under fire

Chapter 1552 Compromise

A Japanese plane appeared in the sky.

It indicates that the enemy army will arrive soon.

In the streets and alleys of the county town, the Eighth Route Army soldiers were in a hurry, knocking on doors from door to door, persuading the people to get out of the city and take shelter before the enemy encircled them.

The residents did not take it seriously. Although the Japanese went on a killing spree after occupying the county in the early years, they seemed to have restrained themselves a lot in recent years.

It gives many people an illusion.

With the changes in the past dynasties, the death of some people is not too difficult to accept.

Even if their home is just a doghouse, many people are unwilling to leave the city.

Some people would rather die than leave their homeland where they have lived for generations.

In the county police torture room, Hu Yi and Su Qing had just met, and a Japanese plane followed them over the county town.

The deputy commander sent a correspondent to report: "Report to Commander Hu, your battalion has sent a telegram. The second battalion of the first regiment was engaged in fire with the leading troops of the fourth brigade of the Autonomous Army. The second battalion mutinied and the second battalion commander led his team to escape. Cheng The leader was seriously injured."

Hu Yi's heartbeat accelerated.

He and Su Qing looked at each other for a few times, but they didn't say a word.

Hu Yi quickly left the county police force with the soldiers who had just entered the city.

Seeing the enemy plane hovering over the county town, Hu Yi watched for half a minute: "It's a reconnaissance plane, let's go!"

The reconnaissance plane overhead immediately began to expand its reconnaissance range and circle around the broken city wall of the county seat.

The enemy plane circled the county town seven or eight times, but perhaps found nothing.

In the end, not even a bomb was dropped, and it flew away northward.

"The plane is waiting for us to send a signal..." Takahashi smiled ingratiatingly while collecting the sheets on the roof.

"Safe signal to the pilot? You know what's going on?" Monkey shook his bayonet with a sinister smile on his face.

"Sir, you are so awesome." Takahashi said with a flattering smile, but was shocked in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't do anything.
I didn't expect this guy to know how to communicate in the air!

After the Japanese plane flew away, Hu Yi and his party quickly left the county seat, ran back to the village, and readjusted their defenses to the west of the city.

With a force of less than one battalion of the Ninth Battalion, it is not unusually difficult to deal with the Fourth Brigade, which has only two regiments.

Xiao Hongying ordered the correspondent class to notify the commanders above the platoon to come back for a meeting.

Hu Yi blinked his red eyes and looked at the map in the room.

Grassroots commanders at all levels continued to arrive. In the open-air meeting hall in the yard, the squad and platoon leaders held their first meeting, whispering to each other in a lively manner.

Luo Fugui complained to his platoon leaders that he didn't have enough food in the county this time.

Li Xiang sat in the sun without saying a word, letting his platoon leaders and squad leaders brag and compete.

The red instructor of the reconnaissance company was gone, leaving only the mainstay platoon leader Tang Dagou, who was bragging about his thinness with the second platoon leader sitting next to him.

After a long while.

As Hu Yi came out, the pre-war meeting of the Nine Battalions officially began.

Unlike previous discussions, Hu Yi gave orders directly, one after another. Commanders at all levels should leave quickly after hearing his name.

The whole meeting was very efficient. After more than ten minutes, the commanders at all levels left happily.

Hu Yi issued more than a dozen orders in a row, feeling a little thirsty.

A jar of water was handed over from behind. When he turned around, he realized it was Xiao Hongying. He picked up the jar and poured it into his mouth, then said in a hoarse voice: "This time, don't go anywhere!"

Xiao Hongying smiled so hard that her eyebrows arched: "They are just a few thieves from the Autonomous Army. I promise not to come within 200 meters of their headquarters."

Hu Yi was very satisfied with Xiao Hongying's attitude: "This time, using the green gauze tent to block the puppet army will be no problem in a short period of time, but as the little devils increase their troops, the final outcome is likely to be bad."

Xiao Hongying looked proud: "We have a great chance of winning. Our superiors have ordered three regiments to move closer to us. As long as they can hold on for a day and a night, they can retreat to the county seat and hold on. By then, more troops will come for reinforcements. "

"The puppet troops are not scary. What is scary is that we may not be able to break out by then."

"We will definitely be able to hold on until the reinforcements arrive." Xiao Hongying shook her little arm: "This time, we will definitely turn the enemy-occupied area upside down."

"We don't have much of a problem with those self-defense troops. What's important is that Commander Cheng's Second Battalion escaped from the battlefield."

"Don't worry. The student who reported the news said that his injuries were not serious and he didn't even bleed much." Xiao Hongying's reconnaissance company is responsible for the intelligence of the ninth battalion, and even the radio soldiers are under her control.

Luo Fugui, who had not gone out to arrange the blocking mission, interrupted at the door: "Boss Hu, tell me, who has the final say here now?"

"All orders are obeyed by superiors!" Xiao Hongying said seriously.

"The main regiment naturally listens to the deputy commander. Our guard battalion is obviously our own regiment. If we really want to fight, we don't have to listen to the deputy commander. We will not be under the control of his 23rd regiment." Luo Fugui blinked his ugly eyes. , obviously holding something bad in his stomach.

Hu Yi closed his eyes and asked, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"To be honest, I heard that the deputy commander is a leader with a political background. When it comes to arranging troops for war, he might be worse than me." Luo Fugui curled his lips.

"Don't hurt others to promote yourself..." Xiao Hongying rolled her eyes.

"Then he has the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, and dares to bear it under the eyes of the Japanese? How about we sneak attack the Japanese in one county and then move to the next?"

"Do you think attacking the county town is a guerrilla attack?" Xiao Hongying rolled her eyes at the idiot: "There are people hiding everywhere on the plains, and we can't hide our whereabouts at all. And once the devils are prepared, if we people want to attack the county town, we will die. The difference!" "If we don't have enough people, we will recruit troops. Those autonomous armies have no bones, so we can use them just by recruiting them."

"You forgot so quickly about Captain Cheng's injury?"


The staff who were busy in the village ran to the door: "We have to move the people first..."

Luo Fu pointed to the villagers carrying large and small bags outside the door: "There are enemies all around, where can they hide?"

The staff showed a proud look on their faces: "It's simple. Our hundred-mile green gauze tent is not for show. As long as the fellow villagers burrow into the green gauze tent, no one will be able to find us."

After the underground personnel left, Hu Yi looked up at the newly recruited recruits and sighed: "Are the backgrounds of these recruits reliable?"

"All underground comrades have been screened. If nothing else happens, there should be no problems."

Hu Yi suddenly turned around and said, "Select a good soldier from the new recruits for me. I will be of use."

Luo Fugui was confused when he heard this: "You have bad eyesight, why do you need so many people?"

Hu Yi smiled bitterly: "The Japs have occupied the county for several years. Over the years, the Japs have reduced the originally prosperous Qinghe County to poverty, but many people are willing to become traitors in order to survive."

"You mean, you want to eliminate the traitors?"

Hu Yi did not answer Luo Fugui's question, but shouted hello to the soldiers who were surrounding Li Xiang in the distance.


"Report, the Autonomous Army sent someone to be a lobbyist." In the green gauze tent, the guard post looked excited.

The visitor was in civilian clothes, with an empty holster without a rifle slung over his shoulder.

Since the commander of the Fourth Brigade has a close relationship with the Rangers, he naturally regards the Eighth Route Army as a thorn in his side.

Such a good opportunity to encircle and suppress eight kinds of opportunities, the superiors told him to seize the opportunity.

This person can live happily in troubled times, so he is certainly not a brainless person.

He is self-aware. These days, only someone with a gun can have the right to speak.

Only those who have lost their minds will fight to the death with the eight-way gangsters who are desperate for their lives as soon as they are opened.

The Eighth Route Army could stand up to two large groups of Japanese soldiers, but he didn't think that his ragtag group of men could do well in front of the Eighth Route Army.

If the Japanese really ordered him to be used as cannon fodder for the main attack, it is estimated that his subordinates will either die or hide in the sorghum.

Teams eventually fall apart.

If a team loses morale, it will lose its combat effectiveness. If it wants to continue playing tricks on the enemy in front of the Japanese, it must have strength.

Therefore, he directly ignored Shangfeng's order and chose to meet with the Eighth Route Army in private.

At this moment, Hu Yi and Luo Fugui were standing among the sorghum in the west of the village.

Looking at the middle-aged man being pushed over by the soldiers.

The middle-aged man was a little puzzled. There was such a big pond on the roadside, but the disgraced Eighth Route Army soldiers didn't clean themselves up?
On the other hand, he was dressed in a Chinese tunic suit and stood out among the crowd on Tubal Road.

The middle-aged man stood up straight, his chest puffed out like a proud rooster.

The empty holster on his shoulder moved around as he walked.

Hu Yi looked straight and looked serious, but in fact, it hurt if he kept his eyes open for a long time.

In his heart, he despised the well-dressed but boneless man in front of him.

He firmly believes that only soldiers who are not afraid of death are the best soldiers.

Hu Yi had no expression and raised his hands to wince from time to time.

Looking at the middle-aged man, he felt uneasy.

He has been in such a team before.

No roots, no bottom, like a lonely ghost.

Like a numb wandering soul, surviving in troubled times.

The middle-aged man's steps were heavy and steady, and he approached Hu Yi's thoughtful gaze.

Deliberately projecting a sense of superiority.

The two sides are actually in a hostile position, and no one has taken the initiative to extend a hand.

The middle-aged man faced the equally cold Hu Yi coldly: "What position?"

Hu Yi's tone was equally cold: "If you have something to say, tell me something!"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment: "Are you sure you can make the decision?"

"You are here to act as a lobbyist by joining the Japanese to help the enemy. It should be that the Fourth Brigade Commander wants to preserve his strength..." Hu Yi had no intention of giving face.

"Then let me talk about how to preserve strength first." The middle-aged man didn't care about Hu Yi's sarcastic tone.

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