under fire

Chapter 1570

Chapter 1570
It was raining heavily.

The reason why the Japs in the room didn't fight back was very simple.

The Japanese in charge of night lighting control was seriously injured.

After Liu Yuanqing falsely conveyed the order, the grenade thrown into the room seriously injured the Japanese soldier Cao who was asking about the situation at the door.

The grenade exploded in an almost confined space. After the huge shock wave, most of the Japanese soldiers' heads were still buzzing.

Finally, a Japanese soldier struck a match directly without waiting for the light controller to light the lamp.

At this time, the Japanese medical soldiers in the room hurriedly bandaged the sergeant who had a piece of shrapnel lodged in his back.

The explosion coming from the alley outside the courtyard made the surviving Japanese in the house feel bad.

As soon as there was light, the first-ranked private immediately took over the command.

Yelling a series of instructions.

Although the Japanese who reacted were panicked, they still put on their military uniforms according to the instructions given by the superior soldiers, and then rushed to the door to grab their guns and prepare to rush out of the house.

Uh. The invincible imperial army must keep its military appearance neat and tidy at all times...

Before the Japanese who rushed to the door could figure out the situation, they were hit by a hail of shells and bullets from Liu Yuanqing and the two men who had just returned.

For a time, there were a lot of screams and wails in the main room again.

There was fierce fire outside the door and the situation was unknown.

The Japs who slowly came to their senses were not stupid, they lay on the floor close to the door and jumped to the next room...

The Japs cooperated very well and were divided into several groups of three.

One person raised a gun and fired randomly at the muzzle flash in the yard.

The other holds a gun ready to shoot accurately to kill the target.

The last Japs threw grenades into the house in case of a despicable attack.

And he even took out a grenade and threw it into the yard outside.
Liu Yuanqing kept moving quickly laterally, and the bullets from the shell gun in his hand made a fan in the room.

The enemy's bullets fired back whizzed behind him.

He didn't know that the wing on the left was empty due to rain leaks...

One of the grenades thrown into the room was a complete waste...

In his prediction, throwing a grenade into each room would not be enough to kill all the Japanese.

The Japs who survived the bombing and were dazed will rush out of the house sooner or later.

There are only twenty bullets in the magazine of the speed machine in his hand.

Unable to maintain long-term suppression of the enemy.

After half a minute of firepower output, the last bullet rushed out of the muzzle.

After Liu Yuanqing silently thought about twenty, he made preparations to go to the roof.

I couldn't see the grenades thrown by the Japanese at all.
Delay three.

Under the cover of the continuous firing of the last few bullets in the gun box of the soldier behind him, he took a few steps and rushed towards the corner of the house.

Even in the heavy rain, the movement of stepping on the wall of the house is still smooth and smooth.

The Japanese could definitely see him, so he only dared to lie on the roof of the roof and did not dare to climb higher.
As expected, the Japs inside started shooting at the roof.

The direction of shooting was the roof
Liu Yuanqing inserted a ten-round short magazine into the barge gun.

Then he looked back and saw the soldier who was covering him and suppressing him, stepping on the courtyard wall in two steps.

Reach for the roof.

The heavy rain made the soles of his shoes slip when he stepped on the wall, and he relied on feeling.
If you stretch out your hand, you should be a little short of reaching the roof.
bang bang...

The grenade thrown by the Japanese exploded.

Dazzling flashes of light, deafening loud noises, and shrapnel flying everywhere.

With the flash of a grenade explosion.

Liu Yuanqing, who was lying on the roof, stretched out his hand and pulled the soldier who could almost reach the eaves onto the roof.

"Instructor, please leave me alone, I'm injured." The soldier felt severe pain in his back.

Liu Yuanqing shook his head: "Not even blood came out...this little injury is nothing."

The light coming from the window was very bright. It seemed that the devil in the room must have lit the torch.

The Japanese in the room below began to rush out.

Some Japanese were shouting loudly: "They're on the roof!"

The Japs in the room quickly dressed and picked up weapons.

Some Japanese soldiers shot directly into the sky.

No one paid any attention to the injured companions in the room.

Some of the Japanese raised their guns to guard the roof, and some built a human wall to get on the roof.

Some of the Japs ran towards the courtyard gate with their guns raised.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse.

The soldiers lying on the wall across the courtyard quickly retreated according to Liu Yuanqing's previous plan and quickly climbed over the wall and onto the roof.

At this time, he couldn't care less about Liu Yuanqing's life or death in the courtyard opposite.West of the village.

With a huge crash.

Screams, wails, and moans resounded under the roof tiles.

Seeing that the attack was successful, the two black figures did not hesitate.

One person climbed over the wall to the next yard first, while the other person passed the baggage out of the wall behind.
The Japanese patrol broke into the alley from the west of the village and was shot at indiscriminately. More than half of them were killed and injured in an instant.

The Japanese are not afraid of death. A group of three people braved the rain and rushed forward.

In the dark, it's difficult to hit a target against a wall.

The Japs advanced extremely fast.

He quickly arrived at the entrance of the courtyard where there had been a huge commotion due to the explosion.
in the yard.

The screams and wails mixed into a buzzing sound under the collapsed roof...

After the attack was successful, the two men were still hurriedly handing Guy Ling to leave, but they didn't expect the Japanese to come so quickly.

The one who climbed over the wall first quickly shrank his head.

He quickly took out a grenade from the bundle made of knotted trouser legs that was passed to him first.
The one who didn't climb over the wall complained secretly.

If you continue to climb over the wall at this time, you will definitely get shot in the back.

After thinking about it, I just lay down on the ground.

The three people who entered the courtyard spread out in a formation, with two Japanese soldiers on the left and one on the right on guard. The one in the middle was holding a rifle and went straight to the door of the main room, whose roof had collapsed and turned into ruins.

Because, the noisy chirping of birds seemed to be coming from underneath the house.

He wanted to figure out the situation first.

It was too dark in the courtyard, and the two Japs on guard did not notice the dark figure lying in the corner of the courtyard wall.

There were footsteps again at the courtyard door behind him.

Another Japanese soldier who ran to the entrance of the hospital shouted something to remind those who entered the hospital to understand the situation, and then quickly came out and continued to attack eastward.

The roof of the dilapidated house collapsed, and a Japanese man who was lucky enough to survive was struggling to sit up among the broken tiles.

Next to him, a large number of birds were chirping and screaming.

"How are you doing?" The Japanese squatting on the ground asked in fear.

The guy who was about to get out made a lot of noises among the crashing and wind and rain, and there were many birds singing from under the broken tiles and beams. The Japanese squatting at the door of the hall couldn't hear clearly at all.
Because there were many voices answering him.
"Move the things that are weighing you down"

"Beware of yard attackers."

"My spine is broken."

"My brain is broken"




The word "attack" shocked the upper class soldier who was squatting on the ground.

Are there any attackers in the dark courtyard?Didn't the attacker escape?

At this point, the attackers in the courtyard must be cleared first.

Otherwise, it is very likely that even if all three of them go in, they will not be able to save anyone.

Lying shadowy in the rain.

He didn't dare to call his comrades on the other side of the courtyard wall.

Seeing the Japs standing at the door of the house turn around and disperse.

Two men were lying against the wall in the dark, on guard.

A Japanese soldier was searching the yard with a bayoneted rifle.

hang chi
A grenade that had been delayed for three seconds crossed the nearby wall and hit the approximate location of the trio of Japanese soldiers who were searching for the attackers.

There was a slight delay after the grenade landed, and then it suddenly exploded.

Boom. Bang bang bang.
New moans came from the yard.

You can really avoid shrapnel by lying on the ground!

The shadow was about to get up and climb over the wall.

The sound of footsteps and the Japanese shouting came again from the entrance of the courtyard.

Had to climb down again.

The sound of explosion attracted the Japanese who were clinging to the wall of the alley outside the courtyard gate.

More than eleven.
There were more than ten people in the Japanese patrol, and most of them had already been killed or injured.

Those who came in were Japanese reinforcements coming from the village and other directions.

The dark figure who retreated behind the courtyard wall was taking out a grenade from his bag.

Suddenly found
I seem to hear the mutterings of my comrades on the other side of the courtyard wall?

I quickly looked around for the source of the sound, and soon discovered that there was a dog hole covered by a stone slab at the base of the wall more than two meters away!
(End of this chapter)

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