what the hell, the superiors want us to do this just to lure those Eighth Route Army out. We are not really transporting food."

"This place is vast as far as the eye can see. Even if the Eighth Route Army were to ambush him, do you think he might come out to seek death in broad daylight?"

"Looking for death? Don't underestimate the Sangun Tubal Road. Last time we went to communicate with the Eighth Route Army, we went to a group that didn't even have a serial number.
"I know, you are talking about the independent regiment in the mountainous area of ​​Shoumei County on the Eighth Route. Tsk, tsk, that marksmanship, even within a hundred meters range, I will hit your black eyes, but I will never hit your white eyes."

"Damn it, are you so bragging? With that shot, even your black eyes and white eyes will explode."

"Why are you so anxious? I'll use this analogy."

"Legends are always legends, and none of us have seen them with new eyes."

Deputy squad leader Zhang looked mysterious: "I've seen it before!"


"of course it's true!"

"I remembered, you seemed to have sent ammunition to them."

"According to this, Balu still has some friendship with us, right?"

"We do have friendship. We used to be the national army who resisted Japan. What about now? The Eighth Route Army called us puppet troops."

"They are the loyal and brave national salvation army!" A puppet soldier immediately corrected him.

"I said, how about we send a few brothers, without guns, to find a way to find the Eighth Route Army and discuss it with them?"

"Are you having trouble with your brain? We are officers and soldiers, and the Eighth Route Army are bandits."

"Tch, it sounds like I can really do as well as [-]."

"Hey, even if we discuss it, we should come to us from all directions, don't you think?"

"If we can think of a way to prevent the Eighth Route Army from ambushing us, wouldn't it be good for me and good for everyone?"

"Then think quickly"

Deputy squad leader Zhang changed the topic: "I heard that Hu Zongnan mobilized heavy troops to attack the Eighth Route Army's lair in northern Shaanxi."

The face of the pseudo-squad leader changed: "I said, why is your tongue so long? How about I help you pull it out?"

"It's such a hot day, can't you even say a word?"

"You also know that the Eighth Route Army is about to be wiped out, so you should know that in order to reduce the pressure on northern Shaanxi, they are like mad dogs catching and biting anyone in the occupied areas to create chaos."

"Brother, to be honest, I think the Eighth Route Army is actually quite pitiful."

Deputy squad leader Zhang curled his lips: "It takes fifty steps to laugh a hundred steps. Since we put on this skin, we are more pitiable than the Eighth Route Army."

On the east side of the highway, Gao Yidao kicked Kuaiji who was holding up a telescope and said, "Calculate, how much would they be worth if all the guns on the puppet soldiers on the road were seized?"

Kuai Legs didn't care at all when he got kicked. He turned around and asked, "Money? Hey, what do we need money for?"

Gao Yidao lay in the shadow of the ditch and glared: "Hurry up!"

"There are more than a hundred puppet soldiers in military uniforms, and about two hundred puppet soldiers disguised as civilians. It is estimated that there are three hundred guns. One gun is worth 120 yuan, plus bullets and those mules, horses, and carts, it should be sold. Fifty thousand oceans!”

"A battalion's equipment is actually worth so much?" Gao Yidao babbled, his expression unchanged.

"You keep mumbling every day, so you have to ask questions knowingly."

Gao Yidao held up the binoculars and shook his head as he looked: "It's a pity that there are not many puppet soldiers armed with shell guns..."

"Battalion Commander, are you planning to get equipment for our newly established special agent company?"

The big eyes behind the telescope stared fiercely: "What the Ninth Battalion has, our Second Battalion must have! What the Ninth Battalion doesn't have, we must also have."

"Battal Commander, seeing what you say, are you afraid of flashing your tongue?" Kuaishan looked at Gao Yidao sympathetically: "If you can create a female militia company, I can do whatever you want me to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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