under fire

Chapter 1569: Committing suicide, overestimating one's own abilities, and slapping an egg again

It hasn’t rained in the plains for more than a year.

Although there was a heavy rain some time ago, many villagers' houses have not had time to be renovated.

There are not many habitable houses in the village.

There was no movement in the north yard. Two soldiers sneaked into the front alley to conduct reconnaissance and set up a warning.

Liu Yuanqing was leaning against the wall outside the south courtyard gate to look into the courtyard.

It was pitch dark in the yard and nothing could be seen.

The heavy rain affected the view, and the light in the yard in front could not break through the darkness.

The footsteps mixed with the sound of rain paused for a while and then sounded again.

With a creak of the door hinge, the footsteps finally disappeared into the house.

It was a false alarm, it must be that some Japanese soldiers got up in the middle of the night to release water.

There were no sentries at the gate.

Perhaps it was because there was a guard post outside the village, and there was also no guard post outside the gate of the main house where I slept.

The snoring in the house was still there.

Obviously, there are ghosts living in this yard.

Liu Yuanqing murmured a few words in a low voice, and two barefoot black figures quietly slipped into the yard.

West of the village.

The man who stole the uniform fired the first shot without any scruples.

In his opinion, the worst outcome is to die together with the enemy.

The companion took away the light machine gun. If he didn't take a piece of Japanese military uniform back, how could he prove to his comrades that he had killed the Japanese?

One shot killed the Japanese who was sleeping at the door before he could scold the myna.

Then he banged the grenade that had been set off on the wall, threw it directly into the main room, and then pulled the wooden door through.

Think silently in your mind: [-].

Thread the bandage you brought with you through the iron ring on the door, tie it into a knot, then quickly turn around and run against the wall.

I thought silently in my heart again: [-].

The chirping of birds filled the room behind me.

When I came to the window door of the wing room, I silently counted to three in my heart.

Without hesitation, he smashed the hood of a grenade with the safety switch on and threw it into the side room without window paper.

This time, he shouted directly: "Four!"

Hearing the count of four from his comrades next to him, the soldier on the other side had already fallen down after throwing the grenade.

When the Japanese who were awakened in the three rooms in the yard heard the gunfire, their first reaction was to roll over and sit up.

Immediately, someone turned on the flashlight, and the light swayed around the hall.

In order to prevent the camp from bombing, the Japanese night camping management regulations stipulate that when an unexpected situation occurs at night, everyone must wait for the commander's instructions in place to avoid causing chaos.

A poorly trained army will get up in a haphazard manner and go to the door to get weapons. This will probably blow up the camp.

The door of the main hall was directly blown away.
The sound of gunfire may not be obvious.

The explosion immediately woke up the sleeping village.

The Japanese sergeants who were sleeping in various courtyards immediately blew the military whistles that they hung on their chests while sleeping.

Boom. Boom
The explosion in the west of the village spread again.

chug chug. chug chug.
The faint sound of light machine gunfire suddenly made a noise in the rainy night!

"Don't waste time, throw grenades!" The disgraced soldier once again threw two grenades into the room filled with smoke and bloody smell.

Liu Yuanqing's face was so dark that he couldn't even see his face at night.

Before he could reach the Japanese headquarters, which was emitting light, the two bastards who went to touch the sentry had already acted without permission.

At this time, the opportunity to explore deeper into the village has been lost.

He took the two soldiers and ran directly to the yard next to him that was already lit.

He did not forget to shout loudly in the bird's voice: "Order, everyone stay where you are!"

After the lights came on in the room, well-trained Japanese soldiers were dressing up, holding guns, and hanging equipment in an orderly manner.

The sergeant who was sleeping at the door opened the door inwards, looked at the three black figures standing in the courtyard and asked: "Hey, what's going on?"

"There is a warrior in the yard next door who has gone crazy. Drop a bomb!" The first half of Liu Yuanqing's sentence was a bird's cry, and the last two words were an order.

Then he slammed the grenade cap on the butt of the gun behind him and threw it over the head of the Japanese standing at the door of the hall.

Hearing the subtle sound of breaking through the air above his head mixed with the sound of rain, the Japanese Army Sergeant was still in a state of confusion.

The soldiers who entered the hospital with Liu Yuanqing accurately threw two grenades through the window one after the other.

Immediately, the crisp sound of gunfire rang out.

Groups of flashes of light flashed in the rainy night.Bullets rushed toward the window and toward the door of the hall.

At this time, the devil must be suppressed in the house!
"Lie down!" When he counted to four in his mind, Liu Yuanqing suddenly gave the second order.

Encountered a sudden attack, the Japanese in the room were a little confused and had not had time to organize a counterattack.

Boom. Boom. Boom.
The grenade explosions instantly connected into a film.

The side room of the earth-walled house has only one door and one window, forming a closed space.

Shrapnel ricocheted through the house, tearing flesh and bones.

The shock wave swayed back and forth in the room, and finally found the outlet of the window, directly shattering the carved wooden window.

A large cloud of gunpowder smoke crackled and expanded outside the window.
After the grenade exploded violently, Liu Yuanqing said without any hesitation: "Retreat!"

Unfortunately, too few grenades were obtained.

Otherwise, if two more are thrown in, the explosion shock waves will form a superposition state, and at least most of the devils in the room will be killed or seriously injured.

Even though only one grenade was thrown into the house, it could probably kill several Japs.

Three dark figures quickly slipped out of the hospital.

Just about to turn around and retreat to the west.

"There are enemies in the west of the village!" The soldiers who stayed outside were already screaming and rushing towards the empty courtyard to the north.

Liu Yuanqing turned his head and immediately noticed a flashlight flashing in the rain curtain at the entrance of the alley in the west of the village.

I secretly complained in my heart: I was delayed for a while, and the Japanese patrol should have just moved to the west of the village.

At this time, they were following the retreat route towards the village.

Just as he was about to rush into the courtyard in the north of the village, perhaps because of his poor eyesight, his foot suddenly slipped and he fell directly to the ground.

The soldiers who were following him quickly came up to help him.

The alleys in the west of the village are almost straight, and the Japanese are getting closer and closer.

No more time to think.

Liu Yuanqing raised his gun and fired at the approaching Japanese patrol.

There is no need to aim at all, the alley is just that wide.

The Japanese patrol that entered the village couldn't think of anything.

There was heavy rain overhead, and a hail of bullets greeted them.

The two Japs in front were knocked down, and the Japs in the back immediately squatted down, pulled the bolt, raised the gun and swung it to the east to fight back.

It has to be said that the little devil has super strong reaction ability on the battlefield.

Liu Yuanqing only fired five bullets before the enemy's bullets flew over.

There is no point in attacking back in haste.

The Japanese squatting in the alley pulled hard on the gun bolt and fought back.

Completely ignoring the life and death of his companions who fell on the ground.

A certain Japanese soldier took off the grenade hanging from his chest
After the Japanese fought back, Liu Yuanqing, who was half lying on the ground, suddenly heard a dull sound of metal colliding with the wall next to his head!

"Grenade!" Liu Yuanqing's scalp was numb, and he screamed at the top of his voice: "Return to the south courtyard first."

call out.
A bullet penetrated the right chest of the soldier who was helping Liu Yuanqing retreat into the yard.

The warrior fell backwards.

The shell gun in his hand was not lost.

The soldier who was shot lay on the ground and turned his head with difficulty, unable to see clearly the specific situation of the enemy, and tried to keep the muzzle of the gun pointing west slowly.

His finger immediately pressed the trigger.

There was only one thought in his mind: shoot, shoot again, keep shooting
The magazine is empty.

The warrior's mind turned into darkness.

The grenade thrown by the enemy flashed a dazzling light in the alley.
Shrapnel shot in all directions.

After crawling back to the courtyard gate in embarrassment, I heard that soldiers from the north courtyard were climbing up the wall to cover the enemy's counterattack.

Liu Yuanqing had no time to think about how many Japanese soldiers had survived in the house that had just been blown up.

The shell gun in his hand fired at the door of the hall again.

Another soldier who followed him into the hospital poured bullets from his shell gun directly into the window of the wing.
There was no fight back from the house!

With just two shell guns, he actually took the lead!
The Japanese who were stunned by the explosion in the house will fight back sooner or later, unless they can get two grenades and throw them into the house at this time.

Otherwise, wait until the Japanese commander comes to his senses and sends troops.

You may very well find yourself in the difficult situation of being attacked from both sides and without cover in the yard.

Courtyard attack and defense, who has cover and who survives!

"Hurry up to the roof!" The soldiers following Liu Yuanqing suddenly shouted.

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