under fire

Chapter 1549 Evil

The village smelled bad.

Rotting corpses were everywhere.

Cheng Haibo, whose mouth and nose were covered with linen, felt heavy and reached out to push open the door.

In the corner of the eye, there were four corpses crowded on the broken bed. They might have been dead not long ago and had not yet decomposed, emitting a pungent odor.

Cheng Haibo's mood was extremely heavy. Until the end of the day, there was not a single person alive in the village!
Four soldiers squeezed into the room from beside him, wrapped the two thin bodies in the tattered sheets in the room, and quickly carried them away.

Cheng Haibo turned and left with a dark face.

One of the bodies in the room moved.

The thin boy with a dark face slowly got up: "Grandpa."

"What...are you howling for?" an old voice sounded weakly.

"Oh, Grandpa, you're not dead yet?" The boy was so frightened that he sat on the ground and stared at his grandfather's body in front of him with wide eyes.

Unfortunately, there was no movement from the grandfather in the boy's mouth. Perhaps, he finally died after saying the last words.

Bodies from the village were carried to the west of the village and piled up like mountains.

Flies flew freely in the strong stench.

There was no coffin, only a patched quilt or a dirty door curtain to wrap the body.

Dust to dust, dust to dust.

I walked around the world, but left nothing behind.

If it weren't for the county's household registration, no one would even know the names of these dead villagers many years later.

In a remote courtyard in the village.

Several of the wounded in the group were in very bad condition, their wounds were so red and swollen that it made people palpitate...

"Captain, can you give me a pleasure?" The wounded man firmly grasped the arm of Commander Cheng who came to see the situation, and prayed intermittently in a Nunuo voice.

Cheng Haibo's eyes were red and he was holding back tears: "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely find the best doctor to cure your disease."

It was better to die than to live. Seeing the twisted expressions of pain on the faces of the wounded, he felt the pain of the wounded.

"No matter how painful it is, don't give up. Maybe we can still be saved?" After saying this, Cheng Haibo walked from the house to the yard.

The second battalion commander under his command hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Commander, let's not follow the Eighth Route Army. With our current wealth, we will definitely not be able to stop the Fourth Brigade coming from Wei County."

"Follow the Eighth Route Army?" Cheng Haibo's eyes became sharp: "Haha, have you forgotten that we are the Eighth Route Army now!"

"Ever since the man surnamed Hu came, we have never stopped. First we lost our dragon, and then we lived like a lost dog without even a kennel."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if we follow the Eighth Route Army and continue like this, these old brothers of ours will eventually be wiped out!"

"Are you afraid of death?"

"I'm not afraid of death, I just can't bear to let my brothers lose their wealth and lives in vain."

Cheng Haibo felt a little panicked and said in a calm tone: "Gather the team immediately. I want to hear what you guys think."

Since the first regiment originally had only two battalions, 700 people.

The original Second Battalion defected to Division Jianye and was eventually taken over by the military.

The ninth battalion of the Independent Regiment came in under the designation of a guard battalion. After recruiting a large number of anti-college students, the first battalion was recruited and reorganized into two battalions based on its financial resources.

As the regimental commander, he had no control over the guard battalion.

But he didn't expect that his second battalion commander would make a mistake at this juncture.

Obviously, there is definitely more than one person who thinks like the second battalion commander.

"No need to assemble." The second battalion commander said calmly.

mutiny!Cheng Haibo's mind buzzed: "You dare?"

"I have to do this for the sake of my brothers' survival!" The second battalion commander looked directly at Cheng Haibo: "The Eighth Route Army captured the county town, but our people were not allowed to enter the city to seek treatment from doctors. Do they regard us as their own?"

An autonomous soldier came to the two of them and glanced at Cheng Haibo timidly.

Then he saluted directly to the second battalion commander: "Report to the battalion commander, all the people inserted by the Eighth Route Army have been arrested."

Cheng Haibo grabbed the second battalion commander's shirt: "What do you want to do?"

There were seven or eight confidants of the Second Battalion Commander standing in the yard. There was a roar of gun bolts, and they all pointed their guns at Cheng Haibo.

The second battalion commander looked at Cheng Haibo: "The national army is about to wipe out the Eighth Route Army. If we follow the Eighth Route Army and fight against the Japs, there will be absolutely no future!"

Cheng Haibo's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot: "The Eighth Route Army has grown from 4 to 10 thousand people to tens of [-] thousand people now. It has won the hearts of the people all over the world. Don't you understand this truth?"

"Haha, Captain, it's not that I don't believe it. Open your eyes and take a good look. Sooner or later, the Eighth Route Army will attack Qinghe County and be surrounded and suppressed by the Japanese. This time, they are guarding the county town and can escape at any time, but they let us follow the four groups here. The brigade fought tooth and nail, making it clear that they don't take our brothers' lives seriously, but want to use our brothers as cannon fodder!" "Why do you say that?" Cheng Haibo was furious.

"Don't say you don't know clearly. The heavy troops mobilized by the Japs have begun to counterattack. Do you think we can defeat the Fourth Brigade with just a few people like us?"

Cheng Haibo released his grip on the second battalion commander's coat: "Tell me, who are you going to take your brothers to?"

The second battalion commander's eyes flickered: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"If you dare to surrender to the enemy, I will kill you!" Cheng Haibo faced the dark gun muzzles all around, but still moved his hand to the holster on his waist.

The second battalion commander shook his head: "You don't have that chance!"

He looked at the bayonet that was thrust into his lower back and appeared in front of his lower abdomen.

Captain Cheng couldn't believe his eyes.

The severe pain made him unable to stand at all and he fell to the ground.

Bang bang bang.
Suddenly gunfire rang out outside the village.

"Oh no, the Fourth Brigade Pistol Team is coming from behind the green gauze tent!" the autonomous army member responsible for the security shouted at the top of his voice from the rooftop.

Hearing that they were coming from a pistol team, the first battalion commander took out his rifle and his expression changed drastically: "Withdraw to the south!"

Obviously, the Fourth Brigade did not take the high road.

Instead, they walked through the green gauze tent to bypass the outer security posts and reached the outside of the village.

The first battalion commander lowered the rifle in his hand and pointed the muzzle at Cheng Haibo's head.

He knew very well that to cut the grass, the root must be eradicated, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

Whoosh. Whoosh.
Several grenades were fired into the village from the green gauze tent.

One of them happened to fall in the yard and exploded suddenly.

He Gensheng had long forgotten the time he had to walk in front of death.

Checked the 27 injuries brought back by Xiao Hongying.

Two soldiers who escaped from the cellar with him failed to survive in the end.

The bodies of the two soldiers were carried away.

As for how many people can stand up again, it depends on whether God opens his eyes.

The wounded actually liked seeing He Gensheng.

They all felt that He Gensheng's medical skills were very high.

Soldiers dislocated their feet during training or fighting, and it only took two clicks for He Gensheng's hands to straighten the bones.

He Gensheng's medical skills are indeed very high, and practice makes perfect.

Initially, half of the patients who underwent surgery by He Gensheng died.

But now, as long as the injury is not fatal, he can basically survive.

But this time, He Gensheng watched helplessly as the heartbeat and breathing of the soldiers who had been smoked by the poisonous gas stopped.

The village is filled with sweet fragrance.

It was already September, and the corn had already matured. The villagers managed to find a few baskets of tender corn that could still be chewed in the cornfield.

Hu Yi did not reject the kindness of the fellow villagers. He felt that it was necessary to have a good relationship with the villagers.

His eyes that were injured by the poisonous gas seemed to be showing signs of improvement.

There were not many people in the Ninth Battalion, and their mission was to guard the second team line west of the county seat.

Cheng Haibo led two battalions to guard about five miles to the west.

As the first line of defense for the team.

The latest order issued by superiors is to carry out large-scale raids in enemy-occupied areas, which must disrupt the rear areas where the Japanese think they are stable.

The liberation of a county town in the core area occupied by the Japanese was actually of no importance to the Japanese.

The security area, which the Japanese have always considered to be stable, has been attacked by the Eighth Route Army one after another.

Moreover, the Eighth Route Army captured Qinghe County this time and seemed to have no intention of leaving.

Of course the Japanese will not sit idly by and will definitely mobilize their troops to counterattack frantically.

Even so, the scale of the battle in one county is not that big anyway.

Obviously it cannot achieve the purpose of disrupting the enemy's rear.

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