under fire

Chapter 1563

It rained heavily at night.

The puppet leader Wu, who fled south, took his helpers and hid in a Taoist temple to take shelter from the rain.

One day ago he was the overlord of a county, but overnight he became a lost dog. The days when the sky was high and the emperor was far away and free were gone forever.

Anger welled up from the bottom of his heart when he thought about it.

It was originally a helpless move to defect to the Japanese, but now there is no psychological pressure to rebel.

The little devil has always been ruthless against the rebels.

The most urgent task is to bring out the wife, children, and children from my hometown to prevent the little devils from taking revenge.

I kept comforting myself in my heart, if it was not a last resort, who would be willing to bear the infamy of being unable to even enter the ancestral grave after death and surrender to the little devil.

These days, it's good to be alive, but it doesn't matter if you can't enter the ancestral grave.

After struggling all night last night, fortunately, I surrendered to the Eighth Route Army in advance, and the casualties among my men were not too great.

He continued to show his goodwill to Balu, thinking that Balu would not do anything to his family.

As for where to go now, he doesn't really care.

These days, as long as you have someone with a gun, you can live a good life anywhere.

Although the Eighth Route Army has a good reputation, it is not only poor but also has many rules. I guess the brothers can't stand it and will definitely not join.

The best choice is to vote for Wang Taigong or Wang Ziquan in the south.

It is absolutely not okay to establish yourself as king in the areas occupied by the Japanese.

Because those guys on Cangzhou Road are not fuel-efficient lamps either.

A platoon of more than thirty elite puppet troops went north to pick up Commander Wu and his family who had fled.

Xiao Hongying squatted under the eaves, looking at the sandbox formation that was washed away by the heavy rain. She was angry with Luo Fugui: "Damn mule, you didn't set up the tent quickly even if you knew it was going to rain."

"I didn't know the rain would come so quickly." Luo Fugui looked aggrieved.

Hu Yi, who was sitting next to him and had been reminiscing about the afternoon conversation, couldn't bear the quacking of the two ducks next to him. Finally, he couldn't help but persuade him: "Don't lose your temper there. A good commander should remember the sand table." in my heart"

"Boss Hu is right!" Luo Guogui, who was shrinking his neck, immediately straightened his back: "Girl, think about it, if the little Japs come, you can't carry your broken sand plate around?"

Hu Yi turned to look at Luo Fugui: "Don't be stunned. There are a lot of Japanese raincoats seized. Hurry up and arrange for someone to send them to the soldiers in charge of guarding them."

The sand table is gone, but there is still a map.

Xiao Hongying moved the headquarters back to the house angrily.

The roof was full of holes, and a dozen tile basins were placed to catch all the rain.

Although his eyes stung from time to time and he barely slept for several days, Hu Yi couldn't fall asleep despite squinting his eyes.

That woman is right next door, and there are some things that make her feel more flustered the closer she is.

By some strange coincidence, he decided to take a look in the yard next door to relieve his unspeakable expectations.

As he groped his way out of the door, Xiao Hongying's voice came from behind: "Fox, are you going to the bathroom?"

"Uh yes."

"You can't see, I'll help you go." Xiao Hongying was trying hard to recall the Japanese troop layout on the sand table, and then drew a turtle on the map. Seeing that Hu Yi had difficulty going out, she put down her pen and prepared to step forward to help.

"Uh, that can be solved without me finding a corner." Hu Yihan.

Before reaching the gate of the yard, the girl's voice came from behind again: "Hey, the latrine is on the left, where are you going?"

Xiong, who was lying on the firewood next to him, was listening to the sound of raindrops leaking from the roof in the tile basin. He talked to Xiao Hongying from time to time, turned his head and glanced outside the door: "Boss Hu, you have to take care of him when he goes to the latrine. If you have nothing to do, I have nothing to do, I’m leaving.”

"Why are you so anxious? Tell me now, if I ambush here, will the Japanese attack me or attack me?" Xiao Hongying looked back and pointed at a three-way intersection.

"I have armored vehicles and cannons, and I'll send planes to blow you up, you idiot!" Luo Fugui also quickly entered the role.

There was no way, Li Xiang was not here, Hu Yi couldn't see him, so the mule naturally acted as the enemy on Xiao Hongying's map.

Hu Yi drew a black line on his forehead, didn't answer, and walked out of the courtyard directly.Standing in the darkness at the door, I immediately saw the figure of the woman sitting opposite the oil lamp.

After a long time, I felt that I hadn't appreciated it enough, and a mean smile suddenly appeared in front of Hu Yi.

"Sir Hu, what are you looking at?"

"Monkey, why are you here?" Hu Yi blinked to relieve the stinging feeling.

"Well, Takahashi is writing a letter of repentance. I'm going to come out and get some air." The monkey's eyes rolled around when he saw Hu Yi closing his eyes.

When Eighth Route soldiers make mistakes, they usually write a self-criticism. Writing a letter of repentance is a rule that Monkey brought from the Chinese army.

Hu Yi was about to turn around and leave when Monkey grabbed him and said, "Captain Su has a problem. Do you think you can help solve it?"

Monkey is not a fool. There is definitely something he doesn't know about between Chief Hu and Captain Su.

The so-called bystander's knowledge generally means that the parties involved may not know each other, but the people next to them can see it clearly.

It's very simple. In the past, people with unfeminine character like Chief Hu were really rare in the national army.

Being pulled by the monkey, Hu Yi felt a little secretly happy in his heart.

I endured the pain and opened my eyes to look at the room again, and quickly took a deep breath.

I bent the brim of my hat. The military hat was a little wet after the rain, and it didn't have the beautiful curvature it used to have.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands behind your back, raise your chest and raise your head naturally, without squinting, and walk forward steadily step by step.

The steel spikes of the military boots sank firmly into the swollen sand in the yard.

Su Qing heard footsteps coming from the yard, rubbed her eyes and turned her head.

There was darkness in the yard, which made her eyes widen. She finally saw clearly a tall soldier figure in the darkness that could not be illuminated by the oil lamp outside the door.

For a moment, I forgot about the report I was revising with the pen in my hand.

After a long time, Hu Yi finally appeared in the palm-sized light from the oil lamp at the door.

Su Qing suddenly smiled.

Ding Ding Ding.
Urgent footsteps were heard outside the courtyard, and the correspondent appeared at the door of the courtyard, breathing heavily and shouting: "Report to the battalion commander, Park Buhuan and his friends are here, about ten miles southwest of us."

"What?" Hu Yi was thinking and really didn't hear clearly.

The soldier happily reported: "Pu Buhuan and his men encountered a company ten miles southwest of us, and Madman Yang is with them!"

After hearing about the location of the Nine Camps, Pu Buhuan divided some of them out and took most of the people to the Nine Camps station in the rain.

While the two were talking, Pu Buhuan had walked into the yard and came to Hu Yi's side: "Hello, Old Hu, you won't invite me to drink even if you become the battalion commander."

Hearing Pu Buhuan's title, Hu Yi was a little confused. The relationship between the two seemed not to be good enough to call each other brothers.

Pu Buhuan didn't see anyone outside at all. He peeked into the room and said hello to Su Qing: "Hello, Director Su. You're welcome and well, hahaha."

Hu Yi, who forced his eyes open, glanced behind Park Buhuan, and a middle-aged man appeared in his sight.

This one seems to have the aura of a superior person.

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment. As Park Buhuan, was he performing another escort mission?
For some things, it is better to do less than to do more. Those who should not be asked should not be asked.

Hu Yi realized that this person's identity was not simple, so he walked into the room and sat down directly next to Su Qing.

Park Buhuan was the instructor at the headquarters. He unexpectedly arrived with a middle-aged man, which immediately made Su Qing feel better.

The middle-aged man passed Park Buhuan and entered the room. He looked at Hu Yi with a smile on his face: "I have heard about Hu Yingzhang for a long time. It is a great honor to see him today."

Su Qing was a little confused when he heard that this person spoke with a strong Northeastern accent and was from the same hometown as Hu Yi across from him. What was this person's background?
The situation was unclear, so he stood awkwardly without speaking for a while.

The middle-aged man finished chatting with Hu Yi, then turned to look at Su Qing and introduced himself: "Hello, Captain Su, I am Jin*#, political commissar of the volunteer team. This time I was ordered by the headquarters to perform a secret mission. Please take good care of me!”

"Are you political commissar Jin?" Su Qing was overjoyed. Earlier, she accidentally heard from the deputy commander of the division that the headquarters sent a group of volunteers who could speak bird language into the plains to carry out work against the enemy.

"Haha, we originally planned to work in the third vertical, but we didn't expect the situation to change so quickly." The middle-aged man obviously concealed something when he spoke. (End of chapter)

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