under fire

Chapter 1557 Unwilling to be Lonely

Chapter 1557 Unwilling to be Lonely
As the saying goes in central Hebei: "The sickle rings in the three days since the beginning of autumn."

The sorghum is about to mature, and this matter is bigger than the sky.

The common people who depend on the sky for food and the earth for survival, if these sorghums that are about to be harvested are lost, God knows how many people will starve to death.

Due to drought and low water levels in canals, from Qinghe County to the west, the land with water for irrigation gradually decreases.

The sorghum fields seemed to suddenly disappear and become deserted.

Although the transaction with Zisi Lvda is not reliable.

The Japanese have mobilized a large army to encircle and suppress them before they begin, and the merger with the puppet arms of the Fourth Brigade, which may turn against them at any time, will be harmful to the Ninth Battalion but not beneficial.

Sand table deductions are very common in the Ninth Battalion. Even the squad leaders at the grassroots level know how to place a few lumps of soil on the ground, draw a few lines as roads, and draw a few arrows to represent the enemy's layout.

The most important problem faced Hu Yi was that he was about to fight a large-scale battle with the enemy. Although underground workers in nearby counties knew about the Japanese troop mobilization, they were unable to report the news in time.

Commanders can only rely on their own experience and verification to deduce what kind of specific deployment the Japanese will make.

In a village by the road.

Since the fourth brigade was the first team to arrive at the west of the preset battlefield, it stationed itself directly in the village after fighting off the Cheng Haibo regiment's ship that fled to the other side.

All the people in the village have been buried in the cemetery in the west of the village!

Before receiving clear instructions, the puppet soldiers of the Fourth Brigade were enjoying the calm before the war in the village.

If it weren't for the strict orders of the military, who the hell would be willing to stay in this unfortunate village where all the villagers died.

In the room and under the eaves, where the western sun had no place to shine, puppet soldiers were lying sleeping and dozing everywhere.

Three puppet troops coming from the west quickly rushed into the village on fast horses.

Wang Wenxiang finally waited for the order from the military headquarters: after dark, advance to Qinghe County to a position about five miles away from the county seat, and then wait for the imperial army to issue new orders after everything was arranged.

The military department also issued a commendation order to commend Wang Wenxiang's self-defense battalion for annihilating the traitors.

Wang Wenxiang dismissed the orders of the military department and scorned the commendation orders.

In other words, he would not refuse the military department's order to mobilize him, but he would never do anything that would require him to lose his troops and join forces with the Eighth Route Army.

If you fight to the death with the Eighth Route Army, you'll only get a few broken guns in the end, but that's no good at all.

The Jizhong Plain is said to be prosperous, but due to last year's drought and man-made disasters, many villages are actually empty.

The sorghum fields outside the village cannot wait for the owners who planted them to come and harvest them.

Wang Wenxiang had a lot of experience in launching a raid on the Eighth Route Army.

In his understanding, Tubal Road fights without risking life, and even if it takes the county seat, it will usually leave quickly.

Qinghe County is close to the canal. Not to mention anything else, with these tens of thousands of acres of mature sorghum, just collecting taxes can fill the bank.

This time, the biggest variable in whether he can obtain the qualification to be stationed in Qinghe County comes from Commander Wu of the security army who was originally stationed in Qinghe County.

It is said that this guy rebelled before the battle, but he chose not to vote in all directions.

If nothing happens, Qinghe County will fall into his hands in a few days!

This mentality of worrying about gains and losses made him very anxious.

All you have to do is wait.

Liu Yuanqing was lying in the green gauze, and from time to time, soldiers came over to report the situation.

The team will move forward only after he confirms it is safe.

The advantage of having an experienced veteran on the battlefield is that you can carefully avoid many unknown dangers.

Liu Yuanqing had new plans for this group of Japs since he discovered that a Japs who had gone to college appeared in Qingsha tent.

"Report, the Japanese are massacring people in a village about six miles away!"

Liu Yuanqing stood up from the sorghum: "Let's take a look!"

The soldiers admired Instructor Liu's ability and finally managed to grab the soldier carrying the stretcher. They quickly changed into Japanese military uniforms and then helped Liu Yuanqing onto the stretcher that had been prepared earlier.

Facing the thousands of Japanese troops with armored vehicles and cars, Liu Yuanqing did not trust him.

Disguising yourself as a devil is the best choice.

The three people quickly came behind the soldier responsible for outpost reconnaissance.

The scout raised his hand and pointed forward: "There are thirteen Japs hiding in the sorghum fields on both sides of the road more than [-] meters away from our current location!"

Liu Yuanqing sat next to the soldier and lowered his voice and asked, "Is it the Japanese outer guard post?" "It should be. The Japanese patrol arrived near the Japanese guard post in about half an hour and then turned back."

Liu Yuanqing nodded: "If we kill these Japanese sentries, it doesn't seem to be of much use."

"Hey, the little devil is guarding the road, let's go through the ditch through the green gauze tent!"

The Eighth Route Army is about to merge with the Japanese.

If anyone else is interested and ready to watch the fun.

Naturally, they must be regarded as the Rangers who are unwilling to be left alone.

More than ten people were hiding in the green gauze tent, muttering non-stop.

From time to time, someone would hand a small note with some words written on it to the operator standing next to the radio station.

As the information became more and more comprehensive, several members of the Rangers could no longer laugh.

The Eighth Route Army fought with two large groups of Japs, but the result was that the Eighth Route Army beat the little Japs to a pulp.

The leading man in black was upset.

He looked around at his subordinates and saw that they were all so hot that their heads were dry.

I decided to hide in a village not far away and have a good afternoon nap.

The team walked through the green gauze tent.

Far ahead, a village appeared.

As soon as the leading soldier entered the village, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

The further we walked into the village, the more corpses there were.

There was no life in the entire village.

The soldier's scalp was numb and he quickly left the village to report the situation.

The Rangers have seen strong winds and waves.

But after seeing the scene of all the villagers dying, he finally lost his composure.

The Rangers have never dealt with the Eighth Route Army and have no contact with the common people.

They didn't even get the story of the Japanese putting bacteria in the canal.

Facing most of the corpses lying on beds in various courtyards and houses, I began to study how the villagers died.

An angry Ranger suddenly remembered something: "A few days ago, I seemed to hear a common man saying that the Eighth Route Army was spreading rumors."

"What rumour?"

"The devils took advantage of the heavy rains a few days ago and when the water level in the canal rose sharply, they poisoned the river!"

The middle-aged man curled his lips: "I've heard of poisoning wells and ponds, but I've never heard of poisoning the Grand Canal."

"I thought it was impossible at the time. Even if he dumped ten loads of arsenic into the canal, it wouldn't have much effect at all."

"What happened to these villagers who died cleanly?"

The young man looked solemn: "I think the kid might have put bacteria in the canal!"

"That makes sense, the villages with dead people seem to be close to rivers!"

"Should we report it to the top and ask them to arrange for some doctors to come and take a look?"

The middle-aged man immediately shook his head: "No, we have to protect him when they come."

"But if so many villagers died without reporting it."

"Boy, you have to remember clearly that the big worry above is the Eighth Route Army. Now the Eighth Route Army's activities are rampant. If they stay in the area for a while, these ordinary people will probably be bewitched by them."

"Didn't you say that all the main forces of the Eighth Route Army were transferred to Shanxi Province? Why are there so many Eighth Route Army active on the plains?"

"Haha, the Eighth Route Army was afraid that their old home in northern Shaanxi would be taken away, so they transferred the main force of the Eighth Route Army from Central Hebei Province. However, those Eighth Route Army active in the Taihang Mountains came out of the mountains one after another."

"I still don't understand. Wouldn't it be better for them to directly transfer the Eighth Route Army in the mountains to northwestern Shanxi? Moreover, the distance is still close."

"This matter is actually not complicated. The Eighth Route Army's troops in the mountains have poor combat effectiveness and poor equipment. Transferring to Jin Province will not work at all. They are using Tian Ji's horse racing this time."

(End of this chapter)

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