under fire

Chapter 1562 Night Owl

Since the late Qing Dynasty, knight-errants have been the embodiment of chivalry in the eyes of ordinary people.

Some people take naps occasionally during the day and stay up all night. Their spirits are as high as taking autumn medicine.

Commonly known as night owls.

Qianjiu carried a code book on his body.

I don't want to grow branches at the joints.

In areas where rangers operate, many emergencies may occur.

With the Autonomous Army skin that he currently wears, at least those guys on Cangzhou Road don't dare to do evil things to him.

I was thinking about it. When I left the autonomous army headquarters, the underground comrade named Zhu asked me about the Northern Special Police.

The traffic officers and vanguards arranged by the Autonomous Army's military headquarters were in front to explore the way eastward, followed by more than ten people.

Cao Shangfei knew that he was a sinner, so in order to prevent others from recognizing him, he had not washed his face during this period.

I got news from the Rangers that the Eighth Route Army will be on the right track in the near future.

The matter of him beating Director Zhang will probably be brought up again.

He had heard of Kaojiu, but Kaojiu didn't know him.

Mixed in the eight-way team, originally wanted to atone for his sins with his life.

Unfortunately, life is not a matter of life for life.

This time I took on the role of leading the way.

Entering the ranger activity area, my heart was beating.

The rangers have always considered themselves superior to others, killing people based on their personal likes and dislikes without blinking an eye.

Rangers with eyes above their heads would definitely not guard the green gauze tent themselves.

What we have to avoid now are the villagers who organize themselves to protect their crops more than their lives. It's very difficult.

He was familiar with the terrain in this area, so he could only take the trail.

However, they still could not avoid the villagers guarding the crops hidden in the dark night.

Fortunately, with the identity of the Autonomous Army under cover, the villagers hiding in the darkness just asked from a distance and then stopped talking.

In the eyes of the villagers, the autonomous army is not easy to mess with, but they will not attack the crops.

Perhaps due to the continued high temperature and the proximity to the canal, the sky began to become dense with dark clouds.

There are signs of rain.

Following the footprints left by those on Cangzhou Road, I walked cautiously eastward for nearly an hour.

Suddenly I felt as if raindrops were falling from the sky and falling on my head.

"God, it's finally going to rain!" Cao Shangfei felt happy for no reason and shouted to the villagers hiding in the green gauze tent.

Then, heavy raindrops hit the green gauze tent, and a somewhat choking mud smell began to appear on the dirt road.

In a short time, the sky and the earth turned into a vast curtain of rain.

No one expected that it would rain in the plains that had been dry for more than a year.

Chojiu stood quietly in the rain.

There is an old temple ahead.

There must be a village near a temple.

This rare and timely rain is a good thing for Qianjiu. At least, if he and his group go east on a heavy rainy day, the possibility of being discovered is much smaller.

But it makes the journey more difficult.

He knew very well that the summer rain came and went quickly.

If you don’t seize such a good opportunity, you’d be ashamed of God.

So instead of planning to go into the village to take shelter from the rain, he decided to head eastward despite the rain.

We must get to Qinghe County before the rain stops.

Since the Fourth Brigade originally sent a large number of sentries to sneak into the green gauze tent, when it rained, the puppet soldiers without rain gear gave up their vigilance.

The rain was so heavy that even if someone was moving in the green gauze tent, there would be no warning, and the warning would be of little use.

Wang Wenxiang's headquarters was located in the village. He stood at the entrance of the village and watched the police posts that kept coming back. He did not blame them.

Put a letter into an envelope and hand it to the ordering soldier: "Send it back to the military headquarters immediately and give it to Section Chief Shen!"

"Yes!" The messenger took the letter and quickly wrapped it in oilcloth.

The two puppet troops put on their raincoats and quickly left the village.

It was really difficult to deliver the information in the heavy rain, but the messenger was still faithfully prepared to complete his mission.

During thunderstorms, when you step on the swollen pavement, you will immediately get a piece of mud weighing a kilogram.

There were two pieces of dirt on both feet. If the shoelaces were not tied tightly, the shoes would have been torn off by the mud.

Dark clouds cover the sky full of stars.

Cao Shangfei came face to face with the two messengers who came over, only to find each other.

Both sides immediately raised their guns.

Then he yelled: "Who are you?" "Who?"

A bolt of lightning streaked across the dark night sky.


A blast of thunder suddenly sounded overhead.The messenger was the first to see Qianjiu, who was wearing a security army uniform: "Don't shoot, it's one of our own!"

The thunder was still ringing in his ears, and the trigger of the shell gun in Cao Shangfei's hand was close to critical. When he heard the other party shouting, he quickly replied: "Inspection Team of the Autonomous Army Military Headquarters, who are you?"

The two messengers lowered their rifles and said, "From the communications platoon of the [-]th brigade and [-]st regiment, uh... why did you rush on the road in the rain?"

"There is an urgent order to convey." Before leaving, Kao Jiuzao arranged a speech for Cao Shangfei.

"What a terrible weather." The messenger muttered.

"Well, we all have missions, let's just say goodbye." Zhangjiu put away the shell gun, inserted it into the holster, and stepped aside to the side of the road.

The road was quite wide, so the two soldiers did not doubt it and took their shoes out of the muddy ground.

One foot high and one foot low, heading west.

Both sides staggered.

Cao Shangfei suddenly turned around and unknowingly pulled out the shell gun in his hand.

bang. bang.
A small tent was set up temporarily by the road.

Cao Shangfei took out the oil paper bag from the messenger and handed it to Qian Jiu.

He didn't know much about the Chinese character "Kajiu", so he handed the oil paper bag back to Cao Shangfei with a dark face: "Read it!"

"It's written to the Fourth Brigade and the First Regiment. No, this letter is to report the situation to the Rangers."

"What do you mean? He didn't report to the Fourth Brigade Commander, but wrote to the Rangers?"

"That bastard Wang Wenxiang must have secretly defected to the National Army. The letter said that guarding the western edge of Qinghe County is a guard camp of one brigade and one regiment."

"Guard camp?" Zhan Jiudaxi asked, "You mean the ninth camp is right in front?"

"I guess I can't be wrong." Cao Shangfei nodded and continued to read the letter: "No, people from Cangzhou Road have found Wang Wenxiang."

"Cangzhou Road?"

"The front is the territory of Cangzhou Road. Logically speaking, if Wang Wenxiang enters their territory, they should react. From the meaning of the letter, it seems that they are going to join forces to deal with the Eighth Route Army."

After it rained at night, it became difficult to move around the green gauze tent.

Bad weather is good for concealment.

The stars in the sky disappeared, and the raindrops hit the green gauze tent, covering up the sound of the march.

Liu Yuanqing and his party were soaked in the rain.

There was a clear light ahead that lit up the night sky.

In other words, there should be a village not far away,

In the middle of the night, there shouldn't be any light on a rainy day under normal circumstances.

Unless the Japanese happen to be stationed in the village ahead.

Liu Yuanqing immediately stopped the advance of the vanguard and went into battle personally to act as the vanguard.

The Japanese strictly enforced battlefield regulations.

The sentries on guard in the green gauze tent were wearing raincoats.Even in heavy rains, he still stayed at his post.

When he found someone approaching along the trail, he immediately raised his gun and shouted a warning: "%&*@#"

Liu Yuanqing was stunned for a moment when he heard the Japanese order to answer.

It’s not surprising that the Japanese would stick to their posts in the rain.

Quickly reply to Xiong Er's previous command in bird language: ""&#@*"

The hidden Japanese guard post was stunned for a moment. Although the visitor spoke fluent bird language, his answer to the command was obviously wrong.

However, it cannot be ruled out that the people who appeared were the commandos sent out earlier by the Second Division of Oshikuma.

Those who cannot prove their identity must be treated as suspects!
The Japanese sentry immediately ordered Liu Yuanqing to put down his gun and go over with his hands raised!

In the dark, it is impossible to see clearly even if you raise your hands or not.

But that's what the regulations say.

Liu Yuanqing knew the Japanese battlefield warning regulations, so he raised his hands with confidence and walked towards the Japanese sentry.

He kept chirping and complaining about the weather, and deliberately made a lot of noise when walking around.

To cover up the sharp soldiers outflanking from the side.

Lightning struck one after another.

Finally, he saw clearly that the person who came was wearing a steel helmet and Liu Yuanqing was in a miserable state.

The Japanese sentry pointed his rifle at Liu Yuanqing and said, "Are you the only one?"

Liu Yuanqing was unable to determine the location of the Japanese secret sentry, so he could only talk nonsense: "I went out to a class, attacked the Eighth Route Army and got separated!"

Listening to the other party's fluent bird language, although the Japanese sentry relaxed his vigilance, he still shouted seriously according to the battlefield regulations: "Put down the gun immediately. According to the regulations, you must be detained now!"

Liu Yuanqing nodded in agreement: "I have an eye injury and I can't see the road clearly. It's very troublesome. Please take me to see a military doctor."

The reason why he did this is very simple. The Japanese sentry will definitely send someone to escort him back to the village to check his identity. Then, he can take the opportunity to attack and kill this guy on the way.

The premise is not to be discovered by the Japanese secret whistle.

The Japanese set up warning posts in the green gauze tent, and the distance between the light and dark posts would never be too far apart.

The soldiers hiding behind only need to search the green gauze tent within ten meters with the current position of the Japs' outpost as the center. It is not a problem to catch the two Japs' hidden sentries.

As for whether there is a third Japs, there is a high probability that there will not be one. According to the Japs' vigilance habits, the three-person security team must regularly arrange for a Japs to report back and forth or accept new orders.

With such heavy rain, Liu Yuanqing had to place his hope in God.

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