under fire

Chapter 1564 Careful sailing for ten thousand years

The raindrops made a loud splash on the roof tiles.

The middle-aged man seemed to understand the current situation very well, and his words were as eloquent as the water of the Yangtze River: "The little devils have mobilized a large number of troops to go south to the Pacific. Now there is a serious shortage of troops in the occupied areas. It is difficult to learn Chinese. The vast majority of the Japanese can't." Speak Chinese and urgently need various translations”

Su Qing couldn't help but ask: "Translation? What do you mean?"

The middle-aged man lowered his voice: "In order to ensure long-term peace and stability in the occupied areas, the Japanese recruited many students from the Republic of Korea who can speak Chinese and bird language to serve as translators. The superiors..."

It was unpleasant to hear this person talk so verbosely, Hu Yi didn't want to waste time: "What you said... doesn't seem to have much to do with the serious situation we are currently facing."

A young man behind the middle-aged man suddenly stood up with a serious look on his face: "Comrade Hu Yi, please stay out of the way now!"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, stood up awkwardly, and walked out of the yard.

The young man watched as he left the yard, and then turned to look at Su Qing: "Hello, Captain Su! Comrades in the Volunteer Army have helped many students who were forced to come to North China from the Republic of Korea to translate for their families. According to the deployment of the headquarters, we need to Get in touch with them and ruthlessly disintegrate the enemy from within, uh. Of course, this requires the strong cooperation of Captain Su and your armed working team."

"Excuse me, who are you?" Su Qing asked carefully. This young man obviously has a good background.

"Ai Xianyi from the Intelligence Section of the Headquarters was assigned by Comrade Lin Yi to escort the comrades of the Volunteer Army to complete this rebellion and infiltration mission!" Ai Xianyi looked proud. After finishing speaking, he took out an envelope from his jacket pocket and took out the envelope from the envelope. He pulled out a piece of paper and faced Su Qing, shook it open with a clatter and handed it over: "This is a letter written by Comrade Lin Yi."

Su Qing, who was sitting behind the broken table, was a little confused. Seeing that the other party mentioned Lin Yi, he reached out to take the letter and read it. The pen handwriting on the letter was indeed Lin Yi's own handwriting, and it was unmistakable.

Su Qing was a little excited.

When it comes to international friendly forces, the headquarters allows you to cooperate, which is a sign of trust in you!
I made up my mind to cooperate with my superiors to complete this mission.
Seeing Su Qing's excitement, Officer Ai was very satisfied and immediately began to tell the details: "This time, most of the student translators recruited by the Japanese from the DPRK were assigned to various gun towers in the Jizhong occupied area. This time I escorted their families. Political Commissar Jin who wrote the letter personally came here, and his main task is to influence the student translators to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, and continue to lurk inside the enemy, so that they can actually be used by us."

Hu Yi was supported by the monkey and returned to the yard next door. He didn't hear the shouts of the girl and Luo Fugui about attacking and defending on the map.

Opening his eyes, he looked through the door and saw the little girl standing on Luo Fugui's shoulders, climbing on the wall and looking through a broken hole in the wall to the next door.

He quickly lowered his voice: "Girl, don't ask about things you shouldn't know."

When Xiao Hongying heard Hu Yi's voice, she quickly slipped off Luo Fugui's shoulders and looked in front of Hu Yi, looking gloating: "Hey, you were kicked out without even saying a word to the vixen?"

"You" Hu Yi was speechless for a moment.

"Fox, tell me, now that the Japanese troops are approaching the border, and Pu Buhuan sends these people over, where will they cause trouble?"

"Even I heard their conversation, what are you pretending to be?" Luo Fugui approached Xiao Hongying from the wall and patted the dust on his shoulders: "It's raining so hard, no matter how powerful the devil is, he can't move. I It is recommended to go to bed first.”

"You damn mule, how dare you tear me down?"

"Is it possible that you are justified in eavesdropping?" Luo Fugui did not dare to speak loudly and lay down directly in the bear's den next to the pile of firewood covered with a blanket.

"What do you mean by eavesdropping? They were talking about secret things...the voices almost lifted the roof...and they didn't even reconsider the environment first. Can you blame me?"

Qianjiu led the people through the green gauze tent.

To get to the ninth battalion garrison area, you must first bypass the Wang Wenxiang defense area of ​​the fourth brigade.

After the rain, the ground on the small and medium-sized roads in Qingsha Zhang was swollen with water, making it more difficult to travel.

At the same time, a team was hiding in a ruined temple on the roadside before cutting Jiujiu.

A bird-like voice muttered: "Da Lang is already ten years old and will be able to go to war in six years. I don't know if he can have a big ass and give birth to a child before joining the army... The girl from the Bo family is not good, her hair is yellow. Yeah, I don’t have a few ounces of meat on my body, I look like..."

A bird next to him responded: "When you joined the army and left, Da Liang was five years old. Your mother-in-law wrote a letter saying that Ci Liang would be four years old this year. Don't you think it's strange?"

"Haha, what's so strange? I happened to leave some seeds behind when I left."

"Your Majesty Second Lieutenant, don't deceive yourself. Whose wife can carry a child for two years?"

"Do you want to die?"

"just kidding."

A voice of chirping birds sounded outside the temple: "Your Excellency, Second Lieutenant, there is a team rushing on a rainy night! The leading soldiers are now about one mile away from us!"

"Baga, how did you stand sentry? The enemy almost touched our pig's nest before you discovered the enemy's situation?"

"I'm sorry, the enemy situation was discovered three miles away, but the weather was bad and it was delayed on the way back."

"Shut up, the imperial elite never makes excuses for failure!" The second lieutenant, whose son is ten years old, immediately ordered: "Everyone, prepare for battle immediately!"

"Your Excellency Second Lieutenant, our trip must be kept secret. I suggest you evacuate this ruined temple first." "I ask you to learn Chinese on weekdays, but you don't work hard."

"Hey, you are asking our noble imperial army to learn the language of an inferior race. Are you crazy?"

"Don't rely on your status as a North Special Police officer to give you the right to dictate in front of me."

"Okay, you are the commander of this operation, please do as you please"

Bandits are all the same in the world.

Generally, daytime activities are chosen for visiting spots.

Doing sneaky things after dark.

Cao Shangfei was no stranger to the dark night, but this was his first time traveling in heavy rain.

In order not to lose your way, you can only take the main road.

If there is rain on a summer night, there must be wind. Under the heavy wind and rain, it is useless to look around.

You can only go by your feelings.

Cao Shangfei still turned his head to look from time to time. There were raindrops all around, and his ears were filled with the sound of raindrops hitting the sorghum and hitting the ground.

Having been a gangster for many years, I have become accustomed to being vigilant.

Even when I sleep, I keep one eye open. Anyway, I feel like I never close my eyes.

The journey along the way seemed to go so smoothly, not even a single villager guarding the crops was encountered.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!He began to think about it, eliminating all possibilities by elimination.

The tense string in my heart seemed to buzz, and I subconsciously stopped slowly, holding my hand on the awning and looking forward.

Some inexplicable thoughts are growing in my mind. The moon is dark, the wind is high, and the rain is pouring. It’s a good time to kill someone.
Something seems wrong under your feet. Is there a shallow pit?No, it's footprints.

Able to survive in troubled times, he pays great attention to details.

Lifting my feet and walking forward cautiously, I finally found the next footprint.

Slowly squat down and use your hands to feel for the footprints.

There was no water in the footprints, which meant that the footprints were definitely made not long ago.

The time...will never exceed 10 minutes!
He raised his hand and started to measure the distance between the front and back footprints with his index and middle fingers. It was less than two kilometres... less than [-] millimeters.

Either a woman or a child.
Heavy rain and heavy rain can be eliminated first.

Then, it is most likely a small villager or a Japanese.

The boss once said before that if you want to live a long time, whenever you encounter something you are not sure about, the best way is to withdraw.

There is really no way to withdraw. Then plan for the worst case scenario first.

Therefore, Cao Shangfei believes that the sudden appearance of footprints should be judged as the presence of Japanese soldiers.

Anyone who encounters Cangzhou Road still has a way to survive.

If you encounter a Japanese enemy, you must run away.

Therefore, he turned around without hesitation, rushed into the green gauze tent next to him, got into a certain distance, then quickly turned around and ran back.

He believed that the guy who was partnering with him behind him would immediately turn around and go back to report the news to Qianjiu after seeing his reaction.

As for whether there are Japanese soldiers ahead, it doesn't matter.

There is a saying that goes well: Be careful when sailing the ship of ten thousand years!

[Thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue, Big Belly Box, Dreaming Back to Chang'an, Lao Ni, and Old Fox for the reward]

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