under fire

Chapter 1566

Chapter 1566

The Japanese vanguard fought back for a long time, but there was no response from the green gauze tent in front.

With just one stroke, Luo Fugui beat the following little devil until he lost his temper.

The enemy finally appeared.

Before figuring out the enemy's specific arrangements, Li Xiang did not rush to order a counterattack against the obvious bright spots in the rain.

It is advantageous to defend but disadvantageous to attack. In the Qingsha tent, whoever attacks will suffer.

The correspondent quickly returned to the village to report the news.

On a rainy night, gunshots can't be heard far.

Not long after Hu Yigang lay down, the correspondent ran into the yard: "The little devil is here..."

Luo Fugui, who came back immediately after the correspondent, lit the lamp.

Hu Yi got up and looked at his watch: 02:30 in the morning.

Looking at the messy map on the table: the Japanese appeared in Li Xiang's defensive area, west by north.

Give orders quickly.

The correspondents who went out to deliver the order ran out of the yard one by one and disappeared into the darkness.

Each department must make preparations to engage the enemy according to a predetermined plan.

The sound of the correspondent running alerted the volunteer guards standing guard in the nearby yard.

Su Qing, who was in a meeting, and someone from the headquarters immediately knew that the enemy had appeared.

Ai Xianyi has a solid theory: "There is nothing to be afraid of when the Japs come. If he dares to attack, he is just seeking death."

Zhang Jiu finally entered the room and looked at Hu Yi. There was no scene like the Eighth Route Army comrades holding hands when they met.

The two parties are old acquaintances, but they felt a little awkward after meeting.

It can even be said that it was an accident that two grown men, neither comrades in arms nor friends, entered the ninth camp.

Qianjiu believes that he and Camp Commander Hu are just partners at best.

Jiu rescued him, he was just repaying the favor.

After thinking about it, Zhang Jiu felt a lot more balanced: "Well, Political Commissar Ding asked me to send you a notebook."

"Thank you for your hard work." Hu Yi took it and flipped through it. The code book?

I thought to myself that there was only one radio station, so it was of little use to Jiuying.

You can contact the main regiment in the county through the radio. The advantage is that you can get more information about the enemy.

However, because of the radio station, he must obey the deputy commander's command.

On the plains, if you lose mobility, you will definitely not be a match for the Japanese.

It's impossible for people like this to make things bigger.

It would be better not to have a radio station.

Standing opposite Hu Yi, Zhang Jiu was stunned. This god of killing actually told him that he had worked hard?

A feeling of flatterment arose in my heart.

Is this warmth?
Hu Yi didn't speak, and he didn't make a sound when he cut nine.

After a while, Zhang Jiu finally couldn't stand the uncomfortable feeling of wet clothes sticking to his body: "I almost forgot."

As he spoke, he took off the [-]-[-] lance wrapped in oilcloth from his back, pulled open the oilcloth and handed it to Hu Yi: "When I first saw this gun, I was shocked..."

After listening to Qianjiu's talk about selling guns on Cangzhou Road, Luo Fugui next to him had red eyes... After Xiao Hongying got the sniper rifle, he threw the Si Si cavalry gun to Wang Xiaosan's cooking class.

With a dark face, he told Qianjiu the story of the attack on the wounded man.

Ignore the fact that Jiuying immediately encircled Cangzhou Road.

Zhang Jiu, who had always been fearless, turned pale in an instant, and suddenly slapped his thigh: "You will be in big trouble if you provoke those desperadoes."

Hu Yi ignored Zhang Jiu's complaint and said in a cold tone: "Last night, Cangzhou Road sold those guns to the Autonomous Army?"

Zaijiu nodded, with a bitter look on his face: "I spent so much money, but in the end I bought your gun."

"You used all my money to buy guns?" Luo Fugui was trembling in his heart: "Why did you buy so many guns?"

"The Soil and Water Conservation Corps needs to expand its scale..." Zhang Jiu slowly regained his composure: "What's your money? I've robbed a lot of money from the Japanese during this period!"

"Oh, you can still steal money from the devil?"

"Didn't you meet the Jiangbei Traffic Team last time? Hehe, you have been on the line with them during this period."

Hearing the shouting next door, Ai Xian frowned and stood up: "I'll go over and take a look..."

Su Qing stood up: "I'll accompany you there..."

Pu Buhuan quickly said: "I'll go too..."

The group of people walked to the door just in time to hear Zhang Jiu shouting. Ai Xian spoke first: "You don't know that the reactionaries are preparing to launch an attack on northern Shaanxi."

"Who are you?" When Qianjiu saw Su Qing behind the young man, he forced out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Sister Su!"

"It has been published in the newspapers that the reactionaries in Chongqing ignored the overall situation of the War of Resistance and attacked their own people. We must draw a clear line with the reactionaries." Officer Ai looked upright.

Su Qing glanced at Hu Yi sitting at the table.

He walked from the side of Director Ai to sit opposite Hu Yi, then looked at Qian Jiu and asked directly: "You have been active on the plains during this period. Have you ever dealt with people on Cangzhou Road?" Pu Buhuan, who followed in, stood next to Ai. First, we sat on a bench, and several people sat together around the table. No one said anything about the appearance of the Japanese from the west.

Cut Jiu and report to Su Qing.

Su Qing did not avoid Hu Yi and Luo Fugui lying on the firewood next to them.

Hu Yi was puzzled. Maybe she thought the things Qian Jiu said were not confidential.

The situation within the autonomous army is complicated...

I have known these things for a long time. Looking at that woman's face, I started to lose focus...

With the temper of a little devil, it is not surprising to send a small group of troops to attack in the rainy night.

The main force's capture of Qinghe County was not a good thing for the elusive Ninth Battalion.

In an enemy battle zone, once mobility is lost, it will be fatal.

Guerrilla warfare at least holds the initiative.

Compared with being passively beaten when defending the county seat, they are completely different concepts.

It rained non-stop.

When the Japanese came, those demons and demons who surrendered to the Japanese also ran around.

"Captain Hu..."

"What?" Hu Yi, who was wandering in the world, came back to his senses.

"Give me the codebook!"

Su Qing, who had been busy for half the night, looked coldly at the code book handed over by Hu Yi and the letter captured by the Autonomous Army messenger who killed Jiujiu.

It was no secret that the Einsatzgruppe operated in the plains.

These guys are incapable of killing Japanese invaders and traitors, and most of the time they hide in the dark and play tricks.

"Director Ai brought an order from his superiors, and the radio station was handed over to Pu Buhuan." Su Qing looked at Hu Yi's half-closed eyes: "They want to set up an intelligence network, do you have any objection?"

"No objection." Hu Yi finally understood that the code book sent by Zhanjiu was not for his own use at all.

Pu Buhuan looked at Hu Yi with sincere apology in his eyes: "I brought them here to find you because I had no choice."

Hu Yi shook his head: "Intelligence work is not my strong point."

Pu Buhuan continued to explain: "I swear to God, I originally came here for reinforcements, and only when I arrived at Huilong Town did I receive orders from my superiors to carry out this mission..."

Hu Yi understood what Park Buhuan meant. He was expressing that he didn't know that Hu Yi had a radio station.

Su Qing asked Zhang Jiu for a long time, and suddenly found a new word: "Northern Special Police should have never heard of it before."

Zaijiu picked his head: "I heard that the Japs have newly established an intelligence operation agency to deal with the anti-Japanese elements in the occupied areas."

There were yawns and lazy footsteps outside the door.

Hu Yi looked at the girl who came into the room yawning: "Hey, where is Gao Qiao now?"

"The monkey is staring at him."

The expression on Zhangjiu's face suddenly changed: "That... Cao Shangfei is still behind and hasn't come back."


I don’t know how long it took, it seemed like a long time.

The night was still dark.

Fly on the grass lay quietly in the mud.

Holding the shell gun diagonally, he remained motionless, letting the rain slowly flow over his body.

Not far ahead, several Japanese soldiers were alert to the green gauze tents on both sides of the road due to a sudden attack ahead.

Soon, several Japanese figures appeared, carrying the wounded Japanese in a hurry.

The two Japanese soldiers quickly drew out their bayonets and chopped down a piece of sorghum, then placed it on the ground, then opened a marching tent and lit the marching lights.

Cao Shangfei looked quietly at the Japanese working in the tent in the rain ahead.

Suddenly I remembered the monkey's mantra: A dead enemy is a good enemy!
Six Japs and two wounded can be ignored!
With one against six, it would be great if there was a grenade!

It doesn't matter if there are no grenades...

People in the arena must be moral and kill Zhang Ju. At that time, the two sides were life-and-death rivals.

Ever since Balu let him go, his life no longer matters.

I have never been able to integrate into the Jiuying circle.

Now is the best chance.

It is very important to gain the trust of the Eighth Route Army. Since ancient times, it has been easiest to obtain a certificate of investment.

The Eight Road tree is not that big, but it is better than being a bandit.

Most of those guys in the Rangers are eggless bastards.

I have already died once, but now I am not even afraid of death. If I kill a few Japanese, I will only lose my life at the most!

Put away the shell gun and slowly pull out the dagger inserted on the outside of the calf...

(End of this chapter)

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