under fire

Chapter 1553 The conspiracy of the autonomous army

Chapter 1553 The conspiracy of the autonomous army
Hu Yi looked at the middle-aged man: "Knowing that our regiment has surrendered to all directions, you still kill them. Do you think there is still room for negotiation between us?"

"This is a misunderstanding!" The middle-aged man's expression remained unchanged as he looked at Hu Yi: "Brother Wang Wenxiang, since the commander of the first regiment of the fourth brigade!"

Hu Yi had no good impression of these autonomous troops who bullied others and feared others: "You can be found everywhere!"

"Yesterday when you fought with the Japanese, we could have taken your retreat, but we gave you enough face."

He was obviously afraid of getting beaten up, but he still spoke harshly. Wang Wenxiang is quite thick-skinned.

This guy is probably coming again. Hu Yiping said calmly: "Face? Only with strength can you have face!"

"In this world, living is the king. As for face, it doesn't matter whether you have it or not."

"Aren't you afraid that there will be no return?"

"Others may not know it, but I know some of the policies of the Eighth Route Army."

"What do you want?" Hu Yi stopped talking.

"Your purpose is to create chaos in the occupied areas, but our requirements are not high."

"How high is not high?"

I will not take the initiative to attack you, but I hope you can notify me when you plan to retreat.

Your target is Qinghe County?

In a place as big as the palm of Wei County, it is really difficult to support more than 1 members of our Allied Autonomous Army.

We don't have much interest in the county seat yet, so doing this doesn't seem to be of much benefit to us.

One hundred rifles and three thousand rounds of ammunition, this is the limit our brigade commander can give!
Hu Yi was silent for a long time: "Deal!"

Wang Wenxiang clasped her fists: "Say hello to Commander Cheng for me, brother, it's hard to disobey your orders!"

"Do you know everything about Ziyi Tuan?"

"When I killed the traitors under Cheng Tuan, I gave you the Eighth Route Army's vote." Wang Wenxiang said with a confident smile on her face: "If I hadn't been lenient, do you think that Captain Cheng's men would not be able to line up a single soldier? Can he escape from our surroundings?"

Captain Wang was not verbose. After simply leaving his contact information, he turned around and left with fists in his hands.

Luo Fugui glanced at the edge of the sorghum field and suggested cautiously: "Boss Hu, is this guy the leader of the security army? Kill the thief and the king. If you kill him, everything will be fine."

Hu Yi shook his head: "If he dares to come to us alone, he has already figured it out and we don't dare to do anything to him!"

Xiao Hongying came out from the edge of the green gauze tent and looked at the back of Wang Wenxiang who was gradually going away. She was a little lost: "This guy's skills are very stable."

"Oh, you will become a martial arts prodigy after all. After practicing swordsmanship with Li Laosan for a few days, I tell you, your little arms and legs will definitely be as good as those of the big men in the future. Be careful not to get married."

Xiao Hongying turned her head and glanced at Hu Yi, and then glared at Luo Fugui: "I want you to take care of it."

"People say that women have changed a lot. I wonder why you haven't changed much?"

Xiao Hongying lowered her head and glanced at her small chest, straightened her chest and raised her eyebrows: "Damn mule, believe it or not, I will make you unable to eat meat for a month!"

"Pfft" Luo Fugui pulled out the climbing fence from the sorghum ground, helped Hu Yi to sit firmly, and hung the bandage rope diagonally to his chest: "Tsk, you are a shabby instructor and you have a lot of control. I am the dignified captain of the ninth company."

The pseudo-battalion commander of the food delivery team looked very nervous.

I never expected that there would be ambushes on both sides of the road.

Fortunately, the top soldiers under my command had good eyesight and discovered in advance the easily overlooked small dirt bags on the flat ground on both sides of the road, and quickly issued a warning.

Both parties held up telescopes, and soon discovered that they were acquaintances.The pseudo-battalion commander's hundreds of men did not enter the eight-way ambush circle, so he was determined.

As long as you don't really enter the eight-way ambush range, there is no need to worry at all.

After looking at each other with the telescope for a long time, the puppet commander sent his men to hold up white flags to communicate.

In the end, the two parties reached an agreement and discussed it amicably.
Ma Liang looked at the familiar face of the puppet battalion commander in front of him and said in a sarcastic tone: "If you don't behave like a good person, you have to be a dog."

"Life is full of grass and trees, and sometimes we can't help ourselves." The fake battalion commander didn't care about Ma Liang's sarcasm. He was already a dog. Is he still afraid of what others would say?

Ma Liang patiently advised: "If you lead the team now, it's not too late."

The puppet battalion commander once went to the Independent Regiment for military exchanges, so he met Ma Liang and also knew the true situation of the Eighth Route Army: "Haha, did you ask the brothers to have a meal with you?"

"Even if I starve to death, it is better than being a dog to the invaders who kill my compatriots."

The fake battalion commander shook his head; "Haha, if nothing else, I have more than 300 brothers. At least one hundred kilograms of food a day, six thousand kilograms a month. If you can get it, I will follow you now." you go."

"Although we have different opinions, resisting foreign aggression is the responsibility of every one of us." Ma Liang rolled his eyes. Ren'er, if the Eighth Route Army has so much food, can't I recruit troops myself?
"I won't argue with you on this matter. If you can't even fill your stomach, how can you fulfill your responsibilities?"

"I think it's better for us to live and die!"

"Actually, you shouldn't recognize me. Maybe, if you shoot me to death, I might even thank you in my grave!"

"Since living is painful, how about I relieve your pain now?"

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me, Ma, what are you going to do?"

"Release your weapons and surrender!"

"Haha, let's forget it. I really can't bear the hardships of the Eighth Route Army!" The pseudo-battalion commander didn't care at all. He didn't say that the surrender was due to strength issues, but that he couldn't bear the hardships.

Ma Liang looked at the fake battalion commander: "I sincerely suggest that you change things anyway."

"If you don't want to fight casualties with me, then I'll leave?"

"I'll let you go today. I hope you will reflect on it when you go back!"

"It is said that the Eighth Route Army has a good way of doing ideological work. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation." The fake battalion commander smiled and handed over his hands: "In this case, see you later."

Gao Yidao carried a rifle with a bayonet on his back.

Looking at Ma Liang: "Are you collaborating with the enemy?"

Ma Liang looked directly into Gao Yidao's eyes: "They have at least 600 people, more than a dozen machine guns, and two small cannons. We now have less than 300 people in total and they discovered that we are ambushing here in advance. Do you think we have a chance of winning?"

"Boy, don't think that I will give you face just because you are the captain of an anti-college student!"

"Comrade Gao, please pay attention to your attitude!" The deputy captain next to Ma Liang was furious. This time, he was not even allowed to address Gao Yidao.

Gao Yidao looked at the deputy captain: "Then tell me, if you hadn't been exposed in advance, even if we have fewer people than the puppet army, we would still be able to defeat him!"

"Haha, in terms of equipment, you are indeed pretty good, but there is a word on the battlefield called battle loss ratio. Even if people can make the battle loss ratio one to three, in the end it will still be a lose-lose result." The vice-captain discussed the matter matter-of-factly.

Seeing that Ma Liang was silent, Gao Yidao sneered: "You'd better not talk about casualties with me. The combat effectiveness of your students doesn't matter."

"Haha, Battalion Commander Gao, don't talk too much about how powerful you are. If a soldier only knows how to fight, he will always be a grassroots commander!" What the deputy captain said was a bit of a slap in Gao's face. .

(End of this chapter)

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