under fire

Chapter 1561 44 Cavalry

Chapter 1561 Four-Four Cavalry
Luo Fugui, the dignified ninth company commander, actually mingled with the soldiers, rummaging around for loot.

In front of him stood several warriors carrying baggage.

The soldiers spontaneously handed the good things to him immediately, and Luo Fugui unpacked the bags one by one.

Unexpectedly, I found something unique: a gold-encrusted seal.

The soldier proudly showed off: "This thing is not 2000 years old. It is at least 800 years old!"

"Grandma, how do you know?"

"Look, I can barely recognize the word Da Song."

The bear grinned and shouted happily: "Okay, I'll give you a roast chicken as a reward."

"When will the prize be awarded?"

"Down with Hua County, serve authentic Daokou roast chicken!"

"Thank you, company commander, for the reward!"

The soldiers next to him were filled with goosebumps and looked down upon him. This scene was not fun at all.

Most of the soldiers in the Nine Battalions have different preferences from Luo Fugui.

As soldiers, they like bullets and various knives most, and then all kinds of valuable gold and silver.

As for the antique artifacts of troubled times, everyone knows that those things are almost useless.

As for banknotes, they don't seem to be of much use at the moment.
Because there is basically no chance to use banknotes.

Moreover, during this period, banknotes depreciated at an alarming rate.

It was possible to buy food half a month ago, but now it may be turned into waste paper.

So much so that some large businesses no longer accept legal tender, only foreign currency.

Luo Fugui didn't care much about banknotes. It would be troublesome to find someone to exchange them for oceans, let alone gold bars.

Moreover, a large package of banknotes cannot even be exchanged for a single gold bar.

Therefore, this guy waved his hand and asked his subordinates to hand over those colorful banknotes to Li Xiang.

As for the ocean, there is none.

The Eighth Route Army was so poor that Li Xiang would hand over valuable things to Su Qing every time.

Su Qing gave the banknotes to Qianjiu to buy food and supplies.

Eventually, these banknotes will flow into enemy-occupied areas again.

As for hard currency like Dayang, the black market price is extremely high.

In the green gauze tent, two groups of men in black seemed to be trading.

Zhang Jiu was dressed in black and mingled with a group of black people in the west.

The leading man in black next to him was a little unhappy: "Sitting on the ground and raising prices? You are breaking the rules on the road by doing this!"

The strong man in black in the east shook his head with uneasiness in his tone: "Half a month ago, 100 yuan could buy a bag of millet. Now, a bag of millet costs 300 yuan."

"Inspect first!"

"Just check it." The man in black waved his hand: "Light the torch!"

As soon as the strong man in black finished speaking, the strong men in black who followed him took out the box from the green gauze tent.

Open them one by one.

Strips of rifles that smelled of gun oil and gunpowder gleamed coldly in the light of torches.

Zhang Jiu followed the leading man in black and stepped forward.

The man in black casually picked up a rifle, pulled the bolt with a clatter, pushed it up and pulled it a few times, and said in a bad tone: "Second Senior Brother, I feel like it's not well maintained."

"It's good to have a gun, don't be picky..."

Choi Jiu Shun, who was following the man in black, picked up one. When he pulled the bolt, it felt fine, but the butt of the gun was a bit irritating and not smooth.

After taking a closer look under the light of a torch, I found that there was a straight character on the gun butt that had been coated with pulp. There were only one horizontal and one vertical straight character that had not yet been completed.

He picked up another article, and the butt of the gun was also engraved with straight characters and a horizontal line.

I was stunned, and carved words on the butt of my gun. Many soldiers had this habit, which meant the number of opponents killed by the gun.

Suddenly, I found a rifle with a sawn-off barrel, a [-]-[-] cavalry rifle!
My heart was shaken.

I accidentally took the rifle in my hand and looked at it carefully. The turtle pattern on the butt was very familiar.

The man in black in front didn't notice anything strange about cutting nine.

He shouted loudly and asked the man in black standing in the west to carry four boxes of ocean over.

Then he looked at the strong man in black opposite him and said: "120 rifles, not very good quality, 36 imitation mirror boxes, [-] yuan."

"Haha, do you think I'm stupid, or do you plan to kill me on the ground?" The strong man sarcastically said, "No one dares to lower our price!"

"There is no problem with 120 yuan for a [-]% new rifle. Take a look for yourself. There are almost no [-]% new guns in this batch. Moreover, you see, this broken rifle has even the barrel sawn short. I can give you the even calculation. Eighty, I’m giving you face.”

The man in black trembled with a stern expression on his face: "When doing business with our Cangzhou Road, even if you are from the autonomous army's military headquarters, you'd better not play any tricks."Zhangjiu, who was standing next to him, forced a smile and said, "In that case, according to the previous agreement, we can't come up with 5000 yuan, no matter how much more we have."

The transaction between the two parties was completed quickly.

The man in black asked someone to carry the rifle and leave quickly.

Looking at the figure going away, the strong man in black who sold the gun asked his men to quickly pack the ocean.

The robes of each subordinate immediately became heavy.

"Second brother, should we kill these guys?" The man who spoke made a trowel gesture to the strong man in black.

"When we do things in Cangzhou Road, our reputation comes first." The second brother shook his head: "This guy has at least 30 people with guns. The result of the gangsters taking advantage of the gangsters will definitely be a lose-lose situation."

"These guys were introduced by Wang Jingchang. Are they related to the Eighth Route Army?"

"It doesn't matter if they are related. The Eighth Route Army occupied Qinghe County. With their temper, they will definitely touch our roots."

"I don't understand this."

"They encourage those mud-legged people to become the masters of their own country. Where will there be a place for us in the future?"

"It would be a good thing if people can live and work in peace and contentment."

"You don't believe me if you say you are short-sighted. Think about it. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, didn't Li Chuang always preach about equalizing wealth and poverty? In the end, he ended up in a good place?"

"According to what you said, the end of the Ming Dynasty is very similar to the end of the Republic of China. Then won't this beautiful country be occupied by the Japanese Tatars again?"

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly call the brothers who are on guard outside, and go back to find the boss."

Before the group could leave, a figure hurriedly arrived.

The visitor was out of breath: "Fourth brother, something bad happened and our team was wiped out by the Eighth Route Army!"

"What did you say?" The second brother grabbed the man in black who came to report the news.

"Brother, because... I want to go back to my old house, I will escape with my luck."

Zhang Jiu hesitated for a long time, but finally did not let his men take action.

People like these in Cangzhou Dao have always been jealous of evil. If you become enemies with them, the outcome is likely to be unrest for the rest of your life.

He picked out the [-]-[-] rifle from among the rifles wrapped in linen.

A rifle just for little girls.

He is now more worried about the situation of the Ninth Battalion.

According to the rules passed down by the ancestors, do not vote for six doors.

The Eighth Route Army should not be considered a six-door force now, but a capable guerrilla group at best.

In troubled times, if you don't have a backer, you will sooner or later be annexed or outright destroyed.

Xiao Hongying's rifle is here. These guys must be related to Jiuying. Zhang Jiu fell into wild thoughts.
"Brother Ninth, leave the rest to us. You can go ahead and do the work." The man in black who spoke was the security company commander of the Autonomous Army. He was the protagonist of this transaction.

Choi Jiu raised his hands and said, "Thank you for escorting us all the way."

"The escort is only secondary. We are mainly here to buy a batch of guns from the people on Cangzhou Road."

"Why should I go to them to buy a gun?"

"Cangzhou Road is very popular in Tianjin. They often use the canal to get some prohibited materials."

"Do you know where these guns come from?

"Well, we usually don't ask about the source." The guard company commander hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask: "Why did you agree to increase the money just now?"

"These guns were probably stolen from our comrades!"

"What did you say? I will go back and kill them now!"

"No, don't startle the snake, there may be something hidden in this!" Zhang Jiu looks reckless and not very nervous.

"Then be careful, I have to go back and recover."

"Okay, let's just say goodbye." Zhang Jiu said no more. People's hearts are separated from each other. Who knows what the peace of mind of those in the autonomous army's headquarters is.

The main purpose of participating in this transaction is to gain popularity with the people on Cangzhou Road.

Because Jiuying is located in Qinghe County, which belongs to the Cangzhou Road.

Qianjiu gave up the idea of ​​killing the Cangzhou Dao congregation who came to trade.

Taking his men and starting to head east, it was necessary to figure out where the rifles in this transaction came from.

He believed that although the gun on his back was here, the owner of the gun would be fine.

The importance of the little girl definitely surpassed that of Jiuying in Hu Yi's eyes.

The group of people quickly headed east in the dark.

The plain seems peaceful, but in fact murderous intentions are hidden everywhere.

The guys in front were carrying heavy oceans on their backs, and it was impossible for them to run very far in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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