under fire

Chapter 1565: Fishing for Tail

It was pouring rain.

Occasionally a bolt of lightning flashes out from the sky.

He was flying on the soaked grass in the sorghum field like a beast, forcing his way through the sorghum poles.

After confirming that it was basically safe, I quickly thought, those footprints are new... What are the Japanese doing here... How many Japanese are here...

The Japs rarely act alone. If they show up here in the rain, their goal must be to occupy the Eighth Route in QH County...

It should have hit the enemy's perimeter guard, and the enemy in charge of the guard was not completely sure, so he took action on himself. Then, the enemy should not exceed one squadron, otherwise the enemy would definitely open fire directly because of his urine...

There should be a warning for such a heavy rain. The number of Japs should not be many, but not less. It is estimated that there is a ruined temple in front of a small team to a squadron. With such a heavy rain, most of the Japs should be in the temple. Rest.

Cao Shangfei, who was worried, got out of the green gauze tent and returned to the road. He returned to the two black figures squatting on the ground with one foot high and one foot low: "Captain, retreat quickly!"

"What's going on ahead?" Zaijiu and Lao Wu, who came back first, were squatting on the roadside and looking behind Zaijiu, ready to dig into the sorghum at any time.

"There are enemies!" Cao Shangfei was still panting.

"With such a heavy rain, when did those people on Cangzhou Road become so diligent?" Changjiu stood up, thinking that Cao Shangfei had bumped into someone on Cangzhou Road.

"Don't stick around here...it's not Cangzhou Road. They are [-]% Japanese. They haven't done anything to us. They probably don't know our details yet."

Hearing that there were Japanese soldiers, a group of people soaked in water on the roadside quickly turned around and ran back.

After running a distance away from Lao Chang, he found that there were no pursuers behind him. Zai Jiu grabbed Cao Shangfei's arm and said, "It's raining so hard, how did you know it was the Japanese?"

"We'll talk about this later. Let's get out of here first."

"It's so dark that I can't see my fingers. The little devil doesn't know who we are..."

Cao Shangfei wiped a handful of rainwater that blinded his eyes: "We have passed the Autonomous Army defense area. At this time, those who go east to Qinghe County, whether they are the Autonomous Army or the Eighth Route Army, will definitely catch up with them because of the little devil's urine. Check."

"We are an autonomous army now, what are you afraid of?"

"Uh..." Cao Shangfei hesitated to speak.

Zai Jiu was angry: "If you fart, let it go! I've known for a long time that you have one foot in two boats. Since you have one foot in Jiuying's boat, you have to contribute anyway."

Cao Shangfei shook his arms lightly, shook off Qianjiu, and got into a nearby path. Then he slowed down and said, "I was wondering...why the Japanese appeared here."

Zhang Jiu smiled: "Isn't this simple? If the Japanese want to regain Qinghe County, they must find out the details of the Eighth Route Army."

"Maybe they are waiting for someone here!"

"What do you mean?"

"The traitors who are waiting to report!" Cao Shangfei muttered in the darkness: "Qinghe County was originally a Japanese-occupied area. No matter how powerful the Eighth Route Army attacked the county, it was impossible to uncover all the traitors from the detective team in the city."

"You mean those traitors in the county told the Japanese?"

"What's so weird about this?" Cao Shangfei didn't want to get entangled in unclear things in the heavy rain: "Captain, the rain is too heavy, I think we should find a place to hide first."

"No, I still have important things to do. I must find the Ninth Battalion as soon as possible. Let's take a detour to avoid those bastards from the Fourth Brigade. We have already wasted a lot of time..."

"Aren't you afraid of acting rashly, with the little Japs hanging behind us, and finding the location of Camp Commander Hu and others by the way?"

"Haha, go to hell, I don't even know where the Jiuying is now. The little devil only saw a ghost when he followed us and found the Jiuying."

"According to what you said, I think the Japanese have already reached the edge of the Jiuying defense zone!" Cao Shangfei suddenly felt something in his heart.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Zhang Jiu couldn't keep up.

"The Japs in front must be here for reconnaissance. If he wants to find out the situation, he must either wait for the spies or sneak into the Ninth Battalion defense area silently. The biggest difficulty they face now is to break through the perimeter security..."

"According to what you said, even if a traitor in the city wants to come out and tip off, he may not be able to find the Japanese..." Qianjiu felt that although this guy was verbose, what he said made sense: "Tell me, how do you know... Jiuying Defense Zone In the west?"

"To the east is the canal, and to the north the nine battalions are not familiar with each other. They had a big fight, and they probably caused the trouble..."

"Hey, I didn't see it. What you said was quite reasonable..."

Cao Shangfei was not distracted by Zaijiu's words: "There must not be many Japanese coming back this time, otherwise they would just go east."

"This area is all occupied by the Japs. Cangzhou Road can provide them with information. Why are they so careful?" Jian Jiu was puzzled.

Cao Shangfei looked mysterious: "You know about the Northern Special Police, right?"

"Well, the spy organization has only been established a few days ago." Qian Jiu knows a lot.

"It seems that you are quite well informed."

"Bullshit!" "Our appearance was just by chance. The detour will definitely leave footprints now. The Japs are likely to follow our footprints and pursue us. It's raining so heavily now, which is not conducive to the march of the army. Therefore, the number of Japs pursuing us must not be large." , and it is unlikely that he will bring heavy weapons. As long as we can find Jiuying first under the cover of heavy rain, we can set up an ambush and bite him hard." Cao Shangfei is not a kind person.

"Do you really think it's that simple to set up an ambush?" Zhang Jiu shook his head: "I heard that the more complicated the plan, the greater the possibility of failure."

"In my opinion...it doesn't seem difficult."

"If that's the case, what are you waiting for?"

The group of people set out on the road again, no longer continuing the detour to the north, but turning directly to the east.

The ground was covered with swollen soil, and a large piece of soil stuck to it when I stepped on it, making it difficult to move.

Leaves obvious traces…

Flying on the Grass's guess is not entirely accurate.

This group of devils did not come into contact with the outer guard posts of the Nine Battalions at all.

It was entirely by chance that the two sides collided.

The Japanese second lieutenant, who did not want to cause trouble and retreated, seemed to be in a good mood.

Those guys turned around and ran away.

Those who can bypass the autonomous army's defense zone and head east can be sure that they are the Eighth Route Army related to Qinghe County.

Deduction: Those Tubal Road who discovered the warning posts they arranged and planned to go back and detour should now detour to the north or south and then east again.

Heavy rain can wash away everything.

However, the footprints won't completely disappear anytime soon.

Trying to avoid being tracked by the elites of the Imperial Army is just a dream!
The commando team he led as the vanguard was the elite among the elites of the imperial army.

Tubalu was brave enough, and the land under their feet was in the core area occupied by the imperial army. Although most of the imperial troops were taken away, the remaining imperial troops were enough to crush any rebels.

Want to run?

Just in time to lead the way for the imperial army...

The endless night.

"It's raining so hard, I have to give you a raincoat." Luo Fugui complained: "Did you find anything?"

The boundless darkness made it difficult to see clearly from a little distance. Li Xiang, who was dripping from the brim of his gray hat, looked away: "It's better than listening to a girl nagging."

A soldier wearing an oilcloth and still soaked appeared from the darkness: "Report, the outer guard post has discovered the enemy's situation!"

"Where are they? How many people are there?" Luo Fugui immediately pulled out the light machine gun wrapped in oilcloth from behind.

"Don't panic, we are here!" Another soldier appeared from the darkness: "Zhajiu is here."

"My grandma, cut it to nine?" Luo Fugui, half of his face exposed under his raincoat, widened his eyes.

Several dark figures appeared.

"Stop talking nonsense, there's a tail behind us..." Zhang Jiuyi looked anxious: "There's a Japs hanging behind us..."

"What?" Luo Fugui climbed directly onto a pile of sorghum poles on the ground, pulled the trigger of the light machine under the oilcloth with a clang, turned around and shouted: "Cut the dick, how far is it?"

"I don't know... After Cao Shangfei's goods were sold out... he hid in the green gauze tent and said he was going to do some counter-reconnaissance..." Zhan Jiu wiped the raindrops from his forehead and took the raincoat handed over by the guard soldier.

Heavy rain.

The little Japs were indeed generous. The Japs who were some distance away from the leading soldiers had no scruples in turning on their flashlights.

Climbing on the grass in the mud, counting the faint shadows in the flickering flashlight light...


da da da da...

A box of bullets was fired directly.

The muzzle flash is very small and cannot be seen from a little distance.

The whistling sound of bullets was completely swallowed up by the sound of rain.

The roar of the light machine gun is not very obvious...

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