under fire

Chapter 1548: The Rangers joining in the fun

After dawn, the sky in Qinghe County changed.

I did not see the scene of ordinary people filling the streets to welcome the Eighth Route Army.

Except for a few bad guys who took advantage of the situation in the county, it didn't cause much chaos.

The doors of every household were closed. Obviously, the people did not believe that the Eighth Route Army could gain a foothold in the county.

After the Eighth Route Army occupied the county town, the legendary sharing of wives among communists did not happen.

Many Eighth Route Army soldiers helped ordinary people repair their houses under the scorching sun.

Fetch water from the well on the east street of the city to the homes of orphans, elderly, weak, women and children.

In the streets and alleys, small groups of soldiers carried lime water and were busy writing slogans on the walls with small brooms.

Under the scorching sun, Eighth Route Army soldiers were lying on the roofs of every street corner with rifles raised.

No one knows how many enemies are hidden in the county.

Everything, seeing is believing.

Life must go on. Rich people are better informed and know the policies of the Eighth Route Army, so they begin to arrange for their long-term workers to sneak out of the back door, planning to contact the Eighth Route Army and get a feel for the situation.

Ordinary people have turned their backs to the sky, and underground personnel have also done their jobs. Now that they have seen it with their own eyes, they finally understand that the Eighth Route Army is not terrible...

County Office.

The division chief frowned and considered it carefully while looking at the large military map hanging on half the wall.

It is not unusually difficult to defend a county with the strength of a regiment.

Among the people released from the prisons of the county police force and county detective team, several were underground comrades who were familiar with the local situation.

We learned from them that the Japanese military police had a radio station in the county.

And that radio station is now nowhere to be found.

In other words, there are still Japanese intelligence agents hiding in the county!

Captain Pei did not go out of the city to survey the terrain. He had been active in this area for a long time, and he already knew which ditches were in which soil.

At this time, he was standing at the door of the county office, thanking every squire who came over.

The Japanese adopted various methods to strictly investigate the anti-Japanese elements in the occupied areas, and underground organizations were severely damaged.

The armed work team he led mainly focused on removing traitors and attacking enemy military targets, and the mass work was not carried out satisfactorily.

Enemies appeared in the south of the city, and he had to temporarily go into battle to do mass work.

What is surprising is that many pawnshops and bank accounts with Japanese and traitor backgrounds were robbed, but the squires simply chose to turn a blind eye.

The reason was quickly figured out. After the Japanese occupied the county town, they looted and looted at various times. Those who dared to resist would not only destroy their own families, but also harm their relatives and friends.

As long as you don't take advantage of yourself, it's better to do less than to do more.

It is said that the guys who robbed the bank account have all been taken outside the city and shot by the Eighth Route Army.

It seems that the Eighth Route Army has much better military discipline than the national army and the puppet army.

Many years ago, the Eighth Route Army attacked the local tycoons to divide their fields. The rich and rural gentry were still hostile to the Eighth Route Army, but they had to bite the bullet and come forward, offering money and food... It was better than being borrowed for free.

At least you can decide the number yourself.

Takahashi stood behind the squires. Even though he thought there was no one who had met him in this place, he still subconsciously lowered the brim of the straw hat on his head.

He clearly saw the tricks Tubalu played.

I saw Wang Xiaosan, the cook of the Ninth Battalion with a submachine gun hanging on his chest this morning. He would recognize it even if it turned into ashes!
If it weren't for the Eighth Route Army hiding behind the windows of the houses opposite the County Office, he could have led his men into the County Office now.

outside the city.

The commander of the first battalion of the main force looked gloomily at the prisoners sitting in the sorghum field.

He was very worried. In just half a day, he actually caught no less than thirty people who climbed over the city wall to inform the Japanese.

There are clerks from grain stores, cooks from restaurants, horsemen driving carts, nurses from wealthy families, and even three police officers and four traitors from the detective team.

Judging from the identities of these people alone, QH County has long been enslaved by the Japanese...

It was easy to find out the identities of these traitors. The underground intelligence agents who stayed in the city had a clear picture of the details of the traitors and the traitors of the detective team.

But those city guys, cooks, grooms, etc. are not easy to deal with.

The bayonets were pressed against their necks, scaring all these boneless men to the point of peeing.

There is no legendary hard bone!
Police officers and traitors who sneaked out of the city were quickly executed.

Who cares whether you have a hundred old mothers or a suckling baby? If you collaborate with the enemy, you will die!
After working underground for five years, a happy smile appeared on Sloppy's face for the first time.

He knew very well that the days of being oppressed by the Japanese were not over, but he felt warm when he looked at those comrades.

Battalion Commander Wu is a decisive person.

He was really happy.

The working style of the main force group is completely different from the working methods of the underground anti-Japanese government.

As long as someone identifies the traitor, there is no need to collect evidence and the enemy will be shot directly.

The soldiers in the main group had a murderous look in their eyes, and there was nothing wrong with them despite the corpses on the ground.

Death hovered over the city like a crow, leaving dead silence on the earth.

It was not only the traitors who were killed, but also the hearts of the traitors who surrendered to the enemy.

Death is scary...

Recruiting office in the south of the city.Young teenagers lined up shirtless to sign up.

"Report to the leader, I know how to use the ground sword."

"Recruit platoon!"

"Report, I can swim from the west of the canal to the east of the canal and back again without gasping for breath."

"Second Platoon of Recruits!"

"Report, my sister was raped by the Japanese, and I want to avenge her!"

“Go to the third row”

Recruitment was going very fast, and the three underground workers hiding in the room behind the recruitment office kept making gestures.

They discussed and quickly confirmed whether the young people outside the window could be recruited into the team.

"Why don't you recruit me?" A tall and thin young man said unwillingly.

"We have the final say whether to recruit you or not, so get out of here!"

"I also went to college and I can write slogans."

"Get out!" The recruiting soldier looked impatient. Anyway, the underground comrades would not recruit them if they said they wouldn't.

The county is only so big, and the underground intelligence basically knows the background of these teenagers.

Chen Jun left the recruiting office with a calm expression.

Just as he turned around the alley, a figure blocked his way.

"who are you?"

"Aren't you going to fight the Japanese? Come with me!"

The formation's expression changed: "Who are you?"

"The Rangers!"

The formation army looked back at the entrance of the alley. Several men in gray clothes had already blocked the way at the entrance of the alley behind.

This is ridiculous.

He had heard of the Rangers before. It was indeed an anti-Japanese team, and it was an official team.

However, he couldn't figure it out. If the Rangers wanted to recruit people, they had been missing for so much time in the past. Why did they find him now?

"Don't do it!"

"If you don't do it, you will die!" A dagger slipped out of the man in black's sleeve.

"No, I did it!"

Murakami Taiyang chose to camp on the sorghum land beside the highway in the south of the city.

Sentries were also deployed around the area. The plum blossom-shaped sentry was the highest level of alert that the North Special Police could achieve.

People kept coming to ask them for information about the city.

But none of the intelligence agents stationed in the city came out.

This made Murakami Taiho feel very unsure.

A figure ran across the sorghum fields as swiftly as a leopard.

The figure holding a gun appeared in front of him, causing him to stand still.

He looked steadily at the black muzzle of the gun in the hand of the man in black: "Don't shoot, one of our own!"

The man in black asked in a low voice: "Who are you?"

"Number Nine!"


"Chong Nine!"

The man in black who was on guard lowered his gun in his hand, turned around and pointed at the sorghum field behind him: "You finally came out, Murakami-kun is waiting for you."

No. [-] said nothing, quickened his pace again, passed by the alert man, and disappeared into the sorghum field.

Seeing No. [-] appear, Murakami Taihao looked excited and said, "Tell me, what's going on!"

"See for yourself!" No. [-] took out an envelope from his pocket: "The Eighth Route Army in the city moved some things from the military camp and the county office, and there was no chaos."

"So, have there been any large-scale cases of residents getting sick?"

"Not yet!"

Murakami Taro nodded: "It seems that just breaking the embankment and releasing water is not very effective. We need to add more fire."

"Mr. Gao reminds us to be careful. This group of Eighth Route Army has severely damaged the imperial army in the mountains!"

"Have you figured out the eighth route number, troop strength, firepower, commander... situation, and the deployment of defenses in the city?"

"In the morning, we estimated two battalions, now... three battalions..."


"The Imperial Alliance Army who stayed behind turned against the enemy, plus the new recruits recruited by the Eighth Route Army..."

"How many people have been put in?"

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