under fire

Chapter 1559 The night before the war

Chapter 1559 The night before the war
Night falls.

There are many crises in the green gauze tent.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was lying on the ground, had no time to analyze what was going on in the village.

It just felt like I was in crisis.

Not long ago, there must have been living people in the village.

They are enemies, not friends, that's for sure.

He picked up the copper whistle hanging under his neck and blew it.

Three consecutive beeps.

The brass whistle sounded harsh, and after a long while, no one showed up in the village.

Madman Yang was hiding on the other side. When he heard the whistle, he raised his gun and slowly approached the village from the other direction.

Li Laosan led two soldiers to act as an assault team, and took advantage of the starlight to rush out of the sorghum field to the main road in the south of the village. Then he advanced forward and rushed along the road to the entrance of the village. Then the three of them lay down on the ground and raised their guns to look suspicious at the village. Target Aim Alert.

Two seconds later, there was still no movement in the village.

Li Laosan stayed on the spot and continued to be on guard. The two soldiers next to him jumped up from the ground, raised their guns and spread out to both sides along the edge of the sorghum field outside the village.

The tactics are not complicated. The good thing is that even if there is an enemy ambushing in the sorghum field outside the village, and they move horizontally quickly, it will be difficult for the enemy to hit the target with their gun.

At the same time, another three-person attack team emerged from the sorghum field behind Li Laosan, quickly ran past Li Laosan's position on the ground, and rushed to the sun drying field in the south of the village.

Two or three seconds later, the soldiers of the attack group were posted outside the courtyard wall, and then spread out to establish a warning.

The third trio emerged from the sorghum field again, ran through the drying field, and rushed directly into the village along the road into the village.

The remaining two soldiers were on guard in the distance on the sorghum field outside the village.

The tactical movements are not skilled, but they are very well understood.

Even if there is a large number of enemies ambushing the village, only three soldiers from a squad will rush into the village, and it is impossible for the entire army to be annihilated.

In the village, the stench is still overwhelming.

Finally, after walking around the village and finding nothing unusual, the soldier lit the torch.
The conditions inside the yard and house were appalling.

In a yard to the east, three young men were found tied to wooden stakes.

There is a wooden peg nailed to the young man's chest, and there is an obvious flow of black under their feet.

The soldier came closer and probed the ground with his feet. The black color was the blood that had solidified...

Then look closely at the body tied to the stake.

As if he had discovered something, he quickly turned around and shouted to the team member behind him who was posted at the entrance of the hospital on guard: "Team leader, he is from the first battalion! Judging from the degree of blood coagulation, it should have been almost two hours since he died."

outside the village.

Crazy Yang walked around the outside of the village and suddenly stopped.

He took out his flashlight and turned it on.

Under the yellowish flashlight light, carefully examine the footprints in front of you.

After about half a minute, turn off the flashlight, put your little finger in your mouth, and blow two long and two short whistles.

Zhang Xiaodao came over quickly when he heard the whistle, and the two of them murmured a few words.

Crazy Yang turned on the flashlight again.

The footprints on the ground lead all the way to the west.

Zhang Xiaodao looked at the footprints on the ground and felt his scalp numb: "These people must have been away for no more than 10 minutes! Those guys we met earlier must be their spies!"

"Leather shoe prints..." Madman Yang fell into deep thought. He once wore leather shoes of this kind: "Einsatzgruppe!"

"What? Are they from the Rangers?" Zhang Xiaodao quickly checked the rifle loaded with bullets and prepared to chase in the direction of the footsteps.

Madman Yang shook his head: "Meet Lin Mo."

"No entry in the forest? Hey, let's see who it is!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaodao was about to take a step forward when he was grabbed by Madman Yang: "Go to the village first!" Li Laosan looked at the face of the dead body hanging on the wooden stake: "He is the squad leader of the first battalion. These guys are all very skilled. They The military uniform on my body was stripped off. We have to prevent the enemy from wearing their military uniforms and infiltrating!"

After a soldier carefully inspected the village, he came to Li Laosan and muttered: "These bastards rebelled against Chen and deserved to die."

Madman Yang brought Zhang Xiaodao and met Li Laosan outside the village.

"Footprints were found in the west of the village. What I mean is that if we chase those footprints, we will be able to find them out." Madman Yang was not good at words, and Zhang Xiaodao explained the situation.

Before Li Laosan could speak, Zhang Xiaodao continued: "It's basically certain that the people who left are members of the Rangers."

In Li Laosan's eyes, Madman Yang was capable, and he quickly told the situation in the village: "Three autonomous soldiers were killed in the village, and the other dead people were villagers. They should have been infected by the Tiger Lagera bacteria."

The situation was unclear. Although the members of the Rangers fought against the Japanese, they also caused obstacles for the Eighth Route Army from time to time.

There is no point in staying here. Madman Yang thought for a while and looked up at Li Laosan: "I'm heading east!"

What he meant was that if Li Laosan wanted to prove that those people were the Rangers, then go west.

He is now going to the casualty assembly area.

Li Laosan is responsible for the peripheral reconnaissance mission, and he really wants to find fault with those Rangers.

Although Madman Yang is not very reliable as the company commander, he is the genuine reconnaissance company commander of the Nine Battalions who was personally supported by Xiao Hongying.

He believed in Madman Yang's judgment.

After thinking for half a minute, he suggested: "Captain Yang, I think we should take Captain Park and the others with us."

Liu Yuanqing didn't have many people with him, but he kept hanging behind the Japanese.

The rear-cutting troops, as the name suggests, are the teams that stay behind during the march to prevent the opponent from sneaking up or attacking from the rear.

Knowing that they were being targeted by the Eighth Route Army, the Japanese team tried their best to break away, but they still couldn't get rid of them.

In the green gauze tent, you can't see the way forward clearly, let alone the left and right.

The Japanese were in a state of high nervousness and continued to shoot back and counterattack, but instead they were ambushed.

The sergeant leading the team followed suit and set up an ambush on the roadside, but was discovered by Tubalu who was following him.

Three men were killed again.

The distance between the two sides was kept very close.

The sergeant's scalp was numb. He knew very well that the Eighth Route Army following behind were definitely masters of guerrilla fighting.

Now with the messengers, there are only nine left in the 15-person class.

As for how many people are behind the Eighth Route Army, we still haven’t figured out yet.

The terrain of the plain is gentle, and the Qingshazhang ditch is filled with river water flowing backward from the canal.

The smell of mud is pungent.

The sergeant had no choice but to leave two Japanese soldiers lying in ambush on the roadside again, and repeatedly warned his men not to take action rashly. He only needed to find out how many Eighth Route Army soldiers were following behind.

After arranging all this, the sergeant quickly left east with more than ten Japanese soldiers.

There was a large army of the Imperial Army ahead, and he didn't believe that a few Tubalu dared to follow them!
If there wasn't an important mission on this trip, this group of eight-robbers would have been wiped out anyway.

Not far behind.

Liu Yuanqing did not continue to pursue him. The Japanese were heading east. Obviously, there should be a large Japanese army in the east.

The main purpose of conducting continuous raids against the Japanese was to find out the movements of the Japanese.

After leaving complicated marks on the ground, a group of more than ten people quickly headed north along the ditch in Gaoliang.

Head east again through the sorghum fields.

In this way, we kept heading east parallel to the Duanhou Japanese.

The vanguard group was very careful and moved very slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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