under fire

Chapter 1550

The three heads came together.

We are discussing how to capture those Japanese spies.

The monkey assured me: "The little devil's arrangement is plum blossom whistle. I have seen it in Tianjinwei before. It is a common arrangement for the Japanese military police to arrest people. Those six groups will whistle the Japanese openly and secretly. I guarantee that they will not say a word even after they die!"

"Everyone knows how to surround the enemy with more attacks and fewer attacks." Wang Xiaosan had little experience in commanding encirclement and suppression of enemies, but he refused to admit defeat: "I think we should arrange for people to surround the sorghum land first, and then catch the turtle in the jar!"

"In the Qingsha tent, even if we actively attack the enemy with three times the enemy's strength, there is no chance of victory!" Monkey said directly to Wang Xiaosan: "Even if we win in the end, the battle loss ratio is estimated to be more than one to one."

Wang Xiaosan didn't have the confidence to retort: ​​"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Have you ever heard of the phrase knocking mountains and shaking tigers?" Zi continued to quip.

"Do you think I've been studying culture for nothing these days? The meaning is almost the same as alerting the enemy. Can you please stop showing off the few idioms you learned from Sister Su Qing?"

"Hey, this is called applying what you have learned. Please listen to me carefully. Let's first place a squad of soldiers behind them... that is, in the south. All of them are armed with shell guns. Why use shell guns? It's because the line of sight cannot be far in the green gauze tent, and the rifle can fire It’s useless to go far.”

"Damn it, when did this happen? Can you please speak to your mother-in-law and mother-in-law?"

"A devil in a green gauze tent is like a fish in water. As long as there is the slightest movement, the little devil will jump around. Do you understand?"

"I beg you, please stop talking nonsense!"

"The attacking side in Qingsha Zhang will definitely be at a disadvantage because they are not familiar with the environment and the enemy's situation, so we must change from active to passive."

"Changing from active to passive? I've finally convinced you, okay, if you continue to talk, I, Wang Xiaosan, will lead my own people to do it!"

"Don't leave, listen to what I have to say, and use the method passed down by our ancestors to surround the three towers!"

The monkey's experience comes from the battles it has participated in in the past.

He knew very well that defense and offense were completely different things.

After fighting for a long time, Monkey finally took over the command from Wang Xiaosan.

After entering Jiuying, Monkey found that this kind of life seemed to be pretty good.

Although he is not qualified to be a member of the armed forces, he can always trouble the lone Japanese, and he can also dig out the Japanese hidden among the common people.

The Jiazibei special police are definitely good at setting up traps to arrest anti-Japanese elements, interrogate prisoners, and collect intelligence. However, when encountering the Eighth Route Army, which is good at changing tactics after a fight and whose sole purpose is to eliminate opponents, all their tricks are of no use at all.

The monkey went around to the east, crawled on the sorghum for a distance, and then raised the telescope to observe carefully.

Looking through the gap between the sorghum and the ground, he looked at the Japanese Mingshao lying beside the ditch not far away, and his eyes fell behind the Japanese Mingshao.

After a long time, he whispered to the soldier next to him: "Throw a piece of dirt over there."

A lump of earth was thrown in front of the Japanese sentry post.

With a bang, the Japanese whistle immediately turned around and looked around.

After a while, no one was found, so he turned to the back and muttered: "It must be a small animal!"

"Stop talking and be alert!" A voice came from behind the whistle.

The monkey narrowed his eyes slightly and said in an inaudible voice: "Touching the whistle is difficult to say, but it is difficult to say it is not."

"What do you say?" The soldier lying next to him muttered in his heart: It's all nonsense.

"The difficulty is to kill the first group of sentries. Just kill the group in an unimportant direction, then quickly change into the little Japs' black clothes, enter the gap behind the Japs' sentries, and kill them blatantly from the gap."

"It seems...makes sense."

"Now...it's yours!" Zi patted the warrior who was a hunter lying on the other side.

The warrior quickly took off a stiff bow from his back.

The arrow was fully drawn and aimed at the neck of the Japanese whistle seven or eight meters away. "It's just such a short distance, don't let me miss you!" Monkey quickly warned.

"Thirty steps, I said if you shoot the little devil in the left eye, you won't hit his right eye."

"Boy, you have a future!"

"Thank you for the compliment, captain!"

"Praise is nothing. I said you have a brighter future than bragging. Damn it, you dare not say where to hit with a shell gun from a distance of 30 meters."

call out.
The feather scissors trembled and broke through the sorghum leaves on the road ahead. With an obvious parabola, they accurately penetrated into the side of the neck of the spy who was acting as a sentinel.


The agent grabbed the scissors with both hands and struggled to make a low hissing sound. The guy's throat was shot, and the sound was not loud and did not travel far.

The noise caused was not small.

The Japanese secret whistle behind him could only see his companion struggling due to the angle of his vision. He could not see the arrows on the bright whistle's neck that were almost the same color as the sorghum pole for the time being.

Observe carefully the companions who are struggling. There seems to be nothing going on?
Get up quickly and prepare to go forward to check
call out.
Two feather arrows flew out from the sorghum ground one after another!
A group of people dressed as puppet troops quickly moved from the Japanese guard post to behind the Japanese guard position.

Not long after, bullets roared in the green gauze tent.

From time to time grenades exploded.

Always remember the clothing store.

A team capturing spies hiding in the county quickly surrounded the garment store.

Looking at the eight soldiers in gray clothes who rushed in with guns and ammunition.

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he sat down on the ground: "Excuse me, this is a small business. I have always been law-abiding and honest."

The monkey smiled and looked at Takahashi who was sitting on the ground in a frightened state: "It didn't take long. You imitated our words and said it really well. At least the words "spare life" were spoken in a clear and pure way. Tell me about the Henan dialect...who did you learn it from?"

Takahashi looked at Monkey, who was holding his bayonet and rifle, and stumbled to the ground, letting his body move backwards.

Because...the monkey held the point of its bayonet against his stomach.

"I wanted to catch you this morning, but this time I'll see where you can escape!" Monkey pressed his bayonet against Takahashi's soft belly again with a smirk on his face.

"I am really a businessman, and I am willing to pay to redeem myself! Master Jun, I am willing to pay to redeem myself. One thousand oceans, no, two thousand oceans. I have little wealth in the county, and I am willing to give it all. I just want Master Ba, spare my life!"

On a wooden pole at the back, the Japanese who was tied up with his hands and knees cursed angrily: "Takahashi, you are a bastard. Soldiers of the Japanese Empire will die if they die. If you beg for mercy like this, you will not be afraid of losing the emperor." face?"

The monkey turned his head: "I just like to watch stories about heroes begging for mercy. If you beg for mercy like this, maybe I will let you go if my heart softens. The tougher the person, the harder it is to let him go. It doesn't matter if I let Takahashi go back to this weakling." , I can catch him next time, but I can't be as tough as you. If I catch you again, I will lose my brother. Little devil, why don't you beg for mercy? I heard that your Murakami family has a lot of money."

Murakami closed his eyes and stopped talking. Takahashi, whose hands were tied, hurriedly came to the monkey and flattered him, hoping that he would have a chance to redeem himself with money.

"The little devils in Anyang City have captured a lot of anti-Japanese elements. If you can write a letter and let them out, it doesn't matter if we exchange Murakami for them!"

The traitor Wu Lantian has been occupying Huaxian County since he surrendered to the Japanese. He has been in a bad mood these days.

After a big fight with the Eighth Route Army some time ago, he only had more than 1000 men left.

The little Japanese military police gave him a change of defense order and asked him to pack up his bedroll and go to the barren Neihuang County.

But Sun Dianying, the bitch who came to take over the defense, took advantage of the strength of the people and blatantly came to seize the territory.

Facing this ruthless man, the knocked out teeth can only be swallowed in the stomach.

Hearing that the Eighth Route Army had been attacking Sun Dianying's logistics supplies, Wu Lantian began to rack his brains to find a way.

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