under fire

Chapter 1567 The weak play sneak attack

In terms of combat effectiveness, six little devils can defeat a platoon of national troops.

As an old bandit, Cao Shangfei is very aware of the terror of the little devil.

Killing the master with random punches and sneak attacks is a way to win with the weak over the strong.

Sneak attack and combat are two completely different concepts.

The little devil has strong combat effectiveness, which is mainly reflected in good weapons and equipment, high level of cooperation in group operations, resolute execution of orders, high individual shooting skills, and fearlessness in fighting.
No matter how powerful the combat concept is, no matter how awesome the military training is, they can't prevent a sneak attack that doesn't follow common sense.

Six Japs were on guard in two-man teams. One of them was supposed to be a medical soldier, and he brought along a Japs to fight.

The two Japanese wounded soldiers can be ignored for the time being.

The only ones we really had to deal with were the four Japs who were on alert with their guns raised.

No matter how fast the shell gun fires, as soon as it fires, it will be quickly targeted by the kid who is constantly on guard.

Those who underestimate the enemy's fighting power will have grass growing on their graves.

It was not very difficult for Cao Shangfei to kill eight Japs either through mental arithmetic or not.

The problem is that there are more Japs ahead.

Cao Shangfei was not that stupid to fight the Japanese directly. He dared to attack the Japanese because he felt that his ancestor's 36 strategies worked.

Let's try to lure the tiger away from the mountain first. If it can attract a Japanese to enter the green gauze tent and take a look, that would be great.

Insect him to death and then you can get grenades!
The plan seems very simple, but most people would not have the guts to do it.

Lying on the ground, he slowly approached the edge of the sorghum, listening to the moans and screams of the wounded Japanese soldiers.

The ground was covered in swollen mud, and it felt so damn uncomfortable to crawl on it.

Grabbing a ball of mud from the ground, squeezing out the water with a towel, the ball was tightly packed together, and the towel and the sandbag were thrown into the sorghum field at the rear right.

Then he deliberately broke a sorghum pole that he had prepared in advance. Click.

After pretending that someone was moving in the sorghum field, he lay down motionless with the dagger in his hand.

The distance between the two sides is about seven or eight meters!
The noise in the green gauze tent on the roadside was obvious.

The marching lights hanging at the entrance of the tents were weak, and the green gauze tents beside the road were so dark that nothing could be seen.

After hearing the noise, a Japanese soldier yelled for cover. He quickly put the butt of his gun on his shoulder, half-knelt down, and raised the muzzle of the bayonet. With many years of battlefield experience, he judged the loudness of the sound and fired fiercely.

Ba. The Japanese who were responsible for covering immediately opened fire.

Two bullets penetrated the green gauze tent in parallel.

The half-kneeling Japs suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed straight to the place where the noise had been made with their bayonets pointed out.

A scream came from the nearby green gauze tent.

Cao Shangfei's hand was sharp and precise, and he pulled the dagger directly from the left side of the devil's abdomen to the right side. If he had stabbed the devil into the heart again, he would have almost accomplished the honor of committing seppuku for that devil.

After getting two grenades, Cao Shangfei was in a good mood.

Without hesitation, he pulled the safety cover and smashed the hood. The two grenades flew high, crossed the sorghum two or three meters away, and fell from the sky onto the road.

Then he wiped the mud and blood on his clothes with his palms.

Boom. Boom.
The grenade went off.

A piece of mud hit his face, and he raised his hand to wipe it away.

Then he pulled out the shell gun and quickly took out the cotton ball blocking the muzzle to prevent sand from getting into it.

Shake it vigorously to let the water entering the barrel flow out so as not to affect the shooting.

We are face to face with the Japanese. No matter what we do is right or wrong, we must take action.

Now, he firmly believes that he is right!
It is easy to escape from the green gauze tent.

But Cao Shangfei has a character in his heart that will not admit defeat even if he dies.

I had no intention of turning around.

The monkey's contemptuous tone rang in his ears: A dead enemy is a good enemy, and a dead enemy is a good enemy.

If you run away without refilling your gun, who knows whether the Japanese who were blown up will die?
According to Cao Shangfei's previous experience, most of the Japs should not die!

Rumor has it that the little devil's doctor is very good at repairing a broken heart or kidney.

It doesn't matter whether the rumors are true or not, but it is the tradition of the Nine Battalions to shoot the enemy in the head.

The Little Japanese marching lantern is well designed and manufactured.

Only one of the two grenades exploded, and half of the remaining grenade was exposed outside the collapsed tent. Although the light was weak, one could vaguely see the general situation nearby.

At this time, the devil in the night was given a chance to see his target clearly.

smack. smack.
The sound of barge gunfire echoed loudly in the rain.

A particle bullet whizzed away and penetrated the devil's head at close range without any problem.

If it weren't for the helmet blocking it, Cao Shangfei felt that it would take at least half the time to refill the gun.

Judging by my feeling, it will take some time for the Japanese in front to come over.

So, he decided to go with some more stuff.

Six helmets.

Twelve grenades.

A [-]-meter rifle.

It's a bit heavy to hang on your shoulders.It feels like it's almost the limit of what I can take away.

Eight corpses, all with bullet holes in their foreheads.

After hearing the explosion, the Japanese rushed back from the front. Some were on alert, while others were waving flashlights to inspect the scene.

"Report, there is only one enemy." The Japanese looking at the footprints on the ground pointed to the green gauze tent in the south of the road.

"Baga, machine guns open the way, chase!" The leading sergeant was so angry that his lungs exploded. Lying on the ground were elites, six of whom were his men.

chug chug.
The Japanese holding a light machine gun immediately followed the footprints and fired into the green gauze tent.

The ballistic trajectory was unusually obvious, and the rain and fog carried by the heavy rain were instantly impacted by the bullet into a spiral trajectory.

The grass has been flying and falling for many years, so in terms of combat effectiveness, it may not be that good.

But he is absolutely rich in experience, and his courage is definitely not inferior to that of any of the Nine Camps seeking death.

Otherwise, he would not dare to single-handedly attack the highly vigilant Japanese.

Anyway, no one in the Ninth Battalion dared to attack the Japanese alone.
The footprints left when leaving the road were completely different from the route he took to escape in the green gauze tent.

The luck of flying on grass is very good.

If you go further east, those sorghum fields grow more densely, and it is a complete dream to walk randomly through them.

Liu Yuanqing, who was wearing a Japanese steel helmet and a raincoat, suddenly discovered that the water that had been seeping into his eyes along his eyebrows seemed to make the pain in his eyes much less painful.

The corpses of the Japanese soldiers were all lying on the sorghum ground behind them.

The sudden heavy rain caused most of the fires burning in the village ahead to disappear.

The heavy rain also made the subsequent actions much smoother.

The fog that rose up after the raindrops fell made the vision blurry.

Only the general outline of the village can be seen.

A trace of violence flashed across Liu Yuanqing's red eyes, and at this moment, his expression became numb.

The Japanese patrol with flashlights in front was coming clockwise from south to north.

The discipline of the Japanese is indeed better than that of many domestic troops, and they did not give up patrols at all because of heavy rain.

The sergeant at the headquarters of the Japanese 59th Division was the secret sentry.

The Japanese sergeant himself lay down in the mud and acted as a secret sentry.

This group of Japanese soldiers did not pursue the main force, which was definitely unusual.

It can be basically judged that the identity of the Japanese who stayed in the village is definitely not that simple.

As the ancients said, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?

As a weak side, they can't beat them head-on, but there's absolutely no problem with sneak attacks.

The Eighth Route Army's combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of the Japanese, but sneak attacks on rainy nights are what these guerrilla fighters around them are good at.

Obtaining half of the password from the Japanese sentry post, it is not a big problem to deal with the Japanese sentry post.

Besides, after entering the village, kill the security sentry first, then throw grenades into those houses and that's it.

Just shoot a few shots and run away, which is the essence of guerrilla warfare.

There's just one thing that's very troublesome. There are only two raincoats with holes stabbed by bayonets in the team, and two military uniforms.

The Japanese who were killed in the middle of the night were also wearing raincoats.

Although everyone thought the raincoat was a good thing at that time, it was inconvenient to carry around, so I just found a place to bury it.

Who the hell knew that in a plain that had been dry for a year or two, such a heavy rain could fall at any time.

It was not a good idea to go back to get the raincoats at this time. As soon as the group dispersed, it was likely to be completely separated.

Therefore, he decided to formulate a plan to infiltrate and attack.

He might not be able to come up with a large-scale combat plan, but this kind of small-scale village-level plan is similar to urban street fighting. He doesn't know how many kinds of plans he has in mind.

I picked the simplest example and slowly perfected the details in my mind.

I took three people and sneaked into the village first, and tried to get some raincoats and military uniforms for the people behind me to wear when entering the village.

After thinking about every detail, something suddenly came to mind. It would be great if there was a sand table.

Battles, no matter how big or small, are actually the same.

It is nothing more than reconnaissance of the enemy, deployment of troops, attack or retreat routes, and team coordination.
When I was training before, the Japanese instructor once said that it is not good to think too much about plans!

It’s not good to have the details worked out too perfectly!
On the battlefield, the most important thing is the commander's ability to adapt to changes in circumstances.

Thinking of this, no longer hesitate.

As the weak side, the enemy is overt and we are hidden, just play sneak attack!
Immediately gather everyone around and start making battle arrangements.

Liu Yuanqing did not tell the soldiers next to him the specific goals of this mission.

He didn't want to put any more pressure on them, so he ran to the west after the gunshot.

The plan is over.

Someone immediately expressed objections: "Report to Platoon Leader Liu, this is a fool. The Japanese uniforms are as black as the puppet military uniforms we are wearing after being soaked by the rain. We are following you, are you afraid that he is a kid?"

Liu Yuanqing was stunned for a moment: "Boy, what's your name?"

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