under fire

Chapter 1551: What are the puppet soldiers thinking?

Chapter 1551: What are the puppet soldiers thinking?

Xiao Hongying's face was ugly when she walked into the yard. After entering the house, she leaned the rifle wrapped in linen against the door.

He came to Hu Yi who was sitting behind the table, closing his eyes and recuperating. He lowered his head and lowered his voice: "You are a wounded person now, you should take good care of yourself."

Hu Yi wanted to answer Xiao Hongying and say that his eyes were fine.

But the stinging sensation in his eyes prevented him from opening his narrow eyes any wider, and he quickly turned his attention away from the blurry figure of the woman in his heart.

Xiao Hongying squeezed between Hu Yi and the table, took out the gauze and started to wrap it around Hu Yi's head: "If you don't take care of your eyes now, if you become blind in the future, do you think the vixen will still like you?"

Hu Yi suddenly raised his hand and untied Xiao Hongying from the yarn wrapped around his forehead: "What are you talking about?"

Xiao Hongying didn't pay attention, and brought over the water that had been boiled in the basin next to it but had not completely cooled down: "The vixen is interrogating Japanese spies in the county town."

Hu Yi opened his eyes suddenly, stood up, and just walked to the door of the yard, but suddenly turned back to the house, took off the holster of the rifle hanging on the wall, and put his head in the gun belt.

Three long magazines and three short magazines are inserted into the special cowhide bullet holsters that are only equipped with submachine guns.

He conveniently took away the rifle that Xiao Hongying was leaning against the wall.

Su Qing was sitting in the county police cell.

Looking at the prisoner being handcuffed to a wooden stake, I always feel that it is very unreal.

To be precise, she had little interrogation experience.

In her past memory and imagination, those hanging on the wooden stakes should be Eighth Route Army soldiers...or underground comrades.

He looked up again and looked at the enemy named Murakami Shiro.

Although the policy of the Eighth Route Army was relatively vague, it only gave preferential treatment to prisoners, not spies.

Japs were also captured on the battlefield, but almost all of them were taken as prisoners and sent directly to the division.

As for spies, they can be executed directly!
He turned around and looked at the monkey who was making a jingling sound of torture instruments in the prison.

The guy held a soldering iron in his hand, a whip on his shoulder, and was studying the tiger bench in front of him.
Like a child playing with a favorite toy.
With his hands tied to a wooden stake, Murakami seems to be unable to adapt to the change in his identity.

He was so familiar with the torture instruments leaning or hanging on the surrounding walls.

Once those cold or hot torture instruments take effect, no one can remain silent.

The few hard bones were long gone.

Working undercover for a long time has given him a constant reminder to stay calm.

Trying to think back on my past...

Before joining the Beijing Special Police, he served in the Tianjin Wei Haiguang Temple Military Police.

The Military Police itself is the most powerful secret organization in North China, and all those who can join it are elites.

Those who can join the Northern Special Police are the best among the best.

Unexpectedly, the boat actually capsized in the ditch and was captured alive by a bunch of bumpkins in front of him.

The bitch next to him didn't know how to make a sneak attack, and he took the poison pill off his collar first, so he suffered this humiliation.

According to the unwritten practice of the military police, if suicide cannot be achieved by taking poison, one should bite one's tongue and commit suicide at this time, so as not to bring shame to the Japanese Empire.

Uh. Now I am the supreme North Special Police!
Suicide is also a shame...Those Tubal Road must be allowed to see the unyielding heart of the imperial warriors.

With a clang, the iron door of the torture room was pushed open.

The big and thick bear was the first to appear at the door.

"That Sister Su! Hey, Monkey, are you there too?"

At this time, a crow suddenly sounded outside the torture room window.

Followed by a flutter of wings.

Luo Fugui seemed to suddenly hear thunder in his head, and turned to look out the window.

Hu Yi's vision was not very good. Seeing Su Qing's blurry figure, he suddenly came back to his senses: "No, it's a Japanese plane!"


It seems not difficult at all for ordinary people to avoid this war.

Just find a place without people for a few days and the war will be over.

The green gauze tents scattered across the plains are a good refuge.

Since ancient times, wars in the Central Plains have almost always resulted in the destruction of cities and walls, and even massacres and genocide, except for the destruction of crops in the fields.

Otherwise, when the sorghum is ripe, a fire can turn the crop fields on the plain into a sea of ​​flames!

Food is as important to people as life.Every year, every day, no matter the storm, there are people working in the fields.

When people from one place die, they will soon be replaced by people from other places.

Become the master of this brown land again.

As long as the land remains, the villages will become prosperous again in a short time.

Cheng Haibo, who was lying on the stretcher, tried hard to think away the heartbreaking pain coming from the wound.

It was very surprising that he was stabbed from the waist to the front of the abdomen, but the wound did not bleed much.

Apparently, the bayonet in the hand of the man who stabbed him avoided the vital part of his liver.

People who practice martial arts are different from ordinary people in that they know more or less the approximate locations of human body organs.

He didn't hate the bastard who stabbed him at all.

Because there is no use in hating him. When those bastards from the Fourth Brigade fired grenades, the guy threw himself on him with all his strength before the second grenade exploded.

The last words he said: "Captain, I'm sorry, I don't want to die."

He didn't want to die, but he died anyway.
Cheng Haibo tried his best to turn his head and glanced at the village that he could no longer see.

The guys chasing behind him now are his former colleagues!

Thinking of those bastards from the Fourth Brigade, Cheng Haibo's thoughts slowly dispersed and he gradually entered a coma.

Those who carried Cheng Haibo were the disarmed students of the Anti-Japanese University.

Maybe it's because I once stirred a horse spoon in a pot.

When the vanguard of the Fourth Brigade launched an attack, the rebels who fled southward did not make it difficult for them.

They even threw two rifles and two bullet bags to them.

After the students were released from custody, they did not escape with the battalion commander's men.

Instead, through some tips from the defectors, they successfully found the regiment leader who had been stabbed but did not die.

In the battles between the autonomous armies, there was no sacrifice of life, and even the sound of gunshots was heard but no one was seen.

Therefore, there was no large-scale fighting in the village.

The vanguard of the Fourth Brigade used two small cannons made in Jin Dynasty to imitate the Japanese grenades. They only fired five rounds of ten grenades, and the tactic of encircling three people and defeating one was quickly effective.

The remnants of the group fled in panic, and the battle... ended immediately.

From the vanguard of the Fourth Brigade, it took almost no effort to completely occupy the village that had been defended by its companions.

West of the village.

The three autonomous troops on guard finally saw the large tomb that was not completely completed.

The leader only glanced at it for a few times and quickly looked away in pain.

The soldiers all thought they were iron-blooded, but when they saw the entire village lying together, their blood began to tremble in their hearts.

To be honest, they didn't care much about the lives of several people.

But there must be at least more than 100 people here!

They say they don’t care about human life, but who can really do that?

The reason why people suffer is because at certain times, they will kill their own kind in order to survive!

The Eighth Route Army promotes Tiger La La everywhere, but ordinary people may not know it.

But as the soldiers who occupy a party are much better informed than the common people, they know some inside information.

In troubled times, everyone wants to survive, and everyone wants to be more prosperous.

However, if you want to come over, you must put in your hard work.

The spies placed in the village came every day in the past few days to report how many people had died in the village.

It can be ruled out that the deaths of these people were not caused by the group.

Not only here, almost all the villagers in the nearby ten miles and eight townships died on a large scale in one village after another.

The autonomous soldiers who surrendered to the Japanese were already uneasy!

Following several screams from the wounded left in the regiment, the soldiers of the Fourth Puppet Brigade began to clean the battlefield.

Like can kill each other, and the roots will be eradicated!

(End of this chapter)

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