under fire

Chapter 1558 Village Tragedy

Li Laosan led the team to the location where the gun was fired.

There was still a trace of bloody smell mixed in the fresh air of the sorghum field.

"There is a situation!" Madman Yang looked solemn and waved his hand gently.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was hiding next to him, emerged from the depths of the green gauze tent and ignored Li Laosan's shouts.

He always felt that there was someone hiding in the sorghum field ahead.

This feeling comes from the vigilance he has developed since he was a child.

It is not a feeling that can be acquired, just like city dwellers who can tell through the noisy sounds whether a shouting guy had a good sleep last night.

Zhang Xiaodao breathed heavily, and ran quickly along the village path for as long as a cup of tea, and finally saw a row of big trees in front of him.

Where there are big trees, there is a village!
Zhang Xiaodao hid in the green gauze tent and approached the village along the ditch.

However, there seemed to be no sound at all in the village. At this distance, if there were people in the village, there would at least be dogs barking.

The plains are prosperous, and there are always one or two small landlords in every village. The landlords' homes are different from ordinary people's homes.

In order to prevent bandits in troubled times, dogs are usually kept!
However, the village was deathly silent.

The silence was so frightening that Zhang Xiaodao even had a creepy feeling.

Even his scalp was numb, so he quickly jumped into the sorghum field next to him.

Su Qing took the captive Gao Qiao out of the county and returned to Jiuying.

Before parting, the deputy commander was quite emotional: "After fighting with the little devils for so many years, there are only two outdated radio stations in the entire division. I didn't expect that in a few days, I would be able to personally command three radio stations!"

"Take care!" Su Qing heard what the leader meant.

Having radio stations communicating with each other can at least ensure that the chief is aware of the situation outside the county at any time and can contact his superiors at any time.

As for whether the radio station will be deciphered by the enemy, it doesn't matter.

The effect of radio on the battlefield is completely different from that of underground workers using radio.

The commander only needs to agree in advance with the outside troops on a code word that only both parties can understand. The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and it is useless even if the enemy can decipher it!
Takahashi was escorted into the village by the monkeys to act as an imaginary enemy battlefield for Hu Yi.

Su Qing arranged for a radio operator to set up a radio station and establish battlefield contact with the deputy commander stationed in the county.

The deputy commander stationed in the county seat can contact his superiors through the radio.

Jiuying does not have that qualification yet.

The direct superior of the ninth battalion is the division headquarters, and the divisional superior is the headquarters.

The advantage of the radio is that the outside troops can quickly report the situation outside the city to the county seat and receive orders from their superiors at the same time.

After hearing the results of the battlefield deduction, the commander immediately organized his two battalion commanders to conduct a combat bureau deduction.

The results are not good!

The disgraced Japanese might very well commit the unscrupulous act of setting the green gauze tent on fire.

The leader is not coquettish, and he is not considered an expert in commanding marches and battles.

But he is definitely good at central coordination. Well, he can be the commander-in-chief, but he may not be good at actual combat.

After dark.

The soldiers of the main regiment stationed in the county began to line up and organize the people to leave the city.

Without him, harvest sorghum in advance!
Even if you are not fully mature, it is still better than being burned by a little devil.

In a normal year, it would take at least five or six days to harvest all the sorghum fields everywhere, even if all the people outside the county were organized!

Now, many villagers in the village are infected with bacteria and either fall ill or die.

Severely understaffed.

The Japs who are gathering will not have more than one night to harvest the sorghum near Qinghe County.

Fortunately, the Japs were only likely to take action near Qinghe County occupied by the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, it is only necessary to cut ditches and fire isolation zones in the sorghum land near the county seat.

The soldiers led the county residents and quickly disappeared into the night, gradually being obscured by the mist... On the surface, it was harvest time again.

These days, even those who live in the county can more or less do farm work.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to clear the fireproof isolation belts in the green gauze tent just by relying on the folks outside the city.

Women and children in gowns, also holding sickles they had sharpened all afternoon, were busy in the green gauze tent.

There are green gauze tents all over the sky. At this time, it is impossible to tell which piece of land belongs to which family.

Whether they are landlords, ordinary people or tenant farmers, driven by the Eighth Route Army, they are like a dark cloud spreading into the fields.

"To prevent little devils from setting fires, the isolation zone must be 20 meters long!"

Occasionally, you can see some corpses that have been bitten by wild dogs and unknown animals in the sorghum fields. At first, it caused a panic. Later, after seeing more, it seemed that they were no longer surprised.

In troubled times, it is not uncommon to see dead bodies in the wilderness.

Some were killed and turned into bones.

Some of them are because they took the initiative to run into the green gauze tent to wait for death after being infected with Tiger La in the past few days, knowing that the treatment was not good, but not wanting to infect their family members.

Most of them were people who had fled from the south to stay with their relatives. The burden on their relatives and their families had already been increased, but unexpectedly, the dead began to form in villages.

Many smart people thought there was a plague, so they fled the village and hid in Qingsha tent.

The common people are simple and cannot afford medical treatment, so they can always hide.

Because of this, they cannot drink boiled water in the wild.

There is a higher possibility of being infected.

Hiding in a green gauze tent, there will be no shortage of food.

Many people are starting to develop sorghum rice ideas that are not yet fully mature.

Prior to this, the county originally asked all villages to jointly defend themselves, and arranged for young men to guard the crops in their own fields day and night.

For the landlord, growing sorghum in the field is a family job.

For those who have escaped, staying alive is already a luxury.

They can't starve to death without stealing sorghum.

Because they are not saints.

They just want to live.

A group of civilians armed with blunderbuss and rifles confronted the Eighth Route Army who was organizing the people to harvest sorghum: "I don't care whether you are the Eighth Route Army or the Ninth Route Army. If you dare to touch the crops in my field now, I dare to fight you to the death!"

"Don't you Eighth Route Army keep shouting that you won't take advantage of the masses? If you dare to ruin the crops now, I will scold you."

"Everyone listen up. We, the Eighth Route Army, have captured the county and liberated the residents in the county from being bullied by the little devils. Now the little devils are likely to fight back. Let me tell you, the little devils can't defeat us and will probably set fire to them. Let's come here now." , just cut out an isolation strip!”

An old man in black sneered: "What you say is better than what you sing. It's true that you are attacking the county town, but ask yourself, can you hold it in the end?"

The platoon leader leading the team was speechless.

Residents coming out of the city have long been accustomed to obeying bayonets and rifles.

It doesn't matter to them whether to cut down the isolation belt or not.

In particular, some people who had crop fields outside the city were glad that the land they were asked to chop down by the Eighth Route Army was not their own.

The joint defense team members did not care whether the Eighth Route Army in front of them and the people who came out of the county wanted to cut down part of the sorghum to create a fire-proof isolation zone. At least, these guys wanted to cut down the sorghum in their own fields. , then it won’t work!

Must be protected to the death.

"You are more ruthless than the emperor. You are more ruthless than the little devils. Although the little devils are hateful, they don't dare to attack the crop fields. You Eighth Route Army are everywhere advertising that we are the people's team. If you have the guts, shoot me in the head!" A woman holding her child stood in front of the Eighth Route Army soldiers.

The vast majority of Eighth Route Army soldiers come from farm families.

They didn't have guns at all.

Among the joint defense members behind the woman, a wretched man in black secretly pointed his gun at the leading Eighth Route Army soldier.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally made up his mind and pulled the trigger.
The sudden gunfire shocked the night.

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