under fire

Chapter 1568: Stirring up the waters in the jackal’s den

There is almost a tradition in the military: report good news but not bad news.

Promoting victory to soldiers can inspire a sense of honor and thus boost morale.

No one would be stupid enough to tell his subordinates that his team had lost a battle and was embarrassed, and then made people panic.

Even if a certain battle is lost, it will only be dealt with lightly.
The Japanese are no exception.

For a long time, I have been pampered at the division headquarters, and the Japanese guard post responsible for guarding usually sees and hears from the battlefield briefings how great the victory the imperial army has achieved.

Wherever the invincible imperial army goes, the Eight Route Army will surely smell the wind and flee.

So much so that during the day, after being followed and attacked by eight groups, the Japanese commander actually issued a silence order.

From the perspective of the security post, there are green gauze tents guarding the outside and patrols outside the village, so there is no need to worry.

The Japanese guard in charge had been exhausted after walking for a day. If it weren't for the strict military regulations, he might have started to doze off.

The Japanese who were on guard at the edge of the village ostensibly stayed at their posts.

In fact, the heavy rain allowed the guard post to see no more than ten meters away.

Nothing could be seen further away.

No different from a blind man.

Bored, he yawned and forced his eyes open.

There is light in the village, but darkness is boundless outside the village.

In the dark night, everything seemed so peaceful.

Seeing the patrol with flashlights walking away to the north.

After Liu Yuanqing explained the arrangements clearly, he left a group of three people to take care of them, and eight figures quietly slipped out from the edge of the green gauze tent.

Without hiding his figure, he went straight to the village.

Liu Yuanqing took the lead, holding the [-] rifle strap with his right hand, and the group walked in the wind and rain.

When you don't know the location of the Japs guard post, it is less likely to arouse the Japs' suspicion if you swagger into the village.

Anyway, there is support behind you, and you can retreat at any time if you can't get into the village.

The Japs on alert in the west of the village rubbed their eyes and noticed seven or eight vague figures approaching. They immediately shouted loudly: "Who is it? Password!"

"Patrol team... the military fortunes are long-lasting. Reply to the order." Liu Yuanqing said in a hoarse voice and stopped.

Perhaps it was because it was rare for anti-Japanese elements to pretend to be Japanese soldiers, and the passwords set by Japanese soldiers were ridiculously simple.

"Long-lasting peace and security." The warning whistle bird murmured, and then stopped talking nonsense.

Liu Yuanqing had previously pretended to be injured and obtained the Japanese password. It was completely expected that he could sneak into the village so easily.

There was a blazing fire in a house that was not exposed to the rain in a courtyard deep in the village. The light came out of the window and was refracted and scattered by the raindrops. It was slightly stronger than being invisible.

The team flowed into the village like water, and the yards next to the alleys were full of snoring sounds, and even the faint sound of birds talking in their sleep could be heard.

Obviously, the rooms in the courtyard are full of Japanese!
This time, we really got into the enemy's den!
Liu Yuanqing's goal was the yard in front that still had light.

There is still light in the middle of the night. If nothing else happens, it should be the Japs headquarters.

Suddenly there were footsteps in the yard on the right.

Liu Yuanqing's eyes, narrowed into slits under his helmet, suddenly widened.

Make a stop gesture backwards.

The soldier following him quickly pulled the rifle from his shoulder!

When I accidentally glanced at the Japanese guard post hidden under the eaves, I found that the shadows that had just entered the village but had not gone far seemed to disperse in the darkness.

Moreover, the rifle appears to be in hand.

Rubbing his eyes, he subconsciously laughed at these guys who returned to camp and did not abide by the military regulations of hanging their rifles on their right shoulders.

You'll probably get slapped...

Look again, the black shadows are no longer advancing in a column.
It seems to be unfolding in a battle formation?

After counting carefully, there seems to be two less people?

The guard post hesitated, and immediately hooked his finger on the cold bolt.

With a clatter, the bullet was loaded.
He opened his mouth and was about to yell loudly.
A pitch-black bayonet stabbed into his neck.

Immediately, there was a creak, and a darkness pushed open the door of the main room full of snores.

A smell of foot odor hits my face.
Cough cough cough. The black shadow subconsciously covered his nose.

The Japanese man who was sleeping on the floor near the door was half asleep and half awake, and started to curse: "Baga, who is it? Who is going to the toilet without closing the door?"

"Aunt Shumi." Heiying was a little flustered.
Before setting off, Liu Yuanqing said that if he ran into the Japanese, no matter what the Japanese said in bird language, as long as he said this... it would definitely work.

But there is one requirement. When speaking, the voice should not be too loud, and one should pretend to be confused as if he had just woken up.
The dark figure standing in the doorway held a trembling shell gun in his hand, pointing the gun at the Japanese who shouted at him.In most teams, the commander sleeps by the door when sleeping.

With this arrangement, if there is an emergency, the commander can quickly go out to check the situation and then issue orders.

The messenger can also quickly find the commander.

Therefore, it can be basically judged that the Japanese who spoke is at least a sergeant.

The man who had just killed the guard post was standing outside the door. He was also too nervous to express his anger.

After a long while.

The room was snoring as usual.

The kid sleeping at the door really didn't ask any more questions.

Maybe, someone did go out just now...

Maybe it feels safer if someone comes back...

Under the faint light coming from the courtyard deep in the village, two black figures bravely sneaked into the house one after another.

The one who came in later closed the door behind him.

His limbs were trembling, and he slowly moved around the room.

"Baga, oh, who stepped on me?" Another voice yelled.

The dark figure in front of him was startled. If the shell in his hand hadn't been pulled, it would have gone off.

I didn't know what the ghost on the ground was talking about, so I quickly lowered my voice and muttered: "Auntie Mi."

There was a sound of turning over on the ground, and it became calm again
To be precise, it's not calm, but the sound of breathing is everywhere.
There is a long and stable
Someone is snoring intermittently. I'm really worried that the devil won't be able to catch him in one breath.
My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness in the room.

Although I couldn't see how many Japanese were sleeping in the room, from the sound... there were at least a dozen or twenty!
"What should I do?" The two black figures squatted on the ground, their heads touching each other, and they were frightened to death.

"Damn, get a few grenades first and blow them up. Even if you fight against the little devils, it's worth it!"

"Don't worry, just get the grenade first as instructor Liu said, then go out and secure the door, then throw the grenade through the window and blow them up."

"But this is a fool's errand. How do we know where the Japanese grenades are?"

The two people's voices were inaudible, but the Japs next to them were not asleep...or they were awakened by the yelling of the Japs who had been trampled earlier, so they started scolding: "Baga, you are still awake in the middle of the night, what are you muttering about?"

The half-asleep Japs at the door also yelled at them again: "Shut up, whoever talks anymore, go out and patrol."

"Aunt Shumi. Aunt Shumi." The two black figures quickly squatted down.

Unfortunately, the ground was full of sleeping Japs.

The room was a little crowded.
Perhaps the wet clothes on his body got on the face of the Japanese soldier sleeping on the ground next to him, and the Japanese soldier suddenly sat up.

This man was definitely a model model soldier for the Japanese. He sat up without making any noise.

He yawned sleepily and whispered with concern: "You guys, your clothes are all wet, take them off quickly and go to bed."

Unable to understand what the devil was saying, the dark figure who was close to the devil suddenly leaned forward, strangled the devil's neck with his arms, turned his forearm upwards, and with a click, broke the neck that had not yet reacted.

The Japanese struggled before his death and kicked the Japanese sleeping next to him, which resulted in complaints.
Then, he turned over and continued to snore.
The two black figures shivered like quails, and the handles of the shells were almost crushed in their hands.
The wet clothes were even more evaporated by the hot sweat.
The man next to him was turning over, snoring, talking in his sleep, and making random breathing sounds.
It seems to be okay.
My eyes were finally fully adjusted to the darkness.

With the faint light coming from the window, I could see clearly a row of rifles leaning against the wall near the door.

The guy lying flat, just looking at the rough outline, you can tell it's a light machine gun.

The Japs' equipment was also hung on the wall at the door, and a row of grenades hung above the rifles.

In the darkness, two black figures slowly raised their hands, and it seemed that they could hear the creaking of their joints.

No matter how careful I was, I still made some noise when I picked up the grenade.

Even with the sound of rain pattering on the roof covering it up, the sound was not quiet.

Surprisingly, no Japanese asked.

Two tense black figures, with their wet trousers tied in knots, made jingling sounds from time to time...

Every time there was a sound, the vigilance developed through long-term training was almost scolded by the Japanese...

Maybe it was because he scolded too many times, so the Japanese who were awakened simply turned around and stopped scolding...

The two black figures held the unsafe grenades in their hands, their hearts in their throats...

Finally, he slowly climbed to the door two or three meters away.

With a creak, the two slowly crawled out from the crack in the door.

The man crawling behind hesitated for a moment and moved the light machine gun near the door.
It seems okay...

A hand reached in again and ripped off the military uniform that the sergeant sleeping at the door had put under his head as a pillow...


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