under fire

Chapter 1560 The matter is not big enough

Su Qing sat behind the table, and the telegraph operator continued to deliver telegrams from the county seat.

The situation is extremely serious.

There were many deaths of entire villages in the canal basin.

The last thing you want to see happens.

However, the puppet autonomous army in the west is still working as a puppet.

Grief and anger welled up from the bottom of my heart.

The Ninth Battalion, the only fighting force she relies on now, has to contend with these traitors.

The monkey under his command was not even qualified to be a member of the staff, and could only be regarded as a non-staff member at best.

For a moment, my heart was a little confused, a little panicked, and a little blocked.

Without a clue, he got up and walked out of the yard.

All the people in the village moved away, and the village looked extremely desolate under the starlight.

Hu Yi was still leaning on the side of the sunbathing field with his eyes closed to rest.

All the situations discovered during the outing will eventually be summarized here.

There was a large sand table next to the drying area, and Xiao Hongying temporarily acted as Hu Yi's adviser.

Xiao Hongying was marking the latest enemy situation on the map and sand table from the telegraph operator.

Footsteps were heard in the village.

Then Su Qing's voice appeared in Hu Yi's ear: "Is your injury feeling better?"

Is this a greeting?Or do you care?
Hu Yi quickly opened his eyes: "Much better"

His eyes still hurt, and the figure in front of him was a little blurry, so he hurriedly stood up while holding on to the wall.

"I have a few questions I want to ask"

After sitting for a long time, his feet were numb. Hu Yi supported the wall and stood still: "If you ask, tell me everything you know."

Su Qing had no expression, walked directly to the wall and sat down: "You have bad eyesight, sit down and talk."

"Okay." Hu Yi sat firmly against the wall. His eyesight was not good... He could still say it while standing.

"Not only here, but in the entire Central Plains region, the remaining Eighth Route Army troops are taking action." Su Qing started directly from the current situation.

Hu Yi pondered what she said blankly, and after thinking for a while, he said: "I think it is unlikely that we will make much noise if we stay here."

"You mean, you can't stop the Japanese from moving their troops westward?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "We are too weak. We have conquered Qinghe County and it is not enough to attract the attention of the Japanese."

"Then what do you think should be done?"

"With our small strength, even if we add the two or three regiments that are about to be reinforced, it will be useless to do anything here."

"Speak like a human being." Su Qing's tone increased unconsciously, because Hu Yi's answer was inconsistent with the goals assigned by his superiors.

Hu Yi was stunned and thought, what I said was not human, could it be that of an animal?
Perhaps feeling that his tone of voice was unkind, Su Qing added: "You mean it's useless to stay here? It won't achieve the purpose of containing the Japanese?"

Hu Yi nodded: "From the Japs' point of view, if we stay here, at best we are driving a nail into the enemy's heart. In fact... it is equivalent to a lone army trapped in the enemy's siege. It will be easy for the Japs to destroy us."

"I asked you to tell me the solution, not to analyze the situation!"

"Ahem..." Hu Yi coughed twice... Shouldn't we first understand the situation when talking about solutions?

He quickly said the plan he had been thinking about all afternoon: "Although Qinghe County is located in the core area occupied by the Japanese, it is not a strategic area that is easy to guard and difficult to attack. In other words... we can't hold on here for long. So, the key to the problem is , because we didn’t capture enough counties!”

Su Qing was stunned for a long time and asked in a voice: "Not enough county seats?"

"Yes, if more counties can be captured through sneak attacks, the Japanese in North China will focus on the security areas they always consider to be stable."

Hearing what Hu Yi said, Su Qing, who had always been relatively steady, finally lost his temper: "With our ability, even if we defeat it, we may not be able to hold it!"

"You forget, some people want to defend."

Su Qing knew very well the situation of various forces in this area, and hope suddenly rose in his heart: "You mean the autonomous army, and the security army."

Hu Yi added: "There are also bandits, Daomen and Rangers!"

"No, most of the bandits and Taoists have defected to the Japanese either openly or covertly. They are dog-eating each other, and the Japanese may not take it seriously."

"If we can get them all to fight against the Eighth Route Army or Chongqing, do you think the Japanese will take it seriously?"

"It makes sense, keep talking!" "If the Rangers are also taking large-scale actions in enemy-occupied areas, attacking county towns everywhere, and directly shaking the foundation of the Japanese-occupied areas, the little Japanese must pay attention!"

"Why didn't you tell the deputy commander?"

"A person's words are trivial..." Hu Yi told the truth. The chief liked grassroots commanders who could fight, but he did not necessarily listen to the opinions of his subordinates on strategy because he needed to obey the orders of his superiors.

Su Qing was stunned for a moment. The situation of the armed work team seemed to be similar to that of the Ninth Battalion. Suddenly he thought of something: "How about asking the division political commissar for instructions?"

Hu Yi didn't expect that she would talk to him in a consultative tone. He was a little superior and smiled mischievously: "I think...it's okay."

If his opinions can be adopted by his superiors, it will be an affirmation of his work. Su Qing suddenly felt like he could see the light of day: "I will write a report immediately and ask the division chief to report to his superiors!"

A pigtail came close to Hu Yi, wide-eyed, and stared blankly at Su Qing's back that disappeared into the darkness: "What did you say to make the vixen so happy?"

Hu Yi turned his head, blinked twice and continued to open his eyes, with a hidden smile on his face: "Consultant Hong, are you done with your work?"

The little girl deliberately dusted herself off, shook her pigtails, and glanced at Hu Yi who was choking: "Did you just say you wanted to conquer more counties?"

"I thought you didn't hear..."

"I'm afraid that you will suffer a loss at the hands of a vixen who has become a spirit. How can you not listen carefully and understand?"

"Oh, that's it. Do I have to thank you?"

The little girl smacked her lips and said, "What are you thanking me for?"

Hu Yi's eyes moved downward subconsciously: "You want to go out now."

Xiao Hongying jumped up as if she had suddenly seen a ghost: "The enemy troops outside are pressing down on the border. If you let me stay here and talk on paper, my aunt has had enough."

The Japanese obviously don't care much about Qinghe County.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to deploy troops and generals without seeing any movement all day long.

Being in enemy-occupied territory, I wanted to fight the Japanese to make some noise, but judging from the summary, the Japanese did not come.

Xiao Hongying didn't have much interest in those courageous autonomous troops in the west.

Perhaps, it was because of Su Qing's arrival that Xiao Hongying's mood became a little depressed.

It is ten miles outside Hua County.

"What's going on with that traitor Wu Lantian?" Gao Yidao asked Kuaishan with a black face.

"The puppet soldiers in the county packed their luggage, but there was no movement... A regiment of the fifth puppet army was waiting outside the city to take over the defense. The work team said that the man named Wu promised to leave the city after dark. We have to arrange it quickly, and we can't let Ma Liang Be the first!"

Gao Yidao turned around and waved, and the soldiers of the second battalion continued to approach the county seat. According to the agreement between him and Ma Liang, they were ready to sneak attack the county seat while the puppet army changed defenses.

The hurried team no longer concealed their whereabouts, and went directly onto the highway and gradually merged into a stream eastward.

It is about three miles away from the county seat.

The black mass of puppet troops filled the river embankment.

The pseudo-regiment leader who was waiting to enter the city to take over the defense had a dark face: "No matter how hard Wu goes, he can't move his ancestral temple away."

The adjutant next to him curled his lips: "Commander, I don't understand. The military commander asked us to take over this stupid county. What's the point?"

"If you can figure it out, you should be the leader of my group!"

"I won't do it. I'm worried about these hundreds of people eating, drinking and sleeping...all my hair will fall out."

"Okay, I'll switch to someone else as the adjutant, and you can go down below and be the company commander..."

"Tanzuo, are you serious?"

"It's a beautiful idea!"

The adjutant took out a cigarette and gave it to the leader. The two of them lit it and each exhaled a puff of smoke. The adjutant spoke again: "Let's get down to business. There are so many of us. How can we ensure that our brothers are fed and clothed after we enter the city?"

"Collect taxes and do business!" The group leader looked proud.

"You are still not convinced that you are short-sighted!" The adjutant had a good relationship with the pseudo-captain, and he directly said: "These days, the timid will starve to death, and the bold will eat well and drink hot food."

"Tell me in detail..."

"Maintain law and order, collect taxes...do business...while doing our old job!"

"Digging the graves of our ancestors? Come on!"

[A chapter has been sealed and is applying to be unsealed]

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