under fire

Chapter 1556 The Enemy’s Thinking

Chapter 1556 The Enemy’s Thinking
Pu Buhuan's team of more than a hundred people headed north.

The leading soldier accidentally collided with Sandaoye who was on guard south.

Madman Yang heard the report from the top soldiers and immediately ran forward with Zhang Xiaodao.

When the two parties met, Madman Yang asked Li Laosan anxiously about the current situation of his good brother Liu Yuanqing.

Hearing that Liu Yuanqing, whose eyes were injured by poisonous gas, was separated, Madman Yang became anxious. After asking about the general situation, he immediately took Zhang Xiaodao and ran to the injured soldiers' village where the team was originally scheduled to assemble.

"Oh, we're keeping an eye on you over there, why are you so anxious?" Li Laosan yelled and shook his head.

Seeing the three of them disappear into the green gauze tent, Li Laosan and Pu Buhuan who followed him chatted and muttered.

The two sides communicated for a long time, and Li Laosan asked Pu Buhuan with a gloomy face: "You mean, those prisoners you are holding...that Lao Liu is from Cangzhou Road?"

"That's right!" Pu Buhuan, who knew the situation of the injured's sacrifice, looked equally ugly: "These damn bastards from Cangzhou Road actually did such a thing as sneak attack on the wounded. I will kill Lao Liu and his ten All of Yu’s men were buried alive…”

Bang bang bang.
Gunshots suddenly rang out in the direction Madman Yang left.

"You go north to find the battalion commander first, and I'll chase them!" Li Laosan didn't care about saving the prisoners. After speaking, he turned around and pointed at a soldier behind him: "You! Stay and lead the way for Captain Park. The others , immediately run in the direction that Madman Yang left!"

When Li Laosan walked away, a middle-aged man in his thirties walked out of Park Buhuan's team and asked in Korean: "Captain Park, do you really want to bury those prisoners alive?"

"The Eighth Route Army doesn't kill prisoners, it's just talk!" Pu Buhuan said this, but he actually made arrangements in his heart, preparing to let his trustworthy men do this dirty work!
Nearly [-] battalions of wounded soldiers died at the hands of these gangsters on Cangzhou Road!
With Jiuying's vengeful character, this matter will definitely never end.

If these wounded men recover, they will all be veterans!

I originally thought that these guys were guerrillas from the national army taking advantage of the situation. The fighting in northern Shaanxi had not started yet, so I had no intention of killing them.

Kill the wounded, they must die!

Now there are middle-aged people watching, but this matter is not easy to handle.

Both came from the Volunteer Army.

But it doesn't seem to be of the same mind.

The middle-aged man seemed to understand Park Buhuan very well and immediately issued a warning. "It is very important to observe the three major disciplines and the eight points of attention!"

Pu Buhuan no longer struggled with this matter, and turned to look in the direction where Li Laosan and others left.

Seeing that Pu Buhuan was silent, the middle-aged man also looked north: "That comrade named Yang has very high military qualities."

"It's just an isolated phenomenon." Pu Buhuan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Most of the Eighth Route Army have not received formal training, and many of them don't even understand military knowledge. However, they all have the determination to defend their homeland without fear of death."

"We must learn from their spirit of daring to sacrifice for the country." The middle-aged man nodded.

Pu Buhuan lowered his voice: "We ventured into the plains this time. If the superiors knew about it, we would probably not cause unnecessary trouble."

The middle-aged man sighed: "Our strength is too weak and we are no match for the Japs. We can only rely on the Eighth Route Army to defeat the Japs first..."

Park Bo-hwan looked dissatisfied: "I want to learn to improve combat effectiveness and train grassroots commanders, but I am unwilling to take risks. I will never train talents to restore our Republic of Korea."

"This is a national war related to the pattern of East Asia. We will go all out to defeat the little devils, and then invite the Eighth Route Army to enter the DPRK to end the suffering days of our nation being enslaved by the Japanese invaders..."

"I will try my best..." Pu Buhuan was a little disapproving. The more than a hundred people he brought with him to regain the peninsula were like writing eight characters before they were written.

The middle-aged man heard that there was not much passion in Pu Buhuan's tone and he was dissatisfied, but he did not show it on his face. Instead, he cheered Pu Buhuan: "This time when we enter the original, we must cooperate with the independent group to fight against my great man. Bloody! Don't be afraid of sacrifice. If something happens to the team members, you put all the responsibility on me."

"That's not what I meant!" Pu Buhuan said firmly: "Sir Jin, you don't have to say that. If it's just a local battle, the Ninth Battalion will give us more surprises."

"I hear that your tone lacks the belief in victory!" Chief Jin said with a straight face, "What are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that the Eighth Route Army's northern Shaanxi base area will be plotted by those villains in Chongqing. If that happens, no matter how strong the Ninth Battalion's combat effectiveness is, it will not help no matter how violent the riot is in the enemy-occupied area."

"This is not an issue you should consider!" Chief Jin finally came to his senses: "Since the committee has chosen to stand with the Eighth Route Army, then we should also believe in the committee's choice!" "Well, let's wait and see together!" Pu Bu Huan looked at the fields of sorghum and thought to himself, even if he risked his life this time, he would have to kill ten or eight Japanese soldiers himself.

When fighting in enemy-occupied areas, understanding the opponent's strength and layout is a top priority.

The walls were crowded with heads.

Hu Yi leaned against the wall, enduring the pain and occasionally opening his eyes to watch Xiao Hongying drawing on the open map.

"The emperor's tactics are not complicated when the Japs attack the county town." Takahashi sat cross-legged opposite Xiao Hongying. Behind him, Monkey held the bayonet in his hand from time to time.

Takahashi felt chills on his neck, and he quickly continued: "Generally speaking, the spy agency plays its reconnaissance role first, and has people disguise themselves as various people, spread them secretly in the combat area, and use money to clear the way for bribes. Vendors, postmen, even children, ruffians, entertainers, and even prostitutes, etc., systematically formed a spy network to collect intelligence on the defenders."

"Can this be considered a normal situation now?"

"As for the current situation, there are three ways. One is to use the people who have penetrated into the county first to secretly arrest a group of family members of people related to military targets, and use this as a threat to force them to spy on your defense information in the city. ."

"Before launching a large-scale attack, we first send aircraft for low-altitude reconnaissance to find out the defense situation inside and outside the county."

Xiao Hongying threw the green flag in her hand to Takahashi: "You attack, I'll defend!"

"Hey, you have to draw a picture for me, such as how much ghost power you give me and how to arrange the firepower."

Xiao Hongying raised her eyebrows and glared at the little devil Takahashi: "You are the commander now, don't play tricks!"

"Hey, if I were really the commander, I would dispatch planes stationed in Tianjin, Peiping, and Anxian to blow you up until you are all gone." Before Takahashi could finish his words, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck. , this time it is really cold, the bayonet is cold.

He quickly shrank his neck and said, "Brother Monkey, don't be serious!"

The monkey said calmly: "Takahashi, you bastard, if you do a good job, I promise you to kill Murakami!"

"You swore an oath and lied to others like a dog!"

"Okay, I swear, if I lie to you, I will turn into a dog!" The monkey raised his hands and grinned evilly.

"I think you are not sincere."

"Gao, your mother, do you think I can't cure you?"

Takahashi turned back: "The situation is different now. Taking into account the situation in North China, the imperial army has deployed its troops to the west to cooperate with the national army's attack on your base in northern Shaanxi and to expand the occupied area. There will not be too many troops that can be mobilized now.

In this case, arranging the nearest East Asia Alliance Autonomous Army to attack you becomes the first choice. However, the Autonomous Army does not necessarily listen, so the imperial army and security forces from several nearby counties will be arranged to encircle you at the same time.

"Tell me the specific tactics."

Takahashi then began to place flags on the sand table next to the map: "The specific tactics are to infiltrate with a small group of elite troops. The method is very simple. Let the warriors of the imperial army wear ordinary people's clothes or pretend to be your Tubal Road to conduct intelligence espionage activities. Touch your sentries. , find a way to eavesdrop and figure out your password."

Takahashi said here and planted another flag: "If we can sneak into the county, we will wait for an opportunity to launch a desperate attack on your headquarters. The specific attack steps are to encircle first, then concentrate our forces to bombard one of the county gates, and reinforce eight routes in other directions of the county. Go to the main attacker and launch a fierce attack, cooperate inside and outside, and strike down in one fell swoop."

The monkey was angry: "What the hell are you talking about? Isn't this tactic just an iron wall encirclement, infiltration... and enhanced attack? Do you really think I'm stupid?"

Takahashi quickly explained: "Hey, you don't know that this tactic actually has a shortcoming, because in the early stage, a huge amount of troops must be invested in encirclement, and it is twice as difficult to encircle in Qingsha Zhang. In order to achieve the strategic purpose, I suggest you best Prepare for the worst!"

"What's the worst-case scenario?"

"The imperial army may burn the Qingsha Tent!"

Hu Yi opened his eyes suddenly. With the cruel character of the little devil, it was really possible for him to do such an outrageous act.

"First tell me what you know about the troops that may be deployed from nearby counties!" Xiao Hongying raised her eyebrows. She was clearly rehearsing offense and defense. What strategy she was talking about was getting further and further away...

(End of this chapter)

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