under fire

Chapter 1555 Devil and Hell

Not every ordinary person has the courage to join the Eighth Route Army.

Once a traitor is found out by the detective team, the result will definitely be ruin of the family and even relatives and neighbors.

Perhaps because they have adapted to the cruel rule of the Japanese, more people choose to swallow their anger.

If I can't afford to offend the devil, I can afford to hide.

Xiaozhao Village is close to the canal.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps woke up the villagers who had already hidden themselves in the sorghum fields for a siesta.

"Get up! Get up! The kid's motorboat is coming!" The person who reported the news was a joint defense team member from several nearby villages.

Chen Kun, who was sitting in the sorghum field, squinted his eyes, grabbed a piece of clothing, murmured and held the skirt of the little girl sitting next to him reading a book, and followed the crowd into the depths of the sorghum field.

There are already many people in a sandy valley deep in Qingshazhang.

Most are the elderly, children and women.

Although there were many people, no one spoke, not even the common baby cry.

The place was very quiet.

A middle-aged man who looked like a country squire emerged from the depths of the green gauze tent and shouted loudly: "There are too many people here. If the little devil comes, everyone will have no place to hide and must evacuate immediately. Those who have relatives are visiting relatives, and those who have no relatives themselves." Find a way, we can’t stay here anymore.”

After hearing what this man said, the scene was in an uproar.

Chen Kun took his little sister and hurriedly followed his second uncle to the south along the ditch.

Time passed slowly, and it seemed that we had walked a long, long way in the green gauze tent, and finally a village appeared in front of us.

Uncle Chen, who was walking in front, looked at the children of the Chen family who were following him: "There are several poor relatives from our branch of the Chen family in front of us. We will hide for two days."

Chen Kun suddenly sniffed: "Second uncle, something is not right."

Everyone was originally nervous. As soon as they heard Chen Kun's words, they immediately got into the sorghum nearby.

Soon, someone also smelled the suffocating burnt smell.

Immediately, some people bravely went south to inquire about the situation.

Chen Kun told his little sister not to run around, but to follow the young man southward.

Getting closer to the village.

The burnt smell in the air became stronger and stronger.

When the first young man was approaching the village, he found an old man sitting at the entrance of the village, motionless from a distance.

Looking closer, the old man was trembling all over.

Following the unpleasant burnt smell, Chen Kun saw a scene that made his scalp tingle.

On the grain drying ground in the south of the village, there were corpses lying on the ground.

Men, women, children.

All the dead bodies had been burned by fire, and some that were not completely burned were rotting.

The smell of burnt meat mixed with the stench of rotting corpses made the young people almost breathless.

The old man looked at the group of young people coming over and shouted hoarsely: "Stop, don't get close to the corpse."

"Uncle, what happened?"

"Young young men, please leave quickly. Leave immediately. There is a plague in the village."

A group of young people gasped in unison. The plague was spreading everywhere in the past two days.

As for what the plague is, a group of young people don't know.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I finally understand how terrible the plague is.

Chen Kuncai had never seen such a bloody and brutal scene before, and he was so frightened that he almost didn't dare to open his eyes.

In my mind, I kept reminding myself to stay calm: "Go ask the old man what's going on."

Several young people looked at Chen Kun with fearful eyes: "Brother Kun, let's go back quickly?"

A young man who had just ran into the village quickly came out of the village: "Brother Kun, there are dead people everywhere in and outside the village. They seem to be people from other villages."

"I estimate that this village should be raided by the little devils."

"It doesn't look like that. There don't seem to be any wounds on these villagers." A young man squatted and looked at a corpse that had not been burned to carbon by the fire.

Chen Kun went to school and shook his head in fear: "We have to do something. The plague is actually an infectious disease. We have to find a way to bury these corpses deeply!"

"This...the plague will kill people." "You have to believe me, Xiaosi, go back first, find good linen and let the aunts sew some masks." Chen Kun was calm in the face of danger: "Xiaoshisan, how many people can you bring with you? Go get some lime and come back to disinfect it."

Yangxun Village.

A convoy of armored vehicles and cars approached the village.

Dashi Xiong Erlang sat in the car and ordered the Japanese messenger hanging outside the car: "Clear the village and rest!"

One group of Japanese soldiers quickly entered the village, while another group directly entered the gauze tent.

All the people who were unwilling to stay away and stayed in the green gauze tents outside the village were driven to the drying field in the south of the village.

No one expected that there would be thousands of people with this name who fled to the green gauze tent outside Yangzhuang Village!

The Japanese who had been beaten all the way turned their anger on the unarmed people and began to massacre them.

Some Japanese soldiers pushed the villagers into the well. When some resisted, they stabbed them with bayonets and then threw them into the well after stabbing them to death.

A woman was carrying a nursing child in her arms. When the Japanese were not paying attention, the woman secretly threw the child into the firewood beside the yard.

I hope the child can survive.

Who knew that the child would burst into tears immediately after leaving his mother.

A Japanese soldier heard the cry and stepped forward, holding a bayonet and a rifle and stabbed the child in the stomach.

He picked it up and rolled it around several times with great success, then threw it into the well with a grin on his companions.

In the south of the village, a group of Japanese soldiers forced another woman with a child to boil water.

The firewood smoke filled the air, and the water in the iron pot finally boiled, and the water rolled gurglingly.

The woman thought the Japs were just asking for boiled water in the hope of escaping.

Unexpectedly, after the Japanese filled the kettle, they found that there was still water in the pot.

A Japanese man standing by the stove turned his attention to the woman.

Suddenly he reached out and snatched the child from the woman's arms.

Throw the crying child into a pot of boiling water.

The woman loved her child so much that she quickly went to the pot and tried her best to snatch the child away.

A Japanese soldier next to him smiled grimly, raised his bayonet, and cocked his rifle horizontally. The bayonet penetrated the woman's heart directly from the back of her heart.

After pulling out the bayonet, he called his companions, laughed and threw the woman into the pot of boiling water.

In a certain yard, the Japanese used iron nails to nail the door of an empty ancestral hall shut.

In the ancestral hall, thick smoke billowed.

Screams resounded over the village
The Japanese radio operator hurriedly ran to Dashi Xiong Erlang: "Report, urgent call to the division headquarters!"

Xiong Eryang received the telegram: "Stand in place and encircle Qinghe County?"

The afternoon sun is fierce.

Hu Yi had not been walking for long in the sweltering sorghum fields. Under the bright white sunlight, his eyes hurt a bit.

Unable to continue to familiarize himself with the terrain, he lay on the stretcher with his eyes closed and let the soldiers carry him back.

As we approached the village entrance, we heard the sound of new recruits shouting slogans after the veterans.

I want to open my eyes and see how these new recruits are doing.

He sat up with his hands on the stretcher, but when he opened his eyes, everything he saw was blurry.

Moreover, the discomfort coming from the eyes is more serious.

After getting off the stretcher, I staggered for a few steps and found that I couldn't walk steadily with my eyes closed.

Xiao Hongying, who was next to him, immediately supported Hu Yi and said, "There is nothing interesting about training new recruits. Don't worry about having veterans with you."

Hu Yi stopped opening his eyes: "How do you keep in touch after entering the Qingsha tent?"

"Don't worry, Li Laosan will go out with reconnaissance Lian Xi to find out the situation. I have arranged for a veteran from the squad to be the correspondent. There will be no problem." Xiao Hongying helped Hu Yi towards the village.

"I'm fine. It will be even more uncomfortable if you ask me to go back and lie down now. The enemy is in front of me and I can't keep an eye on it myself. I can't rest assured..." Hu Yi bared his teeth.

Then he sat down against the wall directly at the entrance of the village: "I'll take a moment first..."


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